Commit 4a79a89d authored by Han-Wen Nienhuys's avatar Han-Wen Nienhuys

Rewrite Mount/Unmount logic.

* In-process mounts are now always on synthetic inodes.  FileSystems
  no longer have to generate GetAttr() responses for mount points.


  - Simplifies FileSystems: there is no need to represent the state
    between mountpoint appearing and Mount() succeeding, and mount
    points appear automatically in ReadDir().

  - Mount point inodes are always associated with one filesystem over
    their lifetime.  This simplifies synchronization around unmount calls,
    which could previously lead to "unlock of unlocked mutex" panics.

* (Un)mount always takes 2 locks: treeLock from the parent, and the
  treeLock of the filesystem itself, as the parent/child relation
  crosses the boundary between filesystems..

* Remove unmountPending variable; Unmount now removes all known inodes
  directly, removing reliance on eventual consistency.

* Document Mount(), Unmount()

* Forced forgets (eg. when fusermount -u is called) will also cause
  FileSystem.Unmount() to be called.

* Changes to accomodate new conventions in ZipFs/UnionFs

* Configure MultiZipFs using symlinks rather than catching file

* Remove return from Mount() api call.
parent 6a591a3e
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ type FileSystem interface {
SetXAttr(name string, attr string, data []byte, flags int) Status
// Called after mount.
Mount(connector *FileSystemConnector) Status
Mount(connector *FileSystemConnector)
// File handling. If opening for writing, the file's mtime
......@@ -260,8 +260,7 @@ func (me *DefaultFileSystem) OpenDir(name string) (stream chan DirEntry, status
return nil, ENOSYS
func (me *DefaultFileSystem) Mount(conn *FileSystemConnector) Status {
return OK
func (me *DefaultFileSystem) Mount(conn *FileSystemConnector) {
func (me *DefaultFileSystem) Unmount() {
......@@ -66,44 +66,47 @@ func (me *DirEntryList) Bytes() []byte {
type Dir struct {
extra []DirEntry
stream chan DirEntry
leftOver DirEntry
func (me *Dir) inode(name string) uint64 {
func (me *Dir) ReadDir(input *ReadIn) (*DirEntryList, Status) {
if == nil && len(me.extra) == 0 {
return nil, OK
// We could also return
// me.connector.lookupUpdate(me.parentIno, name).NodeId but it
// appears FUSE will issue a LOOKUP afterwards for the entry
// anyway, so we skip hash table update here.
func (me *Dir) ReadDir(input *ReadIn) (*DirEntryList, Status) {
if == nil {
return nil, OK
inode := uint64(FUSE_UNKNOWN_INO)
list := NewDirEntryList(int(input.Size))
if me.leftOver.Name != "" {
n := me.leftOver.Name
i := me.inode(n)
success := list.AddString(n, i, me.leftOver.Mode)
success := list.AddString(n, inode, me.leftOver.Mode)
if !success {
panic("No space for single entry.")
me.leftOver.Name = ""
for len(me.extra) > 0 {
e := me.extra[len(me.extra)-1]
me.extra = me.extra[:len(me.extra)-1]
success := list.AddString(e.Name, inode, e.Mode)
if !success {
me.leftOver = e
return list, OK
for {
d, isOpen := <
if !isOpen { = nil
i := me.inode(d.Name)
if !list.AddString(d.Name, i, d.Mode) {
if !list.AddString(d.Name, inode, d.Mode) {
me.leftOver = d
......@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ func (me *LockingFileSystem) OpenDir(name string) (stream chan DirEntry, status
return me.FileSystem.OpenDir(name)
func (me *LockingFileSystem) Mount(conn *FileSystemConnector) Status {
func (me *LockingFileSystem) Mount(conn *FileSystemConnector) {
defer me.locked()()
return me.FileSystem.Mount(conn)
func (me *LockingFileSystem) Unmount() {
......@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ func (me *LoggingFileSystem) OpenDir(name string) (stream chan DirEntry, status
return me.FileSystem.OpenDir(name)
func (me *LoggingFileSystem) Mount(conn *FileSystemConnector) Status {
func (me *LoggingFileSystem) Mount(conn *FileSystemConnector) {
me.Print("Mount", "")
return me.FileSystem.Mount(conn)
func (me *LoggingFileSystem) Unmount() {
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import (
var _ = strings.Join
......@@ -618,6 +617,19 @@ func TestLargeDirRead(t *testing.T) {
func TestRootDir(t *testing.T) {
ts := new(testCase)
defer ts.Cleanup()
d, err := os.Open(ts.mountPoint)
_, err = d.Readdirnames(-1)
err = d.Close()
func TestDelRename(t *testing.T) {
ts := new(testCase)
......@@ -646,97 +658,3 @@ func TestIoctl(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Println("ioctl", v, e)
func TestRecursiveMount(t *testing.T) {
ts := new(testCase)
defer ts.Cleanup()
f, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(ts.mountPoint, "hello.txt"),
os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0777)
pfs2 := NewLoopbackFileSystem(ts.origDir)
code := ts.connector.Mount("/hello.txt", pfs2, nil)
if code != EINVAL {
t.Error("expect EINVAL", code)
submnt := filepath.Join(ts.mountPoint, "mnt")
err = os.Mkdir(submnt, 0777)
code = ts.connector.Mount("/mnt", pfs2, nil)
if code != OK {
_, err = os.Lstat(submnt)
_, err = os.Lstat(filepath.Join(submnt, "hello.txt"))
f, err = os.Open(filepath.Join(submnt, "hello.txt"))
code = ts.connector.Unmount("/mnt")
if code != EBUSY {
t.Error("expect EBUSY")
err = os.Rename(ts.mountPoint+"/mnt", ts.mountPoint+"/foobar")
log.Println("Waiting for kernel to flush file-close to fuse...")
time.Sleep(1.5e9 * testTtl)
code = ts.connector.Unmount("/doesnotexist")
if code != EINVAL {
t.Fatal("expect EINVAL", code)
code = ts.connector.Unmount("/foobar")
if code != OK {
t.Error("umount failed.", code)
func TestDeletedUnmount(t *testing.T) {
ts := new(testCase)
defer ts.Cleanup()
submnt := filepath.Join(ts.mountPoint, "mnt")
err := os.Mkdir(submnt, 0777)
pfs2 := NewLoopbackFileSystem(ts.origDir)
code := ts.connector.Mount("/mnt", pfs2, nil)
if !code.Ok() {
f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(submnt, "hello.txt"))
err = os.Remove(filepath.Join(submnt, "hello.txt"))
_, err = f.Write([]byte("bla"))
code = ts.connector.Unmount("/mnt")
if code != EBUSY {
t.Error("expect EBUSY", code)
time.Sleep(1.5e9 * testTtl)
code = ts.connector.Unmount("/mnt")
if !code.Ok() {
t.Error("should succeed", code)
package fuse
import (
func TestMountOnExisting(t *testing.T) {
ts := new(testCase)
defer ts.Cleanup()
err := os.Mkdir(ts.mountPoint + "/mnt", 0777)
fs := &DefaultFileSystem{}
code := ts.connector.Mount("/mnt", fs, nil)
if code != EBUSY {
t.Fatal("expect EBUSY:", code)
err = os.Remove(ts.mountPoint + "/mnt")
code = ts.connector.Mount("/mnt", fs, nil)
if !code.Ok() {
t.Fatal("expect OK:", code)
func TestUnmountNoExist(t *testing.T) {
ts := new(testCase)
defer ts.Cleanup()
code := ts.connector.Unmount("/doesnotexist")
if code != EINVAL {
t.Fatal("expect EINVAL", code)
func TestMountRename(t *testing.T) {
ts := new(testCase)
defer ts.Cleanup()
fs := NewLoopbackFileSystem(ts.origDir)
code := ts.connector.Mount("/mnt", fs, nil)
if !code.Ok() {
t.Fatal("mount should succeed")
err := os.Rename(ts.mountPoint+"/mnt", ts.mountPoint+"/foobar")
if OsErrorToErrno(err) != EBUSY {
t.Fatal("rename mount point should fail with EBUSY:", err)
func TestMountReaddir(t *testing.T) {
ts := new(testCase)
defer ts.Cleanup()
fs := NewLoopbackFileSystem(ts.origDir)
code := ts.connector.Mount("/mnt", fs, nil)
if !code.Ok() {
t.Fatal("mount should succeed")
entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(ts.mountPoint)
if len(entries) != 1 || entries[0].Name != "mnt" {
t.Error("wrong readdir result", entries)
func TestRecursiveMount(t *testing.T) {
ts := new(testCase)
defer ts.Cleanup()
err := ioutil.WriteFile(ts.origDir + "/hello.txt", []byte("blabla"), 0644)
fs := NewLoopbackFileSystem(ts.origDir)
code := ts.connector.Mount("/mnt", fs, nil)
if !code.Ok() {
t.Fatal("mount should succeed")
submnt := ts.mountPoint + "/mnt"
_, err = os.Lstat(submnt)
_, err = os.Lstat(filepath.Join(submnt, "hello.txt"))
f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(submnt, "hello.txt"))
log.Println("Attempting unmount, should fail")
code = ts.connector.Unmount("/mnt")
if code != EBUSY {
t.Error("expect EBUSY")
log.Println("Waiting for kernel to flush file-close to fuse...")
time.Sleep(1.5e9 * testTtl)
log.Println("Attempting unmount, should succeed")
code = ts.connector.Unmount("/mnt")
if code != OK {
t.Error("umount failed.", code)
func TestDeletedUnmount(t *testing.T) {
ts := new(testCase)
defer ts.Cleanup()
submnt := filepath.Join(ts.mountPoint, "mnt")
pfs2 := NewLoopbackFileSystem(ts.origDir)
code := ts.connector.Mount("/mnt", pfs2, nil)
if !code.Ok() {
t.Fatal("Mount error", code)
f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(submnt, "hello.txt"))
err = os.Remove(filepath.Join(submnt, "hello.txt"))
_, err = f.Write([]byte("bla"))
code = ts.connector.Unmount("/mnt")
if code != EBUSY {
t.Error("expect EBUSY for unmount with open files", code)
time.Sleep(1.5e9 * testTtl)
code = ts.connector.Unmount("/mnt")
if !code.Ok() {
t.Error("should succeed", code)
......@@ -42,16 +42,8 @@ type mountData struct {
// If non-nil the file system mounted here.
fs FileSystem
// If yes, we are looking to unmount the mounted fs.
// To be technically correct, we'd have to have a mutex
// protecting this. We don't, keeping the following in mind:
// * eventual consistency is OK here
// * the kernel controls when to ask for updates,
// so we can't make entries disappear directly anyway.
unmountPending bool
// Node that we were mounted on.
mountPoint *inode
// We could have separate treeLocks per mount; something to
// consider if we can measure significant contention for
......@@ -109,67 +101,86 @@ func (me *mountData) registerFileHandle(node *inode, dir rawDir, f File, flags u
// Tests should set to true.
var paranoia = false
// TODO should rename to dentry?
// The inode is a combination of dentry (entry in the file/directory
// tree) and inode. We do this, since in the high-level API, each
// files and inodes correspond one-to-one.
type inode struct {
Parent *inode
Children map[string]*inode
// Constant during lifetime.
NodeId uint64
Name string
LookupCount int
// Number of open files and its protection.
OpenCountMutex sync.Mutex
OpenCount int
// me.mount.treeLock; we need store this mutex separately,
// since unmount may set me.mount = nil during Unmount().
// Constant during lifetime.
// If multiple treeLocks must be acquired, the treeLocks
// closer to the root must be acquired first.
treeLock *sync.RWMutex
// All data below is protected by treeLock.
Name string
Parent *inode
Children map[string]*inode
Mounts map[string]*mountData
LookupCount int
// Non-nil if this is a mountpoint.
mountPoint *mountData
// The point under which this node is. Should be non-nil for
// all nodes.
// The file system to which this node belongs. Is constant
// during the lifetime, except upon Unmount() when it is set
// to nil.
mount *mountData
// TotalOpenCount counts open files. It should only be entered from
// an inode which is a mountpoint.
func (me *inode) TotalOpenCount() int {
o := 0
if me.mountPoint != nil {
defer me.mountPoint.treeLock.RUnlock()
o += me.mountPoint.openFiles.Count()
// Must be called with treeLock held.
func (me *inode) canUnmount() bool {
for _, v := range me.Children {
o += v.TotalOpenCount()
if v.mountPoint != nil {
// This access may be out of date, but it is no
// problem to err on the safe side.
return false
return o
// TotalMountCount counts mountpoints. It should only be entered from
// an inode which is a mountpoint.
func (me *inode) TotalMountCount() int {
o := 0
if me.mountPoint != nil {
if me.mountPoint.unmountPending {
return 0
if !v.canUnmount() {
return false
defer me.mountPoint.treeLock.RUnlock()
defer me.OpenCountMutex.Unlock()
return me.OpenCount == 0
// Must be called with treeLock held
func (me *inode) recursiveUnmount() {
for _, v := range me.Children {
o += v.TotalMountCount()
return o
me.mount = nil
func (me *inode) IsDir() bool {
return me.Children != nil
func (me *inode) GetMountDirEntries() (out []DirEntry) {
defer me.treeLock.RUnlock()
for k, _ := range me.Mounts {
out = append(out, DirEntry{
Name: k,
Mode: S_IFDIR,
return out
const initDirSize = 20
func (me *inode) verify(cur *mountData) {
......@@ -178,8 +189,8 @@ func (me *inode) verify(cur *mountData) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("node %v %d should be dead: %v %v", p, me.NodeId, len(me.Children), me.LookupCount))
if me.mountPoint != nil {
if me.mountPoint.unmountPending && me.mountPoint.openFiles.Count() > 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot have open files for pending unmount"))
if me != me.mountPoint.mountPoint {
panic("mountpoint mismatch")
cur = me.mountPoint
......@@ -187,6 +198,13 @@ func (me *inode) verify(cur *mountData) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("me.mount not set correctly %v %v", me.mount, cur))
for name, m := range me.Mounts {
if m.mountPoint != me.Children[name] {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("mountpoint parent mismatch: node:%v name:%v ch:%v",
me.mountPoint, name, me.Children))
for n, ch := range me.Children {
if ch == nil {
panic("Found nil child.")
......@@ -216,8 +234,12 @@ func (me *inode) GetFullPath() (path string) {
// inode. It returns nil for mount if the file was deleted or the
// filesystem unmounted.
func (me *inode) GetPath() (path string, mount *mountData) {
defer me.mount.treeLock.RUnlock()
defer me.treeLock.RUnlock()
if me.mount == nil {
// Node from unmounted file system.
return ".deleted", nil
if me.NodeId != FUSE_ROOT_ID && me.Parent == nil {
// Deleted node. Treat as if the filesystem was unmounted.
......@@ -234,10 +256,6 @@ func (me *inode) GetPath() (path string, mount *mountData) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("did not find parent with mount: %v", rev_components))
mount = inode.mountPoint
if mount.unmountPending {
return "", nil
return ReverseJoin(rev_components, "/"), mount
......@@ -255,15 +273,6 @@ func (me *inode) setParent(newParent *inode) {
oldParent.Children[me.Name] = nil, false
if oldParent.mountPoint != nil && oldParent.mountPoint.unmountPending &&
len(oldParent.Children) == 0 {
oldParent.mountPoint = nil
if oldParent.Parent != nil {
oldParent.mount = oldParent.Parent.mount
me.Parent = nil
if newParent != nil {
......@@ -300,10 +309,7 @@ type FileSystemConnector struct {
func (me *FileSystemConnector) Statistics() string {
root := me.rootNode
return fmt.Sprintf("Mounts %20d\nFiles %20d\nInodes %20d\n",
root.TotalOpenCount(), me.inodeMap.Count())
return fmt.Sprintf("Inodes %20d\n", me.inodeMap.Count())
func (me *FileSystemConnector) getOpenedFile(h uint64) *openedFile {
......@@ -342,8 +348,8 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) newInode(root bool, isDir bool) *inode {
func (me *FileSystemConnector) lookupUpdate(parent *inode, name string, isDir bool, lookupCount int) *inode {
defer me.verify()
defer parent.mount.treeLock.Unlock()
defer parent.treeLock.Unlock()
data, ok := parent.Children[name]
if !ok {
......@@ -351,11 +357,29 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) lookupUpdate(parent *inode, name string, isDir bo
data.Name = name
data.mount = parent.mount
data.treeLock = &data.mount.treeLock
data.LookupCount += lookupCount
return data
func (me *FileSystemConnector) lookupMount(parent *inode, name string, lookupCount int) (path string, mount *mountData, isMount bool) {
defer parent.treeLock.RUnlock()
if parent.Mounts == nil {
return "", nil, false
mount, ok := parent.Mounts[name]
if ok {
defer mount.treeLock.Unlock()
mount.mountPoint.LookupCount += lookupCount
return "", mount, true
return "", nil, false
func (me *FileSystemConnector) getInodeData(nodeid uint64) *inode {
if nodeid == FUSE_ROOT_ID {
return me.rootNode
......@@ -373,16 +397,25 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) forgetUpdate(nodeId uint64, forgetCount int) {
func (me *FileSystemConnector) considerDropInode(n *inode) {
defer n.mount.treeLock.Unlock()
if n.Parent != nil {
defer n.Parent.treeLock.Unlock()
if n.Parent == nil || n.Parent.treeLock != n.treeLock {
defer n.treeLock.Unlock()
defer n.OpenCountMutex.Unlock()
dropInode := n.LookupCount <= 0 && len(n.Children) == 0 &&
(n.mountPoint == nil || n.mountPoint.unmountPending) &&
n.OpenCount <= 0
n.OpenCount <= 0 && n != me.rootNode
if dropInode {
if n.mountPoint != nil {
} else {
if n != me.rootNode {
......@@ -391,11 +424,12 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) considerDropInode(n *inode) {
func (me *FileSystemConnector) renameUpdate(oldParent *inode, oldName string, newParent *inode, newName string) {
defer me.verify()
defer oldParent.treeLock.Unlock()
if oldParent.mount != newParent.mount {
panic("Cross mount rename")
defer oldParent.mount.treeLock.Unlock()
node := oldParent.Children[oldName]
if node == nil {
......@@ -414,8 +448,8 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) renameUpdate(oldParent *inode, oldName string, ne
func (me *FileSystemConnector) unlinkUpdate(parent *inode, name string) {
defer me.verify()
defer parent.mount.treeLock.Unlock()
defer parent.treeLock.Unlock()
node := parent.Children[name]
......@@ -453,66 +487,86 @@ func EmptyFileSystemConnector() (out *FileSystemConnector) {
out = new(FileSystemConnector)
out.inodeMap = NewHandleMap()
rootData := out.newInode(true, true)
rootData.Children = make(map[string]*inode, initDirSize)
out.newInode(true, true)
return out
// Mount() generates a synthetic directory node, and mounts the file
// system there. If opts is nil, the mount options of the root file
// system are inherited. The encompassing filesystem should pretend
// the mount point does not exist. If it does, it will generate an
// inode with the same, which will cause Mount() to return EBUSY.
// Return values:
// ENOENT: the directory containing the mount point does not exist.
// EBUSY: the intended mount point already exists.
func (me *FileSystemConnector) Mount(mountPoint string, fs FileSystem, opts *FileSystemOptions) Status {
var node *inode
var parent *inode
if mountPoint != "/" {
dirParent, base := filepath.Split(mountPoint)
dirParentNode := me.findInode(dirParent)
if dirParentNode == nil {
log.Println("Could not find mountpoint:", mountPoint)
return ENOENT
// Make sure we know the mount point.
_, _, node = me.internalLookupWithNode(dirParentNode, base, 0)
} else {
node = me.rootNode
if node == nil {
log.Println("Could not find mountpoint:", mountPoint)
parent = me.findInode(dirParent)
if parent == nil {
log.Println("Could not find mountpoint parent:", dirParent)
return ENOENT
if !node.IsDir() {
return EINVAL
if node != me.rootNode {
defer node.mount.treeLock.Unlock()
defer parent.treeLock.Unlock()
if parent.mount == nil {
return ENOENT
hasChildren := len(node.Children) > 0
if hasChildren {
node = parent.Children[base]
if node != nil {
return EBUSY
code := fs.Mount(me)
if code != OK {
log.Println("Mount error: ", mountPoint, code)
return code
node = me.newInode(false, true)
node.Name = base
if opts == nil {
opts = me.rootNode.mountPoint.options
} else {
node = me.rootNode
if opts == nil {
opts = NewFileSystemOptions()
if me.Debug {
log.Println("Mount: ", fs, "on", mountPoint, node)
node.mountPoint = newMount(fs)
node.treeLock = &node.mountPoint.treeLock
node.mount = node.mountPoint
if opts == nil {
opts = NewFileSystemOptions()
node.mountPoint.mountPoint = node
if parent != nil {
if parent.Mounts == nil {
parent.Mounts = make(map[string]*mountData)
parent.Mounts[node.Name] = node.mountPoint
node.mountPoint.options = opts
if me.Debug {
log.Println("Mount: ", fs, "on dir", mountPoint,
"parent", parent)
return OK
// Unmount() tries to unmount the given path. Because of kernel-side
// caching, it may takes a few seconds for files to disappear when
// viewed from user-space.
// Returns the following error codes:
// EINVAL: path does not exist, or is not a mount point.
// EBUSY: there are open files, or submounts below this node.
func (me *FileSystemConnector) Unmount(path string) Status {
node := me.findInode(path)
if node == nil {
......@@ -520,33 +574,53 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) Unmount(path string) Status {
return EINVAL
// Need to lock to look at node.Children
unmountError := OK
parentNode := node.Parent
if parentNode == nil {
// attempt to unmount root?
return EINVAL
// Must lock parent to update tree structure.
defer parentNode.treeLock.Unlock()
mount := node.mountPoint
if mount == nil || mount.unmountPending {
unmountError = EINVAL
if node.treeLock != parentNode.treeLock {
defer node.treeLock.Unlock()
if node.mountPoint == nil {
return EINVAL
// don't use defer: we don't want to call out to
// mount.fs.Unmount() with lock held.
if unmountError.Ok() && (node.TotalOpenCount() > 0 || node.TotalMountCount() > 1) {
unmountError = EBUSY
if node.mountPoint.openFiles.Count() > 0 {
return EBUSY
if unmountError.Ok() {
// We settle for eventual consistency.
mount.unmountPending = true
if !node.canUnmount() {
return EBUSY
if unmountError.Ok() {
if me.Debug {
log.Println("Unmount: ", mount)
return OK
// Assumes node.treeLock and node.Parent.treeLock have been taken.
func (me *FileSystemConnector) unsafeUnmountNode(node *inode) {
if node == me.rootNode {
unmounted := node.mountPoint
unmounted.mountPoint = nil
node.mountPoint = nil
parentNode := node.Parent
node.Parent = nil
if parentNode != nil {
parentNode.Mounts[node.Name] = nil, false
parentNode.Children[node.Name] = nil, false
return unmountError
func (me *FileSystemConnector) GetPath(nodeid uint64) (path string, mount *mountData, node *inode) {
......@@ -561,23 +635,21 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) GetPath(nodeid uint64) (path string, mount *mount
func (me *FileSystemConnector) getOpenFileData(nodeid uint64, fh uint64) (f File, m *mountData, p string) {
node := me.getInodeData(nodeid)
defer node.treeLock.RUnlock()
if fh != 0 {
opened := me.getOpenedFile(fh)
m = opened.mountData
f = opened.file
node := me.getInodeData(nodeid)
defer node.mount.treeLock.RUnlock()
path, maybeNil := node.GetPath()
// If the file was deleted, GetPath() will return nil.
if maybeNil != nil {
if m != nil && maybeNil != m {
panic("mount mismatch")
path, mount := node.GetPath()
m = maybeNil
// If the file was deleted, GetPath() will return nil.
if mount != nil {
m = mount
p = path
......@@ -37,11 +37,17 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) internalLookup(parent *inode, name string, lookup
func (me *FileSystemConnector) internalLookupWithNode(parent *inode, name string, lookupCount int) (out *EntryOut, status Status, node *inode) {
// TODO - fuse.c has special case code for name == "." and
// "..", those lookups happen if FUSE_EXPORT_SUPPORT is set in
// Init.
fullPath, mount := parent.GetPath()
fullPath, mount, isMountPoint := me.lookupMount(parent, name, lookupCount)
if isMountPoint {
node = mount.mountPoint
} else {
fullPath, mount = parent.GetPath()
fullPath = filepath.Join(fullPath, name)
if mount == nil {
timeout := me.rootNode.mountPoint.options.NegativeTimeout
if timeout > 0 {
return NegativeEntry(timeout), OK, nil
......@@ -49,10 +55,7 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) internalLookupWithNode(parent *inode, name string
return nil, ENOENT, nil
fullPath = filepath.Join(fullPath, name)
fi, err := mount.fs.GetAttr(fullPath)
if err == ENOENT && mount.options.NegativeTimeout > 0.0 {
return NegativeEntry(mount.options.NegativeTimeout), OK, nil
......@@ -60,11 +63,12 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) internalLookupWithNode(parent *inode, name string
if err != OK {
return nil, err, nil
data := me.lookupUpdate(parent, name, fi.IsDirectory(), lookupCount)
if !isMountPoint {
node = me.lookupUpdate(parent, name, fi.IsDirectory(), lookupCount)
out = &EntryOut{
NodeId: data.NodeId,
NodeId: node.NodeId,
Generation: 1, // where to get the generation?
SplitNs(mount.options.EntryTimeout, &out.EntryValid, &out.EntryValidNsec)
......@@ -74,10 +78,10 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) internalLookupWithNode(parent *inode, name string
CopyFileInfo(fi, &out.Attr)
out.Attr.Ino = data.NodeId
out.Attr.Ino = node.NodeId
return out, OK, data
return out, OK, node
......@@ -137,6 +141,7 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) OpenDir(header *InHeader, input *OpenIn) (flags u
de := &Dir{
extra: node.GetMountDirEntries(),
stream: stream,
h := mount.registerFileHandle(node, de, nil, input.Flags)
......@@ -328,6 +333,10 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) Rename(header *InHeader, input *RenameIn, oldName
if mount == nil || oldMount == nil {
return ENOENT
_, _, isMountPoint := me.lookupMount(oldParent, oldName, 0)
if isMountPoint {
return EBUSY
if mount != oldMount {
return EXDEV
......@@ -382,6 +391,10 @@ func (me *FileSystemConnector) Create(header *InHeader, input *CreateIn, name st
out, code, inode := me.internalLookupWithNode(parent, name, 1)
if inode == nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Create succeded, but GetAttr returned no entry %v", fullPath)
return 0, mount.registerFileHandle(inode, nil, f, input.Flags), out, code
......@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ func (me *TimingFileSystem) OpenDir(name string) (stream chan DirEntry, status S
return me.FileSystem.OpenDir(name)
func (me *TimingFileSystem) Mount(conn *FileSystemConnector) Status {
func (me *TimingFileSystem) Mount(conn *FileSystemConnector) {
defer me.startTimer("Mount", "")()
return me.FileSystem.Mount(conn)
func (me *TimingFileSystem) Unmount() {
......@@ -60,12 +60,11 @@ func NewAutoUnionFs(directory string, options AutoUnionFsOptions) *AutoUnionFs {
return a
func (me *AutoUnionFs) Mount(connector *fuse.FileSystemConnector) fuse.Status {
func (me *AutoUnionFs) Mount(connector *fuse.FileSystemConnector) {
me.connector = connector
if me.options.UpdateOnMount {
time.AfterFunc(0.1e9, func() { me.updateKnownFses() })
return fuse.OK
func (me *AutoUnionFs) addAutomaticFs(roots []string) {
......@@ -343,15 +342,12 @@ func (me *AutoUnionFs) OpenDir(name string) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, status f
defer me.lock.RUnlock()
stream = make(chan fuse.DirEntry, len(me.knownFileSystems)+5)
for k, _ := range me.knownFileSystems {
mode := fuse.S_IFDIR | 0755
if name == _CONFIG {
mode = syscall.S_IFLNK | 0644
for k, _ := range me.knownFileSystems {
stream <- fuse.DirEntry{
Name: k,
Mode: uint32(mode),
Mode: syscall.S_IFLNK | 0644,
......@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ func TestAutoFsSymlink(t *testing.T) {
err := os.Mkdir(wd+"/store/backing1", 0755)
os.Symlink(wd+"/ro", wd+"/store/backing1/READONLY")
......@@ -83,6 +84,12 @@ func TestAutoFsSymlink(t *testing.T) {
fi, err := os.Lstat(wd + "/mount/manual1/file1")
entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(wd + "/mount")
if len(entries) != 3 {
t.Error("readdir mismatch", entries)
err = os.Remove(wd + "/mount/config/manual1")
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ package zipfs
This provides a practical example of mounting Go-fuse path filesystems
on top of each other.
It is a file system that configures a Zip filesystem at /zipmount when writing
path/to/zipfile to /config/zipmount
It is a file system that configures a Zip filesystem at /zipmount when
symlinking path/to/zipfile to /config/zipmount
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import (
var _ = log.Printf
......@@ -25,47 +24,6 @@ const (
CONFIG_PREFIX = "config/"
// zipCreateFile is a placeholder file to receive the write containing
// the path to the zip file.
type zipCreateFile struct {
// Basename of the entry in the FS.
Basename string
zfs *MultiZipFs
func (me *zipCreateFile) Write(input *fuse.WriteIn, nameBytes []byte) (uint32, fuse.Status) {
if me.zfs == nil {
return 0, fuse.EPERM
zipFile := string(nameBytes)
zipFile = strings.Trim(zipFile, "\n ")
fs, err := NewArchiveFileSystem(zipFile)
if err != nil {
log.Println("NewZipArchiveFileSystem failed.")
me.zfs.pendingZips[me.Basename] = false, false
return 0, fuse.ENOSYS
code := me.zfs.Connector.Mount("/"+filepath.Base(me.Basename), fs, nil)
if code != fuse.OK {
return 0, code
// TODO. locks?
me.zfs.zips[me.Basename] = fs
me.zfs.dirZipFileMap[me.Basename] = zipFile
me.zfs.pendingZips[me.Basename] = false, false
me.zfs = nil
return uint32(len(nameBytes)), code
......@@ -76,7 +34,6 @@ type MultiZipFs struct {
Connector *fuse.FileSystemConnector
lock sync.RWMutex
zips map[string]*MemTreeFileSystem
pendingZips map[string]bool
dirZipFileMap map[string]string
......@@ -85,48 +42,33 @@ type MultiZipFs struct {
func NewMultiZipFs() *MultiZipFs {
m := new(MultiZipFs)
m.zips = make(map[string]*MemTreeFileSystem)
m.pendingZips = make(map[string]bool)
m.dirZipFileMap = make(map[string]string)
return m
func (me *MultiZipFs) Mount(connector *fuse.FileSystemConnector) fuse.Status {
func (me *MultiZipFs) Mount(connector *fuse.FileSystemConnector) {
me.Connector = connector
return fuse.OK
func (me *MultiZipFs) OpenDir(name string) (stream chan fuse.DirEntry, code fuse.Status) {
defer me.lock.RUnlock()
// We don't use a goroutine, since we don't want to hold the
// lock.
stream = make(chan fuse.DirEntry,
submode := uint32(fuse.S_IFDIR | 0700)
if name == "config" {
submode = fuse.S_IFREG | 0600
stream = make(chan fuse.DirEntry, len(me.zips)+2)
if name == "" {
var d fuse.DirEntry
d.Name = "config"
d.Mode = fuse.S_IFDIR | 0700
stream <- fuse.DirEntry(d)
if name == "config" {
for k, _ := range me.zips {
var d fuse.DirEntry
d.Name = k
d.Mode = submode
d.Mode = fuse.S_IFLNK
stream <- fuse.DirEntry(d)
for k, _ := range me.pendingZips {
var d fuse.DirEntry
d.Name = k
d.Mode = submode
stream <- fuse.DirEntry(d)
if name == "" {
var d fuse.DirEntry
d.Name = "config"
d.Mode = fuse.S_IFDIR | 0700
stream <- fuse.DirEntry(d)
......@@ -153,7 +95,7 @@ func (me *MultiZipFs) GetAttr(name string) (*os.FileInfo, fuse.Status) {
submode := uint32(fuse.S_IFDIR | 0700)
if dir == CONFIG_PREFIX {
submode = fuse.S_IFREG | 0600
submode = fuse.S_IFLNK | 0600
......@@ -164,10 +106,6 @@ func (me *MultiZipFs) GetAttr(name string) (*os.FileInfo, fuse.Status) {
if hasDir {
return a, fuse.OK
_, hasDir = me.pendingZips[base]
if hasDir {
return a, fuse.OK
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
......@@ -180,6 +118,10 @@ func (me *MultiZipFs) Unlink(name string) (code fuse.Status) {
_, ok := me.zips[basename]
if ok {
code = me.Connector.Unmount("/" + basename)
if !code.Ok() {
return code
me.zips[basename] = nil, false
me.dirZipFileMap[basename] = "", false
return fuse.OK
......@@ -190,41 +132,48 @@ func (me *MultiZipFs) Unlink(name string) (code fuse.Status) {
return fuse.EPERM
func (me *MultiZipFs) Open(name string, flags uint32) (file fuse.File, code fuse.Status) {
if 0 != flags&uint32(fuse.O_ANYWRITE) {
return nil, fuse.EPERM
func (me *MultiZipFs) Readlink(path string) (val string, code fuse.Status) {
dir, base := filepath.Split(path)
if dir != CONFIG_PREFIX {
return "", fuse.ENOENT
dir, basename := filepath.Split(name)
if dir == CONFIG_PREFIX {
defer me.lock.RUnlock()
defer me.lock.Unlock()
orig, ok := me.dirZipFileMap[basename]
zipfile, ok := me.dirZipFileMap[base]
if !ok {
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
return "", fuse.ENOENT
return zipfile, fuse.OK
return fuse.NewReadOnlyFile([]byte(orig)), fuse.OK
return nil, fuse.ENOENT
func (me *MultiZipFs) Create(name string, flags uint32, mode uint32) (file fuse.File, code fuse.Status) {
dir, base := filepath.Split(name)
func (me *MultiZipFs) Symlink(value string, linkName string) (code fuse.Status) {
dir, base := filepath.Split(linkName)
if dir != CONFIG_PREFIX {
return nil, fuse.EPERM
return fuse.EPERM
z := new(zipCreateFile)
z.Basename = base
z.zfs = me
defer me.lock.Unlock()
me.pendingZips[z.Basename] = true
_, ok := me.dirZipFileMap[base]
if ok {
return fuse.EBUSY
fs, err := NewArchiveFileSystem(value)
if err != nil {
log.Println("NewZipArchiveFileSystem failed.", err)
return fuse.EINVAL
return z, fuse.OK
code = me.Connector.Mount("/"+base, fs, nil)
if !code.Ok() {
return code
me.dirZipFileMap[base] = value
me.zips[base] = fs
return fuse.OK
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package zipfs
import (
......@@ -13,72 +14,71 @@ var CheckSuccess = fuse.CheckSuccess
const testTtl = 0.1
func TestMultiZipFs(t *testing.T) {
var err os.Error
wd, err := os.Getwd()
zipFile := wd + "/"
func setupMzfs() (mountPoint string, cleanup func()) {
fs := NewMultiZipFs()
mountPoint := fuse.MakeTempDir()
mountPoint = fuse.MakeTempDir()
state, _, err := fuse.MountFileSystem(mountPoint, fs, &fuse.FileSystemOptions{
EntryTimeout: testTtl,
AttrTimeout: testTtl,
NegativeTimeout: 0.0,
defer os.RemoveAll(mountPoint)
defer state.Unmount()
state.Debug = true
go state.Loop(true)
f, err := os.Open(mountPoint + "")
names, err := f.Readdirnames(-1)
if len(names) != 1 || string(names[0]) != "config" {
t.Errorf("wrong names return. %v", names)
return mountPoint, func() {
err = f.Close()
func TestMultiZipReadonly(t *testing.T) {
mountPoint, cleanup := setupMzfs()
defer cleanup()
f, err = os.Create(mountPoint + "/random")
_, err := os.Create(mountPoint + "/random")
if err == nil {
t.Error("Must fail writing in root.")
f, err = os.OpenFile(mountPoint+"/config/zipmount", os.O_WRONLY, 0)
_, err = os.OpenFile(mountPoint+"/config/zipmount", os.O_WRONLY, 0)
if err == nil {
t.Error("Must fail without O_CREATE")
f, err = os.Create(mountPoint + "/config/zipmount")
func TestMultiZipFs(t *testing.T) {
mountPoint, cleanup := setupMzfs()
defer cleanup()
wd, err := os.Getwd()
zipFile := wd + "/"
entries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(mountPoint)
if len(entries) != 1 || string(entries[0].Name) != "config" {
t.Errorf("wrong names return. %v", entries)
err = os.Symlink(zipFile, mountPoint + "/config/zipmount")
// Directory exists, but is empty.
fi, err := os.Lstat(mountPoint + "/zipmount")
if !fi.IsDirectory() {
t.Errorf("Expect directory at /zipmount")
// Open the zip file.
_, err = f.Write([]byte(zipFile))
entries, err = ioutil.ReadDir(mountPoint)
_, err = f.Write([]byte(zipFile))
if err == nil {
t.Error("Must fail second write.")
if len(entries) != 2 {
t.Error("Expect 2 entries", entries)
err = f.Close()
val, err := os.Readlink(mountPoint + "/config/zipmount")
fi, err = os.Lstat(mountPoint + "/zipmount")
if !fi.IsDirectory() {
t.Errorf("Expect directory at /zipmount")
if val != zipFile {
t.Errorf("expected %v got %v", zipFile, val)
// Check that zipfs itself works.
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