Commit 00f4f8ab authored by Quentin Smith's avatar Quentin Smith

analysis/app: visualize raw data

This adds an undocumented "raw=1" query parameter to visualize raw
results without any averaging or filtering. Results are colored
according to the upload-part they came from.

Change-Id: I25590ace89dfe55380e28182c38aeb223e2e73b9
Run-TryBot: Quentin Smith <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarRuss Cox <>
parent 73dcf9cf
......@@ -50,7 +50,12 @@ func (a *App) trend(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
data := a.trendQuery(ctx, q)
opt := plotOptions{
x: r.Form.Get("x"),
raw: r.Form.Get("raw") == "1",
data := a.trendQuery(ctx, q, opt)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
if err := t.Execute(w, data); err != nil {
......@@ -65,10 +70,11 @@ type trendData struct {
Error string
TrendUploads []storage.UploadInfo
PlotData template.JS
PlotType template.JS
// trendData computes the values for the template and returns a trendData for display.
func (a *App) trendQuery(ctx context.Context, q string) *trendData {
func (a *App) trendQuery(ctx context.Context, q string, opt plotOptions) *trendData {
d := &trendData{Q: q}
if q == "" {
ul := a.StorageClient.ListUploads(`trend>`, []string{"by", "upload-time", "trend"}, 16)
......@@ -86,16 +92,55 @@ func (a *App) trendQuery(ctx context.Context, q string) *trendData {
res := a.StorageClient.Query(q)
defer res.Close()
t, resultCols := queryToTable(res)
for _, col := range []string{"commit", "commit-time", "branch"} {
if t.Column(col) == nil {
if err := res.Err(); err != nil {
errorf(ctx, "failed to read query results: %v", err)
d.Error = fmt.Sprintf("failed to read query results: %v", err)
return d
for _, col := range []string{"commit", "commit-time", "branch", "name"} {
if !hasStringColumn(t, col) {
d.Error = fmt.Sprintf("results missing %q label", col)
return d
data := plot(t, resultCols)
if opt.x != "" && !hasStringColumn(t, opt.x) {
d.Error = fmt.Sprintf("results missing x label %q", opt.x)
return d
data := plot(t, resultCols, opt)
// TODO(quentin): Give the user control over across vs. plotting in separate graphs, instead of only showing one graph with ns/op for each benchmark.
if opt.raw {
data = table.MapTables(data, func(_ table.GroupID, t *table.Table) *table.Table {
// From
colors := []string{"#F1796F", "#B3EC6C", "#F67E9D", "#6CEB98", "#E392CB", "#0AE4C6", "#B7ABEC", "#16D7E9", "#75C4F7"}
colorIdx := 0
partColors := make(map[string]string)
styles := make([]string, t.Len())
for i, part := range t.MustColumn("upload-part").([]string) {
if _, ok := partColors[part]; !ok {
partColors[part] = colors[colorIdx]
if colorIdx >= len(colors) {
colorIdx = 0
styles[i] = "color: " + partColors[part]
return table.NewBuilder(t).Add("style", styles).Done()
columns := []column{
{Name: "commit-index"},
{Name: "result"},
{Name: "style", Role: "style"},
{Name: "commit", Role: "tooltip"},
d.PlotData = tableToJS(data.Table(data.Tables()[0]), columns)
d.PlotType = "ScatterChart"
return d
// Pivot all of the benchmarks into columns of a single table.
ar := &aggResults{
Across: "name",
......@@ -120,6 +165,7 @@ func (a *App) trendQuery(ctx context.Context, q string) *trendData {
d.PlotData = tableToJS(data.Table(tables[0]), columns)
d.PlotType = "LineChart"
return d
......@@ -177,16 +223,30 @@ func queryToTable(q *storage.Query) (t *table.Table, resultCols []string) {
return tab.Done(), resultCols
type plotOptions struct {
// x names the column to use for the X axis.
// If unspecified, "commit" is used.
x string
// raw will return the raw points without any averaging/smoothing.
// The only result column will be "result".
raw bool
// correlate will use the string column "upload-part" as an indication that results came from the same machine. Commits present in multiple parts will be used to correlate results.
correlate bool
// plot takes raw benchmark data in t and produces a Grouping object containing filtered, normalized metric results for a graph.
// t must contain the string columns "commit", "commit-time", "branch". resultCols specifies the names of float64 columns containing metric results.
// The returned grouping has columns "commit", "commit-time", "commit-index", "branch", "metric", "normalized min result", "normalized max result", "normalized mean result", "filtered normalized mean result".
// This is roughly the algorithm from
func plot(t table.Grouping, resultCols []string) table.Grouping {
func plot(t table.Grouping, resultCols []string, opt plotOptions) table.Grouping {
nrows := len(table.GroupBy(t, "name").Tables())
// Turn ordered commit-time into a "commit-index" column.
t = table.SortBy(t, "commit-time", "commit")
t = commitIndex{}.F(t)
if opt.x == "" {
opt.x = "commit"
t = table.SortBy(t, "commit-time", opt.x)
t = colIndex{col: opt.x}.F(t)
// Unpivot all of the metrics into one column.
t = table.Unpivot(t, "metric", "result", resultCols...)
......@@ -194,6 +254,10 @@ func plot(t table.Grouping, resultCols []string) table.Grouping {
// TODO(quentin): Let user choose which metric(s) to keep.
t = table.FilterEq(t, "metric", "ns/op")
if opt.raw {
return t
// Average each result at each commit (but keep columns names
// the same to keep things easier to read).
t = ggstat.Agg("commit", "name", "metric", "branch", "commit-index")(ggstat.AggMean("result"), ggstat.AggQuantile("median", .5, "result"), ggstat.AggMin("result"), ggstat.AggMax("result")).F(t)
......@@ -237,6 +301,16 @@ func plot(t table.Grouping, resultCols []string) table.Grouping {
return t
// hasStringColumn returns whether t has a []string column called col.
func hasStringColumn(t table.Grouping, col string) bool {
c := t.Table(t.Tables()[0]).Column(col)
if c == nil {
return false
_, ok := c.([]string)
return ok
// aggResults pivots the table, taking the columns in Values and making a new column for each distinct value in Across.
// aggResults("in", []string{"value1", "value2"} will reshape a table like
// in value1 value2
......@@ -299,14 +373,20 @@ func firstMasterIndex(bs []string) int {
return slice.Index(bs, "master")
// commitIndex is a gg.Stat that adds a column called "commit-index" sequentially counting unique values of the column "commit".
type commitIndex struct{}
// colIndex is a gg.Stat that adds a column called "commit-index" sequentially counting unique values of the column "commit".
type colIndex struct {
// col specifies the string column to assign indices to. If unspecified, "commit" will be used.
col string
func (commitIndex) F(g table.Grouping) table.Grouping {
func (ci colIndex) F(g table.Grouping) table.Grouping {
if ci.col == "" {
ci.col = "commit"
return table.MapTables(g, func(_ table.GroupID, t *table.Table) *table.Table {
idxs := make([]int, t.Len())
last, idx := "", -1
for i, hash := range t.MustColumn("commit").([]string) {
for i, hash := range t.MustColumn(ci.col).([]string) {
if hash != last {
last = hash
......@@ -367,6 +447,9 @@ func tableToJS(t *table.Table, columns []column) template.JS {
c.Type = "string"
case []int, []float64:
c.Type = "number"
// Matches the hardcoded string below.
c.Type = "string"
if c.Label == "" {
......@@ -398,6 +481,8 @@ func tableToJS(t *table.Table, columns []column) template.JS {
value, err = json.Marshal(column[i])
case []float64:
value, err = json.Marshal(column[i])
value = []byte(`"unknown column type"`)
if err != nil {
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ input[type="text"] {
maxZoomIn: 0.05,
var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart'));
var chart = new google.visualization.{{.PlotType}}(document.getElementById('chart'));
chart.draw(dt, options);
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