Commit 6b3e0388 authored by Stephen Hemminger's avatar Stephen Hemminger

Merge branch 'master' into net-next

parents da60d031 5f4d27d5
......@@ -44,3 +44,4 @@ doc/*.ps
# api-rtnl.tex api-pmtudisc.tex api-news.tex
......@@ -2049,9 +2049,6 @@ table \verb|local| (ID 255).
The \verb|local| table is a special routing table containing
high priority control routes for local and broadcast addresses.
Rule 0 is special. It cannot be deleted or overridden.
\item Priority: 32766, Selector: match anything, Action: lookup routing
table \verb|main| (ID 254).
The \verb|main| table is the normal routing table containing all non-policy
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % \url
\usepackage{booktabs} % nicer tabulars
\title{QoS in Linux with TC and Filters}
\author{Phil Sutter (}
\date{January 2016}
TC, the Traffic Control utility, has been there for a very long time - forever
in my humble perception. It is still (and has ever been if I'm not mistaken) the
only tool to configure QoS in Linux.
Standard practice when transmitting packets over a medium which may block (due
to congestion, e.g.) is to use a queue which temporarily holds these packets. In
Linux, this queueing approach is where QoS happens: A Queueing Discipline
(qdisc) holds multiple packet queues with different priorities for dequeueing to
the network driver. The classification (i.e. deciding which queue a packet
should go into) is typically done based on Type Of Service (IPv4) or Traffic
Class (IPv6) header fields but depending on qdisc implementation, might be
controlled by the user as well.
Qdiscs come in two flavors, classful or classless. While classless qdiscs are
not as flexible as classful ones, they also require much less customizing. Often
it is enough to just attach them to an interface, without exact knowledge of
what is done internally. Classful qdiscs are the exact opposite: flexible in
application, they are often not even usable without insightful configuration.
As the name implies, classful qdiscs provide configurable classes to sort
traffic into. In it's basic form, this is not much different than, say, the
classless \qdisc{pfifo\_fast} which holds three queues and classifies per
packet upon priority field. Though typically classes go beyond that by
supporting nesting and additional characteristics like e.g. maximum traffic
rate or quantum.
When it comes to controlling the classification process, filters come into play.
They attach to the parent of a set of classes (i.e. either the qdisc itself or
a parent class) and specify how a packet (or it's associated flow) has to look
like in order to suit a given class. To overcome this simplification, it is
possible to attach multiple filters to the same parent, which then consults each
of them in row until the first one accepts the packet.
Before getting into detail about what filters there are and how to use them, a
simple setup of a qdisc with classes is necessary:
| |
| HTB |
| |
| .----------------------------------------------------.|
| | ||
| | Class 1:1 ||
| | ||
| | .---------------..---------------..---------------.||
| | | || || |||
| | | Class 1:10 || Class 1:20 || Class 1:30 |||
| | | || || |||
| | | .------------.|| .------------.|| .------------.|||
| | | | ||| | ||| | ||||
| | | | fq_codel ||| | fq_codel ||| | fq_codel ||||
| | | | ||| | ||| | ||||
| | | '------------'|| '------------'|| '------------'|||
| | '---------------''---------------''---------------'||
| '----------------------------------------------------'|
The following commands establish the basic setup shown:
(1) # tc qdisc replace dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 30
(2) # tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 95mbit
(3) # alias tclass='tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1'
(4) # tclass classid 1:10 htb rate 1mbit ceil 20mbit prio 1
(4) # tclass classid 1:20 htb rate 90mbit ceil 95mbit prio 2
(4) # tclass classid 1:30 htb rate 1mbit ceil 95mbit prio 3
(5) # tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:10 fq_codel
(5) # tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:20 fq_codel
(5) # tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:30 fq_codel
A little explanation for the unfamiliar reader:
\item Replace the root qdisc of \iface{eth0} by an instance of \qdisc{HTB}.
Specifying the handle is necessary so it can be referenced in consecutive
calls to \cmd{tc}. The default class for unclassified traffic is set to
\item Create a single top-level class with handle 1:1 which limits the total
bandwidth allowed to 95mbit/s. It is assumed that \iface{eth0} is a 100mbit/s link,
staying a little below that helps to keep the main point of enqueueing in
the qdisc layer instead of the interface hardware queue or at another
bottleneck in the network.
\item Define an alias for the common part of the remaining three calls in order
to improve readability. This means all remaining classes are attached to the
common parent class from (2).
\item Create three child classes for different uses: Class 1:10 has highest
priority but is tightly limited in bandwidth - fine for interactive
connections. Class 1:20 has mid priority and high guaranteed bandwidth, for
high priority bulk traffic. Finally, there's the default class 1:30 with
lowest priority, low guaranteed bandwidth and the ability to use the full
link in case it's unused otherwise. This should be fine for uninteresting
traffic not explicitly taken care of.
\item Attach a leaf qdisc to each of the child classes created in (4). Since
\qdisc{HTB} by default attaches \qdisc{pfifo} as leaf qdisc, this step is optional. Still,
the fairness between different flows provided by the classless \qdisc{fq\_codel} is
worth the effort.
More information about the qdiscs and fine-tuning parameters can be found in
\man{tc-htb(8)} and \man{tc-fq\_codel(8)}.
Without any additional setup done, now all traffic leaving \iface{eth0} is shaped to
95mbit/s and directed through class 1:30. This can be verified by looking at the
\texttt{Sent} field of the class statistics printed via \cmd{tc -s class show dev eth0}:
Only the root class 1:1 and it's child 1:30 should show any traffic.
\section*{Finally time to start filtering!}
Let's begin with a simple one, i.e. reestablishing what \qdisc{pfifo\_fast} did
automatically based on TOS/Priority field. Linux internally translates the
header field into the priority field of struct skbuff, which
\qdisc{pfifo\_fast} uses for
classification. \man{tc-prio(8)} contains a table listing the priority (and
ultimately, \qdisc{pfifo\_fast} queue index) each TOS value is being translated into.
Here is a shorter version:
TOS Values & Linux Priority (Number) & Queue Index \\
0x0 - 0x6 & Best Effort (0) & 1 \\
0x8 - 0xe & Bulk (2) & 2 \\
0x10 - 0x16 & Interactive (6) & 0 \\
0x18 - 0x1e & Interactive Bulk (4) & 1 \\
Using the \filter{basic} filter, it is possible to match packets based on that skbuff
field, which has the added benefit of being IP version agnostic. Since the
\qdisc{HTB} setup above defaults to class ID 1:30, the Bulk priority can be
ignored. The \filter{basic} filter allows to combine matches, therefore we get along
with only two filters:
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: basic \
match 'meta(priority eq 6)' classid 1:10
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: basic \
match 'meta(priority eq 0)' \
or 'meta(priority eq 4)' classid 1:20
A detailed description of the \filter{basic} filter and the ematch syntax it uses can be
found in \man{tc-basic(8)} and \man{tc-ematch(8)}.
Obviously, this first example cries for optimization. A simple one would be to
just change the default class from 1:30 to 1:20, so filters are only needed for
Bulk and Interactive priorities:
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: basic \
match 'meta(priority eq 6)' classid 1:10
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: basic \
match 'meta(priority eq 2)' classid 1:20
Given that class IDs are random, choosing them wisely allows for a direct
mapping. So first, recreate the qdisc and classes configuration:
# tc qdisc replace dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 10
# tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 95mbit
# alias tclass='tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1'
# tclass classid 1:16 htb rate 1mbit ceil 20mbit prio 1
# tclass classid 1:10 htb rate 90mbit ceil 95mbit prio 2
# tclass classid 1:12 htb rate 1mbit ceil 95mbit prio 3
# tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:16 fq_codel
# tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:10 fq_codel
# tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:12 fq_codel
This is basically identical to above, but with changed leaf class IDs and the
second priority class being the default. Using the \filter{flow} filter with it's \texttt{map}
functionality, a single filter command is enough:
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: handle 0x1337 flow \
map key priority baseclass 1:10
The \filter{flow} filter now uses the priority value to construct a destination class ID
by adding it to the value of \texttt{baseclass}. While this works for priority values of
0, 2 and 6, it will result in non-existent class ID 1:14 for Interactive Bulk
traffic. In that case, the \qdisc{HTB} default applies so that traffic goes into class
ID 1:10 just as intended. Please note that specifying a handle is a mandatory
requirement by the \filter{flow} filter, although I didn't see where one would use that
later. For more information about \filter{flow}, see \man{tc-flow(8)}.
While \filter{flow} and \filter{basic} filters are relatively easy to apply and understand, they
are as well quite limited to their intended purpose. A more flexible option is
the \filter{u32} filter, which allows to match on arbitrary parts of the packet data -
yet only on that, not any meta data associated to it by the kernel (with the
exception of firewall mark value). So in order to continue this little
exercise with \filter{u32}, we have to base classification directly upon the actual TOS
value. An intuitive attempt might look like this:
# alias tcfilter='tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:'
# tcfilter u32 match ip dsfield 0x10 0x1e classid 1:16
# tcfilter u32 match ip dsfield 0x12 0x1e classid 1:16
# tcfilter u32 match ip dsfield 0x14 0x1e classid 1:16
# tcfilter u32 match ip dsfield 0x16 0x1e classid 1:16
# tcfilter u32 match ip dsfield 0x8 0x1e classid 1:12
# tcfilter u32 match ip dsfield 0xa 0x1e classid 1:12
# tcfilter u32 match ip dsfield 0xc 0x1e classid 1:12
# tcfilter u32 match ip dsfield 0xe 0x1e classid 1:12
The obvious drawback here is the amount of filters needed. And without the
default class, eight more filters would be necessary. This also has performance
implications: A packet with TOS value 0xe will be checked eight times in total
in order to determine it's destination class. While there's not much to be done
about the number of filters, at least the performance problem can be eliminated
by using \filter{u32}'s hash table support:
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: prio 99 handle 1: u32 divisor 16
This creates a hash table with 16 buckets. The table size is arbitrary, but not
random: Since the first bit of the TOS field is not interesting, it can be
ignored and therefore the range of values to consider is just [0;15], i.e. a
number of 16 different values. The next step is to populate the hash table:
# alias tcfilter='tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: prio 99'
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:0: classid 1:16
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:1: classid 1:16
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:2: classid 1:16
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:3: classid 1:16
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:4: classid 1:12
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:5: classid 1:12
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:6: classid 1:12
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:7: classid 1:12
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:8: classid 1:16
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:9: classid 1:16
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:a: classid 1:16
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:b: classid 1:16
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:c: classid 1:10
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:d: classid 1:10
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:e: classid 1:10
# tcfilter u32 match u8 0 0 ht 1:f: classid 1:10
The parameter \texttt{ht} denotes the hash table and bucket the filter should be added
to. Since the first TOS bit is ignored, it's value has to be divided by two in
order to get to the bucket it maps to. E.g. a TOS value of 0x10 will therefore
map to bucket 0x8. For the sake of completeness, all possible values are mapped
and therefore a configurable default class is not required. Note that the used
match expression is not necessary, but mandatory. Therefore anything that
matches any packet will suffice. Finally, a filter which links to the defined
hash table is needed:
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: prio 1 protocol ip u32 \
link 1: hashkey mask 0x001e0000 match u8 0 0
Here again, the actual match statement is not necessary, but syntactically
required. All the magic lies within the \texttt{hashkey} parameter, which defines which
part of the packet should be used directly as hash key. Here's a drawing of the
first four bytes of the IPv4 header, with the area selected by \texttt{hashkey mask}
0 1 2 3
| | | ######## | | |
| Version| IHL | #DSCP### | ECN| Total Length |
| | | ######## | | |
This may look confusing at first, but keep in mind that bit- as well as
byte-ordering here is LSB while the mask value is written in MSB we humans use.
Therefore reading the mask is done like so, starting from left:
\item Skip the first byte (which contains Version and IHL fields).
\item Skip the lowest bit of the second byte (0x1e is even).
\item Mark the four following bits (0x1e is 11110 in binary).
\item Skip the remaining three bits of the second byte as well as the remaining two
Before doing the lookup, the kernel right-shifts the masked value by the amount
of zero-bits in \texttt{mask}, which implicitly also does the division by two which the
hash table depends on. With this setup, every packet has to pass exactly two
filters to be classified. Note that this filter is limited to IPv4 packets: Due
to the related Traffic Class field being at a different offset in the packet, it
would not work for IPv6. To use the same setup for IPv6 as well, a second
entry-level filter is necessary:
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: prio 2 protocol ipv6 u32 \
link 1: hashkey mask 0x01e00000 match u8 0 0
For illustration purposes, here again is a drawing of the first four bytes of
the IPv6 header, again with masked area highlighted:
0 1 2 3
| | ######## | |
| Version| #Traffic Class| Flow Label |
| | ######## | |
Reading the mask value is analogous to IPv4 with the added complexity that
Traffic Class spans over two bytes. Yet, for comparison there's a simple trick:
IPv6 has the interesting field shifted by four bits to the left, and the new
mask's value is shifted by the same amount. For further information about
\filter{u32} and what can be done with it, consult it's man page
Of course, the kernel provides many more filters than just \filter{basic},
\filter{flow} and \filter{u32} which have been presented above. As of now, the
remaining ones are:
Filtering using Berkeley Packet Filter programs. The program's return
code determines the packet's destination class ID.
Filter packets based on control groups. This is only useful for packets
originating from the local host, as control groups only exist in that
An extended variant of the flow filter.
Matches on firewall mark values previously assigned to the packet by
netfilter (or a filter action, see below for details). This allows to
export the classification algorithm into netfilter, which is very
convenient if appropriate rules exist on the same system in there
Filter packets based on matching routing table entry. Basically
equivalent to the \texttt{fw} filter above, to make use of an already existing
extensive routing table setup.
\item[rsvp, rsvp6]
Implementation of the Resource Reservation Protocol in Linux, to react
upon requests sent by an RSVP daemon.
Match packets based on tcindex value, which is usually set by the dsmark
qdisc. This is part of an approach to support Differentiated Services in
Linux, which is another topic on it's own.
\section*{Filter Actions}
The tc filter framework provides the infrastructure to another extensible set of
tools as well, namely tc actions. As the name suggests, they allow to do things
with packets (or associated data). (The list of) Actions are part of a given
filter. If it matches, each action it contains is executed in order before
returning the classification result. Since the action has direct access to the
latter, it is in theory possible for an action to react upon or even change the
filtering result - as long as the packet matched, of course. Yet none of the
currently in-tree actions make use of this.
The Generic Actions framework originally evolved out of the filters' ability to
police traffic to a given maximum bandwidth. One common use case for that is to
limit ingress traffic, dropping packets which exceed the threshold. A classic
setup example is like so:
# tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle ffff: ingress
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: u32 \
match u32 0 0
police rate 1mbit burst 100k
The ingress qdisc is not a real one, but merely a point of reference for filters
to attach to which should get applied to incoming traffic. The \filter{u32} filter added
above matches on any packet and therefore limits the total incoming bandwidth to
1mbit/s, allowing bursts of up to 100kbytes. Using the new syntax, the filter
command changes slightly:
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: u32 \
match u32 0 0 \
action police rate 1mbit burst 100k
The important detail is that this syntax allows to define multiple actions.
E.g. for testing purposes, it is possible to redirect exceeding traffic to the
loopback interface instead of dropping it:
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: u32 \
match u32 0 0 \
action police rate 1mbit burst 100k conform-exceed pipe \
action mirred egress redirect dev lo
The added parameter \texttt{conform-exceed pipe} tells the police action to allow for
further actions to handle the exceeding packet.
Apart from \texttt{police} and \texttt{mirred} actions, there are a few more. Here's a full
list of the currently implemented ones:
Apply a Berkeley Packet Filter program to the packet.
Set the packet's firewall mark to that of it's connection. This works by
searching the conntrack table for a matching entry. If found, the mark
is restored.
Trigger recalculation of packet checksums. The supported protocols are:
Pass the packet to an iptables target. This allows to use iptables
extensions directly instead of having to go the extra mile via setting
an arbitrary firewall mark and matching on that from within netfilter.
Mirror or redirect packets. This is often combined with the ifb pseudo
device to share a common QoS setup between multiple interfaces or even
ingress traffic.
Perform stateless Native Address Translation. This is certainly not
complete and therefore inferior to NAT using iptables: Although the
kernel module decides between TCP, UDP and ICMP traffic, it does not
handle typical problematic protocols such as active FTP or SIP.
Generic packet editing. This allows to alter arbitrary bytes of the
packet, either by specifying an offset into the packet or by naming a
packet header and field name to change. Currently, the latter is
implemented only for IPv4 yet.
Apply a bandwidth rate limiting policy. Packets exceeding it are dropped
by default, but may optionally be handled differently.
This is rather an example than real action. All it does is print a
user-defined string together with a packet counter. Useful maybe for
debugging when filter statistics are not available or too complicated.
Edit associated packet data, supports changing queue mapping, priority
field and firewall mark value.
Add/remove a VLAN header to/from the packet. This might serve as
alternative to using 802.1Q pseudo-interfaces in combination with
routing rules when e.g. packets for a given destination need to be
\section*{Intermediate Functional Block}
The Intermediate Functional Block (\texttt{ifb}) pseudo network interface acts as a QoS
concentrator for multiple different sources of traffic. Packets from or to other
interfaces have to be redirected to it using the \texttt{mirred} action in order to be
handled, regularly routed traffic will be dropped. This way, a single stack of
qdiscs, classes and filters can be shared between multiple interfaces.
Here's a simple example to feed incoming traffic from multiple interfaces
through a Stochastic Fairness Queue (\qdisc{sfq}):
(1) # modprobe ifb
(2) # ip link set ifb0 up
(3) # tc qdisc add dev ifb0 root sfq
The first step is to load the \texttt{ifb} kernel module (1). By default, this will
create two ifb devices: \iface{ifb0} and \iface{ifb1}. After setting
\iface{ifb0} up in (2), the root
qdisc is replaced by \qdisc{sfq} in (3). Finally, one can start redirecting ingress
traffic to \iface{ifb0}, e.g. from \iface{eth0}:
# tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle ffff: ingress
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: u32 \
match u32 0 0 \
action mirred egress redirect dev ifb0
The same can be done for other interfaces, just replacing \iface{eth0} in the two
commands above. One thing to keep in mind here is the asymmetrical routing this
creates within the host doing the QoS: Incoming packets enter the system via
\iface{ifb0}, while corresponding replies leave directly via \iface{eth0}. This can be observed
using \cmd{tcpdump} on \iface{ifb0}, which shows the input part of the traffic only. What's
more confusing is that \cmd{tcpdump} on \iface{eth0} shows both incoming and outgoing traffic,
but the redirection is still effective - a simple prove is setting
\iface{ifb0} down,
which will interrupt the communication. Obviously \cmd{tcpdump} catches the packets to
dump before they enter the ingress qdisc, which is why it sees them while the
kernel itself doesn't.
My personal impression is that although the \cmd{tc} utility is an absolute
necessity for anyone aiming at doing QoS in Linux professionally, there are way
too many loose ends and trip wires present in it's environment. Contributing to
this is the fact, that much of the non-essential functionality is redundantly
available in netfilter. Another problem which adds weight to the first one is a
general lack of documentation. Of course, there are many HOWTOs and guides in
the internet, but since it's often not clear how up to date these are, I prefer
the usual resources such as man or info pages. Surely nothing one couldn't fix
in hindsight, but quality certainly suffers if the original author of the code
does not or can not contribute to that.
All that being said, once the steep learning curve has been mastered, the
conglomerate of (classful) qdiscs, filters and actions provides a highly
sophisticated and flexible infrastructure to perform QoS, which plays nicely
along with routing and firewalling setups.
\section*{Further Reading}
A good starting point for novice users and experienced ones diving into unknown
areas is the extensive HOWTO at \url{}. The iproute2 package ships
some examples (usually in /usr/share/doc/, depending on distribution) as well as
man pages for \cmd{tc} in general, qdiscs and filters. The latter have been added
just recently though, so if your distribution does not ship iproute2 version
4.3.0 yet, these are not in there. Apart from that, the internet is a spring of
HOWTOs and scripts people wrote - though these should be taken with a grain of
salt: The complexity of the matter often leads to copying others' solutions
without much validation, which allows for less optimal or even obsolete
implementations to survive much longer than desired.
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ static void usage(void)
"Usage: ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }\n"
" ip [ -force ] -batch filename\n"
"where OBJECT := { link | address | addrlabel | route | rule | neighbor | ntable |\n"
"where OBJECT := { link | address | addrlabel | route | rule | neigh | ntable |\n"
" tunnel | tuntap | maddress | mroute | mrule | monitor | xfrm |\n"
" netns | l2tp | fou | tcp_metrics | token | netconf }\n"
" OPTIONS := { -V[ersion] | -s[tatistics] | -d[etails] | -r[esolve] |\n"
......@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ static void usage(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
static void usage(void)
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ip addrlabel [ list | add | del | flush ] prefix PREFIX [ dev DEV ] [ label LABEL ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ip addrlabel { add | del } prefix PREFIX [ dev DEV ] [ label LABEL ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " ip addrlabel [ list | flush | help ]\n");
......@@ -70,17 +70,16 @@ void iplink_usage(void)
fprintf(stderr, " [ address LLADDR ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ broadcast LLADDR ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ mtu MTU ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ netns PID ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ netns NAME ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ netns { PID | NAME } ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ link-netnsid ID ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ alias NAME ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ vf NUM [ mac LLADDR ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ vlan VLANID [ qos VLAN-QOS ] ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ rate TXRATE ] ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ rate TXRATE ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ spoofchk { on | off} ] ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ query_rss { on | off} ] ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ spoofchk { on | off} ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ query_rss { on | off} ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ state { auto | enable | disable} ] ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ trust { on | off} ] ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ master DEVICE ]\n");
......@@ -46,10 +46,11 @@ static void usage(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
static void usage(void)
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ip neigh { add | del | change | replace } { ADDR [ lladdr LLADDR ]\n"
" [ nud { permanent | noarp | stale | reachable } ]\n"
" | proxy ADDR } [ dev DEV ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " ip neigh {show|flush} [ to PREFIX ] [ dev DEV ] [ nud STATE ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ip neigh { add | del | change | replace }\n"
" { ADDR [ lladdr LLADDR ] [ nud STATE ] | proxy ADDR } [ dev DEV ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " ip neigh { show | flush } [ proxy ] [ to PREFIX ] [ dev DEV ] [ nud STATE ]\n\n");
fprintf(stderr, "STATE := { permanent | noarp | stale | reachable | none |\n"
" incomplete | delay | probe | failed }\n");
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ static void usage(void)
"PARMS := [ base_reachable MSEC ] [ retrans MSEC ] [ gc_stale MSEC ]\n"
" [ delay_probe MSEC ] [ queue LEN ]\n"
" [ app_probs VAL ] [ ucast_probes VAL ] [ mcast_probes VAL ]\n"
" [ app_probes VAL ] [ ucast_probes VAL ] [ mcast_probes VAL ]\n"
" [ anycast_delay MSEC ] [ proxy_delay MSEC ] [ proxy_queue LEN ]\n"
" [ locktime MSEC ]\n"
......@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ static void usage(void)
fprintf(stderr, "FAMILY := [ inet | inet6 | ipx | dnet | mpls | bridge | link ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "OPTIONS := FLAGS [ mtu NUMBER ] [ advmss NUMBER ] [ as [ to ] ADDRESS ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ rtt TIME ] [ rttvar TIME ] [ reordering NUMBER ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ window NUMBER] [ cwnd NUMBER ] [ initcwnd NUMBER ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ window NUMBER ] [ cwnd NUMBER ] [ initcwnd NUMBER ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ ssthresh NUMBER ] [ realms REALM ] [ src ADDRESS ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ rto_min TIME ] [ hoplimit NUMBER ] [ initrwnd NUMBER ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ features FEATURES ] [ quickack BOOL ] [ congctl NAME ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ pref PREF ] [ expires TIME ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "TYPE := [ unicast | local | broadcast | multicast | throw |\n");
fprintf(stderr, " unreachable | prohibit | blackhole | nat ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "TYPE := { unicast | local | broadcast | multicast | throw |\n");
fprintf(stderr, " unreachable | prohibit | blackhole | nat }\n");
fprintf(stderr, "TABLE_ID := [ local | main | default | all | NUMBER ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "SCOPE := [ host | link | global | NUMBER ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "NHFLAGS := [ onlink | pervasive ]\n");
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ static void usage(void)
fprintf(stderr, "SELECTOR := [ not ] [ from PREFIX ] [ to PREFIX ] [ tos TOS ] [ fwmark FWMARK[/MASK] ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ iif STRING ] [ oif STRING ] [ pref NUMBER ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "ACTION := [ table TABLE_ID ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ nat ADDRESS ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ realms [SRCREALM/]DSTREALM ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " [ goto NUMBER ]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " SUPPRESSOR\n");
......@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ MAN8PAGES = $(TARGETS) ip.8 arpd.8 lnstat.8 routel.8 rtacct.8 rtmon.8 rtpr.8 ss.
tipc.8 tipc-bearer.8 tipc-link.8 tipc-media.8 tipc-nametable.8 \
tipc-node.8 tipc-socket.8 \
tc-basic.8 tc-cgroup.8 tc-flow.8 tc-flower.8 tc-fw.8 tc-route.8 \
tc-tcindex.8 tc-u32.8
tc-tcindex.8 tc-u32.8 \
tc-connmark.8 tc-csum.8 tc-mirred.8 tc-nat.8 tc-pedit.8 tc-police.8 \
tc-simple.8 tc-skbedit.8 tc-vlan.8 tc-xt.8
all: $(TARGETS)
......@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ ip-address \- protocol address management
.ti -8
.IR FLAG " := "
.RB "[ " permanent " | " dynamic " | " secondary " | " primary " | \
[ - ] " tentative " | [ - ] " deprecated " | [ - ] " dadfailed " | "\
temporary " | " CONFFLAG-LIST " ]"
.RB "[ " permanent " | " dynamic " | " secondary " | " primary " |"
.RB [ - ] tentative " | [" - ] deprecated " | [" - ] dadfailed " |"
.BR temporary " | " CONFFLAG-LIST " ]"
.ti -8
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ temporary " | " CONFFLAG-LIST " ]"
.ti -8
.IR LIFETIME " := [ "
.BI valid_lft " LFT"
.RB "| " preferred_lft
.RB "] [ " preferred_lft
.IR LFT " ]"
.ti -8
......@@ -6,21 +6,9 @@ ip-addrlabel \- protocol address label management
.ad l
.in +8
.ti -8
.B ip
.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
.B addrlabel
.B ip addrlabel
.RI " { " COMMAND " | "
.BR help " }"
.ti -8
.IR OPTIONS " := { "
\fB\-V\fR[\fIersion\fR] |
\fB\-s\fR[\fItatistics\fR] |
\fB\-r\fR[\fIesolve\fR] |
\fB\-f\fR[\fIamily\fR] {
.BR inet " | " inet6 " | " ipx " | " dnet " | " link " } | "
\fB\-o\fR[\fIneline\fR] }
.ti -8
.BR "ip addrlabel" " { " add " | " del " } " prefix
......@@ -15,10 +15,7 @@ ip-l2tp - L2TPv3 static unmanaged tunnel configuration
.ti -8
.BR "ip l2tp add tunnel"
.B remote
.RI "[ " ADDR " ]"
.B local
.RI "[ " ADDR " ]"
.BI remote " ADDR " local " ADDR "
.B tunnel_id
......@@ -73,24 +70,21 @@ ip-l2tp - L2TPv3 static unmanaged tunnel configuration
.ti -8
.BR "ip l2tp show tunnel"
.B "[" tunnel_id
.B "]"
.BR "ip l2tp show tunnel" " [ " tunnel_id
.IR ID " ]"
.ti -8
.BR "ip l2tp show session"
.B "[" tunnel_id
.B "] [" session_id
.B "]"
.BR "ip l2tp show session" " [ " tunnel_id
.IR ID .B " ] ["
.B session_id
.IR ID " ]"
.ti -8
.IR NAME " := "
.ti -8
.IR ADDR " := { " IP_ADDRESS " }"
.IR ADDR " := { " IP_ADDRESS " |"
.BR any " }"
.ti -8
.IR PORT " := { " NUMBER " }"
.ti -8
......@@ -6,24 +6,11 @@ ip-link \- network device configuration
.ad l
.in +8
.ti -8
.B ip
.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
.B link
.B ip link
.RI " { " COMMAND " | "
.BR help " }"
.ti -8
.IR OPTIONS " := { "
\fB\-V\fR[\fIersion\fR] |
\fB\-h\fR[\fIuman-readable\fR] |
\fB\-s\fR[\fItatistics\fR] |
\fB\-r\fR[\fIesolve\fR] |
\fB\-f\fR[\fIamily\fR] {
.BR inet " | " inet6 " | " ipx " | " dnet " | " link " } | "
\fB\-o\fR[\fIneline\fR] |
\fB\-br\fR[\fIief\fR] }
.ti -8
.BI "ip link add"
.RB "[ " link
......@@ -49,7 +36,7 @@ ip-link \- network device configuration
.RB "[ " numrxqueues
.BR type " TYPE"
.BI type " TYPE"
.RI "[ " ARGS " ]"
.ti -8
......@@ -92,79 +79,89 @@ ip-link \- network device configuration
.BR "ip link set " {
.IR DEVICE " | "
.BI "group " GROUP
.RB "} { " up " | " down " | " arp " { " on " | " off " } |"
.RB "} [ { " up " | " down " } ]"
.BR promisc " { " on " | " off " } |"
.RB "[ " arp " { " on " | " off " } ]"
.BR allmulticast " { " on " | " off " } |"
.RB "[ " dynamic " { " on " | " off " } ]"
.BR dynamic " { " on " | " off " } |"
.RB "[ " multicast " { " on " | " off " } ]"
.BR multicast " { " on " | " off " } |"
.RB "[ " allmulticast " { " on " | " off " } ]"
.BR protodown " { " on " | " off " } |"
.RB "[ " promisc " { " on " | " off " } ]"
.B txqueuelen
.RB "[ " protodown " { " on " | " off " } ]"
.B name
.RB "[ " trailers " { " on " | " off " } ]"
.RB "[ " txqueuelen
.B address
.B broadcast
.RB "[ " name
.B mtu
.IR MTU " |"
.RB "[ " address
.B netns
.IR PID " |"
.RB "[ " broadcast
.B netns
.RB "[ " mtu
.IR MTU " ]"
.B alias
.IR NAME " |"
.RB "[ " netns " {"
.IR PID " | " NETNSNAME " } ]"
.B vf
.RB "[ " link-netnsid
.IR ID " ]"
.RB "[ " alias
.IR NAME " ]"
.RB "[ " vf
.IR NUM " ["
.B mac
.IR LLADDR " ] ["
.B vlan
.in +9
.RB "[ " vlan
.IR VLANID " [ "
.B qos
.IR VLAN-QOS " ] ] ["
.B rate
.IR TXRATE " ] ["
.B max_tx_rate
.IR TXRATE " ] ["
.B min_tx_rate
.IR TXRATE " ] ["
.B spoofchk { on | off } ] [
.B state { auto | enable | disable} ] [
.B trust { on | off }
] |
.IR VLAN-QOS " ] ]"
.B master
.RB "[ " rate
.RB "[ " max_tx_rate
.B nomaster " |"
.RB "[ " min_tx_rate
.B addrgenmode { eui64 | none | stable_secret | random }
.RB "[ " spoofchk " { " on " | " off " } ]"
.B link-netnsid ID
.BR " }"
.RB "[ " state " { " auto " | " enable " | " disable " } ]"
.RB "[ " trust " { " on " | " off " } ] ]"
.in -9
.RB "[ " master
.RB "[ " nomaster " ]"
.RB "[ " addrgenmode " { " eui64 " | " none " | " stable_secret " | " random " } ]"
.ti -8
.B ip link show
.RI "[ " DEVICE " | "
.B group
.IR GROUP " | "
.BR up " | "
.IR GROUP " ] ["
.BR up " ] ["
.B master
.IR DEVICE " | "
.IR DEVICE " ] ["
.B type
.IR TYPE " ]"
......@@ -494,15 +491,15 @@ are entered into the VXLAN device forwarding database.
.I [no]udpcsum
- specifies if UDP checksum is filled in
- specifies if UDP checksum is calculated for transmitted packets over IPv4.
.I [no]udp6zerocsumtx
- specifies if UDP checksum is filled in
- skip UDP checksum calculation for transmitted packets over IPv6.
.I [no]udp6zerocsumrx
- specifies if UDP checksum is received
- allow incoming UDP packets over IPv6 with zero checksum field.
.BI ageing " SECONDS"
......@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ ip-monitor, rtmon \- state monitoring
.ad l
.in +8
.ti -8
.BR "ip " " [ "
.IR ip-OPTIONS " ]"
.BR "monitor" " [ " all " |"
.BR "ip monitor" " [ " all " |"
.BI file " FILENAME "
] [
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ip-mroute \- multicast routing cache management
.ad l
.in +8
.ti -8
.BR "ip " " [ ip-OPTIONS ] " "mroute show" " [ [ "
.BR "ip mroute show" " [ [ "
.BR " to " " ] "
.IR PREFIX " ] [ "
.B from
......@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ ip-neighbour \- neighbour/arp tables management.
.IR ADDR " [ "
.B lladdr
.IR LLADDR " ] [ "
.BR nud " { " permanent " | " noarp " | " stale " | " reachable " } ] | " proxy
.B nud
.IR STATE " ] |"
.B proxy
.IR ADDR " } [ "
.B dev
.IR DEV " ]"
......@@ -31,6 +33,10 @@ ip-neighbour \- neighbour/arp tables management.
.B nud
.IR STATE " ]"
.ti -8
.IR STATE " := {"
.BR permanent " | " noarp " | " stale " | " reachable " | " none " |"
.BR incomplete " | " delay " | " probe " | " failed " }"
......@@ -75,12 +81,13 @@ can also be
.BR "null" .
.BI nud " NUD_STATE"
.BI nud " STATE"
the state of the neighbour entry.
.B nud
is an abbreviation for 'Neighbour Unreachability Detection'.
The state can take one of the following values:
.B permanent
the neighbour entry is valid forever and can be only
......@@ -100,6 +107,24 @@ This option to
.B ip neigh
does not change the neighbour state if it was valid and the address
is not changed by this command.
.B none
this is a pseudo state used when initially creating a neighbour entry or after
trying to remove it before it becomes free to do so.
.B incomplete
the neighbour entry has not (yet) been validated/resolved.
.B delay
neighbor entry validation is currently delayed.
.B probe
neighbor is being probed.
.B failed
max number of probes exceeded without success, neighbor validation has
ultimately failed.
......@@ -147,7 +172,7 @@ list neighbour proxies.
only list neighbours which are not currently in use.
.BI nud " NUD_STATE"
.BI nud " STATE"
only list neighbour entries in this state.
takes values listed below or the special value
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ ip-netns \- process network namespace management
.BR help " }"
.ti -8
.BR "ip netns" " { " list " } "
.BR "ip netns" " [ " list " ]"
.ti -8
.B ip netns add
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ ip-netns \- process network namespace management
.RI "[ " NETNSNAME " ]"
.ti -8
.BR "ip netns" " { " set " } "
.B ip netns set
.ti -8
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ip-ntable - neighbour table configuration
.ti -8
.B ip
.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
.B address
.B ntable
.RI " { " COMMAND " | "
.BR help " }"
......@@ -17,34 +17,39 @@ ip-ntable - neighbour table configuration
.BR "ip ntable change name"
.IR NAME " [ "
.B dev
.ti -8
.IR PARMS " := { "
.IR DEV " ] ["
.B thresh1
.IR VAL " | "
.IR VAL " ] ["
.B thresh2
.IR VAL " | "
.IR VAL " ] ["
.B thresh3
.IR VAL " | "
.IR VAL " ] ["
.B gc_int
.IR MSEC " | "
.IR MSEC " ] ["
.B base_reachable
.IR MSEC " | "
.IR MSEC " ] ["
.B retrans
.IR MSEC " | " "gc_stale MSEC " " | "
.IR MSEC " ] ["
.B gc_stale
.IR MSEC " ] ["
.B delay_probe
.IR MSEC " | " "queue LEN " " | "
.IR MSEC " ] ["
.B queue
.IR LEN " ] ["
.B app_probs
.IR VAL " | "
.IR VAL " ] ["
.B ucast_probes
.IR VAL " | " "mcast_probes VAL " " | "
.IR VAL " ] ["
.B mcast_probes
.IR VAL " ] ["
.B anycast_delay
.IR MSEC " | "
.IR MSEC " ] ["
.B proxy_delay
.IR MSEC " | " "proxy_queue LEN " " | "
.IR MSEC " ] ["
.B proxy_queue
.IR LEN " ] ["
.B locktime
.IR MSEC " }"
.IR MSEC " ]"
.ti -8
.BR "ip ntable show" " [ "
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ ip-route \- routing table management
.ti -8
.BR "ip route" " { "
.BR list " | " flush " } "
.BR show " | " flush " } "
.ti -8
......@@ -9,20 +9,26 @@ ip-rule \- routing policy database management
.B ip
.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
.B rule
.RI " { " COMMAND " | "
.RI "{ " COMMAND " | "
.BR help " }"
.ti -8
.B ip rule
.RB " [ " list " | " add " | " del " | " flush " | " save " ]"
.RB "[ " list " ]"
.ti -8
.B ip rule
.RB "{ " add " | " del " }"
.ti -8
.B ip rule " restore "
.B ip rule
.RB "{ " flush " | " save " | " restore " }"
.ti -8
.IR SELECTOR " := [ "
.BR not " ] ["
.B from
.IR PREFIX " ] [ "
.B to
......@@ -30,7 +36,7 @@ ip-rule \- routing policy database management
.B tos
.IR TOS " ] [ "
.B fwmark
.IR FWMARK[/MASK] " ] [ "
.IR FWMARK\fR[\fB/\fIMASK "] ] [ "
.B iif
.IR STRING " ] [ "
.B oif
......@@ -45,8 +51,9 @@ ip-rule \- routing policy database management
.B nat
.IR ADDRESS " ] [ "
.B realms
.RI "[" SRCREALM "\fB/\fR]" DSTREALM " ] ["
.B goto
.ti -8
......@@ -111,8 +118,6 @@ The
.B local
table is a special routing table containing
high priority control routes for local and broadcast addresses.
Rule 0 is special. It cannot be deleted or overridden.
......@@ -7,23 +7,23 @@ ip-token \- tokenized interface identifier support
.in +8
.ti -8
.B ip token
.RI " { " COMMAND " | "
.RI "{ " COMMAND " | "
.BR help " }"
.ti -8
.BR "ip token" " { " set " } "
.B ip token set
.B dev
.ti -8
.BR "ip token" " { " get " } "
.B dev
.B ip token get
.RB "[ " dev
.IR DEV " ]"
.ti -8
.BR "ip token" " { " list " }"
.BR "ip token" " [ " list " ]"
IPv6 tokenized interface identifier support is used for assigning well-known
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ip-tunnel - tunnel configuration
.ti -8
.BR "ip "
.RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
.BR "tunnel" " { " add " | " change " | " del " | " show " | " prl " }"
.BR "tunnel" " { " add " | " change " | " del " | " show " | " prl " | " 6rd " }"
.RI "[ " NAME " ]"
.RB "[ " mode
......@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ ip-tunnel - tunnel configuration
.B prl-delete
.IR ADDR " ]"
.RB "[ " 6rd-prefix
.IR ADDR " ] ["
.B 6rd-relay_prefix
.IR ADDR " ] [
.BR 6rd-reset " ]"
.RB "[ [" no "]" pmtudisc " ]"
.RB "[ " dev
......@@ -75,9 +81,6 @@ ip-tunnel - tunnel configuration
.ti -8
.IR KEY " := { " DOTTED_QUAD " | " NUMBER " }"
.ti -8
.IR TIME " := " NUMBER "[s|ms]"
.B tunnel
objects are tunnels, encapsulating packets in IP packets and then
......@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ ip-xfrm \- transform configuration
.IR ADDR "[/" PLEN "] ]"
.RB "[ " ctx
.IR CTX " ]"
.RB "[ " extra-flag
.ti -8
.B "ip xfrm state allocspi"
......@@ -195,6 +197,13 @@ ip-xfrm \- transform configuration
.RB "{ " espinudp " | " espinudp-nonike " }"
.ti -8
.ti -8
.B dont-encap-dscp
.ti -8
.BR "ip xfrm policy" " { " add " | " update " }"
......@@ -247,6 +256,8 @@ ip-xfrm \- transform configuration
.RB "[ " priority
.RB "[ " flag
.ti -8
.B "ip xfrm policy flush"
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ ip \- show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels
.IR OBJECT " := { "
.BR link " | " address " | " addrlabel " | " route " | " rule " | " neigh " | "\
ntable " | " tunnel " | " tuntap " | " maddress " | " mroute " | " mrule " | "\
monitor " | " xfrm " | " netns " | " l2tp " | " tcp_metrics " }"
monitor " | " xfrm " | " netns " | " l2tp " | " tcp_metrics " | " token " }"
.ti -8
......@@ -29,10 +29,22 @@ ip \- show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels
\fB\-V\fR[\fIersion\fR] |
\fB\-h\fR[\fIuman-readable\fR] |
\fB\-s\fR[\fItatistics\fR] |
\fB\-d\fR[\fIetails\fR] |
\fB\-r\fR[\fIesolve\fR] |
\fB\-iec\fR |
\fB\-f\fR[\fIamily\fR] {
.BR inet " | " inet6 " | " ipx " | " dnet " | " link " } | "
\fB-4\fR |
\fB-6\fR |
\fB-I\fR |
\fB-D\fR |
\fB-B\fR |
\fB-0\fR |
\fB-l\fR[\fIoops\fR] { \fBmaximum-addr-flush-attempts\fR } |
\fB\-o\fR[\fIneline\fR] |
\fB\-rc\fR[\fIvbuf\fR] [\fBsize\fR] |
\fB\-t\fR[\fIimestamp\fR] |
\fB\-ts\fR[\fIhort\fR] |
\fB\-n\fR[\fIetns\fR] name |
\fB\-a\fR[\fIll\fR] |
\fB\-c\fR[\fIolor\fR] }
......@@ -179,6 +191,16 @@ Use color output.
.BR "\-t" , " \-timestamp"
display current time when using monitor option.
.BR "\-ts" , " \-tshort"
.BR \-timestamp ,
but use shorter format.
.BR "\-rc" , " \-rcvbuf" <SIZE>
Set the netlink socket receive buffer size, defaults to 1MB.
......@@ -240,6 +262,10 @@ display current time when using monitor option.
.B tcp_metrics/tcpmetrics
- manage TCP Metrics
.B token
- manage tokenized interface identifiers.
.B tunnel
- tunnel over IP.
......@@ -305,6 +331,7 @@ was written by Alexey N. Kuznetsov and added in Linux 2.2.
.BR ip-route (8),
.BR ip-rule (8),
.BR ip-tcp_metrics (8),
.BR ip-token (8),
.BR ip-tunnel (8),
.BR ip-xfrm (8)
.TH "Connmark retriever action in tc" 8 "11 Jan 2016" "iproute2" "Linux"
connmark - netfilter connmark retriever action
.in +8
.ti -8
.BR tc " ... " "action connmark " [ " zone"
.IR u16_zone_index " ] [ " BRANCH " ] ["
.BI index " u32_index "
.ti -8
.IR BRANCH " := { " reclassify " | " pipe " | " drop " | " continue " | " ok " }"
The connmark action is used to restore the connection's mark value into the
packet's fwmark.
.BI zone " u16_zone_index"
Specify the conntrack zone when doing conntrack lookups for packets.
.I u16_zone_index
is a 16bit unsigned decimal value.
How to continue after executing this action.
.B reclassify
Restarts classification by jumping back to the first filter attached to this
action's parent.
.B pipe
Continue with the next action, this is the default.
.B drop
.B shot
Packet will be dropped without running further actions.
.B continue
Continue classification with next filter in line.
.B pass
Return to calling qdisc for packet processing. This ends the classification
.BI index " u32_index "
Specify an index for this action in order to being able to identify it in later
.I u32_index
is a 32bit unsigned decimal value.
.BR tc (8)
.TH "Checksum action in tc" 8 "11 Jan 2015" "iproute2" "Linux"
csum - checksum update action
.in +8
.ti -8
.BR tc " ... " "action csum"
.ti -8
.IR UPDATE " := " TARGET " [ " UPDATE " ]"
.ti -8
.IR TARGET " := { "
.BR ip4h " |"
.BR icmp " |"
.BR igmp " |"
.BR tcp " |"
.BR udp " |"
.BR udplite " |"
.ti -8
.IR SWEETS " := { "
.BR and " | " or " | " + " }"
.B csum
action triggers checksum recalculation of specified packet headers. It is
commonly used after packet editing using the
.B pedit
action to fix for then incorrect checksums.
Specify which headers to update: IPv4 header
.RB ( ip4h ),
ICMP header
.RB ( icmp ),
IGMP header
.RB ( igmp ),
TCP header
.RB ( tcp ),
UDP header
.RB ( udp ") or"
UDPLite header
.RB ( udplite ).
These are merely syntactic sugar and ignored internally.
.BR tc (8),
.BR tc-pedit (8)
.TH "Mirror/redirect action in tc" 8 "11 Jan 2015" "iproute2" "Linux"
mirred - mirror/redirect action
.in +8
.ti -8
.BR tc " ... " "action mirred"
.RB "[ " index
.IR INDEX " ] "
.ti -8
.IR DIRECTION " := { "
.BR ingress " | " egress " }"
.ti -8
.IR ACTION " := { "
.BR mirror " | " redirect " }"
.B mirred
action allows to redirect or mirror packets to another network interface on the
same system. It is typically used in combination with the
.B ifb
pseudo device to create a shrared instance where QoS happens, but serves well
for debugging or monitoring purposes, too.
.B ingress
.B egress
Specify the direction in which the packet shall appear on the destination
interface. Currently only
.B egress
is implemented.
.B mirror
.B redirect
Define whether the packet should be copied
.RB ( mirror )
or moved
.RB ( redirect )
to the destination interface.
.BI index " INDEX"
Assign a unique ID to this action instead of letting the kernel choose one
is a 32bit unsigned integer greater than zero.
Specify the network interface to redirect or mirror to.
Limit ingress bandwidth on eth0 to 1mbit/s, redirect exceeding traffic to lo for
debugging purposes:
# tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle ffff: ingress
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: u32 \\
match u32 0 0 \\
action police rate 1mbit burst 100k conform-exceed pipe \\
action mirred egress redirect dev lo
Use an
.B ifb
interface to send ingress traffic on eth0 through an instance of
.BR sfq :
# modprobe ifb
# ip link set ifb0 up
# tc qdisc add dev ifb0 root sfq
# tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle ffff: ingress
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: u32 \\
match u32 0 0 \\
action mirred egress redirect dev ifb0
.BR tc (8),
.BR tc-u32 (8)
.TH "NAT action in tc" 8 "12 Jan 2015" "iproute2" "Linux"
nat - stateless native address translation action
.in +8
.ti -8
.BR tc " ... " "action nat"
.ti -8
.IR DIRECTION " := { "
.BR ingress " | " egress " }"
.ti -8
.ti -8
.ti -8
.IR IPV4_ADDR_SPEC " := { "
.BR default " | " any " | " all " | "
.B nat
action allows to perform NAT without the overhead of conntrack, which is
desirable if the number of flows or addresses to perform NAT on is large. This
action is best used in combination with the
.B u32
filter to allow for efficient lookups of a large number of stateless NAT rules
in constant time.
.B ingress
Translate destination addresses, i.e. perform DNAT.
.B egress
Translate source addresses, i.e. perform SNAT.
Specifies addresses which should be translated.
Specifies addresses which
should be translated into.
The accepted address format in
.IR OLD " and " NEW
is quite flexible. It may either consist of one of the keywords
.BR default ", " any " or " all ,
representing the all-zero IP address or a combination of IP address and netmask
or prefix length separated by a slash
.RB ( / )
sign. In any case, the mask (or prefix length) value of
is used for
as well so that a one-to-one mapping of addresses is assured.
Address translation is done using a combination of binary operations. First, the
original (source or destination) address is matched against the value of
If the original address fits, the new address is created by taking the leading
bits from
(defined by the netmask of
and taking the remaining bits from the original address.
There is rudimental support for upper layer protocols, namely TCP, UDP and ICMP.
While for the first two only checksum recalculation is performed, the action
also takes care of embedded IP headers in ICMP packets by translating the
respective address therein, too.
.BR tc (8)
.TH "Generic packet editor action in tc" 8 "12 Jan 2015" "iproute2" "Linux"
pedit - generic packet editor action
.in +8
.ti -8
.BR tc " ... " "action pedit munge " {
.IR RAW_OP " | " LAYERED_OP " } [ " BRANCH " ]"
.ti -8
.IR RAW_OP " := "
.BI offset " OFFSET"
.RB "{ " u8 " | " u16 " | " u32 " } ["
.ti -8
.IR AT_SPEC " := "
.BI at " AT " offmask " MASK " shift " SHIFT"
.ti -8
.IR LAYERED_OP " := { "
.ti -8
.IR IPHDR_FIELD " := { "
.BR src " | " dst " | " tos " | " dsfield " | " ihl " | " protocol " |"
.BR precedence " | " nofrag " | " firstfrag " | " ce " | " df " |"
.BR mf " | " dport " | " sport " | " icmp_type " | " icmp_code " }"
.ti -8
.IR CMD_SPEC " := {"
.BR clear " | " invert " | " set
.IR VAL " | "
.BR preserve " } [ " retain
.IR RVAL " ]"
.ti -8
.IR BRANCH " := {"
.BR reclassify " | " pipe " | " drop " | " shot " | " continue " | " pass " }"
.B pedit
action can be used to change arbitrary packet data. The location of data to
change can either be specified by giving an offset and size as in
or for header values by naming the header and field to edit the size is then
chosen automatically based on the header field size. Currently this is supported
only for IPv4 headers.
.BI offset " OFFSET " "\fR{ \fBu32 \fR| \fBu16 \fR| \fBu8 \fR}"
Specify the offset at which to change data.
is a signed integer, it's base is automatically chosen (e.g. hex if prefixed by
.B 0x
or octal if prefixed by
.BR 0 ).
The second argument specifies the length of data to change, that is four bytes
.RB ( u32 ),
two bytes
.RB ( u16 )
or a single byte
.RB ( u8 ).
.BI at " AT " offmask " MASK " shift " SHIFT"
This is an optional part of
which allows to have a variable
depending on packet data at offset
.IR AT ,
which is binary ANDed with
and right-shifted by
before adding it to
Change an IPv4 header field. The supported keywords for
.B src
.B dst
Source or destination IP address, a four-byte value.
.B tos
.B dsfield
.B precedence
Type Of Service field, an eight-bit value.
.B ihl
Change the IP Header Length field, a four-bit value.
.B protocol
Next-layer Protocol field, an eight-bit value.
.B nofrag
.B firstfrag
.B ce
.B df
.B mf
Change IP header flags. Note that the value to pass to the
.B set
command is not just a bit value, but the full byte including the flags field.
Though only the relevant bits of that value are respected, the rest ignored.
.B dport
.B sport
Destination or source port numbers, a 16-bit value. Indeed, IPv4 headers don't
contain this information. Instead, this will set an offset which suits at least
TCP and UDP if the IP header is of minimum size (20 bytes). If not, this will do
unexpected things.
.B icmp_type
.B icmp_code
Again, this allows to change data past the actual IP header itself. It assumes
an ICMP header is present immediately following the (minimal sized) IP header.
If it is not or the latter is bigger than the minimum of 20 bytes, this will do
unexpected things. These fields are eight-bit values.
.B clear
Clear the addressed data (i.e., set it to zero).
.B invert
Swap every bit in the addressed data.
.BI set " VAL"
Set the addressed data to a specific value. The size of
is defined by either one of the
.BR u32 ", " u16 " or " u8
keywords in
or the size of the addressed header field in
.B preserve
Keep the addressed data as is.
.BI retain " RVAL"
This optional extra part of
allows to exclude bits from being changed.
The following keywords allow to control how the tree of qdisc, classes,
filters and actions is further traversed after this action.
.B reclassify
Restart with the first filter in the current list.
.B pipe
Continue with the next action attached to the same filter.
.B drop
.B shot
Drop the packet.
.B continue
Continue classification with the next filter in line.
.B pass
Finish classification process and return to calling qdisc for further packet
processing. This is the default.
Being able to edit packet data, one could do all kinds of things, such as e.g.
implementing port redirection. Certainly not the most useful application, but
as an example it should do:
First, qdiscs need to be set up to attach filters to. For the receive path, a simple
.B ingress
qdisc will do, for transmit path a classful qdisc
in this case) is necessary:
tc qdisc replace dev eth0 root handle 1: htb
tc qdisc add dev eth0 ingress handle ffff:
Finally, a filter with
.B pedit
action can be added for each direction. In this case,
.B u32
is used matching on the port number to redirect from, while
.B pedit
then does the actual rewriting:
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: u32 \\
match ip dport 23 0xffff \\
action pedit pedit munge ip dport set 22
tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: u32 \\
match ip sport 22 0xffff \\
action pedit pedit munge ip sport set 23
.BR tc (8),
.BR tc-htb (8),
.BR tc-u32 (8)
.TH "Policing action in tc" 8 "20 Jan 2015" "iproute2" "Linux"
police - policing action
.in +8
.ti -8
.BR tc " ... " "action police"
.BI rate " RATE " burst
.IR BYTES [\fB/ BYTES "] ["
.B mtu
.IR BYTES [\fB/ BYTES "] ] ["
.BI peakrate " RATE"
] [
.BI avrate " RATE"
] [
.BI overhead " BYTES"
] [
.BI linklayer " TYPE"
] [
.BI conform-exceed " EXCEEDACT\fR[\fB/\fIEXCEEDACT\fR]"
.ti -8
.IR EXCEEDACT " := { "
.BR pipe " | " ok " | " reclassify " | " drop " | " continue " }"
.B police
action allows to limit bandwidth of traffic matched by the filter it is
attached to.
.BI rate " RATE"
The maximum traffic rate of packets passing this action. Those exceeding it will
be treated as defined by the
.B conform-exceed
.BI burst " BYTES\fR[\fB/\fIBYTES\fR]"
Set the maximum allowed burst in bytes, optionally followed by a slash ('/')
sign and cell size which must be a power of 2.
.BI mtu " BYTES\fR[\fB/\fIBYTES\fR]"
This is the maximum packet size handled by the policer (larger ones will be
handled like they exceeded the configured rate). Setting this value correctly
will improve the scheduler's precision.
Value formatting is identical to
.B burst
above. Defaults to unlimited.
.BI peakrate " RATE"
Set the maximum bucket depletion rate, exceeding
.BR rate .
.BI avrate " RATE"
Make use of an in-kernel bandwidth rate estimator and match the given
against it.
.BI overhead " BYTES"
Account for protocol overhead of encapsulating output devices when computing
.BR rate " and " peakrate .
.BI linklayer " TYPE"
Specify the link layer type.
may be one of
.B ethernet
(the default),
.BR atm " or " adsl
(which are synonyms). It is used to align the precomputed rate tables to ATM
cell sizes, for
.B ethernet
no action is taken.
.BI conform-exceed " EXCEEDACT\fR[\fB/\fIEXCEEDACT\fR]"
Define how to handle packets which exceed (and, if the second
is given, also those who don't), the configured bandwidth limit. Possible values
.IP continue
Don't do anything, just continue with the next action in line.
.IP drop
Drop the packet immediately.
.IP shot
This is a synonym to
.BR drop .
.IP ok
Accept the packet. This is the default for conforming packets.
.IP pass
This is a synonym to
.BR ok .
.IP reclassify
Treat the packet as non-matching to the filter this action is attached to and
continue with the next filter in line (if any). This is the default for
exceeding packets.
.IP pipe
Pass the packet to the next action in line.
A typical application of the police action is to enforce ingress traffic rate
by dropping exceeding packets. Although better done on the sender's side,
especially in scenarios with lack of peer control (e.g. with dial-up providers)
this is often the best one can do in order to keep latencies low under high
load. The following establishes input bandwidth policing to 1mbit/s using the
.B ingress
qdisc and
.B u32
# tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle ffff: ingress
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: u32 \\
match u32 0 0 \\
police rate 1mbit burst 100k
As an action can not live on it's own, there always has to be a filter involved as link between qdisc and action. The example above uses
.B u32
for that, which is configured to effectively match any packet (passing it to the
.B police
action thereby).
.BR tc (8)
.TH "Simple action in tc" 8 "12 Jan 2015" "iproute2" "Linux"
simple - basic example action
.in +8
.ti -8
.BR tc " ... " "action simple"
This is a pedagogical example rather than an actually useful action. Upon every access, it prints the given
which may be of arbitrary length.
The actual string to print.
The following example makes the kernel yell "Incoming ICMP!" every time it sees
an incoming ICMP on eth0. Steps are:
.IP 1) 4
Add an ingress qdisc point to eth0
.IP 2) 4
Start a chain on ingress of eth0 that first matches ICMP then invokes the
simple action to shout.
.IP 3) 4
display stats and show that no packet has been seen by the action
.IP 4) 4
Send one ping packet to google (expect to receive a response back)
.IP 5) 4
grep the logs to see the logged message
.IP 6) 4
display stats again and observe increment by 1
hadi@noma1:$ tc qdisc add dev eth0 ingress
hadi@noma1:$tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 5 \\
u32 match ip protocol 1 0xff flowid 1:1 action simple "Incoming ICMP"
hadi@noma1:$ sudo tc -s filter ls dev eth0 parent ffff:
filter protocol ip pref 5 u32
filter protocol ip pref 5 u32 fh 800: ht divisor 1
filter protocol ip pref 5 u32 fh 800::800 order 2048 key ht 800 bkt 0 flowid 1:1
match 00010000/00ff0000 at 8
action order 1: Simple <Incoming ICMP>
index 4 ref 1 bind 1 installed 29 sec used 29 sec
Action statistics:
Sent 0 bytes 0 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
hadi@noma1$ ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=1 ttl=53 time=31.3 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 31.316/31.316/31.316/0.000 ms
hadi@noma1$ dmesg | grep simple
[135354.473951] simple: Incoming ICMP_1
hadi@noma1$ sudo tc/tc -s filter ls dev eth0 parent ffff:
filter protocol ip pref 5 u32
filter protocol ip pref 5 u32 fh 800: ht divisor 1
filter protocol ip pref 5 u32 fh 800::800 order 2048 key ht 800 bkt 0 flowid 1:1
match 00010000/00ff0000 at 8
action order 1: Simple <Incoming ICMP>
index 4 ref 1 bind 1 installed 206 sec used 67 sec
Action statistics:
Sent 84 bytes 1 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
.BR tc (8)
.TH "SKB editing action in tc" 8 "12 Jan 2015" "iproute2" "Linux"
skbedit - SKB editing action
.in +8
.ti -8
.BR tc " ... " "action skbedit " [ " queue_mapping
.B priority
.B mark
.IR MARK " ]"
.B skbedit
action allows to change a packet's associated meta data. It complements the
.B pedit
action, which in turn allows to change parts of the packet data itself.
.BI queue_mapping " QUEUE_MAPPING"
Override the packet's transmit queue. Useful when applied to packets transmitted
over MQ-capable network interfaces.
is an unsigned 16bit value in decimal format.
.BI priority " PRIORITY"
Override the packet classification decision.
is either
.BR root ", " none
or a hexadecimal major class ID optionally followed by a colon
.RB ( : )
and a hexadecimal minor class ID.
.BI mark " MARK"
Change the packet's firewall mark value.
is an unsigned 32bit value in automatically detected format (i.e., prefix with
.RB ' 0x '
for hexadecimal interpretation, etc.).
.BR tc (8),
.BR tc-pedit (8)
......@@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ then allows to match various header fields:
.BI src " ADDR"
.BI dst " ADDR"
Compare Source or Destination Address fields against the value of
.TH "VLAN manipulation action in tc" 8 "12 Jan 2015" "iproute2" "Linux"
vlan - vlan manipulation module
.in +8
.ti -8
.BR tc " ... " "action vlan" " { " pop " |"
.IR PUSH " }"
.ti -8
.IR PUSH " := "
.BR push " [ " protocol
.BI id " VLANID"
.B vlan
action allows to perform 802.1Q en- or decapsulation on a packet, reflected by
the two operation modes
.IR POP " and " PUSH .
mode is simple, as no further information is required to just drop the
outer-most VLAN encapsulation. The
mode on the other hand requires at least a
and allows to optionally choose the
to use.
.B pop
Decapsulation mode, no further arguments allowed.
.B push
Encapsulation mode. Requires at least
.B id
.BI id " VLANID"
Specify the VLAN ID to encapsulate into.
is an unsigned 16bit integer, the format is detected automatically (e.g. prefix
.RB ' 0x '
for hexadecimal interpretation, etc.).
.BI protocol " VLANPROTO"
Choose the VLAN protocol to use. At the time of writing, the kernel accepts only
.BR 802.1Q " or " 802.1ad .
.BR tc (8)
.TH "iptables action in tc" 8 "3 Mar 2016" "iproute2" "Linux"
xt - tc iptables action
.in +8
.ti -8
.BR tc " ... " "action xt \-j"
.B xt
action allows to call arbitrary iptables targets for packets matching the filter
this action is attached to.
Perform a jump to the given iptables target, optionally passing any target
specific options in
The following will attach a
.B u32
filter to the
.B ingress
qdisc matching ICMP replies and using the
.B xt
action to make the kernel yell 'PONG' each time:
tc qdisc add dev eth0 ingress
tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: proto ip u32 \\
match ip protocol 1 0xff \\
match ip icmp_type 0 0xff \\
action xt -j LOG --log-prefix PONG
.BR tc (8),
.BR tc-u32 (8),
.BR iptables-extensions (8)
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ static int pedit_debug;
static void
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ... pedit munge <MUNGE>\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ... pedit munge <MUNGE> [<BRANCH>]\n");
"Where: MUNGE := <RAW>|<LAYERED>\n"
"\t<RAW>:= <OFFSETC>[ATC]<CMD>\n "
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ explain(void)
"\t\tCMD:= clear | invert | set <setval>| retain\n "
"\t<LAYERED>:= ip <ipdata> | ip6 <ip6data> \n "
" \t\t| udp <udpdata> | tcp <tcpdata> | icmp <icmpdata> \n"
"\t<BRANCH>:= reclassify | pipe | drop | continue | pass\n"
"For Example usage look at the examples directory\n");
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