Commit 659653c9 authored by Akira Yokosawa's avatar Akira Yokosawa Committed by Jonathan Corbet

docs: pdfdocs: Refactor config for CJK document

To make generated LaTeX code portable across systems with different sets
of available fonts, convert font-availability check in python code to
LaTeX code by using a conditional command provided by the "fontspec"

This will help those who run Sphinx on one machine/container and run
latexmk on other machines/containers.

Remove import of check_output as it is unused any more.
Signed-off-by: default avatarAkira Yokosawa <>
Link: default avatarJonathan Corbet <>
parent bed4ed30
......@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ import sys
import os
import sphinx
from subprocess import check_output
# Get Sphinx version
major, minor, patch = sphinx.version_info[:3]
......@@ -355,12 +353,11 @@ latex_elements = {
# At least one book (translations) may have Asian characters
# with are only displayed if xeCJK is used
# Translations have Asian (CJK) characters which are only displayed if
# xeCJK is used
cjk_cmd = check_output(['fc-list', '--format="%{family[0]}\n"']).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
if cjk_cmd.find("Noto Sans CJK SC") >= 0:
latex_elements['preamble'] += '''
latex_elements['preamble'] += '''
\\IfFontExistsTF{Noto Sans CJK SC}{
% This is needed for translations
\\setCJKmainfont{Noto Sans CJK SC}
......@@ -371,13 +368,12 @@ if cjk_cmd.find("Noto Sans CJK SC") >= 0:
% Inactivate CJK after tableofcontents
latex_elements['preamble'] += '''
}{ % No CJK font found
% Custom macros to on/off CJK (Dummy)
# Fix reference escape troubles with Sphinx 1.4.x
if major == 1:
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