Commit 6b1b2326 authored by Charalampos Mitrodimas's avatar Charalampos Mitrodimas Committed by Miguel Ojeda

rust: sync: `CondVar` rename "wait_list" to "wait_queue_head"

Fields named "wait_list" usually are of type "struct list_head". To
avoid confusion and because it is of type
"Opaque<bindings::wait_queue_head>" we are renaming "wait_list" to
Signed-off-by: default avatarCharalampos Mitrodimas <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarAlice Ryhl <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarMartin Rodriguez Reboredo <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarBenno Lossin <>
Link: default avatarMiguel Ojeda <>
parent c5fed8ce
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ macro_rules! new_condvar {
pub struct CondVar {
pub(crate) wait_list: Opaque<bindings::wait_queue_head>,
pub(crate) wait_queue_head: Opaque<bindings::wait_queue_head>,
/// A condvar needs to be pinned because it contains a [`struct list_head`] that is
/// self-referential, so it cannot be safely moved once it is initialised.
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ pub fn new(name: &'static CStr, key: &'static LockClassKey) -> impl PinInit<Self
_pin: PhantomPinned,
// SAFETY: `slot` is valid while the closure is called and both `name` and `key` have
// static lifetimes so they live indefinitely.
wait_list <- Opaque::ffi_init(|slot| unsafe {
wait_queue_head <- Opaque::ffi_init(|slot| unsafe {
bindings::__init_waitqueue_head(slot, name.as_char_ptr(), key.as_ptr())
......@@ -108,16 +108,20 @@ fn wait_internal<T: ?Sized, B: Backend>(&self, wait_state: u32, guard: &mut Guar
// SAFETY: `wait` points to valid memory.
unsafe { bindings::init_wait(wait.get()) };
// SAFETY: Both `wait` and `wait_list` point to valid memory.
// SAFETY: Both `wait` and `wait_queue_head` point to valid memory.
unsafe {
bindings::prepare_to_wait_exclusive(self.wait_list.get(), wait.get(), wait_state as _)
wait_state as _,
// SAFETY: No arguments, switches to another thread.
guard.do_unlocked(|| unsafe { bindings::schedule() });
// SAFETY: Both `wait` and `wait_list` point to valid memory.
unsafe { bindings::finish_wait(self.wait_list.get(), wait.get()) };
// SAFETY: Both `wait` and `wait_queue_head` point to valid memory.
unsafe { bindings::finish_wait(self.wait_queue_head.get(), wait.get()) };
/// Releases the lock and waits for a notification in uninterruptible mode.
......@@ -144,10 +148,10 @@ pub fn wait_interruptible<T: ?Sized, B: Backend>(&self, guard: &mut Guard<'_, T,
/// Calls the kernel function to notify the appropriate number of threads with the given flags.
fn notify(&self, count: i32, flags: u32) {
// SAFETY: `wait_list` points to valid memory.
// SAFETY: `wait_queue_head` points to valid memory.
unsafe {
flags as _,
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