Commit b376005e authored by Paul E. McKenney's avatar Paul E. McKenney

torture: Print only one summary line per run

The scripts currently duplicates the summary lines, getting
one during the run phase and one during the summary phase of each run.
This commit therefore removes the run phase from consideration so as to
get only one summary line per run.
Signed-off-by: default avatarPaul E. McKenney <>
parent 2bc9062e
......@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ nfailures=0
echo FAILURES: | tee -a $T/log
if test -s "$T/failures"
awk < "$T/failures" -v sq="'" '{ print "echo " sq $0 sq; print "grep Summary: " $2 "/log | sed -e " sq "s/^[^S]*/ /" sq; }' | sh | tee -a $T/log | tee "$T/failuresum"
awk < "$T/failures" -v sq="'" '{ print "echo " sq $0 sq; print "sed -e " sq "1,/^ --- .* Test summary:$/d" sq " " $2 "/log | grep Summary: | sed -e " sq "s/^[^S]*/ /" sq; }' | sh | tee -a $T/log | tee "$T/failuresum"
nfailures="`wc -l "$T/failures" | awk '{ print $1 }'`"
grep "^ Summary: " "$T/failuresum" |
grep -v '^ Summary: Bugs: [0-9]* (all bugs kcsan)$' > "$T/nonkcsan"
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