/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause) */
 * Wave5 series multi-standard codec IP - wave5 register definitions
 * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 CHIPS&MEDIA INC


	W5_INIT_VPU		= 0x0001,
	W5_WAKEUP_VPU		= 0x0002,
	W5_SLEEP_VPU		= 0x0004,
	W5_CREATE_INSTANCE	= 0x0008,       /* queuing command */
	W5_FLUSH_INSTANCE	= 0x0010,
	W5_DESTROY_INSTANCE	= 0x0020,       /* queuing command */
	W5_INIT_SEQ		= 0x0040,       /* queuing command */
	W5_SET_FB		= 0x0080,
	W5_DEC_ENC_PIC		= 0x0100,       /* queuing command */
	W5_ENC_SET_PARAM	= 0x0200,	/* queuing command */
	W5_QUERY		= 0x4000,
	W5_UPDATE_BS		= 0x8000,
	W5_MAX_VPU_COMD		= 0x10000,

enum query_opt {
	GET_BS_RD_PTR		= 5,		/* for decoder */
	GET_BS_WR_PTR		= 6,		/* for encoder */
	GET_SRC_BUF_FLAG	= 7,		/* for encoder */
	SET_BS_RD_PTR		= 8,		/* for decoder */
	GET_DEBUG_INFO		= 0x61,

#define W5_REG_BASE                     0x00000000
#define W5_CMD_REG_BASE                 0x00000100
#define W5_CMD_REG_END                  0x00000200

 * ----
 * Power on configuration
 * PO_DEBUG_MODE    [0]     1 - power on with debug mode
 * USE_PO_CONF      [3]     1 - use power-on-configuration
#define W5_PO_CONF                     (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0000)
#define W5_VCPU_CUR_PC                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0004)
#define W5_VCPU_CUR_LR                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0008)
#define W5_VPU_PDBG_STEP_MASK_V        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x000C)
#define W5_VPU_PDBG_CTRL               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0010) /* v_cpu debugger ctrl register */
#define W5_VPU_PDBG_IDX_REG            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0014) /* v_cpu debugger index register */
#define W5_VPU_PDBG_WDATA_REG          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0018) /* v_cpu debugger write data reg */
#define W5_VPU_PDBG_RDATA_REG          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x001C) /* v_cpu debugger read data reg */

#define W5_VPU_FIO_CTRL_ADDR           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0020)
#define W5_VPU_FIO_DATA                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0024)
#define W5_VPU_VINT_REASON_USR         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0030)
#define W5_VPU_VINT_REASON_CLR         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0034)
#define W5_VPU_HOST_INT_REQ            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0038)
#define W5_VPU_VINT_CLEAR              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x003C)
#define W5_VPU_HINT_CLEAR              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0040)
#define W5_VPU_VPU_INT_STS             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0044)
#define W5_VPU_VINT_ENABLE             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0048)
#define W5_VPU_VINT_REASON             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x004C)
#define W5_VPU_RESET_REQ               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0050)
#define W5_RST_BLOCK_CCLK(_core)       BIT((_core))
#define W5_RST_BLOCK_CCLK_ALL          (0xff)
#define W5_RST_BLOCK_BCLK(_core)       (0x100 << (_core))
#define W5_RST_BLOCK_BCLK_ALL          (0xff00)
#define W5_RST_BLOCK_ACLK(_core)       (0x10000 << (_core))
#define W5_RST_BLOCK_ACLK_ALL          (0xff0000)
#define W5_RST_BLOCK_VCPU_ALL          (0x3f000000)
#define W5_RST_BLOCK_ALL               (0x3fffffff)
#define W5_VPU_RESET_STATUS            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0054)

#define W5_VCPU_RESTART                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0058)
#define W5_VPU_CLK_MASK                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x005C)

 * PAGE SIZE:   [8:0]   0x001 - 4K
 *                      0x002 - 8K
 *                      0x004 - 16K
 *                      ...
 *                      0x100 - 1M
 * REGION ATTR1 [10]    0     - normal
 *                      1     - make bus error for the region
 * REGION ATTR2 [11]    0     - normal
 *                      1     - bypass region
 * REMAP INDEX  [15:12]       - 0 ~ 3
 * ENDIAN       [19:16]       - NOTE: Currently not supported in this driver
 * AXI-ID       [23:20]       - upper AXI-ID
 * BUS_ERROR    [29]    0     - bypass
 *                      1     - make BUS_ERROR for unmapped region
 * BYPASS_ALL   [30]    1     - bypass all
 * ENABLE       [31]    1     - update control register[30:16]
#define W5_VPU_REMAP_CTRL                       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0060)
#define W5_VPU_REMAP_VADDR                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0064)
#define W5_VPU_REMAP_PADDR                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0068)
#define W5_VPU_REMAP_CORE_START                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x006C)
#define W5_VPU_BUSY_STATUS                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0070)
#define W5_VPU_HALT_STATUS                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0074)
#define W5_VPU_VCPU_STATUS                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0078)
#define W5_VPU_RET_PRODUCT_VERSION              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0094)
 * assign vpu_config0          = {conf_map_converter_reg,      // [31]
 * conf_map_converter_sig,         // [30]
 * 8'd0,                        // [29:22]
 * conf_std_switch_en,          // [21]
 * conf_bg_detect,              // [20]
 * conf_3dnr_en,                // [19]
 * conf_one_axi_en,             // [18]
 * conf_sec_axi_en,             // [17]
 * conf_bus_info,               // [16]
 * conf_afbc_en,                // [15]
 * conf_afbc_version_id,        // [14:12]
 * conf_fbc_en,                 // [11]
 * conf_fbc_version_id,         // [10:08]
 * conf_scaler_en,              // [07]
 * conf_scaler_version_id,      // [06:04]
 * conf_bwb_en,                 // [03]
 * 3'd0};                       // [02:00]
#define W5_VPU_RET_VPU_CONFIG0                  (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0098)
 * assign vpu_config1          = {4'd0,                        // [31:28]
 * conf_perf_timer_en,          // [27]
 * conf_multi_core_en,          // [26]
 * conf_gcu_en,                 // [25]
 * conf_cu_report,              // [24]
 * 4'd0,                        // [23:20]
 * conf_vcore_id_3,             // [19]
 * conf_vcore_id_2,             // [18]
 * conf_vcore_id_1,             // [17]
 * conf_vcore_id_0,             // [16]
 * conf_bwb_opt,                // [15]
 * 7'd0,                        // [14:08]
 * conf_cod_std_en_reserved_7,  // [7]
 * conf_cod_std_en_reserved_6,  // [6]
 * conf_cod_std_en_reserved_5,  // [5]
 * conf_cod_std_en_reserved_4,  // [4]
 * conf_cod_std_en_reserved_3,  // [3]
 * conf_cod_std_en_reserved_2,  // [2]
 * conf_cod_std_en_vp9,         // [1]
 * conf_cod_std_en_hevc};       // [0]
 * }
#define W5_VPU_RET_VPU_CONFIG1                  (W5_REG_BASE + 0x009C)

#define W5_VPU_DBG_REG0							(W5_REG_BASE + 0x00f0)
#define W5_VPU_DBG_REG1							(W5_REG_BASE + 0x00f4)
#define W5_VPU_DBG_REG2							(W5_REG_BASE + 0x00f8)
#define W5_VPU_DBG_REG3							(W5_REG_BASE + 0x00fc)

/* PRODUCT INFORMATION                                                  */
#define W5_PRODUCT_NAME                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1040)
#define W5_PRODUCT_NUMBER                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1044)

/* DECODER/ENCODER COMMON                                               */
#define W5_COMMAND                              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0100)
#define W5_COMMAND_OPTION                       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0104)
#define W5_QUERY_OPTION                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0104)
#define W5_RET_SUCCESS                          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0108)
#define W5_RET_FAIL_REASON                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x010C)
#define W5_RET_QUEUE_FAIL_REASON                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0110)
#define W5_CMD_INSTANCE_INFO                    (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0110)

#define W5_RET_QUEUE_STATUS                     (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01E0)
#define W5_RET_BS_EMPTY_INST                    (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01E4)
#define W5_RET_QUEUE_CMD_DONE_INST              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01E8)
#define W5_RET_STAGE0_INSTANCE_INFO             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01EC)
#define W5_RET_STAGE1_INSTANCE_INFO             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01F0)
#define W5_RET_STAGE2_INSTANCE_INFO             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01F4)

#define W5_RET_SEQ_DONE_INSTANCE_INFO           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01FC)

#define W5_BS_OPTION                            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0120)

/* return info when QUERY (GET_RESULT) for en/decoder */
#define W5_RET_VLC_BUF_SIZE                     (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01B0)
/* return info when QUERY (GET_RESULT) for en/decoder */
#define W5_RET_PARAM_BUF_SIZE                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01B4)

/* set when SET_FB for en/decoder */
#define W5_CMD_SET_FB_ADDR_TASK_BUF             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01D4)
#define W5_CMD_SET_FB_TASK_BUF_SIZE             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01D8)
/* INIT_VPU - COMMON                                                    */
/* note: W5_ADDR_CODE_BASE should be aligned to 4KB */
#define W5_ADDR_CODE_BASE                       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0110)
#define W5_CODE_SIZE                            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0114)
#define W5_CODE_PARAM                           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0118)
#define W5_ADDR_TEMP_BASE                       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x011C)
#define W5_TEMP_SIZE                            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0120)
#define W5_HW_OPTION                            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x012C)
#define W5_CMD_INIT_NUM_TASK_BUF		(W5_REG_BASE + 0x0134)
#define W5_CMD_INIT_ADDR_TASK_BUF0		(W5_REG_BASE + 0x0138)
#define W5_CMD_INIT_TASK_BUF_SIZE		(W5_REG_BASE + 0x0178)
#define W5_SEC_AXI_PARAM                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0180)

/* CREATE_INSTANCE - COMMON                                             */
#define W5_ADDR_WORK_BASE                       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0114)
#define W5_WORK_SIZE                            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0118)
#define W5_CMD_DEC_BS_START_ADDR                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x011C)
#define W5_CMD_DEC_BS_SIZE                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0120)
#define W5_CMD_BS_PARAM                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0124)
#define W5_CMD_ADDR_SEC_AXI                     (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0130)
#define W515_CMD_ADDR_SEC_AXI			(W5_REG_BASE + 0x0124)
#define W5_CMD_SEC_AXI_SIZE                     (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0134)
#define W515_CMD_SEC_AXI_SIZE			(W5_REG_BASE + 0x0128)
#define W5_CMD_EXT_ADDR                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0138)
#define W5_CMD_NUM_CQ_DEPTH_M1                  (W5_REG_BASE + 0x013C)
#define W5_CMD_ERR_CONCEAL                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0140)

/* DECODER - INIT_SEQ                                                   */
#define W5_BS_RD_PTR                            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0118)
#define W5_BS_WR_PTR                            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x011C)
/* SET_FRAME_BUF                                                        */
 * 0x01       UPDATE FRAMEBUFFER, just one framebuffer(linear, fbc and mvcol)
#define W5_SFB_OPTION                           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0104)
#define W5_COMMON_PIC_INFO                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0118)
#define W5_PIC_SIZE                             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x011C)
#define W5_SET_FB_NUM                           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0120)
#define W5_EXTRA_PIC_INFO                       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0124)

#define W5_ADDR_LUMA_BASE0                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0134)
#define W5_ADDR_CB_BASE0                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0138)
#define W5_ADDR_CR_BASE0                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x013C)
/* compression offset table for luma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_Y_OFFSET0                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x013C)
/* compression offset table for chroma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_C_OFFSET0                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0140)
#define W5_ADDR_LUMA_BASE1                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0144)
#define W5_ADDR_CB_ADDR1                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0148)
#define W5_ADDR_CR_ADDR1                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x014C)
/* compression offset table for luma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_Y_OFFSET1                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x014C)
/* compression offset table for chroma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_C_OFFSET1                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0150)
#define W5_ADDR_LUMA_BASE2                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0154)
#define W5_ADDR_CB_ADDR2                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0158)
#define W5_ADDR_CR_ADDR2                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x015C)
/* compression offset table for luma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_Y_OFFSET2                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x015C)
/* compression offset table for chroma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_C_OFFSET2                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0160)
#define W5_ADDR_LUMA_BASE3                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0164)
#define W5_ADDR_CB_ADDR3                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0168)
#define W5_ADDR_CR_ADDR3                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x016C)
/* compression offset table for luma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_Y_OFFSET3                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x016C)
/* compression offset table for chroma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_C_OFFSET3                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0170)
#define W5_ADDR_LUMA_BASE4                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0174)
#define W5_ADDR_CB_ADDR4                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0178)
#define W5_ADDR_CR_ADDR4                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x017C)
/* compression offset table for luma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_Y_OFFSET4                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x017C)
/* compression offset table for chroma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_C_OFFSET4                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0180)
#define W5_ADDR_LUMA_BASE5                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0184)
#define W5_ADDR_CB_ADDR5                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0188)
#define W5_ADDR_CR_ADDR5                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x018C)
/* compression offset table for luma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_Y_OFFSET5                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x018C)
/* compression offset table for chroma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_C_OFFSET5                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0190)
#define W5_ADDR_LUMA_BASE6                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0194)
#define W5_ADDR_CB_ADDR6                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0198)
#define W5_ADDR_CR_ADDR6                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x019C)
/* compression offset table for luma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_Y_OFFSET6                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x019C)
/* compression offset table for chroma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_C_OFFSET6                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01A0)
#define W5_ADDR_LUMA_BASE7                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01A4)
#define W5_ADDR_CB_ADDR7                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01A8)
#define W5_ADDR_CR_ADDR7                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01AC)
/* compression offset table for luma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_Y_OFFSET7                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01AC)
/* compression offset table for chroma */
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_C_OFFSET7                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01B0)
#define W5_ADDR_MV_COL0                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01B4)
#define W5_ADDR_MV_COL1                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01B8)
#define W5_ADDR_MV_COL2                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01BC)
#define W5_ADDR_MV_COL3                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01C0)
#define W5_ADDR_MV_COL4                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01C4)
#define W5_ADDR_MV_COL5                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01C8)
#define W5_ADDR_MV_COL6                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01CC)
#define W5_ADDR_MV_COL7                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01D0)

/* CMD_SET_FB_STRIDE [15:0]     - FBC framebuffer stride
 * [31:15]    - linear framebuffer stride
#define W5_CMD_SET_FB_STRIDE                    (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0118)
#define W5_CMD_SET_FB_INDEX                     (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0120)
#define W5_ADDR_LUMA_BASE                       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0134)
#define W5_ADDR_CB_BASE                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0138)
#define W5_ADDR_CR_BASE                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x013C)
#define W5_ADDR_MV_COL                          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0140)
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_Y_BASE                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0144)
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_C_BASE                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0148)
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_Y_OFFSET                    (W5_REG_BASE + 0x014C)
#define W5_ADDR_FBC_C_OFFSET                    (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0150)

/* DECODER - DEC_PIC                                                    */
#define W5_CMD_DEC_VCORE_INFO                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0194)
/* sequence change enable mask register
 * CMD_SEQ_CHANGE_ENABLE_FLAG [5]   profile_idc
 *                            [16]  pic_width/height_in_luma_sample
 *                            [19]  sps_max_dec_pic_buffering, max_num_reorder, max_latency_increase
#define W5_CMD_SEQ_CHANGE_ENABLE_FLAG           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0128)
#define W5_CMD_DEC_USER_MASK                    (W5_REG_BASE + 0x012C)
#define W5_CMD_DEC_TEMPORAL_ID_PLUS1            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0130)
#define W5_CMD_DEC_FORCE_FB_LATENCY_PLUS1       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0134)
#define W5_USE_SEC_AXI                          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0150)

/* DECODER - QUERY : GET_VPU_INFO                                       */
#define W5_RET_FW_VERSION                       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0118)
#define W5_RET_PRODUCT_NAME                     (W5_REG_BASE + 0x011C)
#define W5_RET_PRODUCT_VERSION                  (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0120)
#define W5_RET_STD_DEF0                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0124)
#define W5_RET_STD_DEF1                         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0128)
#define W5_RET_CONF_FEATURE                     (W5_REG_BASE + 0x012C)
#define W5_RET_CONF_DATE                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0130)
#define W5_RET_CONF_REVISION                    (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0134)
#define W5_RET_CONF_TYPE                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0138)
#define W5_RET_PRODUCT_ID                       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x013C)
#define W5_RET_CUSTOMER_ID                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0140)

/* DECODER - QUERY : GET_RESULT                                         */
#define W5_CMD_DEC_ADDR_REPORT_BASE         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0114)
#define W5_CMD_DEC_REPORT_SIZE              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0118)
#define W5_CMD_DEC_REPORT_PARAM             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x011C)

#define W5_RET_DEC_BS_RD_PTR                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x011C)
#define W5_RET_DEC_SEQ_PARAM                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0120)
#define W5_RET_DEC_COLOR_SAMPLE_INFO        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0124)
#define W5_RET_DEC_ASPECT_RATIO             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0128)
#define W5_RET_DEC_BIT_RATE                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x012C)
#define W5_RET_DEC_FRAME_RATE_NR            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0130)
#define W5_RET_DEC_FRAME_RATE_DR            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0134)
#define W5_RET_DEC_NUM_REQUIRED_FB          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0138)
#define W5_RET_DEC_NUM_REORDER_DELAY        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x013C)
#define W5_RET_DEC_SUB_LAYER_INFO           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0140)
#define W5_RET_DEC_NOTIFICATION             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0144)
 * USER_DATA_FLAGS for HEVC/H264 only.
 * Bits:
 * [1] - User data buffer full boolean
 * [2] - VUI parameter flag
 * [4] - Pic_timing SEI flag
 * [5] - 1st user_data_registed_itu_t_t35 prefix SEI flag
 * [6] - user_data_unregistered prefix SEI flag
 * [7] - 1st user_data_registed_itu_t_t35 suffix SEI flag
 * [8] - user_data_unregistered suffix SEI flag
 * [10]- mastering_display_color_volume prefix SEI flag
 * [11]- chroma_resampling_display_color_volume prefix SEI flag
 * [12]- knee_function_info SEI flag
 * [13]- tone_mapping_info prefix SEI flag
 * [14]- film_grain_characteristics_info prefix SEI flag
 * [15]- content_light_level_info prefix SEI flag
 * [16]- color_remapping_info prefix SEI flag
 * [28]- 2nd user_data_registed_itu_t_t35 prefix SEI flag
 * [29]- 3rd user_data_registed_itu_t_t35 prefix SEI flag
 * [30]- 2nd user_data_registed_itu_t_t35 suffix SEI flag
 * [31]- 3rd user_data_registed_itu_t_t35 suffix SEI flag
#define W5_RET_DEC_USERDATA_IDC             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0148)
#define W5_RET_DEC_PIC_SIZE                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x014C)
#define W5_RET_DEC_CROP_TOP_BOTTOM          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0150)
#define W5_RET_DEC_CROP_LEFT_RIGHT          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0154)
 * #define W5_RET_DEC_AU_START_POS             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0158)
 * => Access unit (AU) Bitstream start position
 * #define W5_RET_DEC_AU_END_POS               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x015C)
 * => Access unit (AU) Bitstream end position

 * Decoded picture type:
 * reg_val & 0x7			=> picture type
 * (reg_val >> 4) & 0x3f		=> VCL NAL unit type
 * (reg_val >> 31) & 0x1		=> output_flag
 * 16 << ((reg_val >> 10) & 0x3)	=> ctu_size
#define W5_RET_DEC_PIC_TYPE                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0160)
#define W5_RET_DEC_PIC_POC                  (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0164)
 * #define W5_RET_DEC_RECOVERY_POINT           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0168)
 * => HEVC recovery point
 * reg_val & 0xff => number of signed recovery picture order counts
 * (reg_val >> 16) & 0x1 => exact match flag
 * (reg_val >> 17) & 0x1 => broken link flag
 * (reg_val >> 18) & 0x1 => exist flag
#define W5_RET_DEC_DEBUG_INDEX              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x016C)
#define W5_RET_DEC_DECODED_INDEX            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0170)
#define W5_RET_DEC_DISPLAY_INDEX            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0174)
 * #define W5_RET_DEC_REALLOC_INDEX            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0178)
 * => display picture index in decoded picture buffer
 * reg_val & 0xf => display picture index for FBC buffer (by reordering)
#define W5_RET_DEC_DISP_IDC                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x017C)
 * #define W5_RET_DEC_ERR_CTB_NUM              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0180)
 * => Number of error CTUs
 * reg_val >> 16	=> erroneous CTUs in bitstream
 * reg_val & 0xffff	=> total CTUs in bitstream
 * #define W5_RET_DEC_PIC_PARAM                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01A0)
 * => Bitstream sequence/picture parameter information (AV1 only)
 * reg_val & 0x1 => intrabc tool enable
 * (reg_val >> 1) & 0x1 => screen content tools enable
#define W5_RET_DEC_HOST_CMD_TICK            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01B8)
 * #define W5_RET_DEC_SEEK_START_TICK          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01BC)
 * #define W5_RET_DEC_SEEK_END_TICK            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01C0)
 * => Start and end ticks for seeking slices of the picture
 * #define W5_RET_DEC_PARSING_START_TICK       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01C4)
 * #define W5_RET_DEC_PARSING_END_TICK         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01C8)
 * => Start and end ticks for parsing slices of the picture
 * #define W5_RET_DEC_DECODING_START_TICK      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01CC)
 * => Start tick for decoding slices of the picture
#define W5_RET_DEC_DECODING_ENC_TICK        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01D0)
#define W5_RET_DEC_WARN_INFO                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01D4)
#define W5_RET_DEC_ERR_INFO                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01D8)
#define W5_RET_DEC_DECODING_SUCCESS         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x01DC)

/* DECODER - FLUSH_INSTANCE                                             */
#define W5_CMD_FLUSH_INST_OPT               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x104)

/* DECODER - QUERY : UPDATE_DISP_FLAG                                   */
#define W5_CMD_DEC_SET_DISP_IDC             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0118)
#define W5_CMD_DEC_CLR_DISP_IDC             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x011C)

/* DECODER - QUERY : SET_BS_RD_PTR                                      */
#define W5_RET_QUERY_DEC_SET_BS_RD_PTR      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x011C)

/* DECODER - QUERY : GET_BS_RD_PTR                                      */
#define W5_RET_QUERY_DEC_BS_RD_PTR          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x011C)

/* QUERY : GET_DEBUG_INFO                                               */
#define W5_RET_QUERY_DEBUG_PRI_REASON       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x114)

/* GDI register for debugging                                           */
#define W5_GDI_BASE                         0x8800
#define W5_GDI_BUS_CTRL                     (W5_GDI_BASE + 0x0F0)
#define W5_GDI_BUS_STATUS                   (W5_GDI_BASE + 0x0F4)

#define W5_BACKBONE_BASE_VCPU               0xFE00
#define W5_BACKBONE_BUS_CTRL_VCPU           (W5_BACKBONE_BASE_VCPU + 0x010)
#define W5_BACKBONE_PROG_AXI_ID             (W5_BACKBONE_BASE_VCPU + 0x00C)

#define W5_BACKBONE_AXI_PARAM               (W5_BACKBONE_BASE_VCPU + 0x0E0)

#define W5_BACKBONE_BASE_VCORE0             0x8E00

#define W5_BACKBONE_BASE_VCORE1             0x9E00  /* for dual-core product */

#define W5_COMBINED_BACKBONE_BASE           0xFE00

/*                                                                      */
/*               for  ENCODER                                           */
/*                                                                      */
#define W5_RET_STAGE3_INSTANCE_INFO             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1F8)
/* ENCODER - CREATE_INSTANCE                                            */
/* 0x114 ~ 0x124 : defined above (CREATE_INSTANCE COMMON) */
#define W5_CMD_ENC_VCORE_INFO                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0194)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SRC_OPTIONS                  (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0128)

/* ENCODER - SET_FB                                                     */
#define W5_FBC_STRIDE                           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x128)
#define W5_ADDR_SUB_SAMPLED_FB_BASE             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x12C)
#define W5_SUB_SAMPLED_ONE_FB_SIZE              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x130)

/* ENCODER - ENC_SET_PARAM (COMMON & CHANGE_PARAM)                      */
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_SET_PARAM_OPTION         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x104)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_SET_PARAM_ENABLE         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x118)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_SRC_SIZE                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x11C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_CUSTOM_MAP_ENDIAN        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x120)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_SPS_PARAM                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x124)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_PPS_PARAM                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x128)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_GOP_PARAM                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x12C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_INTRA_PARAM              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x130)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_CONF_WIN_TOP_BOT         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x134)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_CONF_WIN_LEFT_RIGHT      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x138)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_RDO_PARAM                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x13C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_INDEPENDENT_SLICE        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x140)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_DEPENDENT_SLICE          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x144)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_INTRA_REFRESH            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x148)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_INPUT_SRC_PARAM          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x14C)

#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_RC_FRAME_RATE            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x150)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_RC_TARGET_RATE           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x154)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_RC_PARAM                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x158)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_RC_MIN_MAX_QP            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x15C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_RC_BIT_RATIO_LAYER_0_3   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x160)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_RC_BIT_RATIO_LAYER_4_7   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x164)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_RC_INTER_MIN_MAX_QP      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x168)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_RC_WEIGHT_PARAM          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x16C)

#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_ROT_PARAM                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x170)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_NUM_UNITS_IN_TICK        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x174)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_TIME_SCALE               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x178)

#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_CUSTOM_MD_PU04           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x184)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_CUSTOM_MD_PU08           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x188)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_CUSTOM_MD_PU16           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x18C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_CUSTOM_MD_PU32           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x190)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_CUSTOM_MD_CU08           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x194)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_CUSTOM_MD_CU16           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x198)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_CUSTOM_MD_CU32           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x19C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_NR_PARAM                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1A0)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_NR_WEIGHT                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1A4)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_BG_PARAM                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1A8)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_VUI_HRD_PARAM            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x180)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_VUI_RBSP_ADDR            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1B8)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_SEQ_HRD_RBSP_ADDR            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1BC)

/* ENCODER - ENC_SET_PARAM (CUSTOM_GOP)                                 */
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PARAM             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x11C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_0       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x120)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_1       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x124)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_2       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x128)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_3       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x12C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_4       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x130)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_5       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x134)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_6       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x138)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_7       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x13C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_8       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x140)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_9       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x144)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_10      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x148)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_11      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x14C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_12      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x150)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_13      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x154)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_14      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x158)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_CUSTOM_GOP_PIC_PARAM_15      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x15C)

/* ENCODER - ENC_PIC                                                    */
#define W5_CMD_ENC_BS_START_ADDR                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x118)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_BS_SIZE                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x11C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_USE_SEC_AXI              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x124)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_REPORT_PARAM             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x128)

#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_SRC_PIC_IDX              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x144)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_SRC_ADDR_Y               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x148)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_SRC_ADDR_U               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x14C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_SRC_ADDR_V               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x150)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_SRC_STRIDE               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x154)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_SRC_FORMAT               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x158)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_SRC_AXI_SEL              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x160)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_CODE_OPTION              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x164)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_PIC_PARAM                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x168)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_LONGTERM_PIC             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x16C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_WP_PIXEL_SIGMA_Y         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x170)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_WP_PIXEL_SIGMA_C         (W5_REG_BASE + 0x174)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_WP_PIXEL_MEAN_Y          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x178)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_WP_PIXEL_MEAN_C          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x17C)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_PREFIX_SEI_NAL_ADDR       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x180)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_PREFIX_SEI_INFO           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x184)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_SUFFIX_SEI_NAL_ADDR       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x188)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_PIC_SUFFIX_SEI_INFO           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x18c)

/* ENCODER - QUERY (GET_RESULT)                                         */
#define W5_RET_ENC_NUM_REQUIRED_FB              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x11C)
#define W5_RET_ENC_MIN_SRC_BUF_NUM              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x120)
#define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_TYPE                     (W5_REG_BASE + 0x124)
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_POC                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x128)
 * => picture order count value of current encoded picture
#define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_IDX                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x12C)
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_SLICE_NUM                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x130)
 * reg_val & 0xffff = total independent slice segment number (16 bits)
 * (reg_val >> 16) & 0xffff = total dependent slice segment number (16 bits)
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_SKIP                     (W5_REG_BASE + 0x134)
 * reg_val & 0xfe = picture skip flag (7 bits)
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_NUM_INTRA                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x138)
 * => number of intra blocks in 8x8 (32 bits)
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_NUM_MERGE                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x13C)
 * => number of merge blocks in 8x8 (32 bits)
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_NUM_SKIP                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x144)
 * => number of skip blocks in 8x8 (32 bits)
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_AVG_CTU_QP               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x148)
 * => Average CTU QP value (32 bits)
#define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_BYTE                     (W5_REG_BASE + 0x14C)
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_GOP_PIC_IDX                  (W5_REG_BASE + 0x150)
 * => picture index in group of pictures
#define W5_RET_ENC_USED_SRC_IDX                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x154)
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_NUM                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x158)
 * => encoded picture number
#define W5_RET_ENC_VCL_NUT                      (W5_REG_BASE + 0x15C)
 * Only for H264:
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_DIST_LOW                 (W5_REG_BASE + 0x164)
 * => lower 32 bits of the sum of squared difference between source Y picture
 *    and reconstructed Y picture
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PIC_DIST_HIGH                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x168)
 * => upper 32 bits of the sum of squared difference between source Y picture
 *    and reconstructed Y picture

#define W5_RET_ENC_HOST_CMD_TICK                (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1B8)
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PREPARE_START_TICK           (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1BC)
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PREPARE_END_TICK             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1C0)
 * => Start and end ticks for preparing slices of the picture
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PROCESSING_START_TICK        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1C4)
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_PROCESSING_END_TICK          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1C8)
 * => Start and end ticks for processing slices of the picture
 * #define W5_RET_ENC_ENCODING_START_TICK          (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1CC)
 * => Start tick for encoding slices of the picture
#define W5_RET_ENC_ENCODING_END_TICK            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1D0)

#define W5_RET_ENC_WARN_INFO                    (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1D4)
#define W5_RET_ENC_ERR_INFO                     (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1D8)
#define W5_RET_ENC_ENCODING_SUCCESS             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1DC)

/* ENCODER - QUERY (GET_BS_WR_PTR)                                      */
#define W5_RET_ENC_RD_PTR                       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x114)
#define W5_RET_ENC_WR_PTR                       (W5_REG_BASE + 0x118)
#define W5_CMD_ENC_REASON_SEL                   (W5_REG_BASE + 0x11C)

/* ENCODER - QUERY (GET_BW_REPORT)                                      */
#define RET_QUERY_BW_PRP_AXI_READ               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x118)
#define RET_QUERY_BW_PRP_AXI_WRITE              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x11C)
#define RET_QUERY_BW_FBD_Y_AXI_READ             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x120)
#define RET_QUERY_BW_FBC_Y_AXI_WRITE            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x124)
#define RET_QUERY_BW_FBD_C_AXI_READ             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x128)
#define RET_QUERY_BW_FBC_C_AXI_WRITE            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x12C)
#define RET_QUERY_BW_PRI_AXI_READ               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x130)
#define RET_QUERY_BW_PRI_AXI_WRITE              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x134)
#define RET_QUERY_BW_SEC_AXI_READ               (W5_REG_BASE + 0x138)
#define RET_QUERY_BW_SEC_AXI_WRITE              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x13C)
#define RET_QUERY_BW_PROC_AXI_READ              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x140)
#define RET_QUERY_BW_PROC_AXI_WRITE             (W5_REG_BASE + 0x144)
#define RET_QUERY_BW_BWB_AXI_WRITE              (W5_REG_BASE + 0x148)
#define W5_CMD_BW_OPTION                        (W5_REG_BASE + 0x14C)

/* ENCODER - QUERY (GET_SRC_FLAG)                                       */
#define W5_RET_RELEASED_SRC_INSTANCE            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x1EC)

#define W5_ENC_PIC_SUB_FRAME_SYNC_IF            (W5_REG_BASE + 0x0300)

#endif /* __WAVE5_REGISTER_DEFINE_H__ */