King Display KD035G6-54NT 3.5" (320x240 pixels) 24-bit TFT LCD panel

Required properties:
- compatible: should be "kingdisplay,kd035g6-54nt"
- power-supply: See panel-common.txt
- reset-gpios: See panel-common.txt

Optional properties:
- backlight: see panel-common.txt

The generic bindings for the SPI slaves documented in [1] also apply.

The device node can contain one 'port' child node with one child
'endpoint' node, according to the bindings defined in [2]. This
node should describe panel's video bus.

[1]: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/spi/spi-bus.txt
[2]: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/graph.txt


&spi {
	panel@0 {
		compatible = "kingdisplay,kd035g6-54nt";
		reg = <0>;

		spi-max-frequency = <3125000>;

		reset-gpios = <&gpe 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

		backlight = <&backlight>;
		power-supply = <&ldo6>;

		port {
			panel_input: endpoint {
				remote-endpoint = <&panel_output>;