diff --git a/mysql-test/r/order_by.result b/mysql-test/r/order_by.result
index 58f4972d08f6c1f89d41a6cd9b5a1d30e89694b8..076c80035b2598c1509a607af3fe90c3e09db7b1 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/order_by.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/order_by.result
@@ -307,17 +307,17 @@ table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
 t1	range	a	a	9	NULL	8	Using where; Using index
 explain select * from t1 where a = 2 and b >0 order by a desc,b desc;
 table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
-t1	range	a	a	9	NULL	5	Using where; Using index
+t1	range	a	a	9	NULL	4	Using where; Using index
 explain select * from t1 where a = 2 and b is null order by a desc,b desc;
 table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
 t1	ref	a	a	9	const,const	1	Using where; Using index; Using filesort
 explain select * from t1 where a = 2 and (b is null or b > 0) order by a
 desc,b desc;
 table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
-t1	range	a	a	9	NULL	6	Using where; Using index
+t1	range	a	a	9	NULL	5	Using where; Using index
 explain select * from t1 where a = 2 and b > 0 order by a desc,b desc;
 table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
-t1	range	a	a	9	NULL	5	Using where; Using index
+t1	range	a	a	9	NULL	4	Using where; Using index
 explain select * from t1 where a = 2 and b < 2 order by a desc,b desc;
 table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
 t1	range	a	a	9	NULL	2	Using where; Using index
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/range.result b/mysql-test/r/range.result
index 2bd80cbfba3a08ae450048ba004bdef91d0901ef..689870095983f499d5eda3a8b49b3817d4699c20 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/range.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/range.result
@@ -273,3 +273,20 @@ table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
 t2	ref	j1	j1	4	const	1	Using where; Using index
 t1	ALL	i2	NULL	NULL	NULL	4	Range checked for each record (index map: 2)
 DROP TABLE t1,t2;
+a int(11) default NULL,
+b int(11) default NULL,
+KEY a (a),
+KEY b (b)
+table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
+t1	range	a,b	a	5	NULL	2	Using where
+SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a IN(1,2) AND b=5;
+a	b
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/select.result b/mysql-test/r/select.result
index 09a4ffdb88b2644be8c4897ebf6bc1027b6e37d0..9cc5ad76ff00f3c4cc9b43094a67214ee9e19137 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/select.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/select.result
@@ -2136,10 +2136,10 @@ a	a	a
 select * from (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) inner join t1 on t1.a>1;
 a	a	a
 1	1	2
-2	2	2
-3	3	2
 1	1	3
+2	2	2
 2	2	3
+3	3	2
 3	3	3
 select * from t1 inner join (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) on t1.a>1;
 a	a	a
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/range.test b/mysql-test/t/range.test
index 75ca0fff5f2f57b1a8674c2bfcaca3c076436426..a8b7679457b278d022147eaee22161f101ab471d 100644
--- a/mysql-test/t/range.test
+++ b/mysql-test/t/range.test
@@ -214,3 +214,26 @@ explain select * from t1, t2 where (t1.key1 <t2.keya + 1) and t2.keya=3;
 explain select * from t1 force index(i2), t2 where (t1.key1 <t2.keya + 1) and t2.keya=3;
 DROP TABLE t1,t2;
+# bug #1724: use RANGE on more selective column instead of REF on less
+# selective
+  a int(11) default NULL,
+  b int(11) default NULL,
+  KEY a (a),
+  KEY b (b)
+SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a IN(1,2) AND b=5;
+# we expect that optimizer will choose key on A
diff --git a/sql/sql_select.cc b/sql/sql_select.cc
index 55813378b9c62cc3c570de968dcdf1c65cb0f97d..740b0470fdc75044f008342567f7390a45b9c9c0 100644
--- a/sql/sql_select.cc
+++ b/sql/sql_select.cc
@@ -2145,8 +2145,6 @@ find_best(JOIN *join,table_map rest_tables,uint idx,double record_count,
 	  !(s->table->force_index && best_key))
       {						// Check full join
         ha_rows rnd_records= s->found_records;
-        /* Estimate cost of reading table. */
-        tmp= s->table->file->scan_time();
           If there is a restriction on the table, assume that 25% of the
           rows can be skipped on next part.
@@ -2156,36 +2154,57 @@ find_best(JOIN *join,table_map rest_tables,uint idx,double record_count,
         if (found_constraint)
           rnd_records-= rnd_records/4;
-        if (s->on_expr)                         // Can't use join cache
+        /*
+          Range optimizer never proposes a RANGE if it isn't better
+          than FULL: so if RANGE is present, it's always preferred to FULL.
+          Here we estimate its cost.
+        */
+        if (s->quick)
+          /*
+            For each record we:
+             - read record range through 'quick'
+             - skip rows which does not satisfy WHERE constraints
+           */
           tmp= record_count *
-               /* We have to read the whole table for each record */
-               (tmp +     
-               /*
-                 And we have to skip rows which does not satisfy join
-                 condition for each record.
-               */
-               (s->records - rnd_records)/(double) TIME_FOR_COMPARE);
+               (s->quick->read_time +
+               (s->found_records - rnd_records)/(double) TIME_FOR_COMPARE);
-          /* We read the table as many times as join buffer becomes full. */
-          tmp*= (1.0 + floor((double) cache_record_length(join,idx) *
-                             record_count /
-                             (double) thd->variables.join_buff_size));
-          /* 
-            We don't make full cartesian product between rows in the scanned
-            table and existing records because we skip all rows from the
-            scanned table, which does not satisfy join condition when 
-            we read the table (see flush_cached_records for details). Here we
-            take into account cost to read and skip these records.
-          */
-          tmp+= (s->records - rnd_records)/(double) TIME_FOR_COMPARE;
+          /* Estimate cost of reading table. */
+          tmp= s->table->file->scan_time();
+          if (s->on_expr)                         // Can't use join cache
+          {
+            /*
+              For each record we have to:
+              - read the whole table record 
+              - skip rows which does not satisfy join condition
+            */
+            tmp= record_count *
+                 (tmp +     
+                 (s->records - rnd_records)/(double) TIME_FOR_COMPARE);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            /* We read the table as many times as join buffer becomes full. */
+            tmp*= (1.0 + floor((double) cache_record_length(join,idx) *
+                               record_count /
+                               (double) thd->variables.join_buff_size));
+            /* 
+              We don't make full cartesian product between rows in the scanned
+              table and existing records because we skip all rows from the
+              scanned table, which does not satisfy join condition when 
+              we read the table (see flush_cached_records for details). Here we
+              take into account cost to read and skip these records.
+            */
+            tmp+= (s->records - rnd_records)/(double) TIME_FOR_COMPARE;
+          }
           We estimate the cost of evaluating WHERE clause for found records
-          as record_count * rnd_records + TIME_FOR_COMPARE. This cost plus
+          as record_count * rnd_records / TIME_FOR_COMPARE. This cost plus
           tmp give us total cost of using TABLE SCAN
 	if (best == DBL_MAX ||