Commit 189ac2c7 authored by Magnus Svensson's avatar Magnus Svensson

Bug#35482 mysql-test-run have_innodb does not detect external server has Innodb support

parent d266e9d5
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ sub NOT_REQUIRED { return 0; }
# binary is not found
# my $mysql_exe= my_find_bin($basedir,
# ["client", "bin"],
# "mysql", 0);
# "mysql", NOT_REQUIRED);
# NOTE: The function honours MTR_VS_CONFIG environment variable
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ my $opt_retry_failure= 2;
my $opt_strace_client;
our $opt_user;
our $opt_user = "root";
my $opt_valgrind= 0;
my $opt_valgrind_mysqld= 0;
......@@ -906,8 +906,16 @@ sub command_line_setup {
if (using_extern())
# Connect to the running mysqld and find out what it supports
# Run the mysqld to find out what features are available
if ( $opt_comment )
......@@ -1170,11 +1178,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
join(" ", @valgrind_args), "\"");
if ( ! $opt_user )
$opt_user= "root"; # We want to do FLUSH xxx commands
mtr_report("Checking supported features...");
......@@ -1322,6 +1325,50 @@ sub collect_mysqld_features {
sub collect_mysqld_features_from_running_server ()
my $mysql= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysql");
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=%s", $opt_user);
while (my ($option, $value)= each( %opts_extern )) {
mtr_add_arg($args, "--$option=$value");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent"); # Tab separated output
mtr_add_arg($args, "-e '%s'", "use mysql; SHOW VARIABLES");
my $cmd= "$mysql " . join(' ', @$args);
mtr_verbose("cmd: $cmd");
my $list = `$cmd` or
mtr_error("Could not connect to extern server using command: '$cmd'");
foreach my $line (split('\n', $list ))
# Put variables into hash
if ( $line =~ /^([\S]+)[ \t]+(.*?)\r?$/ )
# print "$1=\"$2\"\n";
$mysqld_variables{$1}= $2;
# Parse version
my $version_str= $mysqld_variables{'version'};
if ( $version_str =~ /^([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)/ )
#print "Major: $1 Minor: $2 Build: $3\n";
$mysql_version_id= $1*10000 + $2*100 + $3;
#print "mysql_version_id: $mysql_version_id\n";
mtr_report("MySQL Version $1.$2.$3");
mtr_error("Could not find version of MySQL") unless $mysql_version_id;
sub find_mysqld {
my ($mysqld_basedir)= @_;
......@@ -2218,7 +2265,7 @@ sub create_config_file_for_extern {
socket => '/tmp/mysqld.sock',
port => 3306,
user => 'test',
user => $opt_user,
password => '',
......@@ -4626,9 +4673,6 @@ Options to run test on running server
For example:
./$0 --extern socket=/tmp/mysqld.sock
user=USER User for connection to extern server
socket=PATH Socket for connection to extern server
Options for debugging the product
client-ddd Start mysqltest client in ddd
......@@ -4675,7 +4719,7 @@ Options for valgrind
callgrind Instruct valgrind to use callgrind
Misc options
user=USER User for connecting to mysqld(default: $opt_user)
comment=STR Write STR to the output
notimer Don't show test case execution time
verbose More verbose output(use multiple times for even more)
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