Commit 198b4d60 authored by Yoni Fogel's avatar Yoni Fogel

Refs Tokutek/ft-index#46 Updated comments in dmt.h

parent a5e7b6ac
......@@ -102,16 +102,16 @@ typedef uint32_t node_offset;
* Order Maintenance Tree (DMT)
* Dynamic Order Maintenance Tree (DMT)
* Maintains a collection of totally ordered values, where each value has an integer weight.
* Maintains a collection of totally ordered values, where each value has weight 1.
* A DMT supports variable sized values.
* The DMT is a mutable datatype.
* The Abstraction:
* An DMT is a vector of values, $V$, where $|V|$ is the length of the vector.
* The vector is numbered from $0$ to $|V|-1$.
* Each value has a weight. The weight of the $i$th element is denoted $w(V_i)$.
* We can create a new DMT, which is the empty vector.
......@@ -137,25 +137,19 @@ typedef uint32_t node_offset;
* When looking up a value using a Heaviside function, we get the value and its index.
* We can also split an DMT into two DMTs, splitting the weight of the values evenly.
* Find a value $j$ such that the values to the left of $j$ have about the same total weight as the values to the right of $j$.
* The resulting two DMTs contain the values to the left of $j$ and the values to the right of $j$ respectively.
* All of the values from the original DMT go into one of the new DMTs.
* If the weights of the values don't split exactly evenly, then the implementation has the freedom to choose whether
* the new left DMT or the new right DMT is larger.
* Performance:
* Insertion and deletion should run with $O(\log |V|)$ time and $O(\log |V|)$ calls to the Heaviside function.
* The memory required is O(|V|).
* Usage:
* The dmt is templated by two parameters:
* The dmt is templated by three parameters:
* - dmtdata_t is what will be stored within the dmt. These could be pointers or real data types (ints, structs).
* - dmtdataout_t is what will be returned by find and related functions. By default, it is the same as dmtdata_t, but you can set it to (dmtdata_t *).
* - dmtwriter_t is a class that effectively handles (de)serialization between the value stored in the dmt and outside the dmt.
* To create an dmt which will store "TXNID"s, for example, it is a good idea to typedef the template:
* typedef dmt<TXNID> txnid_dmt_t;
* If you are storing structs, you may want to be able to get a pointer to the data actually stored in the dmt (see find_zero). To do this, use the second template parameter:
* typedef dmt<struct foo, struct foo *> foo_dmt_t;
* typedef dmt<TXNID, TXNID, txnid_writer_t> txnid_dmt_t;
* If you are storing structs (or you want to edit what is stored), you may want to be able to get a pointer to the data actually stored in the dmt (see find_zero). To do this, use the second template parameter:
* typedef dmt<struct foo, struct foo *, foo_writer_t> foo_dmt_t;
namespace dmt_internal {
......@@ -164,6 +158,7 @@ class subtree {
uint32_t m_index;
// The maximum mempool size for a dmt is 2**32-2
static const uint32_t NODE_NULL = UINT32_MAX;
inline void set_to_null(void) {
m_index = NODE_NULL;
......@@ -198,11 +193,12 @@ public:
using namespace toku::dmt_internal;
// Each data type used in a dmt requires a dmt_writer class (allows you to insert/etc with dynamic sized types).
// A dmt_writer can be thought of a (de)serializer
// There is no default implementation.
// A dmtwriter instance handles reading/writing 'dmtdata_t's to/from the dmt.
// The class must implement the following functions:
// The size required in a dmt for the dmtdata_t represented:
// size_t get_size(void) const;
// size_t get_size(void) const;
// Write the dmtdata_t to memory owned by a dmt:
// void write_to(dmtdata_t *const dest) const;
// Constructor (others are allowed, but this one is required)
......@@ -222,8 +218,15 @@ public:
class builder {
void append(const dmtwriter_t &value);
// Create a dmt builder to build a dmt that will have at most n_values values and use
// at most n_value_bytes bytes in the mempool to store values (not counting node or alignment overhead).
void create(uint32_t n_values, uint32_t n_value_bytes);
bool value_length_is_fixed(void);
// Constructs a dmt that contains everything that was append()ed to this builder.
// Destroys this builder and frees associated memory.
void build(dmt<dmtdata_t, dmtdataout_t, dmtwriter_t> *dest);
uint32_t max_values;
......@@ -241,6 +244,9 @@ public:
* Effect: Create a DMT containing values. The number of values is in numvalues.
* Each value is of a fixed (at runtime) length.
* mem contains the values in packed form (no alignment padding)
* Caller retains ownership of mem.
* Requires: this has not been created yet
* Rationale: Normally to insert N values takes O(N lg N) amortized time.
* If the N values are known in advance, are sorted, and
......@@ -257,33 +263,45 @@ public:
* Effect: Creates a copy of an dmt.
* Creates this as the clone.
* Each element is copied directly. If they are pointers, the underlying data is not duplicated.
* Performance: O(n) or the running time of fill_array_with_subtree_values()
* Performance: O(memory) (essentially a memdup)
* The underlying structures are memcpy'd. Only the values themselves are copied (shallow copy)
void clone(const dmt &src);
* Effect: Set the tree to be empty.
* Note: Will not reallocate or resize any memory.
* Note: If this dmt had variable sized elements, it will start tracking again (until it gets values of two different sizes)
* Performance: time=O(1)
void clear(void);
* Effect: Destroy an DMT, freeing all its memory.
* If the values being stored are pointers, their underlying data is not freed. See free_items()
* Those values may be freed before or after calling toku_dmt_destroy.
* If the values being stored are pointers, their underlying data is not freed.
* Those values may be freed before or after calling ::destroy()
* Rationale: Returns no values since free() cannot fail.
* Rationale: Does not free the underlying pointers to reduce complexity.
* Rationale: Does not free the underlying pointers to reduce complexity/maintain abstraction layer
* Performance: time=O(1)
void destroy(void);
* Effect: return |this|.
* Effect: return |this| (number of values stored in this dmt).
* Performance: time=O(1)
uint32_t size(void) const;
* Effect: Serialize all values contained in this dmt into a packed form (no alignment padding).
* We serialized to wb. expected_unpadded_memory is the size of memory reserved in the wbuf
* for serialization. (We assert that serialization requires exactly the expected amount)
* Requires:
* ::prepare_for_serialize() has been called and no non-const functions have been called since.
* This dmt has fixed-length values and is in array form.
* Performance:
* O(memory)
void serialize_values(uint32_t expected_unpadded_memory, struct wbuf *wb) const;
......@@ -486,14 +504,29 @@ public:
int find(const dmtcmp_t &extra, int direction, uint32_t *const value_size, dmtdataout_t *const value, uint32_t *const idxp) const;
* Effect: Return the size (in bytes) of the dmt, as it resides in main memory. If the data stored are pointers, don't include the size of what they all point to.
* Effect: Return the size (in bytes) of the dmt, as it resides in main memory.
* If the data stored are pointers, don't include the size of what they all point to.
* //TODO(leif or yoni): (maybe rename and) return memory footprint instead of allocated size
size_t memory_size(void);
// Returns whether all values in the dmt are known to be the same size.
// Note:
// There are no false positives, but false negatives are allowed.
// A false negative can happen if this dmt had 2 (or more) different size values,
// and then enough were deleted so that all the remaining ones are the same size.
// Once that happens, this dmt will never again return true for this function unless/until
// ::clear() is called
bool value_length_is_fixed(void) const;
// If this dmt is empty, return value is undefined.
// else if value_length_is_fixed() then it returns the fixed length.
// else returns 0
uint32_t get_fixed_length(void) const;
// Preprocesses the dmt so that serialization can happen quickly.
// After this call, serialize_values() can be called but no other mutator function can be called in between.
void prepare_for_serialize(void);
......@@ -544,29 +577,49 @@ private:
struct dmt_tree t;
} d;
// Returns pad bytes per element (for alignment) or 0 if not fixed length.
uint32_t get_fixed_length_alignment_overhead(void) const;
void verify_internal(const subtree &subtree, std::vector<bool> *touched) const;
// Retrieves the node for a given subtree.
// Requires: !subtree.is_null()
dmt_node & get_node(const subtree &subtree) const;
// Retrieves the node at a given offset in the mempool.
dmt_node & get_node(const node_offset offset) const;
uint32_t nweight(const subtree &subtree) const;
// Returns the weight of a subtree rooted at st.
// if st.is_null(), returns 0
// Perf: O(1)
uint32_t nweight(const subtree &st) const;
// Allocates space for a node (in the mempool) and uses the dmtwriter to write the value into the node
node_offset node_malloc_and_set_value(const dmtwriter_t &value);
// Uses the dmtwriter to write a value into node n
void node_set_value(dmt_node *n, const dmtwriter_t &value);
// (mempool-)free the memory for a node
void node_free(const subtree &st);
// Effect: Resizes the mempool (holding the array) if necessary to hold one more item of length: this->value_length
// Requires:
// This dmt is in array form (and thus this->values_same_length)
void maybe_resize_array_for_insert(void);
// Effect: Converts a dmt from array form to tree form.
// Perf: O(n)
// Note: This does not clear the 'this->values_same_size' bit
void convert_to_tree(void);
// Effect: Resizes the mempool holding a tree if necessary. If value==nullptr then it may shrink if overallocated,
// otherwise resize only happens if there is not enough free space for an insert of value
void maybe_resize_tree(const dmtwriter_t * value);
bool will_need_rebalance(const subtree &subtree, const int leftmod, const int rightmod) const;
// Returns true if the tree rooted at st would need rebalance after adding
// leftmod to the left subtree and rightmod to the right subtree
bool will_need_rebalance(const subtree &st, const int leftmod, const int rightmod) const;
void insert_internal(subtree *const subtreep, const dmtwriter_t &value, const uint32_t idx, subtree **const rebalance_subtree);
......@@ -658,8 +711,13 @@ private:
int (*h)(const uint32_t, const dmtdata_t &, const dmtcmp_t &)>
int find_internal_minus(const subtree &subtree, const dmtcmp_t &extra, uint32_t *const value_len, dmtdataout_t *const value, uint32_t *const idxp) const;
// Allocate memory for an array: node_offset[num_idx] from pre-allocated contiguous free space in the mempool.
// If there is not enough space, returns nullptr.
node_offset* alloc_temp_node_offsets(uint32_t num_idxs);
// Returns the aligned size of x.
// If x % ALIGNMENT == 0, returns x
// o.w. returns x + (ALIGNMENT - (x % ALIGNMENT))
uint32_t align(const uint32_t x) const;
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