Commit 46d1b845 authored by Sergey Petrunya's avatar Sergey Petrunya

Better comments

parent deb26989
......@@ -7135,6 +7135,15 @@ double JOIN::get_examined_rows()
@param rem_tables The bitmap of tables to be joined later
@param keyparts The number of key parts to used when joining s
@param ref_keyuse_steps Array of references to keyuses employed to join s
Basic idea: if the WHERE clause has an equality in form
tbl.column= ...
then this condition will have selectivity 1/#distinct_values(tbl.column),
unless the equality was used by ref access. If the equality is used by ref
access, we only get rows that satisfy it, and so its selectivity=1.
......@@ -7302,13 +7311,14 @@ double table_cond_selectivity(JOIN *join, uint idx, JOIN_TAB *s,
uint16 ref_keyuse_steps[MAX_REF_PARTS - 1];
TABLE *table= s->table;
double sel= s->table->cond_selectivity;
double sel;
POSITION *pos= &join->positions[idx];
uint keyparts= 0;
uint found_part_ref_or_null= 0;
if (pos->key != 0)
sel= s->table->cond_selectivity;
A ref access or hash join is used for this table. ref access is created
......@@ -7324,17 +7334,19 @@ double table_cond_selectivity(JOIN *join, uint idx, JOIN_TAB *s,
then selectivity of this equality should not be counted in return value
of this function. This function uses the value of
table->cond_selectivity=selectivity(COND(tbl)) (**)
as a starting point. This value includes selectivity of equality (*). We
should somehow discount it.
Looking at calculate_cond_selectivity_for_table(), one can see that that
value is not necessarily a direct multiplicand in table->cond_selectivity
the value is not necessarily a direct multiplicand in
There are three possible ways to discount
1. There is a range access on t.keypart{i}=const.
(an important special case: multi-keypart ref(const) access)
1. There is a potential range access on t.keypart{i}=const.
(an important special case: the used ref access has a const prefix for
which a range estimate is available)
2. The field has a histogram. field[x]->cond_selectivity has the data.
......@@ -7375,7 +7387,6 @@ double table_cond_selectivity(JOIN *join, uint idx, JOIN_TAB *s,
Go through the "keypart{N}=..." equalities and find those that were
already taken into account in table->cond_selectivity.
while (keyuse->table == table && keyuse->key == key)
if (!(keyuse->used_tables & (rem_tables | table->map)))
......@@ -7400,7 +7411,6 @@ double table_cond_selectivity(JOIN *join, uint idx, JOIN_TAB *s,
if (keyparts > keyuse->keypart)
/* Ok this is the keyuse that will be used for ref access */
......@@ -7449,29 +7459,40 @@ double table_cond_selectivity(JOIN *join, uint idx, JOIN_TAB *s,
If the field f from the table is equal to a field from one the
earlier joined tables then the selectivity of the range conditions
over the field f must be discounted.
psergey: I think this is wrong. Example:
Selectivity and multiple equalities. Consider an example:
## no keys used
select * from t1, t2 where t1.col=t2.col and t2.col<5
Suppose the join order is t1, t2. When equality propagation is used, we
t1: t1.col<5
t2: t2.col<5 // not generated: AND t2.col=t1.col
if we use ref access on table t2, we will not get records for which
when we get to table t2, we will not get records that have "t2.col < 5"
COND(t2) = "t2.col<5"
## a variant with key:
select * from t1, t2 where t1.col=t2.col and t2.col<5 and t2.key=t1.col2
suppose the join order is t1, t2. Attached conditions:
If the field f from the table is equal to a field from one the
earlier joined tables then the selectivity of the range conditions
over the field f must be discounted.
t1: t2.col<3
t2: [t2.col=t1.col] AND t2.col<3
Suppose, we're now looking at selectivity for table t2.
- in case t2 uses full table scan (or quick select): all selectivity is
already accounted for in matching_candidates_in_table(). [YES. CHECKED]
already accounted for in matching_candidates_in_table().
- in case t2 uses ref access
= if the equality is used for ref access, we have already
discounted its selectivity above.
discounted its selectivity above
(However, we have not discounted selectivity of the induced
= if the equality is not used for ref access, we should still count its
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