@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ def mysql func ret 2 0 NO tinyint NULL NULL 3 0 NULL NULL NULL tinyint(1) sele
def mysql func type 4 NULL NO enum 9 27 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('function','aggregate') select,insert,update,references
def mysql general_log argument 6 NULL NO mediumtext 16777215 16777215 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext select,insert,update,references
def mysql general_log command_type 5 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select,insert,update,references
def mysql general_log event_time 1 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 NULL NULL timestamp(6) on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP select,insert,update,references
def mysql general_log event_time 1 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL timestamp on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP select,insert,update,references
def mysql general_log server_id 4 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql general_log thread_id 3 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references
def mysql general_log thread_id 3 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql general_log user_host 2 NULL NO mediumtext 16777215 16777215 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext select,insert,update,references
def mysql help_category help_category_id 1 NULL NO smallint NULL NULL 5 0 NULL NULL NULL smallint(5) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references
def mysql help_category name 2 NULL NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) UNI select,insert,update,references
@@ -110,13 +110,6 @@ def mysql index_stats db_name 1 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_
def mysql index_stats index_name 3 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references
def mysql index_stats prefix_arity 4 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references
def mysql index_stats table_name 2 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references
def mysql ndb_binlog_index deletes 6 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql ndb_binlog_index epoch 3 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references
def mysql ndb_binlog_index File 2 NULL NO varchar 255 255 NULL NULL NULL latin1 latin1_swedish_ci varchar(255) select,insert,update,references
def mysql ndb_binlog_index inserts 4 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql ndb_binlog_index Position 1 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql ndb_binlog_index schemaops 7 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql ndb_binlog_index updates 5 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql plugin dl 2 NO varchar 128 384 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(128) select,insert,update,references
def mysql plugin name 1 NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references
def mysql proc body 11 NULL NO longblob 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL longblob select,insert,update,references
@@ -163,50 +156,6 @@ def mysql servers Server_name 1 NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general
def mysql servers Socket 7 NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) select,insert,update,references
def mysql servers Username 4 NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) select,insert,update,references
def mysql servers Wrapper 8 NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_master_info Bind 18 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references Displays which interface is employed when connecting to the MySQL server
def mysql slave_master_info Connect_retry 9 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references The period (in seconds) that the slave will wait before trying to reconnect to the master.
def mysql slave_master_info Enabled_ssl 10 NULL NO tinyint NULL NULL 3 0 NULL NULL NULL tinyint(1) select,insert,update,references Indicates whether the server supports SSL connections.
def mysql slave_master_info Heartbeat 17 NULL NO float NULL NULL 12 NULL NULL NULL NULL float select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_master_info Host 5 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The host name of the master.
def mysql slave_master_info Ignored_server_ids 19 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The number of server IDs to be ignored, followed by the actual server IDs
def mysql slave_master_info Master_id 1 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_master_info Master_log_name 3 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The name of the master binary log currently being read from the master.
def mysql slave_master_info Master_log_pos 4 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references The master log position of the last read event.
def mysql slave_master_info Number_of_lines 2 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references Number of lines in the file.
def mysql slave_master_info Port 8 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references The network port used to connect to the master.
def mysql slave_master_info Retry_count 21 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references Number of reconnect attempts, to the master, before giving up.
def mysql slave_master_info Ssl_ca 11 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The file used for the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.
def mysql slave_master_info Ssl_capath 12 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The path to the Certificate Authority (CA) certificates.
def mysql slave_master_info Ssl_cert 13 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The name of the SSL certificate file.
def mysql slave_master_info Ssl_cipher 14 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The name of the cipher in use for the SSL connection.
def mysql slave_master_info Ssl_crl 22 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The file used for the Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
def mysql slave_master_info Ssl_crlpath 23 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The path used for Certificate Revocation List (CRL) files
def mysql slave_master_info Ssl_key 15 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The name of the SSL key file.
def mysql slave_master_info Ssl_verify_server_cert 16 NULL NO tinyint NULL NULL 3 0 NULL NULL NULL tinyint(1) select,insert,update,references Whether to verify the server certificate.
def mysql slave_master_info User_name 6 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The user name used to connect to the master.
def mysql slave_master_info User_password 7 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The password used to connect to the master.
def mysql slave_master_info Uuid 20 NULL YES text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The master server uuid.
def mysql slave_relay_log_info Master_id 1 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_relay_log_info Master_log_name 5 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The name of the master binary log file from which the events in the relay log file were read.
def mysql slave_relay_log_info Master_log_pos 6 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references The master log position of the last executed event.
def mysql slave_relay_log_info Number_of_lines 2 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references Number of lines in the file or rows in the table. Used to version table definitions.
def mysql slave_relay_log_info Number_of_workers 8 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_relay_log_info Relay_log_name 3 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references The name of the current relay log file.
def mysql slave_relay_log_info Relay_log_pos 4 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references The relay log position of the last executed event.
def mysql slave_relay_log_info Sql_delay 7 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references The number of seconds that the slave must lag behind the master.
def mysql slave_worker_info Checkpoint_group_bitmap 13 NULL NO blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL blob select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_worker_info Checkpoint_group_size 12 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_worker_info Checkpoint_master_log_name 9 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_worker_info Checkpoint_master_log_pos 10 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_worker_info Checkpoint_relay_log_name 7 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_worker_info Checkpoint_relay_log_pos 8 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_worker_info Checkpoint_seqno 11 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_worker_info Master_id 1 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_worker_info Master_log_name 5 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_worker_info Master_log_pos 6 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_worker_info Relay_log_name 3 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_worker_info Relay_log_pos 4 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql slave_worker_info Worker_id 2 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references
def mysql slow_log db 7 NULL NO varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select,insert,update,references
def mysql slow_log insert_id 9 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references
def mysql slow_log last_insert_id 8 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references
@@ -217,6 +166,7 @@ def mysql slow_log rows_sent 5 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11)
def mysql slow_log server_id 10 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql slow_log sql_text 11 NULL NO mediumtext 16777215 16777215 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext select,insert,update,references
def mysql slow_log start_time 1 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 NULL NULL timestamp(6) on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP select,insert,update,references
def mysql slow_log thread_id 12 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql slow_log user_host 2 NULL NO mediumtext 16777215 16777215 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext select,insert,update,references
def mysql tables_priv Column_priv 8 NO set 31 93 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci set('Select','Insert','Update','References') select,insert,update,references
def mysql tables_priv Db 2 NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references
@@ -267,6 +217,7 @@ def mysql user max_questions 37 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) u
def mysql user max_updates 38 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) unsigned select,insert,update,references
def mysql user max_user_connections 40 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references
def mysql user Password 3 NO char 41 41 NULL NULL NULL latin1 latin1_bin char(41) select,insert,update,references
def mysql user password_expired 43 N NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references
def mysql user plugin 41 NO char 64 64 NULL NULL NULL latin1 latin1_swedish_ci char(64) select,insert,update,references
def mysql user Process_priv 12 N NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references
def mysql user References_priv 15 N NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references
@@ -421,9 +372,9 @@ NULL mysql event originator int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned
NULL mysql func ret tinyint NULL NULL NULL NULL tinyint(1)
3.0000 mysql func dl char 128 384 utf8 utf8_bin char(128)
3.0000 mysql func type enum 9 27 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('function','aggregate')
NULL mysql general_log event_time timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp(6)
NULL mysql general_log event_time timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp
1.0000 mysql general_log user_host mediumtext 16777215 16777215 utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext
NULL mysql general_log thread_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11)