diff --git a/man/tdb_open.3 b/man/tdb_open.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b28c1441e9b6f03273b6cfd954569eacd4d35a8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/tdb_open.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-.\" Process this file with
-.\" groff -man -Tascii foo.1
-.\" Copyright (c) 2007 Tokutek.  All Rights Reserved.
-.TH DB->open 3 "November 2007" Tokutek "TokuDB Programmer's Manual"
-\fB #include <db.h>
-.HP 13
-.BI "int DB->open(DB *" db ,
-.BI "DB_TXN *" txnid ,
-.BI "const char *" file ,
-.BI "const char *" database ,
-.BI "DBTYPE " type ,
-.BI "u_int32_t " flags ,
-.BI "int " mode );
-.B DB->open
-opens the database named by
-.I file
-.I database.
-The database is opened read/write.
-The \fBDB->open\fR operation is expensive.  If possible, open a
-database once, and reuse the \fBDB\fR handle for many operations.
-.IP \fIdb
-A unopened \fBDB\fR handle that was created using \fBdb_create()\fR.
-.IP \fItxnid
-Either \fBNULL\fR or a \fBTXNID\fR.
-.IP \fIfile
-The name of the file that holds the database.  
-.B file
-must be non-\fBNULL\fR.  TokuDB does not currently support in-memory databases.
-.IP \fIdatabase
-If \fBNULL\fR then the file contains only one unnamed database.
-Otherwise \fIdatabase\fR specifies the name of a database stored
-within the file.
-.IP \fItype
-must be set to \fBDB_BTREE\fR.
-.IP \fIflags
-must be zero or the bitwise-or of one or more of the following values:
-.RS 4
-Create the database if it does not exist.  If the database does not
-already exist and \fBDB_CREATE\fR is not specified, then the
-\fBDB->open\fR will fail.
-.IP \fImode
-The mode (see \fBchmod\fR(2)) modified by the \fBumask\fR(2), used when a file is created.
-Returns zero on success.  The following non-zero errors can be returned:
-The system discovered deadlock cycle involving this and other transactions.
-This operation was killed.
-In an environment configured for lock timeouts, the system was unable to grant a lock within the allowed time.
-The file or directory does not exist.
-You passed invalid parameters to this operation.  In many cases
-is not a very helpful error code, indicating only that you did something wrong.
-The TokuDB embedded database provides a subset of the functionality of
-the Berkeley DB.  Programs that work with TokuDB probably work with
-with most versions of Berkeley DB with only recompilation or
-relinking.  The database files are incompatible, however, so to
-convert from one library to the other you would need to dump the
-database with one library's tool and load it with the other's.
-Restrictions: At most a few thousand databases per file.
-Tokutek, Inc.
-Copyright (c) 2007 Tokutek.  All Rights Reserved.