Commit 50402678 authored by unknown's avatar unknown


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parents 1a84e1f6 7891eb76
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ sub collect_test_cases ($) {
# Disable some tests listed in disabled.def
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my %disabled;
if ( open(DISABLED, "$testdir/disabled.def" ) )
if ( ! $::opt_ignore_disabled_def and open(DISABLED, "$testdir/disabled.def" ) )
while ( <DISABLED> )
......@@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ sub collect_one_test_case($$$$$$$) {
my $disabled_file= "$testdir/$tname.disabled";
my $im_opt_file= "$testdir/$tname-im.opt";
$tinfo->{'master_opt'}= $::glob_win32 ? ["--default-time-zone=+3:00"] : [];
$tinfo->{'slave_opt'}= $::glob_win32 ? ["--default-time-zone=+3:00"] : [];
$tinfo->{'master_opt'}= [];
$tinfo->{'slave_opt'}= [];
$tinfo->{'slave_mi'}= [];
if ( -f $master_opt_file )
......@@ -306,7 +306,6 @@ sub collect_one_test_case($$$$$$$) {
if ( defined $value )
$tinfo->{'timezone'}= $value;
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1 if $::glob_win32; # FIXME server unsets TZ
......@@ -185,39 +185,57 @@ sub mtr_report_stats ($) {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# If a debug run, there might be interesting information inside
# the "var/log/*.err" files. We save this info in "var/log/warnings"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $::glob_use_running_server )
# Save and report if there was any fatal warnings/errors in err logs
# Report if there was any fatal warnings/errors in the log files
# Remove some non fatal warnings from the log files
my $warnlog= "$::opt_vardir/log/warnings";
# FIXME what is going on ????? ;-)
# sed -e 's!Warning: Table:.* on delete!!g' -e 's!Warning: Setting lower_case_table_names=2!!g' -e 's!Warning: One can only use the --user.*root!!g' \
# var/log/*.err \
# | sed -e 's!Warning: Table:.* on rename!!g' \
# > var/log/warnings.tmp;
# found_error=0;
# # Find errors
# for i in "^Warning:" "^Error:" "^==.* at 0x"
# do
# if ( $GREP "$i" var/log/warnings.tmp >> var/log/warnings )
# {
# found_error=1
# }
# done
# unlink("$::opt_vardir/log/warnings.tmp");
# if ( $found_error= "1" )
# {
# print "WARNING: Got errors/warnings while running tests. Please examine\n"
# print "$::opt_vardir/log/warnings for details.\n"
# }
# }
unless ( open(WARN, ">$warnlog") )
mtr_warning("can't write to the file \"$warnlog\": $!");
my $found_problems= 0; # Some warnings are errors...
# We report different types of problems in order
foreach my $pattern ( "^Warning:", "^Error:", "^==.* at 0x" )
foreach my $errlog ( sort glob("$::opt_vardir/log/*.err") )
unless ( open(ERR, $errlog) )
mtr_warning("can't read $errlog");
while ( <ERR> )
# Skip some non fatal warnings from the log files
if ( /Warning:\s+Table:.* on (delete|rename)/ or
/Warning:\s+Setting lower_case_table_names=2/ or
/Warning:\s+One can only use the --user.*root/ )
next; # Skip these lines
if ( /$pattern/ )
$found_problems= 1;
print WARN $_;
if ( $found_problems )
mtr_warning("Got errors/warnings while running tests, please examine",
"\"$warnlog\" for details.");
print "\n";
......@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ our $path_client_bindir;
our $path_language;
our $path_timefile;
our $path_manager_log; # Used by mysqldadmin
our $path_slave_load_tmpdir; # What is this?!
our $path_mysqltest_log;
our $path_my_basedir;
our $opt_vardir; # A path but set directly on cmd line
......@@ -470,6 +471,9 @@ sub initial_setup () {
$glob_basedir= dirname($glob_mysql_test_dir);
$glob_mysql_bench_dir= "$glob_basedir/mysql-bench"; # FIXME make configurable
# needs to be same length to test logging (FIXME what???)
$path_slave_load_tmpdir= "../../var/tmp";
$opt_source_dist ? $glob_mysql_test_dir : $glob_basedir;
......@@ -666,6 +670,7 @@ sub command_line_setup () {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$opt_tmpdir= "$opt_vardir/tmp" unless $opt_tmpdir;
$opt_tmpdir =~ s,/+$,,; # Remove ending slash if any
# FIXME maybe not needed?
$path_manager_log= "$opt_vardir/log/manager.log"
unless $path_manager_log;
......@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ BASE=$BASE2
if [ x"@GXX@" = x"yes" ] ; then
gcclib=`@CC@ --print-libgcc-file`
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
print "Warning: Couldn't find libgcc.a!"
echo "Warning: Couldn't find libgcc.a!"
$CP $gcclib $BASE/lib/libmygcc.a
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