Commit 5fe76b20 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Merge constraint tests with "ignoring constarint tests"

for column,table and named constarints. Now constraint test produces
exactly one line in report, with "yes","no" or syntax only".

add /odbc to server-version if benchmark/crash-me works over odbc

  merge constraint tests with "ignoring constarint tests"
  for column,table and named constarints. Now constraint test produces
  exactly one line in report, with "yes","no" or syntax only".
  add /odbc to server-version if benchmark/crash-me works over odbc
parent b3975229
# Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -1720,32 +1719,22 @@ if ($limits{'foreign_key'} eq 'yes')
report("Column constraints","constraint_check",
"create table crash_q (a int check (a>0))",
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr");
report("Ignoring column constraints","ignoring_constraint_check",
check_constraint("Column constraints","constraint_check",
"create table crash_q (a int check (a>0))",
"insert into crash_q values(0)",
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr") if ($limits{'constraint_check'} eq 'yes');
report("Table constraints","constraint_check_table",
"create table crash_q (a int ,b int, check (a>b))",
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr");
report("Ignoring table constraints","ignoring_constraint_check_table",
check_constraint("Table constraints","constraint_check_table",
"create table crash_q (a int ,b int, check (a>b))",
"insert into crash_q values(0,0)",
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr") if ($limits{'constraint_check_table'} eq 'yes');
report("Named constraints","constraint_check_named",
"create table crash_q (a int ,b int, constraint abc check (a>b))",
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr");
report("Ignoring named constraints","ignoring_constraint_check_named",
check_constraint("Named constraints","constraint_check_named",
"create table crash_q (a int ,b int, constraint abc check (a>b))",
"insert into crash_q values(0,0)",
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr") if ($limits{'constraint_check_named'} eq 'yes');
"drop table crash_q $drop_attr");
report("NULL constraint (SyBase style)","constraint_null",
"create table crash_q (a int null)",
......@@ -2236,6 +2225,29 @@ sub check_parenthesis {
sub check_constraint {
my $prompt = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $create = shift;
my $check = shift;
my $drop = shift;
print "$prompt=";
my $res = 'no';
if ( ($t=safe_query($create)) == 1)
if (safe_query($check) == 1)
$res='syntax only';
print "$res\n";
sub usage
print <<EOF;
......@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ sub version
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
......@@ -431,6 +432,8 @@ sub version
{ # Strip pre- and endspace
$tmp =~ s/\s+/ /g; # Remove unnecessary spaces
$tmp .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $tmp;
......@@ -619,6 +622,7 @@ sub new
sub version
my ($version,$dir);
$version = "PostgreSQL version ???";
foreach $dir ($ENV{'PGDATA'},"/usr/local/pgsql/data", "/usr/local/pg/data")
if ($dir && -e "$dir/PG_VERSION")
......@@ -627,11 +631,13 @@ sub version
if ($? == 0)
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return "PostgreSQL $version";
return "PostgreSQL version ???";
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
......@@ -895,6 +901,7 @@ sub new
sub version
my ($version,$dir);
$version="Solid version ??";
foreach $dir ($ENV{'SOLIDDIR'},"/usr/local/solid", "/my/local/solid")
if ($dir && -e "$dir/bin/solcon")
......@@ -903,11 +910,13 @@ sub version
if ($? == 0)
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
return "Solid version ???";
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
sub connect
......@@ -1136,6 +1145,8 @@ sub version
$version="Empress version ???";
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
......@@ -1403,6 +1414,7 @@ sub version
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
......@@ -1647,6 +1659,7 @@ sub version
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
......@@ -1846,7 +1859,9 @@ sub new
sub version
my ($self)=@_;
return "Access 2000"; #DBI/ODBC can't return the server version
my $version="Access 2000";
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version; #DBI/ODBC can't return the server version
sub connect
......@@ -2028,7 +2043,8 @@ sub new
sub version
my ($self)=@_;
my($sth,@row, $version);
$version='MS SQL server ?';
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT \@\@VERSION") or die $DBI::errstr;
$sth->execute or die $DBI::errstr;
......@@ -2036,10 +2052,11 @@ sub version
if ($row[0]) {
@server = split(/\n/,$row[0]);
return "$server[0]";
} else {
return "Microsoft SQL server ?";
$version= "$server[0]";
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
sub connect
......@@ -2232,8 +2249,8 @@ sub version
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
sub connect
......@@ -2466,6 +2483,7 @@ sub version
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
......@@ -2842,6 +2860,7 @@ sub version
$version = $dbh->func(18, GetInfo);
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
......@@ -3041,6 +3060,7 @@ sub version
# $version =~ s/.*version \"(.*)\"$/$1/;
$version = "6.0Beta";
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
......@@ -3246,6 +3266,7 @@ sub version
#$version = $dbh->func(18, GetInfo);
$version="FrontBase 3.3";
# $dbh->disconnect;
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
......@@ -3453,6 +3474,7 @@ sub version
$version .= "/ODBC" if ($self->{'data_source'} =~ /:ODBC:/);
return $version;
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