Commit 6256be6b authored by unknown's avatar unknown


parents 36329aa8 cb2cc4da
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -163,7 +163,103 @@ drop table t1,t2;
drop database other;
# End of test
# Test specific triggers including SELECT into var with replication
# BUG#13227:
# slave performs an update to the replicatable table, t1,
# and modifies its local data, t3, by mean of its local trigger that uses
# another local table t2.
# Expected values are commented into queries.
# Body of the test executes in a loop since the problem occurred randomly.
let $max_rows=5;
let $rnd=10;
--echo test case for BUG#13227
while ($rnd)
--echo -------------------
echo $rnd;
--echo -------------------
connection master;
eval drop table if exists t1$rnd;
connection slave;
eval drop table if exists t2$rnd,t3$rnd;
connection master;
eval create table t1$rnd (f1 int) /* 2 replicate */;
let $i=$max_rows;
while ($i)
eval insert into t1$rnd values (-$i);
dec $i;
#connection slave;
eval select * from t1$rnd;
delimiter |;
eval create trigger trg1$rnd before update on t1$rnd /* slave local */
for each row
DECLARE r integer;
SELECT f2 INTO r FROM t2$rnd where f1=NEW.f1;
INSERT INTO t3$rnd values (r);
delimiter ;|
eval create table t2$rnd (f1 int, f2 int) /* slave local */;
eval create table t3$rnd (f3 int) /* slave local */;
let $i=$max_rows;
while ($i)
eval insert into t2$rnd values ($i, $i*100);
dec $i;
### Test
#connection slave;
# trigger works as specified when updates from slave
eval select * from t2$rnd;
eval UPDATE t1$rnd SET f1=$max_rows where f1=-$max_rows;
eval SELECT * from t1$rnd /* must be f1 $max_rows, 1 - $max_rows 2 - $max_rows ... -1 */;
eval SELECT * from t3$rnd /* must be f3 $max_rows*100 */;
connection master;
let $i=$max_rows;
while ($i)
eval UPDATE t1$rnd SET f1=$i where f1=-$i;
dec $i;
#connection slave;
eval SELECT * from t1$rnd /* must be f1 $max_rows ... 1 */;
eval SELECT * from t3$rnd /* must be f3 $max_rows * 100 ... 100 */;
#connection slave;
eval drop trigger trg1$rnd;
eval drop table t2$rnd,t3$rnd;
connection master;
eval drop table t1$rnd;
dec $rnd;
# End of tests
connection slave;
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