Commit 6c6bbba0 authored by's avatar

WL#1366: Use the schema (db) associated with an SP.

Phase 2: Make SPs belong to a DB, and use qualified names.
  As a side effect, using USE in an SP is no longer allowed.
  (It just doesn't work otherwise.)
parent 91cc4b28
......@@ -339,4 +339,5 @@
#define ER_SP_DUP_CURS 1320
#define ER_SP_CANT_ALTER 1321
#define ER_SP_SUBSELECT_NYI 1322
#define ER_SP_NO_USE 1323
......@@ -196,3 +196,4 @@ ER_SP_DUP_COND, "42000", "",
ER_SP_DUP_CURS, "42000", "",
ER_SP_NO_USE, "42000", "",
......@@ -251,6 +251,10 @@ declare c cursor for select * from t1;
declare c cursor for select field from t1;
ERROR 42000: Duplicate cursor: c
create procedure u()
use sptmp;
ERROR 42000: USE is not allowed in a stored procedure
create procedure bug1965()
declare c cursor for select val from t1 order by valname;
......@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ create table t1 ( u varchar(64), i int );
create procedure stamp(i int)
insert into db1_secret.t1 values (user(), i);
show procedure status like 'stamp';
Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
stamp PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
db1_secret stamp PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
call stamp(1);
select * from t1;
u i
root@localhost 1
call stamp(2);
call db1_secret.stamp(2);
select * from db1_secret.t1;
ERROR 42000: Access denied for user: 'user1'@'localhost' to database 'db1_secret'
call stamp(3);
call db1_secret.stamp(3);
select * from db1_secret.t1;
ERROR 42000: Access denied for user: ''@'localhost' to database 'db1_secret'
select * from t1;
......@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ user1@localhost 2
anon@localhost 3
alter procedure stamp sql security invoker;
show procedure status like 'stamp';
Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
stamp PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 INVOKER
Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
db1_secret stamp PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 INVOKER
call stamp(4);
select * from t1;
u i
......@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ root@localhost 1
user1@localhost 2
anon@localhost 3
root@localhost 4
call stamp(5);
call db1_secret.stamp(5);
ERROR 42000: Access denied for user: 'user1'@'localhost' to database 'db1_secret'
call stamp(6);
call db1_secret.stamp(6);
ERROR 42000: Access denied for user: ''@'localhost' to database 'db1_secret'
drop database if exists db2;
create database db2;
......@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ s1
drop procedure stamp;
drop procedure p;
drop procedure q;
drop procedure db1_secret.stamp;
drop procedure db2.p;
drop procedure db2.q;
use test;
drop database db1_secret;
drop database db2;
......@@ -18,17 +18,6 @@ id data
foo 42
delete from t1;
drop procedure foo42;
create procedure u()
use sptmp;
drop database if exists sptmp;
create database sptmp;
use test;
call u();
select database();
drop database sptmp;
drop procedure u;
create procedure bar(x char(16), y int)
insert into test.t1 values (x, y);
call bar("bar", 666);
......@@ -746,7 +735,7 @@ delete from t1|
alter procedure chistics sql security invoker name chistics2|
show create procedure chistics2|
Procedure Create Procedure
chistics2 CREATE PROCEDURE `chistics2`()
chistics2 CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`chistics2`()
COMMENT 'Characteristics procedure test'
insert into t1 values ("chistics", 1)
......@@ -763,7 +752,7 @@ chistics()
alter function chistics name chistics2 comment 'Characteristics function test'|
show create function chistics2|
Function Create Function
chistics2 CREATE FUNCTION `chistics2`() RETURNS int
chistics2 CREATE FUNCTION `test`.`chistics2`() RETURNS int
COMMENT 'Characteristics function test'
......@@ -939,23 +928,23 @@ begin
show create function fac;
call bug2267_1()|
Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
bug2267_1 PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
bug2267_2 PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
bug2267_3 PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
bug2267_4 PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
test bug2267_1 PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
test bug2267_2 PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
test bug2267_3 PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
test bug2267_4 PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
call bug2267_2()|
Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
fac FUNCTION root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
test fac FUNCTION root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
call bug2267_3()|
Procedure Create Procedure
bug2267_1 CREATE PROCEDURE `bug2267_1`()
bug2267_1 CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`bug2267_1`()
show procedure status;
call bug2267_4()|
Function Create Function
fac CREATE FUNCTION `fac`(n int unsigned) RETURNS bigint unsigned
fac CREATE FUNCTION `test`.`fac`(n int unsigned) RETURNS bigint unsigned
declare f bigint unsigned default 1;
while n > 1 do
......@@ -1029,12 +1018,12 @@ n f
20 2432902008176640000
drop table fac|
show function status like '%f%'|
Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
fac FUNCTION root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
test fac FUNCTION root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
drop procedure ifac|
drop function fac|
show function status like '%f%'|
Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
drop table if exists primes|
create table primes (
i int unsigned not null primary key,
......@@ -1095,7 +1084,7 @@ end while;
show create procedure opp|
Procedure Create Procedure
opp CREATE PROCEDURE `opp`(n bigint unsigned, out pp bool)
opp CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`opp`(n bigint unsigned, out pp bool)
declare r double;
declare b, s bigint unsigned default 0;
......@@ -1122,9 +1111,9 @@ end if;
end loop;
show procedure status like '%p%'|
Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
ip PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
opp PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
test ip PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
test opp PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
call ip(200)|
select * from primes where i=45 or i=100 or i=199|
i p
......@@ -1135,7 +1124,7 @@ drop table primes|
drop procedure opp|
drop procedure ip|
show procedure status like '%p%'|
Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
drop table if exists fib|
create table fib ( f bigint unsigned not null )|
insert into fib values (1), (1)|
......@@ -1185,19 +1174,19 @@ create procedure bar(x char(16), y int)
comment "111111111111" sql security invoker
insert into test.t1 values (x, y)|
show procedure status like 'bar'|
Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
bar PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 INVOKER 111111111111
Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
test bar PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 INVOKER 111111111111
alter procedure bar name bar2 comment "2222222222" sql security definer|
alter procedure bar2 name bar comment "3333333333"|
alter procedure bar|
show create procedure bar|
Procedure Create Procedure
bar CREATE PROCEDURE `bar`(x char(16), y int)
bar CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`bar`(x char(16), y int)
COMMENT '3333333333'
insert into test.t1 values (x, y)
show procedure status like 'bar'|
Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
bar PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER 3333333333
Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
test bar PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER 3333333333
drop procedure bar|
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
......@@ -330,6 +330,12 @@ begin
declare c cursor for select field from t1;
# USE is not allowed
--error 1323
create procedure u()
use sptmp;
# BUG#1965
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ create table t1 ( u varchar(64), i int );
# Our test procedure
create procedure stamp(i int)
insert into db1_secret.t1 values (user(), i);
--replace_column 4 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
show procedure status like 'stamp';
# root can, of course
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ connect (con3anon,localhost,anon,,);
connection con2user1;
# This should work...
call stamp(2);
call db1_secret.stamp(2);
# ...but not this
--error 1044
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ select * from db1_secret.t1;
connection con3anon;
# This should work...
call stamp(3);
call db1_secret.stamp(3);
# ...but not this
--error 1044
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ select * from t1;
# Change to invoker's rights
alter procedure stamp sql security invoker;
--replace_column 4 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
show procedure status like 'stamp';
# root still can
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ connection con2user1;
# This should not work
--error 1044
call stamp(5);
call db1_secret.stamp(5);
# Anonymous cannot
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ connection con3anon;
# This should not work
--error 1044
call stamp(6);
call db1_secret.stamp(6);
......@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ select * from t2;
# Clean up
connection con1root;
drop procedure stamp;
drop procedure p;
drop procedure q;
drop procedure db1_secret.stamp;
drop procedure db2.p;
drop procedure db2.q;
use test;
drop database db1_secret;
drop database db2;
......@@ -31,21 +31,6 @@ delete from t1;
drop procedure foo42;
# USE test: Make sure we remain in the same DB.
create procedure u()
use sptmp;
drop database if exists sptmp;
create database sptmp;
use test;
call u();
select database();
drop database sptmp;
drop procedure u;
# Single statement, two IN params.
create procedure bar(x char(16), y int)
insert into test.t1 values (x, y);
......@@ -1094,9 +1079,9 @@ begin
show create function fac;
--replace_column 4 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
call bug2267_1()|
--replace_column 4 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
call bug2267_2()|
call bug2267_3()|
call bug2267_4()|
......@@ -1168,11 +1153,11 @@ end|
call ifac(20)|
select * from fac|
drop table fac|
--replace_column 4 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
show function status like '%f%'|
drop procedure ifac|
drop function fac|
--replace_column 4 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
show function status like '%f%'|
......@@ -1249,7 +1234,7 @@ begin
end while;
show create procedure opp|
--replace_column 4 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
show procedure status like '%p%'|
# This isn't the fastest way in the world to compute prime numbers, so
......@@ -1261,7 +1246,7 @@ select * from primes where i=45 or i=100 or i=199|
drop table primes|
drop procedure opp|
drop procedure ip|
--replace_column 4 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
show procedure status like '%p%'|
......@@ -1308,13 +1293,13 @@ drop procedure fib|
create procedure bar(x char(16), y int)
comment "111111111111" sql security invoker
insert into test.t1 values (x, y)|
--replace_column 4 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
show procedure status like 'bar'|
alter procedure bar name bar2 comment "2222222222" sql security definer|
alter procedure bar2 name bar comment "3333333333"|
alter procedure bar|
show create procedure bar|
--replace_column 4 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
show procedure status like 'bar'|
drop procedure bar|
delimiter ;|
......@@ -445,7 +445,8 @@ int mysql_rm_table_part2_with_lock(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables,
int quick_rm_table(enum db_type base,const char *db,
const char *table_name);
bool mysql_rename_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_list);
bool mysql_change_db(THD *thd,const char *name);
bool mysql_change_db(THD *thd,const char *name,
bool empty_is_ok=0, bool no_access_check=0);
void mysql_parse(THD *thd,char *inBuf,uint length);
bool is_update_query(enum enum_sql_command command);
void free_items(Item *item);
......@@ -335,3 +335,4 @@ character-set=latin2
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -329,3 +329,4 @@ character-set=latin1
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -337,3 +337,4 @@ character-set=latin1
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -326,3 +326,4 @@ character-set=latin1
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -331,3 +331,4 @@ character-set=latin7
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -326,3 +326,4 @@ character-set=latin1
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -338,3 +338,4 @@ character-set=latin1
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -326,3 +326,4 @@ character-set=greek
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -328,3 +328,4 @@ character-set=latin2
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -326,3 +326,4 @@ character-set=latin1
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -328,3 +328,4 @@ character-set=ujis
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -326,3 +326,4 @@ character-set=euckr
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -328,3 +328,4 @@ character-set=latin1
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -328,3 +328,4 @@ character-set=latin1
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -330,3 +330,4 @@ character-set=latin2
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -327,3 +327,4 @@ character-set=latin1
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -330,3 +330,4 @@ character-set=latin2
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -328,3 +328,4 @@ character-set=koi8r
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -321,3 +321,4 @@ character-set=cp1250
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -334,3 +334,4 @@ character-set=latin2
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -328,3 +328,4 @@ character-set=latin1
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -326,3 +326,4 @@ character-set=latin1
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -331,3 +331,4 @@ character-set=koi8u
"Duplicate cursor: %s"
"Failed to ALTER %s %s"
"Subselect value not supported"
"USE is not allowed in a stored procedure"
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
static char *
create_string(THD *thd, ulong *lenp,
int sp_type,
char *name, ulong namelen,
sp_name *name,
const char *params, ulong paramslen,
const char *returns, ulong returnslen,
const char *body, ulong bodylen,
......@@ -69,7 +69,11 @@ db_find_routine_aux(THD *thd, int type, sp_name *name,
type, name->m_name.length, name->m_name.str));
// Put the key used to read the row together
memset(key, (int)' ', 64); // QQ Empty db for now
keylen= name->m_db.length;
if (keylen > 64)
keylen= 64;
memcpy(key, name->m_db.str, keylen);
memset(key+keylen, (int)' ', 64-keylen); // Pad with space
keylen= name->m_name.length;
if (keylen > 64)
keylen= 64;
......@@ -213,6 +217,8 @@ db_find_routine(THD *thd, int type, sp_name *name, sp_head **sphp)
char *defstr;
ulong deflen;
LEX *oldlex= thd->lex;
char olddb[128];
char *olddbptr;
enum enum_sql_command oldcmd= thd->lex->sql_command;
ulong old_sql_mode= thd->variables.sql_mode;
ha_rows select_limit= thd->variables.select_limit;
......@@ -222,7 +228,7 @@ db_find_routine(THD *thd, int type, sp_name *name, sp_head **sphp)
if (!(defstr= create_string(thd, &deflen,
name->m_name.str, name->m_name.length,
params, strlen(params),
returns, strlen(returns),
body, strlen(body),
......@@ -232,12 +238,19 @@ db_find_routine(THD *thd, int type, sp_name *name, sp_head **sphp)
goto done;
olddbptr= thd->db;
if ((ret= sp_use_new_db(thd, name->m_db.str, olddb, sizeof(olddb), 1)))
goto done;
lex_start(thd, (uchar*)defstr, deflen);
if (yyparse(thd) || thd->is_fatal_error || thd->lex->sphead == NULL)
LEX *newlex= thd->lex;
sp_head *sp= newlex->sphead;
if (olddbptr != thd->db &&
(ret= sp_change_db(thd, olddb, 1)))
goto done;
if (sp)
if (oldlex != newlex)
......@@ -249,6 +262,9 @@ db_find_routine(THD *thd, int type, sp_name *name, sp_head **sphp)
if (olddbptr != thd->db &&
(ret= sp_change_db(thd, olddb, 1)))
goto done;
*sphp= thd->lex->sphead;
(*sphp)->set_info((char *)definer, (uint)strlen(definer),
created, modified, &chistics);
......@@ -259,6 +275,7 @@ db_find_routine(THD *thd, int type, sp_name *name, sp_head **sphp)
if (opened)
......@@ -291,9 +308,8 @@ db_create_routine(THD *thd, int type, sp_head *sp)
goto done;
// QQ Not yet
// table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_DB]->
// store(sp->m_db.str, sp->m_db.length, system_charset_info);
store(sp->m_db.str, sp->m_db.length, system_charset_info);
store(sp->m_name.str, sp->m_name.length, system_charset_info);
......@@ -402,8 +418,7 @@ struct st_used_field
static struct st_used_field init_fields[]=
// QQ Not yet
{ "Type", 9, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0},
{ "Definer", 77, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0},
......@@ -424,14 +439,20 @@ print_field_values(THD *thd, TABLE *table,
if (table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_TYPE]->val_int() == type)
String *tmp_string= new String();
String db_string;
String name_string;
struct st_used_field *used_field= used_fields;
get_field(&thd->mem_root, used_field->field, tmp_string);
if (!wild || !wild[0] || !wild_compare(tmp_string->ptr(), wild, 0))
if (get_field(&thd->mem_root, used_field->field, &db_string))
db_string.set_ascii("", 0);
used_field+= 1;
get_field(&thd->mem_root, used_field->field, &name_string);
if (!wild || !wild[0] || !wild_compare(name_string.ptr(), wild, 0))
for (used_field++;
......@@ -448,10 +469,10 @@ print_field_values(THD *thd, TABLE *table,
String *tmp_string1= new String();
String tmp_string;
get_field(&thd->mem_root, used_field->field, tmp_string1);
get_field(&thd->mem_root, used_field->field, &tmp_string);
......@@ -738,17 +759,16 @@ sp_show_status_function(THD *thd, const char *wild)
sp_function_exists(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *name)
sp_function_exists(THD *thd, sp_name *name)
TABLE *table;
bool ret= FALSE;
bool opened= FALSE;
sp_name n(*name);
if (sp_cache_lookup(&thd->sp_func_cache, &n) ||
if (sp_cache_lookup(&thd->sp_func_cache, name) ||
db_find_routine_aux(thd, TYPE_ENUM_FUNCTION,
&n, TL_READ,
name, TL_READ,
&table, &opened) == SP_OK)
ret= TRUE;
if (opened)
......@@ -770,11 +790,11 @@ void
sp_add_fun_to_lex(LEX *lex, sp_name *fun)
if (! hash_search(&lex->spfuns,
(byte *)fun->m_name.str, fun->m_name.length))
(byte *)fun->m_qname.str, fun->m_qname.length))
LEX_STRING *ls= (LEX_STRING *)sql_alloc(sizeof(LEX_STRING));
ls->str= sql_strmake(fun->m_name.str, fun->m_name.length);
ls->length= fun->m_name.length;
ls->str= sql_strmake(fun->m_qname.str, fun->m_qname.length);
ls->length= fun->m_qname.length;
my_hash_insert(&lex->spfuns, (byte *)ls);
......@@ -805,6 +825,7 @@ sp_cache_functions(THD *thd, LEX *lex)
LEX_STRING *ls= (LEX_STRING *)hash_element(h, i);
sp_name name(*ls);
name.m_qname= *ls;
if (! sp_cache_lookup(&thd->sp_func_cache, &name))
sp_head *sp;
......@@ -812,6 +833,13 @@ sp_cache_functions(THD *thd, LEX *lex)
LEX *newlex= new st_lex;
thd->lex= newlex;
name.m_name.str= strchr(name.m_qname.str, '.');
name.m_db.length= name.m_name.str - name.m_qname.str;
name.m_db.str= strmake_root(&thd->mem_root,
name.m_qname.str, name.m_db.length);
name.m_name.str+= 1;
name.m_name.length= name.m_qname.length - name.m_db.length - 1;
if (db_find_routine(thd, TYPE_ENUM_FUNCTION, &name, &sp)
== SP_OK)
......@@ -839,7 +867,7 @@ sp_cache_functions(THD *thd, LEX *lex)
static char *
create_string(THD *thd, ulong *lenp,
int type,
char *name, ulong namelen,
sp_name *name,
const char *params, ulong paramslen,
const char *returns, ulong returnslen,
const char *body, ulong bodylen,
......@@ -848,14 +876,15 @@ create_string(THD *thd, ulong *lenp,
char *buf, *ptr;
ulong buflen;
buflen= 100 + namelen + paramslen + returnslen + bodylen +
buflen= 100 + name->m_qname.length + paramslen + returnslen + bodylen +
if (!(buf= thd->alloc(buflen)))
return 0;
ptr= strxmov(buf, "CREATE ",
" `", name, "`(", params, ")", NullS);
" `", name->m_db.str, "`.`", name->m_name.str, "`(", params, ")",
ptr= strxmov(ptr, " RETURNS ", returns, NullS);
......@@ -874,3 +903,63 @@ create_string(THD *thd, ulong *lenp,
*lenp= (ptr-buf);
return buf;
// Utilities...
sp_use_new_db(THD *thd, char *newdb, char *olddb, uint olddblen,
bool no_access_check)
bool changeit;
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("newdb: %s", newdb));
if (thd->db && thd->db[0])
if (my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, thd->db, newdb) == 0)
changeit= 0;
changeit= 1;
strnmov(olddb, thd->db, olddblen);
{ // thd->db empty
if (newdb[0])
changeit= 1;
changeit= 0;
olddb[0] = '\0';
if (!changeit)
int ret= sp_change_db(thd, newdb, no_access_check);
sp_change_db(THD *thd, char *db, bool no_access_check)
int ret;
ulong dbaccess= thd->db_access; /* mysql_change_db() changes this */
my_bool nsok= thd->net.no_send_ok; /* mysql_change_db() does send_ok() */
thd->net.no_send_ok= TRUE;
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("db: %s, no_access_check: %d", db, no_access_check));
ret= mysql_change_db(thd, db, 1, no_access_check);
thd->net.no_send_ok= nsok;
thd->db_access= dbaccess;
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ int
sp_show_status_function(THD *thd, const char *wild);
sp_function_exists(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *name);
sp_function_exists(THD *thd, sp_name *name);
// This is needed since we have to read the functions before we
......@@ -82,4 +82,19 @@ sp_merge_funs(LEX *dst, LEX *src);
sp_cache_functions(THD *thd, LEX *lex);
// Utilities...
// Do a "use newdb". The current db is stored at olddb.
// If newdb is the same as the current one, nothing is changed.
sp_use_new_db(THD *thd, char *newdb, char *olddb, uint olddbmax,
bool no_access_check);
// Like mysql_change_db() but handles empty db name and the send_ok() problem.
sp_change_db(THD *thd, char *db, bool no_access_check);
#endif /* _SP_H_ */
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ sp_cache_lookup(sp_cache **cp, sp_name *name)
c->version= v;
return NULL;
return c->lookup(name->m_name.str, name->m_name.length);
return c->lookup(name->m_qname.str, name->m_qname.length);
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ sp_cache_remove(sp_cache **cp, sp_name *name)
if (c->version < v)
found= c->remove(name->m_name.str, name->m_name.length);
found= c->remove(name->m_qname.str, name->m_qname.length);
c->version= v+1;
return found;
......@@ -120,7 +120,10 @@ static byte *
hash_get_key_for_sp_head(const byte *ptr, uint *plen,
my_bool first)
return (byte*) ((sp_head*)ptr)->name(plen);
sp_head *sp= (sp_head *)ptr;
*plen= sp->m_qname.length;
return (byte*) sp->m_qname.str;
static void
......@@ -147,6 +147,26 @@ sp_name::init_qname(THD *thd)
m_name.length, m_name.str);
sp_name *
sp_name_current_db_new(THD *thd, LEX_STRING name)
sp_name *qname;
if (! thd->db)
qname= new sp_name(name);
db.length= strlen(thd->db);
db.str= thd->strmake(thd->db, db.length);
qname= new sp_name(db, name);
return qname;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
......@@ -224,8 +244,8 @@ sp_head::init_strings(THD *thd, LEX *lex, sp_name *name)
/* We have to copy strings to get them into the right memroot */
if (name->m_db.length == 0)
m_db.length= strlen(thd->db);
m_db.str= strmake_root(root, thd->db, m_db.length);
m_db.length= (thd->db ? strlen(thd->db) : 0);
m_db.str= strmake_root(root, (thd->db ? thd->db : ""), m_db.length);
......@@ -317,30 +337,22 @@ int
sp_head::execute(THD *thd)
char olddbname[128];
char *olddbptr= thd->db;
char olddb[128];
char *olddbptr;
sp_rcontext *ctx= thd->spcont;
int ret= 0;
uint ip= 0;
if (check_stack_overrun(thd, olddbptr))
if (check_stack_overrun(thd, olddb))
if (olddbptr)
uint i= 0;
char *p= olddbptr;
/* Fast inline strncpy without padding... */
while (*p && i < sizeof(olddbname))
olddbname[i++]= *p++;
if (i == sizeof(olddbname))
i-= 1; // QQ Error or warning for truncate?
olddbname[i]= '\0';
olddbptr= thd->db;
if ((ret= sp_use_new_db(thd, m_db.str, olddb, sizeof(olddb), 0)))
goto done;
if (ctx)
......@@ -379,18 +391,17 @@ sp_head::execute(THD *thd)
} while (ret == 0 && !thd->killed && !thd->query_error);
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("ret=%d killed=%d query_error=%d",
ret, thd->killed, thd->query_error));
if (thd->killed || thd->query_error)
ret= -1;
/* If the DB has changed, the pointer has changed too, but the
original thd->db will then have been freed */
if (olddbptr && olddbptr != thd->db)
if (olddbptr != thd->db)
/* QQ Maybe we should issue some special error message or warning here,
if this fails?? */
if (! thd->killed)
ret= mysql_change_db(thd, olddbname);
ret= sp_change_db(thd, olddb, 0);
......@@ -757,6 +768,32 @@ sp_head::set_info(char *definer, uint definerlen,
sp_head::reset_thd_mem_root(THD *thd)
m_thd_root= thd->mem_root;
thd->mem_root= m_mem_root;
m_free_list= thd->free_list; // Keep the old list
thd->free_list= NULL; // Start a new one
/* Copy the db, since substatements will point to it */
m_thd_db= thd->db;
thd->db= strmake_root(&thd->mem_root, thd->db, thd->db_length);
m_thd= thd;
sp_head::restore_thd_mem_root(THD *thd)
Item *flist= m_free_list; // The old list
m_free_list= thd->free_list; // Get the new one
thd->free_list= flist; // Restore the old one
thd->db= m_thd_db; // Restore the original db pointer
m_mem_root= thd->mem_root;
thd->mem_root= m_thd_root;
m_thd= NULL;
sp_head::show_create_procedure(THD *thd)
......@@ -1157,8 +1194,6 @@ sp_change_security_context(THD *thd, sp_head *sp, st_sp_security_context *ctxp)
ctxp->master_access= thd->master_access;
ctxp->db_access= thd->db_access;
ctxp->db= thd->db;
ctxp->db_length= thd->db_length;
ctxp->priv_user= thd->priv_user;
strncpy(ctxp->priv_host, thd->priv_host, sizeof(ctxp->priv_host));
ctxp->user= thd->user;
......@@ -1174,8 +1209,6 @@ sp_change_security_context(THD *thd, sp_head *sp, st_sp_security_context *ctxp)
ctxp->changed= FALSE;
thd->master_access= ctxp->master_access;
thd->db_access= ctxp->db_access;
thd->db= ctxp->db;
thd->db_length= ctxp->db_length;
thd->priv_user= ctxp->priv_user;
strncpy(thd->priv_host, ctxp->priv_host, sizeof(thd->priv_host));
......@@ -1195,8 +1228,6 @@ sp_restore_security_context(THD *thd, sp_head *sp, st_sp_security_context *ctxp)
ctxp->changed= FALSE;
thd->master_access= ctxp->master_access;
thd->db_access= ctxp->db_access;
thd->db= ctxp->db;
thd->db_length= ctxp->db_length;
thd->priv_user= ctxp->priv_user;
strncpy(thd->priv_host, ctxp->priv_host, sizeof(thd->priv_host));
......@@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ public:
sp_name *
sp_name_current_db_new(THD *thd, LEX_STRING name);
class sp_head : public Sql_alloc
sp_head(const sp_head &); /* Prevent use of these */
......@@ -194,24 +198,10 @@ public:
longlong created, longlong modified,
st_sp_chistics *chistics);
inline void reset_thd_mem_root(THD *thd)
m_thd_root= thd->mem_root;
thd->mem_root= m_mem_root;
m_free_list= thd->free_list; // Keep the old list
thd->free_list= NULL; // Start a new one
m_thd= thd;
void reset_thd_mem_root(THD *thd);
void restore_thd_mem_root(THD *thd);
inline void restore_thd_mem_root(THD *thd)
Item *flist= m_free_list; // The old list
m_free_list= thd->free_list; // Get the new one
thd->free_list= flist; // Restore the old one
m_mem_root= thd->mem_root;
thd->mem_root= m_thd_root;
m_thd= NULL;
......@@ -219,6 +209,7 @@ private:
MEM_ROOT m_thd_root; // Temp. store for thd's mem_root
Item *m_free_list; // Where the items go
THD *m_thd; // Set if we have reset mem_root
char *m_thd_db; // Original thd->db pointer
sp_pcontext *m_pcont; // Parse context
List<LEX> m_lex; // Temp. store for the other lex
......@@ -671,8 +662,6 @@ struct st_sp_security_context
bool changed;
uint master_access;
uint db_access;
char *db;
uint db_length;
char *priv_user;
char priv_host[MAX_HOSTNAME];
char *user;
......@@ -595,7 +595,8 @@ static long mysql_rm_known_files(THD *thd, MY_DIR *dirp, const char *db,
1 error
bool mysql_change_db(THD *thd, const char *name)
bool mysql_change_db(THD *thd, const char *name,
bool empty_is_ok, bool no_access_check)
int length, db_length;
char *dbname=my_strdup((char*) name,MYF(MY_WME));
......@@ -604,26 +605,34 @@ bool mysql_change_db(THD *thd, const char *name)
if (!dbname || !(db_length=strip_sp(dbname)))
if ((!dbname || !(db_length=strip_sp(dbname))) && !empty_is_ok)
x_free(dbname); /* purecov: inspected */
send_error(thd,ER_NO_DB_ERROR); /* purecov: inspected */
DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */
if (!empty_is_ok || (dbname && db_length))
if ((db_length > NAME_LEN) || check_db_name(dbname))
net_printf(thd, ER_WRONG_DB_NAME, dbname);
DBUG_PRINT("info",("Use database: %s", dbname));
if (!empty_is_ok || (dbname && db_length))
if (! no_access_check)
if (test_all_bits(thd->master_access,DB_ACLS))
db_access= (acl_get(thd->host,thd->ip, thd->priv_user,dbname,0) |
if (!(db_access & DB_ACLS) && (!grant_option || check_grant_db(thd,dbname)))
if (!(db_access & DB_ACLS) &&
(!grant_option || check_grant_db(thd,dbname)))
......@@ -636,6 +645,7 @@ bool mysql_change_db(THD *thd, const char *name)
(void) sprintf(path,"%s/%s",mysql_data_home,dbname);
length=unpack_dirname(path,path); // Convert if not unix
......@@ -647,11 +657,15 @@ bool mysql_change_db(THD *thd, const char *name)
thd->db=dbname; // THD::~THD will free this
if (!empty_is_ok || (dbname && db_length))
if (! no_access_check)
strmov(path+unpack_dirname(path,path), MY_DB_OPT_FILE);
......@@ -660,6 +674,7 @@ bool mysql_change_db(THD *thd, const char *name)
create.default_table_charset :
thd->variables.collation_database= thd->db_charset;
......@@ -1090,8 +1090,15 @@ create:
IDENT_sys '.' IDENT_sys { $$= new sp_name($1, $3); }
| IDENT_sys { $$= new sp_name($1); }
IDENT_sys '.' IDENT_sys
$$= new sp_name($1, $3);
| IDENT_sys
$$= sp_name_current_db_new(YYTHD, $1);
......@@ -1576,6 +1583,11 @@ sp_proc_stmt:
/* We maybe have one or more SELECT without INTO */
lex->sphead->m_multi_results= TRUE;
if (lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_CHANGE_DB)
{ /* "USE db" doesn't work in a procedure */
send_error(YYTHD, ER_SP_NO_USE);
/* Don't add an instruction for empty SET statements.
** (This happens if the SET only contained local variables,
** which get their set instructions generated separately.)
......@@ -3913,10 +3925,11 @@ simple_expr:
{ $$= new Item_int((char*) "TRUE",1,1); }
| IDENT_sys '(' udf_expr_list ')'
if (sp_function_exists(YYTHD, &$1))
sp_name *name= sp_name_current_db_new(YYTHD, $1);
if (sp_function_exists(YYTHD, name))
LEX *lex= Lex;
sp_name *name= new sp_name($1);
sp_add_fun_to_lex(lex, name);
if ($3)
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