The vardir trick can only bge used on platforms with native symlinks -...

The vardir trick can only bge used on platforms with native symlinks - otherwise opt_vardir need to be set to default value.
parent 6b5ec539
......@@ -758,17 +758,21 @@ sub command_line_setup () {
$opt_vardir= $default_vardir;
elsif ( $mysql_version_id < 50000 and
! $glob_win32 and # No supported on platforms without native symlink
$opt_vardir ne $default_vardir)
# Version 4.1 and --vardir was specified
# Only supported as a symlink from var/
# by setting up $opt_mem that symlink will be created
if ( ! $glob_win32 )
# Only platforms that have native symlinks can use the vardir trick
$opt_mem= $opt_vardir;
$opt_vardir= $default_vardir;
mtr_report("Using 4.1 vardir trick");
$opt_vardir= $default_vardir;
$path_vardir_trace= $opt_vardir;
# Chop off any "c:", DBUG likes a unix path ex: c:/src/... => /src/...
$path_vardir_trace=~ s/^\w://;
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