diff --git a/mysql-test/ndb/ndb_range_bounds.pl b/mysql-test/ndb/ndb_range_bounds.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..264a543752b8101443532189233d7b8f83eb43d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/ndb/ndb_range_bounds.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# test range scan bounds
+# output to mysql-test/t/ndb_range_bounds.test
+# give option --all to generate all cases
+use strict;
+use integer;
+my $all = shift;
+!defined($all) || ($all eq '--all' && !defined(shift))
+  or die "only available option is --all";
+my $table = 't';
+print <<EOF;
+--source include/have_ndb.inc
+drop table if exists $table;
+# test range scan bounds
+# generated by mysql-test/ndb/ndb_range_bounds.pl
+# all selects must return 0
+sub cut ($$@) {
+  my($op, $key, @v) = @_;
+  $op = '==' if $op eq '=';
+  my(@w);
+  eval "\@w = grep(\$_ $op $key, \@v)";
+  $@ and die $@;
+  return @w;
+sub mkdummy (\@) {
+  my ($val) = @_;
+  return {
+    'dummy' => 1,
+    'exp' => '9 = 9',
+    'cnt' => scalar @$val,
+  };
+sub mkone ($$$\@) {
+  my($col, $op, $key, $val) = @_;
+  my $cnt = scalar cut($op, $key, @$val);
+  return {
+    'exp' => "$col $op $key",
+    'cnt' => $cnt,
+  };
+sub mktwo ($$$$$\@) {
+  my($col, $op1, $key1, $op2, $key2, $val) = @_;
+  my $cnt = scalar cut($op2, $key2, cut($op1, $key1, @$val));
+  return {
+    'exp' => "$col $op1 $key1 and $col $op2 $key2",
+    'cnt' => $cnt,
+  };
+sub mkall ($$$\@) {
+  my($col, $key1, $key2, $val) = @_;
+  my @a = ();
+  my $p = mkdummy(@$val);
+  push(@a, $p) if $all;
+  my @ops1 = $all ? qw(< <= = >= >) : qw(= >= >);
+  my @ops2 = $all ? qw(< <= = >= >) : qw(< <=);
+  for my $op1 (@ops1) {
+    my $p = mkone($col, $op1, $key1, @$val);
+    push(@a, $p) if $all || $p->{cnt} != 0;
+    for my $op2 (@ops2) {
+      my $p = mktwo($col, $op1, $key1, $op2, $key2, @$val);
+      push(@a, $p) if $all || $p->{cnt} != 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return \@a;
+for my $nn ("bcd", "") {
+  my %nn;
+  for my $x (qw(b c d)) {
+    $nn{$x} = $nn =~ /$x/ ? "not null" : "null";
+  }
+  print <<EOF;
+create table $table (
+  a int primary key,
+  b int $nn{b},
+  c int $nn{c},
+  d int $nn{d},
+  index (b, c, d)
+) engine=ndb;
+  my @val = (0..4);
+  my $v0 = 0;
+  for my $v1 (@val) {
+    for my $v2 (@val) {
+      for my $v3 (@val) {
+	print "insert into $table values($v0, $v1, $v2, $v3);\n";
+	$v0++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  my $key1 = 1;
+  my $key2 = 3;
+  my $a1 = mkall('b', $key1, $key2, @val);
+  my $a2 = mkall('c', $key1, $key2, @val);
+  my $a3 = mkall('d', $key1, $key2, @val);
+  for my $p1 (@$a1) {
+    my $cnt1 = $p1->{cnt} * @val * @val;
+    print "select count(*) - $cnt1 from $table";
+    print " where $p1->{exp};\n";
+    for my $p2 (@$a2) {
+      my $cnt2 = $p1->{cnt} * $p2->{cnt} * @val;
+      print "select count(*) - $cnt2 from $table";
+      print " where $p1->{exp} and $p2->{exp};\n";
+      for my $p3 (@$a3) {
+	my $cnt3 = $p1->{cnt} * $p2->{cnt} * $p3->{cnt};
+	print "select count(*) - $cnt3 from $table";
+	print " where $p1->{exp} and $p2->{exp} and $p3->{exp};\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  print <<EOF;
+drop table $table;
+# vim: set sw=2:
diff --git a/ndb/include/kernel/signaldata/TuxBound.hpp b/ndb/include/kernel/signaldata/TuxBound.hpp
index 1f256150573fdf767c8822f55c8c800be4fae389..87ce3c3c098ef1e88ff7f40a87ec7c9e68152489 100644
--- a/ndb/include/kernel/signaldata/TuxBound.hpp
+++ b/ndb/include/kernel/signaldata/TuxBound.hpp
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ private:
   Uint32 tuxScanPtrI;
    * Number of words of bound info included after fixed signal data.
-   * Starts with 5 unused words (word 0 is length used by LQH).
   Uint32 boundAiLength;
diff --git a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbIndexScanOperation.hpp b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbIndexScanOperation.hpp
index a854cb58665061b628e3972eb9d32cd625de0e26..66b3fc9d43bf570a2525b2e720535c5dacc40c0c 100644
--- a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbIndexScanOperation.hpp
+++ b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbIndexScanOperation.hpp
@@ -55,28 +55,12 @@ public:
     return readTuples(LM_Exclusive, 0, parallell, false);
-  /**
-   * @name Define Range Scan
-   *
-   * A range scan is a scan on an ordered index.  The operation is on
-   * the index table but tuples are returned from the primary table.
-   * The index contains all tuples where at least one index key has not
-   * null value.
-   *
-   * A range scan is currently opened via a normal open scan method.
-   * Bounds can be defined for each index key.  After setting bounds,
-   * usual scan methods can be used (get value, interpreter, take over).
-   * These operate on the primary table.
-   *
-   * @{
-   */
    * Type of ordered index key bound.  The values (0-4) will not change
    * and can be used explicitly (e.g. they could be computed).
   enum BoundType {
-    BoundLE = 0,        ///< lower bound,
+    BoundLE = 0,        ///< lower bound
     BoundLT = 1,        ///< lower bound, strict
     BoundGE = 2,        ///< upper bound
     BoundGT = 3,        ///< upper bound, strict
@@ -86,20 +70,28 @@ public:
    * Define bound on index key in range scan.
-   * Each index key can have lower and/or upper bound, or can be set
-   * equal to a value.  The bounds can be defined in any order but
-   * a duplicate definition is an error.
+   * Each index key can have lower and/or upper bound.  Setting the key
+   * equal to a value defines both upper and lower bounds.  The bounds
+   * can be defined in any order.  Conflicting definitions is an error.
+   *
+   * For equality, it is better to use BoundEQ instead of the equivalent
+   * pair of BoundLE and BoundGE.  This is especially true when table
+   * distribution key is an initial part of the index key.
-   * The bounds must specify a single range i.e. they are on an initial
-   * sequence of index keys and the condition is equality for all but
-   * (at most) the last key which has a lower and/or upper bound.
+   * The sets of lower and upper bounds must be on initial sequences of
+   * index keys.  All but possibly the last bound must be non-strict.
+   * So "a >= 2 and b > 3" is ok but "a > 2 and b >= 3" is not.
+   *
+   * The scan may currently return tuples for which the bounds are not
+   * satisfied.  For example, "a <= 2 and b <= 3" scans the index up to
+   * (a=2, b=3) but also returns any (a=1, b=4).
    * NULL is treated like a normal value which is less than any not-NULL
-   * value and equal to another NULL value.  To search for NULL use
+   * value and equal to another NULL value.  To compare against NULL use
    * setBound with null pointer (0).
-   * An index stores also all-NULL keys (this may become optional).
-   * Doing index scan with empty bound set returns all table tuples.
+   * An index stores also all-NULL keys.  Doing index scan with empty
+   * bound set returns all table tuples.
    * @param attrName    Attribute name, alternatively:
    * @param anAttrId    Index column id (starting from 0)
@@ -117,8 +109,6 @@ public:
   int setBound(Uint32 anAttrId, int type, const void* aValue, Uint32 len = 0);
-  /** @} *********************************************************************/
    * Reset bounds and put operation in list that will be
    *   sent on next execute
diff --git a/ndb/src/kernel/blocks/dblqh/DblqhMain.cpp b/ndb/src/kernel/blocks/dblqh/DblqhMain.cpp
index c5e2bd900e980c27e4413292898276ade34f35c6..ed81f0735cb5cbf7f7e9d0eda94e6b118e3f1eed 100644
--- a/ndb/src/kernel/blocks/dblqh/DblqhMain.cpp
+++ b/ndb/src/kernel/blocks/dblqh/DblqhMain.cpp
@@ -7683,7 +7683,6 @@ void Dblqh::accScanConfScanLab(Signal* signal)
   Uint32 boundAiLength = tcConnectptr.p->primKeyLen - 4;
   if (scanptr.p->rangeScan) {
-    // bound info length is in first of the 5 header words
     TuxBoundInfo* const req = (TuxBoundInfo*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
     req->errorCode = RNIL;
     req->tuxScanPtrI = scanptr.p->scanAccPtr;
diff --git a/ndb/src/kernel/blocks/dbtux/DbtuxCmp.cpp b/ndb/src/kernel/blocks/dbtux/DbtuxCmp.cpp
index 549720cc17c4f8936f5b71ae1822194ede43d352..ddab77b97b5bba1bd427aa88c6c31a9c7b991ea9 100644
--- a/ndb/src/kernel/blocks/dbtux/DbtuxCmp.cpp
+++ b/ndb/src/kernel/blocks/dbtux/DbtuxCmp.cpp
@@ -87,21 +87,23 @@ Dbtux::cmpSearchKey(const Frag& frag, unsigned& start, ConstData searchKey, Cons
  * Scan bound vs node prefix or entry.
- * Compare lower or upper bound and index attribute data.  The attribute
- * data may be partial in which case CmpUnknown may be returned.
- * Returns -1 if the boundary is to the left of the compared key and +1
- * if the boundary is to the right of the compared key.
+ * Compare lower or upper bound and index entry data.  The entry data
+ * may be partial in which case CmpUnknown may be returned.  Otherwise
+ * returns -1 if the bound is to the left of the entry and +1 if the
+ * bound is to the right of the entry.
- * To get this behaviour we treat equality a little bit special.  If the
- * boundary is a lower bound then the boundary is to the left of all
- * equal keys and if it is an upper bound then the boundary is to the
- * right of all equal keys.
+ * The routine is similar to cmpSearchKey, but 0 is never returned.
+ * Suppose all attributes compare equal.  Recall that all bounds except
+ * possibly the last one are non-strict.  Use the given bound direction
+ * (0-lower 1-upper) and strictness of last bound to return -1 or +1.
- * When searching for the first key we are using the lower bound to try
- * to find the first key that is to the right of the boundary.  Then we
- * start scanning from this tuple (including the tuple itself) until we
- * find the first key which is to the right of the boundary.  Then we
- * stop and do not include that key in the scan result.
+ * Following example illustrates this.  We are at (a=2, b=3).
+ *
+ * dir  bounds                  strict          return
+ * 0    a >= 2 and b >= 3       no              -1
+ * 0    a >= 2 and b >  3       yes             +1
+ * 1    a <= 2 and b <= 3       no              +1
+ * 1    a <= 2 and b <  3       yes             -1
 Dbtux::cmpScanBound(const Frag& frag, unsigned dir, ConstData boundInfo, unsigned boundCount, ConstData entryData, unsigned maxlen)
@@ -111,12 +113,7 @@ Dbtux::cmpScanBound(const Frag& frag, unsigned dir, ConstData boundInfo, unsigne
   ndbrequire(dir <= 1);
   // number of words of data left
   unsigned len2 = maxlen;
-  /*
-   * No boundary means full scan, low boundary is to the right of all
-   * keys.  Thus we should always return -1.  For upper bound we are to
-   * the right of all keys, thus we should always return +1.  We achieve
-   * this behaviour by initializing type to 4.
-   */
+  // in case of no bounds, init last type to something non-strict
   unsigned type = 4;
   while (boundCount != 0) {
     if (len2 <= AttributeHeaderSize) {
@@ -124,7 +121,7 @@ Dbtux::cmpScanBound(const Frag& frag, unsigned dir, ConstData boundInfo, unsigne
       return NdbSqlUtil::CmpUnknown;
     len2 -= AttributeHeaderSize;
-    // get and skip bound type
+    // get and skip bound type (it is used after the loop)
     type = boundInfo[0];
     boundInfo += 1;
     if (! boundInfo.ah().isNULL()) {
@@ -166,30 +163,7 @@ Dbtux::cmpScanBound(const Frag& frag, unsigned dir, ConstData boundInfo, unsigne
     entryData += AttributeHeaderSize + entryData.ah().getDataSize();
     boundCount -= 1;
-  if (dir == 0) {
-    jam();
-    /*
-     * Looking for the lower bound.  If strict lower bound then the
-     * boundary is to the right of the compared key and otherwise (equal
-     * included in range) then the boundary is to the left of the key.
-     */
-    if (type == 1) {
-      jam();
-      return +1;
-    }
-    return -1;
-  } else {
-    jam();
-    /*
-     * Looking for the upper bound.  If strict upper bound then the
-     * boundary is to the left of all equal keys and otherwise (equal
-     * included in the range) then the boundary is to the right of all
-     * equal keys.
-     */
-    if (type == 3) {
-      jam();
-      return -1;
-    }
-    return +1;
-  }
+  // all attributes were equal
+  const int strict = (type & 0x1);
+  return (dir == 0 ? (strict == 0 ? -1 : +1) : (strict == 0 ? +1 : -1));
diff --git a/ndb/src/kernel/blocks/dbtux/DbtuxScan.cpp b/ndb/src/kernel/blocks/dbtux/DbtuxScan.cpp
index 7414691ab78cacc0b529ae54f0065530528e34bd..cf39185e4032afcc53784e6ce3a0c2b942935032 100644
--- a/ndb/src/kernel/blocks/dbtux/DbtuxScan.cpp
+++ b/ndb/src/kernel/blocks/dbtux/DbtuxScan.cpp
@@ -108,15 +108,23 @@ Dbtux::execACC_SCANREQ(Signal* signal)
  * Receive bounds for scan in single direct call.  The bounds can arrive
  * in any order.  Attribute ids are those of index table.
+ *
+ * Replace EQ by equivalent LE + GE.  Check for conflicting bounds.
+ * Check that sets of lower and upper bounds are on initial sequences of
+ * keys and that all but possibly last bound is non-strict.
+ *
+ * Finally save the sets of lower and upper bounds (i.e. start key and
+ * end key).  Full bound type (< 4) is included but only the strict bit
+ * is used since lower and upper have now been separated.
 Dbtux::execTUX_BOUND_INFO(Signal* signal)
   struct BoundInfo {
+    int type;
     unsigned offset;
     unsigned size;
-    int type;
   TuxBoundInfo* const sig = (TuxBoundInfo*)signal->getDataPtrSend();
   const TuxBoundInfo reqCopy = *(const TuxBoundInfo*)sig;
@@ -124,18 +132,11 @@ Dbtux::execTUX_BOUND_INFO(Signal* signal)
   // get records
   ScanOp& scan = *c_scanOpPool.getPtr(req->tuxScanPtrI);
   Index& index = *c_indexPool.getPtr(scan.m_indexId);
-  // collect bound info for each index attribute
-  BoundInfo boundInfo[MaxIndexAttributes][2];
+  // collect lower and upper bounds
+  BoundInfo boundInfo[2][MaxIndexAttributes];
   // largest attrId seen plus one
-  Uint32 maxAttrId = 0;
-  // skip 5 words
+  Uint32 maxAttrId[2] = { 0, 0 };
   unsigned offset = 0;
-  if (req->boundAiLength < offset) {
-    jam();
-    scan.m_state = ScanOp::Invalid;
-    sig->errorCode = TuxBoundInfo::InvalidAttrInfo;
-    return;
-  }
   const Uint32* const data = (Uint32*)sig + TuxBoundInfo::SignalLength;
   // walk through entries
   while (offset + 2 <= req->boundAiLength) {
@@ -156,32 +157,35 @@ Dbtux::execTUX_BOUND_INFO(Signal* signal)
       sig->errorCode = TuxBoundInfo::InvalidAttrInfo;
-    while (maxAttrId <= attrId) {
-      BoundInfo* b = boundInfo[maxAttrId++];
-      b[0].type = b[1].type = -1;
-    }
-    BoundInfo* b = boundInfo[attrId];
-    if (type == 0 || type == 1  || type == 4) {
-      if (b[0].type != -1) {
-        jam();
-        scan.m_state = ScanOp::Invalid;
-        sig->errorCode = TuxBoundInfo::InvalidBounds;
-        return;
+    for (unsigned j = 0; j <= 1; j++) {
+      // check if lower/upper bit matches
+      const unsigned luBit = (j << 1);
+      if ((type & 0x2) != luBit && type != 4)
+        continue;
+      // EQ -> LE, GE
+      const unsigned type2 = (type & 0x1) | luBit;
+      // fill in any gap
+      while (maxAttrId[j] <= attrId) {
+        BoundInfo& b = boundInfo[j][maxAttrId[j]++];
+        b.type = -1;
-      b[0].offset = offset;
-      b[0].size = 2 + dataSize;
-      b[0].type = type;
-    }
-    if (type == 2 || type == 3 || type == 4) {
-      if (b[1].type != -1) {
-        jam();
-        scan.m_state = ScanOp::Invalid;
-        sig->errorCode = TuxBoundInfo::InvalidBounds;
-        return;
+      BoundInfo& b = boundInfo[j][attrId];
+      if (b.type != -1) {
+        // compare with previous bound
+        if (b.type != type2 ||
+            b.size != 2 + dataSize ||
+            memcmp(&data[b.offset + 2], &data[offset + 2], dataSize << 2) != 0) {
+          jam();
+          scan.m_state = ScanOp::Invalid;
+          sig->errorCode = TuxBoundInfo::InvalidBounds;
+          return;
+        }
+      } else {
+        // enter new bound
+        b.type = type2;
+        b.offset = offset;
+        b.size = 2 + dataSize;
-      b[1].offset = offset;
-      b[1].size = 2 + dataSize;
-      b[1].type = type;
     // jump to next
     offset += 2 + dataSize;
@@ -192,34 +196,27 @@ Dbtux::execTUX_BOUND_INFO(Signal* signal)
     sig->errorCode = TuxBoundInfo::InvalidAttrInfo;
-  // save the bounds in index attribute id order
-  scan.m_boundCnt[0] = 0;
-  scan.m_boundCnt[1] = 0;
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < maxAttrId; i++) {
-    jam();
-    const BoundInfo* b = boundInfo[i];
-    // current limitation - check all but last is equality
-    if (i + 1 < maxAttrId) {
-      if (b[0].type != 4 || b[1].type != 4) {
+  for (unsigned j = 0; j <= 1; j++) {
+    // save lower/upper bound in index attribute id order
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < maxAttrId[j]; i++) {
+      jam();
+      const BoundInfo& b = boundInfo[j][i];
+      // check for gap or strict bound before last
+      if (b.type == -1 || (i + 1 < maxAttrId[j] && (b.type & 0x1))) {
         scan.m_state = ScanOp::Invalid;
         sig->errorCode = TuxBoundInfo::InvalidBounds;
-    }
-    for (unsigned j = 0; j <= 1; j++) {
-      if (b[j].type != -1) {
+      bool ok = scan.m_bound[j]->append(&data[b.offset], b.size);
+      if (! ok) {
-        bool ok = scan.m_bound[j]->append(&data[b[j].offset], b[j].size);
-        if (! ok) {
-          jam();
-          scan.m_state = ScanOp::Invalid;
-          sig->errorCode = TuxBoundInfo::OutOfBuffers;
-          return;
-        }
-        scan.m_boundCnt[j]++;
+        scan.m_state = ScanOp::Invalid;
+        sig->errorCode = TuxBoundInfo::OutOfBuffers;
+        return;
+    scan.m_boundCnt[j] = maxAttrId[j];
   // no error
   sig->errorCode = 0;
diff --git a/ndb/test/ndbapi/testOIBasic.cpp b/ndb/test/ndbapi/testOIBasic.cpp
index f9eb3514926970baa2c0d3b6b6272241f9cd979e..10994fd78476202fd13d22952410795678feb167 100644
--- a/ndb/test/ndbapi/testOIBasic.cpp
+++ b/ndb/test/ndbapi/testOIBasic.cpp
@@ -1965,9 +1965,21 @@ BSet::calcpk(Par par, unsigned i)
 BSet::setbnd(Par par) const
-  for (unsigned j = 0; j < m_bvals; j++) {
-    const BVal& bval = *m_bval[j];
-    CHK(bval.setbnd(par) == 0);
+  if (m_bvals != 0) {
+    unsigned p1 = urandom(m_bvals);
+    unsigned p2 = 10009;        // prime
+    // random order
+    for (unsigned j = 0; j < m_bvals; j++) {
+      unsigned k = p1 + p2 * j;
+      const BVal& bval = *m_bval[k % m_bvals];
+      CHK(bval.setbnd(par) == 0);
+    }
+    // duplicate
+    if (urandom(5) == 0) {
+      unsigned k = urandom(m_bvals);
+      const BVal& bval = *m_bval[k];
+      CHK(bval.setbnd(par) == 0);
+    }
   return 0;
diff --git a/sql/ha_ndbcluster.cc b/sql/ha_ndbcluster.cc
index 6d643298a79da05483b77a6950388af6aa21cf7f..ef3a067d04fe1786fd68490ee814c9c22baebd4a 100644
--- a/sql/ha_ndbcluster.cc
+++ b/sql/ha_ndbcluster.cc
@@ -1222,114 +1222,158 @@ inline int ha_ndbcluster::next_result(byte *buf)
-  Set bounds for a ordered index scan, use key_range
+  Set bounds for ordered index scan.
 int ha_ndbcluster::set_bounds(NdbIndexScanOperation *op,
-			      const key_range *key,
-			      int bound)
+			      const key_range *keys[2])
-  uint key_len, key_store_len, tot_len, key_tot_len;
-  byte *key_ptr;
-  KEY* key_info= table->key_info + active_index;
-  KEY_PART_INFO* key_part= key_info->key_part;
-  KEY_PART_INFO* end= key_part+key_info->key_parts;
-  Field* field;
-  bool key_nullable, key_null;
+  const KEY *const key_info= table->key_info + active_index;
+  const uint key_parts= key_info->key_parts;
+  uint key_tot_len[2];
+  uint tot_len;
+  int i, j;
-  DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("bound: %d", bound));
-  DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("key_parts: %d", key_info->key_parts));
-  DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("key->length: %d", key->length));
-  DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("key->flag: %d", key->flag));
+  DBUG_PRINT("info", ("key_parts=%d", key_parts));
-  // Set bounds using key data
-  tot_len= 0;
-  key_ptr= (byte *) key->key;
-  key_tot_len= key->length;
-  for (; key_part != end; key_part++)
+  for (j= 0; j <= 1; j++)
-    field= key_part->field;
-    key_len=  key_part->length;
-    key_store_len=  key_part->store_length;
-    key_nullable= (bool) key_part->null_bit;
-    key_null= (field->maybe_null() && *key_ptr);
-    tot_len+= key_store_len;
-    const char* bounds[]= {"LE", "LT", "GE", "GT", "EQ"};
-    DBUG_ASSERT(bound >= 0 && bound <= 4);    
-    DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Set Bound%s on %s %s %s", 
-			bounds[bound],
-			field->field_name,
-			key_nullable ? "NULLABLE" : "",
-			key_null ? "NULL":""));
-    DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Total length %d", tot_len));
-    DBUG_DUMP("key", (char*) key_ptr, key_store_len);
-    if (op->setBound(field->field_name,
-		     bound, 
-		     key_null ? 0 : (key_nullable ? key_ptr + 1 : key_ptr),
-		     key_null ? 0 : key_len) != 0)
-      ERR_RETURN(op->getNdbError());
-    key_ptr+= key_store_len;
-    if (tot_len >= key_tot_len)
-      break;
-    /*
-      Only one bound which is not EQ can be set
-      so if this bound was not EQ, bail out and make 
-      a best effort attempt
-    */
-    if (bound != NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundEQ)
-      break;
+    const key_range *key= keys[j];
+    if (key != NULL)
+    {
+      // for key->flag see ha_rkey_function
+      DBUG_PRINT("info", ("key %d length=%d flag=%d",
+                          j, key->length, key->flag));
+      key_tot_len[j]= key->length;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      DBUG_PRINT("info", ("key %d not present", j));
+      key_tot_len[j]= 0;
+    }
+  tot_len= 0;
+  for (i= 0; i < key_parts; i++)
+  {
+    KEY_PART_INFO *key_part= &key_info->key_part[i];
+    Field *field= key_part->field;
+    uint part_len= key_part->length;
+    uint part_store_len= key_part->store_length;
+    bool part_nullable= (bool) key_part->null_bit;
+    // Info about each key part
+    struct part_st {
+      bool part_last;
+      const key_range *key;
+      const byte *part_ptr;
+      bool part_null;
+      int bound_type;
+      const char* bound_ptr;
+    };
+    struct part_st part[2];
+    for (j= 0; j <= 1; j++)
+    {
+      struct part_st &p = part[j];
+      p.key= NULL;
+      p.bound_type= -1;
+      if (tot_len < key_tot_len[j])
+      {
+        p.part_last= (tot_len + part_store_len >= key_tot_len[j]);
+        p.key= keys[j];
+        p.part_ptr= &p.key->key[tot_len];
+        p.part_null= (field->maybe_null() && *p.part_ptr);
+        p.bound_ptr= (const char *)
+          p.part_null ? 0 : part_nullable ? p.part_ptr + 1 : p.part_ptr;
+        if (j == 0)
+        {
+          switch (p.key->flag)
+          {
+            case HA_READ_KEY_EXACT:
+              p.bound_type= NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundEQ;
+              break;
+            case HA_READ_KEY_OR_NEXT:
+              p.bound_type= NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundLE;
+              break;
+            case HA_READ_AFTER_KEY:
+              if (! p.part_last)
+                p.bound_type= NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundLE;
+              else
+                p.bound_type= NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundLT;
+              break;
+            default:
+              break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (j == 1) {
+          switch (p.key->flag)
+          {
+            case HA_READ_BEFORE_KEY:
+              if (! p.part_last)
+                p.bound_type= NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundGE;
+              else
+                p.bound_type= NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundGT;
+              break;
+            case HA_READ_AFTER_KEY:     // weird
+              p.bound_type= NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundGE;
+              break;
+            default:
+              break;
+          }
+        }
-#ifndef DBUG_OFF
+        if (p.bound_type == -1)
+        {
+          DBUG_PRINT("error", ("key %d unknown flag %d", j, p.key->flag));
+          DBUG_ASSERT(false);
+          // Stop setting bounds but continue with what we have
+          DBUG_RETURN(0);
+        }
+      }
+    }
-const char* key_flag_strs[] = 
+    // Seen with e.g. b = 1 and c > 1
+    if (part[0].bound_type == NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundLE &&
+        part[1].bound_type == NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundGE &&
+        memcmp(part[0].part_ptr, part[1].part_ptr, part_store_len) == 0)
+    {
+      DBUG_PRINT("info", ("replace LE/GE pair by EQ"));
+      part[0].bound_type= NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundEQ;
+      part[1].bound_type= -1;
+    }
+    // Not seen but was in previous version
+    if (part[0].bound_type == NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundEQ &&
+        part[1].bound_type == NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundGE &&
+        memcmp(part[0].part_ptr, part[1].part_ptr, part_store_len) == 0)
+    {
+      DBUG_PRINT("info", ("remove GE from EQ/GE pair"));
+      part[1].bound_type= -1;
+    }
-const int no_of_key_flags = sizeof(key_flag_strs)/sizeof(char*);
+    for (j= 0; j <= 1; j++)
+    {
+      struct part_st &p = part[j];
+      // Set bound if not done with this key
+      if (p.key != NULL)
+      {
+        DBUG_PRINT("info", ("key %d:%d offset=%d length=%d last=%d bound=%d",
+                            j, i, tot_len, part_len, p.part_last, p.bound_type));
+        DBUG_DUMP("info", (const char*)p.part_ptr, part_store_len);
+        // Set bound if not cancelled via type -1
+        if (p.bound_type != -1)
+          if (op->setBound(field->field_name, p.bound_type, p.bound_ptr))
+            ERR_RETURN(op->getNdbError());
+      }
+    }
-void print_key(const key_range* key, const char* info)
-  if (key)
-  {  
-    const char* str= key->flag < no_of_key_flags ? 
-      key_flag_strs[key->flag] : "Unknown flag";
-    fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"%s: %s, length=%d, key=", info, str, key->length);
-    uint i;
-    for (i=0; i<key->length-1; i++)
-      fprintf(DBUG_FILE,"%0d ", key->key[i]);
-    fprintf(DBUG_FILE, "\n");
+    tot_len+= part_store_len;
-  return;
   Start ordered index scan in NDB
@@ -1347,11 +1391,8 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::ordered_index_scan(const key_range *start_key,
   DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("index: %u, sorted: %d", active_index, sorted));  
   DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("Starting new ordered scan on %s", m_tabname));
-  DBUG_EXECUTE("enter", print_key(start_key, "start_key"););
-  DBUG_EXECUTE("enter", print_key(end_key, "end_key"););
-  if(m_active_cursor == 0)
+  if (m_active_cursor == 0)
     restart= false;
     NdbOperation::LockMode lm=
@@ -1372,29 +1413,15 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::ordered_index_scan(const key_range *start_key,
-  if (start_key && 
-      set_bounds(op, start_key, 
-		 (start_key->flag == HA_READ_KEY_EXACT) ? 
-		 NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundEQ :
-		 (start_key->flag == HA_READ_AFTER_KEY) ? 
-		 NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundLT : 
-		 NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundLE))
-    DBUG_RETURN(1);
-  if (end_key)
-    if (start_key && start_key->flag == HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)
-    {
-      DBUG_PRINT("info", ("start_key is HA_READ_KEY_EXACT ignoring end_key"));
-    }
-    else if (set_bounds(op, end_key, 
-			(end_key->flag == HA_READ_AFTER_KEY) ? 
-			NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundGE : 
-			NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundGT))
-      DBUG_RETURN(1);    
+    const key_range *keys[2]= { start_key, end_key };
+    int ret= set_bounds(op, keys);
+    if (ret)
+      DBUG_RETURN(ret);
-  if(!restart)
+  if (!restart)
     DBUG_RETURN(define_read_attrs(buf, op));
diff --git a/sql/ha_ndbcluster.h b/sql/ha_ndbcluster.h
index 364520335165dacfaa73d9c4bce39551f6a62747..16862559b7400c5bdc08d822400cfe1ff9ecc400 100644
--- a/sql/ha_ndbcluster.h
+++ b/sql/ha_ndbcluster.h
@@ -214,8 +214,7 @@ class ha_ndbcluster: public handler
   int set_primary_key(NdbOperation *op, const byte *key);
   int set_primary_key(NdbOperation *op);
   int set_primary_key_from_old_data(NdbOperation *op, const byte *old_data);
-  int set_bounds(NdbIndexScanOperation *ndb_op, const key_range *key,
-		 int bound);
+  int set_bounds(NdbIndexScanOperation *ndb_op, const key_range *keys[2]);
   int key_cmp(uint keynr, const byte * old_row, const byte * new_row);
   void print_results();