Commit 8d08c6d0 authored by Bjorn Munch's avatar Bjorn Munch

merge from 5.1-mtr

parents b9962a7d ffa3803e
......@@ -57,3 +57,13 @@ BEGIN
-- Procedure used by test case used to force all
-- servers to restart after testcase and thus skipping
-- check test case after test
CREATE DEFINER=root@localhost PROCEDURE force_restart()
SELECT 1 INTO OUTFILE 'force_restart';
......@@ -22,6 +22,33 @@ use My::Platform;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
my $hint_mysqld; # Last resort guess for executable path
# If path in core file is 79 chars we assume it's been truncated
# Looks like we can still find the full path using 'strings'
# If that doesn't work, use the hint (mysqld path) as last resort.
sub _verify_binpath {
my ($binary, $core_name)= @_;
my $binpath;
if (length $binary != 79) {
$binpath= $binary;
print "Core generated by '$binpath'\n";
} else {
# Last occurrence of path ending in /mysql*, cut from first /
if (`strings '$core_name' | grep "/mysql[^/. ]*\$" | tail -1` =~ /(\/.*)/) {
$binpath= $1;
print "Guessing that core was generated by '$binpath'\n";
} else {
return unless $hint_mysqld;
$binpath= $hint_mysqld;
print "Wild guess that core was generated by '$binpath'\n";
return $binpath;
sub _gdb {
my ($core_name)= @_;
......@@ -33,7 +60,8 @@ sub _gdb {
`gdb -c '$core_name' --batch 2>&1` =~
/Core was generated by `([^\s\'\`]+)/;
my $binary= $1 or return;
print "Core generated by '$binary'\n";
$binary= _verify_binpath ($binary, $core_name) or return;
# Create tempfile containing gdb commands
my ($tmp, $tmp_name) = tempfile();
......@@ -73,7 +101,8 @@ sub _dbx {
`echo | dbx - '$core_name' 2>&1` =~
/Corefile specified executable: "([^"]+)"/;
my $binary= $1 or return;
print "Core generated by '$binary'\n";
$binary= _verify_binpath ($binary, $core_name) or return;
# Find all threads
my @thr_ids = `echo threads | dbx '$binary' '$core_name' 2>&1` =~ /t@\d+/g;
......@@ -203,7 +232,7 @@ sub _cdb {
my $cdb_cmd = "!sym prompts off; !analyze -v; .ecxr; !for_each_frame dv /t;!uniqstack -p;q";
my $cdb_output=
`cdb -z $core_name -i "$image_path" -y "$symbol_path" -t 0 -lines -c "$cdb_cmd" 2>&1`;
`cdb -c "$cdb_cmd" -z $core_name -i "$image_path" -y "$symbol_path" -t 0 -lines 2>&1`;
return if $? >> 8;
return unless $cdb_output;
......@@ -225,7 +254,8 @@ EOF
sub show {
my ($class, $core_name)= @_;
my ($class, $core_name, $exe_mysqld)= @_;
$hint_mysqld= $exe_mysqld;
# On Windows, rely on cdb to be there...
......@@ -164,6 +164,9 @@ sub copytree {
copytree("$from_dir/$_", "$to_dir/$_");
# Only copy plain files
next unless -f "$from_dir/$_";
copy("$from_dir/$_", "$to_dir/$_");
......@@ -536,7 +536,37 @@ sub wait_any {
return $proc;
# Wait for all processes to exit
sub wait_all {
while(keys %running)
# Check if any process has exited, but don't wait.
# Returns a reference to the SafeProcess that
# exited or undefined
sub check_any {
for my $proc (values %running){
if ( $proc->is_child($$) ) {
if (not $proc->wait_one(0)) {
_verbose ("Found exited $proc");
return $proc;
return undef;
# Overload string operator
# and fallback to default functions if no
# overloaded function is found
......@@ -83,6 +83,13 @@ sub exit_status {
# may not exist everywhere, so use only on Windows.
use if $^O eq "MSWin32", "threads";
use if $^O eq "MSWin32", "threads::shared";
my $win32_spawn_lock :shared;
# Create a new process
......@@ -104,6 +111,8 @@ sub create_process {
if ($^O eq "MSWin32"){
#printf STDERR "stdin %d, stdout %d, stderr %d\n",
# fileno STDIN, fileno STDOUT, fileno STDERR;
......@@ -259,22 +259,37 @@ int main(int argc, const char** argv )
the JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE flag, making sure it will be
terminated when the last handle to it is closed(which is owned by
this process).
If breakaway from job fails on some reason, fallback is to create a
new process group. Process groups also allow to kill process and its
descedants, subject to some restrictions (processes have to run within
the same console,and must not ignore CTRL_BREAK)
if (CreateProcess(NULL, (LPSTR)child_args,
BOOL process_created= FALSE;
BOOL jobobject_assigned= FALSE;
for (int i=0; i < sizeof(create_flags)/sizeof(create_flags[0]); i++)
process_created= CreateProcess(NULL, (LPSTR)child_args,
TRUE, /* inherit handles */
CREATE_SUSPENDED | create_flags[i],
&process_info) == 0)
die("CreateProcess failed");
if (process_created)
jobobject_assigned= AssignProcessToJobObject(job_handle, process_info.hProcess);
if (AssignProcessToJobObject(job_handle, process_info.hProcess) == 0)
if (!process_created)
TerminateProcess(process_info.hProcess, 200);
die("AssignProcessToJobObject failed");
die("CreateProcess failed");
......@@ -312,6 +327,13 @@ int main(int argc, const char** argv )
message("TerminateJobObject failed");
message("Job terminated and closed");
if (!jobobject_assigned)
GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, process_info.dwProcessId);
TerminateProcess(process_info.hProcess, 202);
if (wait_res != WAIT_OBJECT_0 + CHILD)
/* The child has not yet returned, wait for it */
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ our $print_testcases;
our $skip_rpl;
our $do_test;
our $skip_test;
our $opt_skip_combination;
our $skip_combinations;
our $binlog_format;
our $enable_disabled;
our $default_storage_engine;
......@@ -119,11 +119,22 @@ sub collect_test_cases ($$) {
if ( $test->{name} =~ /.*\.$tname/ )
$found= 1;
if ( not $found )
mtr_error("Could not find '$tname' in '$suites' suite(s)");
mtr_error("Could not find '$tname' in '$suites' suite(s)") unless $sname;
# If suite was part of name, find it there
my ($this_case) = collect_one_suite($sname, [ $tname ]);
if ($this_case)
push (@$cases, $this_case);
mtr_error("Could not find '$tname' in '$sname' suite");
......@@ -375,7 +386,7 @@ sub collect_one_suite($)
# Read combinations for this suite and build testcases x combinations
# if any combinations exists
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $opt_skip_combination )
if ( ! $skip_combinations )
my @combinations;
my $combination_file= "$suitedir/combinations";
......@@ -21,7 +21,25 @@
use strict;
use Socket;
use Errno;
use My::Platform;
use if IS_WINDOWS, "Net::Ping";
# Ancient perl might not have port_number method for Net::Ping.
# Check it and use fallback to connect() if it is not present.
my $use_netping= 0;
my $ping = Net::Ping->new();
if ($ping->can("port_number"))
$use_netping= 1;
eval 'sub USE_NETPING { $use_netping }';
sub sleep_until_file_created ($$$);
sub mtr_ping_port ($);
......@@ -30,6 +48,24 @@ sub mtr_ping_port ($) {
mtr_verbose("mtr_ping_port: $port");
# Under Windows, connect to a port that is not open is slow
# It takes ~1sec. Net::Ping with small timeout is much faster.
my $ping = Net::Ping->new();
if ($ping->ping("localhost",0.1))
return 1;
return 0;
my $remote= "localhost";
my $iaddr= inet_aton($remote);
if ( ! $iaddr )
......@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ our @EXPORT= qw(report_option mtr_print_line mtr_print_thick_line
use mtr_match;
use My::Platform;
use POSIX qw[ _exit ];
require "";
my $tot_real_time= 0;
......@@ -257,6 +259,17 @@ sub mtr_report_stats ($) {
# Add counts for repeated runs, if any.
# Note that the last run has already been counted above.
my $num_repeat = $tinfo->{'repeat'} - 1;
if ( $num_repeat > 0 )
$tot_tests += $num_repeat;
my $rep_failed = $tinfo->{'rep_failures'} || 0;
$tot_failed += $rep_failed;
$tot_passed += $num_repeat - $rep_failed;
# Look for warnings produced by mysqltest
my $base_file= mtr_match_extension($tinfo->{'result_file'},
"result"); # Trim extension
......@@ -336,7 +349,7 @@ sub mtr_report_stats ($) {
foreach my $tinfo (@$tests)
my $tname= $tinfo->{'name'};
if ( $tinfo->{failures} and ! $seen{$tname})
if ( ($tinfo->{failures} || $tinfo->{rep_failures}) and ! $seen{$tname})
print " $tname";
$seen{$tname}= 1;
......@@ -459,7 +472,14 @@ sub mtr_warning (@) {
sub mtr_error (@) {
print STDERR _name(), _timestamp(),
"mysql-test-run: *** ERROR: ", join(" ", @_), "\n";
......@@ -28,32 +28,36 @@ sub msg {
# print "### unique($$) - ", join(" ", @_), "\n";
my $file;
my $dir;
$file= "/tmp/mysql-test-ports";
$dir= "/tmp/mysql-unique-ids";
$file= $ENV{'TEMP'}."/mysql-test-ports";
# Try to use machine-wide directory location for unique IDs,
# $ALLUSERSPROFILE . IF it is not available, fallback to $TEMP
# which is typically a per-user temporary directory
$dir= $ENV{'ALLUSERSPROFILE'}."/mysql-unique-ids";
$dir= $ENV{'TEMP'}."/mysql-unique-ids";
my %mtr_unique_ids;
my $mtr_unique_fh = undef;
my $allocated_id= $mtr_unique_ids{$$};
if (defined $allocated_id)
delete $mtr_unique_ids{$$};
# Get a unique, numerical ID, given a file name (where all
# requested IDs are stored), a minimum and a maximum value.
# Get a unique, numerical ID in a specified range.
# If no unique ID within the specified parameters can be
# obtained, return undef.
......@@ -61,135 +65,63 @@ END {
sub mtr_get_unique_id($$) {
my ($min, $max)= @_;;
msg("get, '$file', $min-$max");
die "Can only get one unique id per process!" if $mtr_unique_ids{$$};
msg("get $min-$max, $$");
my $ret = undef;
my $changed = 0;
if(eval("readlink '$file'") || eval("readlink '$file.sem'")) {
die 'lock file is a symbolic link';
die "Can only get one unique id per process!" if defined $mtr_unique_fh;
chmod 0777, "$file.sem";
open SEM, ">", "$file.sem" or die "can't write to $file.sem";
flock SEM, LOCK_EX or die "can't lock $file.sem";
if(! -e $file) {
open FILE, ">", $file or die "can't create $file";
close FILE;
# Make sure our ID directory exists
if (! -d $dir)
# If there is a file with the reserved
# directory name, just delete the file.
if (-e $dir)
if(eval("readlink '$file'") || eval("readlink '$file.sem'")) {
die 'lock file is a symbolic link';
mkdir $dir;
chmod 0777, $dir;
chmod 0777, $file;
open FILE, "+<", $file or die "can't open $file";
#select undef,undef,undef,0.2;
seek FILE, 0, 0;
my %taken = ();
while(<FILE>) {
my ($id, $pid) = split / /;
$taken{$id} = $pid;
msg("taken: $id, $pid");
# Check if process with given pid is alive
if(!process_alive($pid)) {
print "Removing slot $id used by missing process $pid\n";
msg("Removing slot $id used by missing process $pid");
delete $taken{$id};
if(! -d $dir)
die "can't make directory $dir";
for(my $i=$min; $i<=$max; ++$i) {
if(! exists $taken{$i}) {
$ret = $i;
$taken{$i} = $$;
# Remember the id this process got
$mtr_unique_ids{$$}= $i;
msg(" got $i");
my $fh;
for(my $id = $min; $id <= $max; $id++)
open( $fh, ">$dir/$id");
chmod 0666, "$dir/$id";
# Try to lock the file exclusively. If lock succeeds, we're done.
if (flock($fh, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB))
# Store file handle - we would need it to release the ID (==unlock the file)
$mtr_unique_fh = $fh;
return $id;
if($changed) {
seek FILE, 0, 0;
truncate FILE, 0 or die "can't truncate $file";
for my $k (keys %taken) {
print FILE $k . ' ' . $taken{$k} . "\n";
close $fh;
close FILE;
flock SEM, LOCK_UN or warn "can't unlock $file.sem";
close SEM;
return $ret;
return undef;
# Release a unique ID.
sub mtr_release_unique_id($) {
my ($myid)= @_;
msg("release, $myid");
if(eval("readlink '$file'") || eval("readlink '$file.sem'")) {
die 'lock file is a symbolic link';
open SEM, ">", "$file.sem" or die "can't write to $file.sem";
flock SEM, LOCK_EX or die "can't lock $file.sem";
if(eval("readlink '$file'") || eval("readlink '$file.sem'")) {
die 'lock file is a symbolic link';
if(! -e $file) {
open FILE, ">", $file or die "can't create $file";
close FILE;
open FILE, "+<", $file or die "can't open $file";
#select undef,undef,undef,0.2;
seek FILE, 0, 0;
my %taken = ();
while(<FILE>) {
my ($id, $pid) = split / /;
msg(" taken, $id $pid");
$taken{$id} = $pid;
if ($taken{$myid} != $$)
sub mtr_release_unique_id()
msg("release $$");
if (defined $mtr_unique_fh)
msg(" The unique id for this process does not match pid");
close $mtr_unique_fh;
$mtr_unique_fh = undef;
msg(" removing $myid");
delete $taken{$myid};
seek FILE, 0, 0;
truncate FILE, 0 or die "can't truncate $file";
for my $k (keys %taken) {
print FILE $k . ' ' . $taken{$k} . "\n";
close FILE;
flock SEM, LOCK_UN or warn "can't unlock $file.sem";
close SEM;
delete $mtr_unique_ids{$$};
......@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ sub check_timeout { return $opt_testcase_timeout * 6; };
my $opt_start;
my $opt_start_dirty;
my $opt_wait_all;
my $opt_repeat= 1;
my $opt_retry= 3;
my $opt_retry_failure= 2;
......@@ -429,6 +430,7 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
my $completed= [];
my %running;
my $result;
my $exe_mysqld= find_mysqld($basedir) || ""; # Used as hint to CoreDump
my $suite_timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(suite_timeout());
......@@ -500,7 +502,7 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
mtr_report(" - found '$core_name'",
My::CoreDump->show($core_file, $exe_mysqld);
if ($num_saved_cores >= $opt_max_save_core) {
mtr_report(" - deleting it, already saved",
......@@ -515,6 +517,7 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
$num_failed_test++ unless $result->{retries};
if ( !$opt_force ) {
# Test has failed, force is off
......@@ -529,7 +532,6 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
return undef;
# Retry test run after test failure
......@@ -554,9 +556,11 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
# Repeat test $opt_repeat number of times
my $repeat= $result->{repeat} || 1;
if ($repeat < $opt_repeat)
# Don't repeat if test was skipped
if ($repeat < $opt_repeat && $result->{'result'} ne 'MTR_RES_SKIPPED')
$result->{retries}= 0;
$result->{rep_failures}++ if $result->{failures};
$result->{failures}= 0;
$result->{repeat}= $repeat+1;
......@@ -876,6 +880,7 @@ sub command_line_setup {
'sleep=i' => \$opt_sleep,
'start-dirty' => \$opt_start_dirty,
'start' => \$opt_start,
'wait-all' => \$opt_wait_all,
'print-testcases' => \&collect_option,
'repeat=i' => \$opt_repeat,
'retry=i' => \$opt_retry,
......@@ -1233,6 +1238,15 @@ sub command_line_setup {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check use of wait-all
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($opt_wait_all && ! ($opt_start_dirty || $opt_start))
mtr_error("--wait-all can only be used with --start or --start-dirty");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check timeout arguments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1323,29 +1337,31 @@ sub set_build_thread_ports($) {
if ( lc($opt_build_thread) eq 'auto' ) {
my $found_free = 0;
$build_thread = 250; # Start attempts from here
$build_thread = 300; # Start attempts from here
while (! $found_free)
$build_thread= mtr_get_unique_id($build_thread, 299);
$build_thread= mtr_get_unique_id($build_thread, 349);
if ( !defined $build_thread ) {
mtr_error("Could not get a unique build thread id");
mtr_error("Could not get a unique build thread id");
$found_free= check_ports_free($build_thread);
# If not free, release and try from next number
mtr_release_unique_id($build_thread++) unless $found_free;
if (! $found_free) {
$build_thread = $opt_build_thread + $thread - 1;
if (! check_ports_free($build_thread)) {
# Some port was not free(which one has already been printed)
mtr_error("Some port(s) was not free")
$ENV{MTR_BUILD_THREAD}= $build_thread;
if (! check_ports_free($build_thread)) {
# Some port was not free(which one has already been printed)
mtr_error("Some port(s) was not free")
# Calculate baseport
$baseport= $build_thread * 10 + 10000;
if ( $baseport < 5001 or $baseport + 9 >= 32767 )
......@@ -3134,6 +3150,26 @@ sub find_analyze_request
# The test can leave a file in var/tmp/ to signal
# that all servers should be restarted
sub restart_forced_by_test
my $restart = 0;
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() )
my $datadir = $mysqld->value('datadir');
my $force_restart_file = "$datadir/mtr/force_restart";
if ( -f $force_restart_file )
mtr_verbose("Restart of servers forced by test");
$restart = 1;
return $restart;
# Return timezone value of tinfo or default value
sub timezone {
my ($tinfo)= @_;
......@@ -3175,7 +3211,7 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# Remove old datadirs
clean_datadir() unless $opt_start_dirty;
# Restore old ENV
while (my ($option, $value)= each( %old_env )) {
......@@ -3242,19 +3278,29 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# If --start or --start-dirty given, stop here to let user manually
# run tests
# If --wait-all is also given, do the same, but don't die if one
# server exits
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_start or $opt_start_dirty )
mtr_print("\nStarted", started(all_servers()));
mtr_print("Waiting for server(s) to exit...");
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
if ( grep($proc eq $_, started(all_servers())) )
mtr_print("Server $proc died");
if ( $opt_wait_all ) {
mtr_print( "All servers exited" );
else {
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
if ( grep($proc eq $_, started(all_servers())) )
mtr_print("Server $proc died");
mtr_print("Unknown process $proc died");
mtr_print("Unknown process $proc died");
my $test_timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(testcase_timeout());
......@@ -3272,10 +3318,38 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
my $test= start_mysqltest($tinfo);
# Set only when we have to keep waiting after expectedly died server
my $keep_waiting_proc = 0;
while (1)
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
my $proc;
if ($keep_waiting_proc)
# Any other process exited?
$proc = My::SafeProcess->check_any();
if ($proc)
mtr_verbose ("Found exited process $proc");
# If that was the timeout, cancel waiting
if ( $proc eq $test_timeout_proc )
$keep_waiting_proc = 0;
$proc = $keep_waiting_proc;
$proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
# Will be restored if we need to keep waiting
$keep_waiting_proc = 0;
unless ( defined $proc )
mtr_error("wait_any failed");
......@@ -3302,7 +3376,11 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
if ( $res == 0 )
my $check_res;
if ( $opt_check_testcases and
if ( restart_forced_by_test() )
elsif ( $opt_check_testcases and
$check_res= check_testcase($tinfo, "after"))
if ($check_res == 1) {
......@@ -3367,8 +3445,12 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Check if it was an expected crash
# ----------------------------------------------------
if ( check_expected_crash_and_restart($proc) )
my $check_crash = check_expected_crash_and_restart($proc);
if ($check_crash)
# Keep waiting if it returned 2, if 1 don't wait or stop waiting.
$keep_waiting_proc = 0 if $check_crash == 1;
$keep_waiting_proc = $proc if $check_crash == 2;
......@@ -3709,16 +3791,16 @@ sub check_expected_crash_and_restart {
mtr_verbose("Crash was expected, file '$expect_file' exists");
while (1){
for (my $waits = 0; $waits < 50; $waits++)
# If last line in expect file starts with "wait"
# sleep a little and try again, thus allowing the
# test script to control when the server should start
# up again
# up again. Keep trying for up to 5s at a time.
my $last_line= mtr_lastlinesfromfile($expect_file, 1);
if ($last_line =~ /^wait/ )
mtr_verbose("Test says wait before restart");
mtr_verbose("Test says wait before restart") if $waits == 0;
......@@ -3728,11 +3810,11 @@ sub check_expected_crash_and_restart {
# Start server with same settings as last time
mysqld_start($mysqld, $mysqld->{'started_opts'});
return 1;
# Loop ran through: we should keep waiting after a re-check
return 2;
return 1;
# Not an expected crash
......@@ -4431,14 +4513,17 @@ sub start_servers($) {
my $mysqld_basedir= $mysqld->value('basedir');
if ( $basedir eq $mysqld_basedir )
# Copy datadir from installed system db
for my $path ( "$opt_vardir", "$opt_vardir/..") {
my $install_db= "$path/install.db";
copytree($install_db, $datadir)
if -d $install_db;
if (! $opt_start_dirty) # If dirty, keep possibly grown system db
# Copy datadir from installed system db
for my $path ( "$opt_vardir", "$opt_vardir/..") {
my $install_db= "$path/install.db";
copytree($install_db, $datadir)
if -d $install_db;
mtr_error("Failed to copy system db to '$datadir'")
unless -d $datadir;
mtr_error("Failed to copy system db to '$datadir'")
unless -d $datadir;
......@@ -4978,10 +5063,13 @@ Options to control what engine/variation to run
vs-config Visual Studio configuration used to create executables
(default: MTR_VS_CONFIG environment variable)
config|defaults-file=<config template> Use fixed config template for all
defaults-file=<config template> Use fixed config template for all
defaults_extra_file=<config template> Extra config template to add to
all generated configs
combination=<opt> Use at least twice to run tests with specified
options to mysqld
skip-combinations Ignore combination file (or options)
Options to control directories to use
tmpdir=DIR The directory where temporary files are stored
......@@ -5004,7 +5092,6 @@ Options to control what test suites or cases to run
force Continue to run the suite after failure
with-ndbcluster-only Run only tests that include "ndb" in the filename
skip-ndb[cluster] Skip all tests that need cluster
skip-ndb[cluster]-slave Skip all tests that need a slave cluster
do-test=PREFIX or REGEX
Run test cases which name are prefixed with PREFIX
or fulfills REGEX
......@@ -5019,6 +5106,9 @@ Options to control what test suites or cases to run
The default is: "$DEFAULT_SUITES"
skip-rpl Skip the replication test cases.
big-test Also run tests marked as "big"
enable-disabled Run also tests marked as disabled
print_testcases Don't run the tests but print details about all the
selected tests, in the order they would be run.
Options that specify ports
......@@ -5087,7 +5177,7 @@ Options for valgrind
valgrind-options=ARGS Deprecated, use --valgrind-option
valgrind-option=ARGS Option to give valgrind, replaces default option(s),
can be specified more then once
valgrind-path=[EXE] Path to the valgrind executable
valgrind-path=<EXE> Path to the valgrind executable
callgrind Instruct valgrind to use callgrind
Misc options
......@@ -5095,14 +5185,18 @@ Misc options
comment=STR Write STR to the output
notimer Don't show test case execution time
verbose More verbose output(use multiple times for even more)
verbose-restart Write when and why servers are restarted
start Only initialize and start the servers, using the
startup settings for the first specified test case
$0 --start alias &
start-dirty Only start the servers (without initialization) for
the first specified test case
wait-all If --start or --start-dirty option is used, wait for all
servers to exit before finishing the process
fast Run as fast as possible, dont't wait for servers
to shutdown etc.
parallel=N Run tests in N parallel threads (default=1)
repeat=N Run each test N number of times
retry=N Retry tests that fail N times, limit number of failures
to $opt_retry_failure
......@@ -5120,6 +5214,12 @@ Misc options
sleep=SECONDS Passed to mysqltest, will be used as fixed sleep time
gcov Collect coverage information after the test.
The result is a gcov file per source and header file.
experimental=<file> Refer to list of tests considered experimental;
failures will be marked exp-fail instead of fail.
report-features First run a "test" that reports mysql features
timestamp Print timestamp before each test report line
timediff With --timestamp, also print time passed since
*previous* test started
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ SELECT * INTO @Y FROM init_file.startup limit 1,1;
DROP DATABASE init_file;
end of 4.1 tests
select * from t1;
......@@ -19,3 +20,5 @@ y
drop table t1, t2;
call mtr.force_restart();
......@@ -96,10 +96,11 @@ CREATE FUNCTION function_for_routines() RETURNS INT RETURN 0;
SELECT specific_name,routine_catalog,routine_schema,routine_name,routine_type,
FROM information_schema.routines
WHERE routine_catalog IS NOT NULL OR external_name IS NOT NULL
WHERE routine_schema = 'test' AND
(routine_catalog IS NOT NULL OR external_name IS NOT NULL
OR external_language IS NOT NULL OR sql_path IS NOT NULL
OR routine_body <> 'SQL' OR parameter_style <> 'SQL'
OR specific_name <> routine_name;
OR specific_name <> routine_name);
DROP PROCEDURE sp_for_routines;
DROP FUNCTION function_for_routines;
......@@ -111,10 +111,11 @@ CREATE FUNCTION function_for_routines() RETURNS INT RETURN 0;
SELECT specific_name,routine_catalog,routine_schema,routine_name,routine_type,
FROM information_schema.routines
WHERE routine_catalog IS NOT NULL OR external_name IS NOT NULL
WHERE routine_schema = 'test' AND
(routine_catalog IS NOT NULL OR external_name IS NOT NULL
OR external_language IS NOT NULL OR sql_path IS NOT NULL
OR routine_body <> 'SQL' OR parameter_style <> 'SQL'
OR specific_name <> routine_name;
OR specific_name <> routine_name);
specific_name routine_catalog routine_schema routine_name routine_type routine_body external_name external_language parameter_style sql_path
DROP PROCEDURE sp_for_routines;
DROP FUNCTION function_for_routines;
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ SELECT * INTO @X FROM init_file.startup limit 0,1;
SELECT * INTO @Y FROM init_file.startup limit 1,1;
# Enable this DROP DATABASE only after resolving bug #42507
# DROP DATABASE init_file;
DROP DATABASE init_file;
--echo ok
--echo end of 4.1 tests
......@@ -28,4 +28,9 @@ select * from t1;
# 30, 3, 11, 13
select * from t2;
# Enable this DROP TABLE only after resolving bug #42507
#drop table t1, t2;
drop table t1, t2;
# MTR will restart server anyway, but by forcing it we avoid being warned
# about the apparent side effect
call mtr.force_restart();
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