Commit 913ec830 authored by Magnus Svensson's avatar Magnus Svensson


 - Rearrange spawn worker code
parent 7f954bd2
......@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ my $opt_repeat= 1;
my $opt_retry= 3;
my $opt_retry_failure= 2;
my $opt_parallel= $ENV{MTR_PARALLEL};
my $opt_strace_client;
our $opt_user;
......@@ -208,6 +206,7 @@ main();
sub main {
# Default, verbosity on
report_option('verbose', 0);
# This is needed for test log evaluation in "gen-build-status-page"
......@@ -215,46 +214,11 @@ sub main {
# directly before it executes them, like "make test-force-pl" in RPM builds.
mtr_report("Logging: $0 ", join(" ", @ARGV));
my $opt_parallel= $ENV{MTR_PARALLEL};
GetOptions('parallel=i' => \$opt_parallel) or usage(0, "Can't read options");
if ( not defined $opt_parallel ) {
# Try to find a suitable value for number of workers
my $sys_info= My::SysInfo->new();
$opt_parallel= $sys_info->num_cpus();
for my $limit (2000, 1500, 1000, 500){
$opt_parallel-- if ($sys_info->min_bogomips() < $limit);
$opt_parallel= 1 if ($opt_parallel < 1);
mtr_report("Using parallel: $opt_parallel");
# Create server socket on any free port
my $server = new IO::Socket::INET
LocalAddr => 'localhost',
Proto => 'tcp',
Listen => $opt_parallel,
mtr_error("Could not create testcase server port: $!") unless $server;
my $server_port = $server->sockport();
mtr_report("Using server port $server_port");
# Create child processes
my %children;
for my $child_num (1..$opt_parallel){
my $child_pid= My::SafeProcess::Base::_safe_fork();
if ($child_pid == 0){
$server= undef; # Close the server port in child
run_worker($server_port, $child_num);
$children{$child_pid}= 1;
if ( $opt_gcov ) {
......@@ -301,13 +265,61 @@ sub main {
unshift(@$tests, $tinfo);
print "vardir: $opt_vardir\n";
my $num_tests= @$tests;
if ( not defined $opt_parallel ) {
# Try to find a suitable value for number of workers
my $sys_info= My::SysInfo->new();
$opt_parallel= $sys_info->num_cpus();
for my $limit (2000, 1500, 1000, 500){
$opt_parallel-- if ($sys_info->min_bogomips() < $limit);
$opt_parallel= $num_tests if ($opt_parallel > $num_tests);
$opt_parallel= 1 if ($opt_parallel < 1);
mtr_report("Using parallel: $opt_parallel");
# Create server socket on any free port
my $server = new IO::Socket::INET
LocalAddr => 'localhost',
Proto => 'tcp',
Listen => $opt_parallel,
mtr_error("Could not create testcase server port: $!") unless $server;
my $server_port = $server->sockport();
mtr_report("Using server port $server_port");
# Create child processes
my %children;
for my $child_num (1..$opt_parallel){
my $child_pid= My::SafeProcess::Base::_safe_fork();
if ($child_pid == 0){
$server= undef; # Close the server port in child
$tests= {}; # Don't need the tests list in child
# Use subdir of var and tmp unless only one worker
if ($opt_parallel > 1) {
$opt_tmpdir= "$opt_tmpdir/$child_num";
run_worker($server_port, $child_num);
$children{$child_pid}= 1;
my $num_tests= @$tests;
my $completed= run_test_server($server, $tests, $opt_parallel);
# Send Ctrl-C to any children still running
......@@ -357,7 +369,7 @@ sub main {
sub run_test_server {
sub run_test_server ($$$) {
my ($server, $tests, $childs) = @_;
my $num_saved_cores= 0; # Number of core files saved in vardir/log/ so far.
......@@ -365,7 +377,7 @@ sub run_test_server {
my $num_failed_test= 0; # Number of tests failed so far
# Scheduler variables
my $max_ndb= $opt_parallel / 2;
my $max_ndb= $childs / 2;
$max_ndb = 4 if $max_ndb > 4;
$max_ndb = 1 if $max_ndb < 1;
my $num_ndb_tests= 0;
......@@ -598,8 +610,28 @@ sub run_worker ($) {
$SIG{INT}= sub { exit(1); };
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set worker name
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use auto build thread in all but first worker
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
set_build_thread_ports($thread_num > 1 ? 'auto' : $opt_build_thread);
if (check_ports_free()){
# Some port was not free(which one has already been printed)
mtr_error("Some port(s) was not free")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Turn off verbosity in workers, unless explicitly specified
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
report_option('verbose', undef) if ($opt_verbose == 0);
# Connect to server
my $server = new IO::Socket::INET
......@@ -614,8 +646,6 @@ sub run_worker ($) {
# resources have been setup
my $hello= <$server>;
......@@ -658,15 +688,30 @@ sub ignore_option {
mtr_report("Ignoring option '$opt'");
sub command_line_setup {
my ($thread_num)= @_;
# Setup any paths that are $opt_vardir related
sub set_vardir {
my ($vardir)= @_;
$opt_vardir= $vardir;
$path_vardir_trace= $opt_vardir;
# Chop off any "c:", DBUG likes a unix path ex: c:/src/... => /src/...
$path_vardir_trace=~ s/^\w://;
# Location of my.cnf that all clients use
$path_config_file= "$opt_vardir/my.cnf";
$path_testlog= "$opt_vardir/log/mysqltest.log";
$path_current_testlog= "$opt_vardir/log/current_test";
sub command_line_setup {
my $opt_comment;
my $opt_usage;
# Default verbosity, server ON and workers OFF
report_option('verbose', $thread_num ? undef : 0);
# Read the command line options
# Note: Keep list, and the order, in sync with usage at end of this file
......@@ -787,9 +832,9 @@ sub command_line_setup {
'timediff' => \&report_option,
'help|h' => \$opt_usage,
) or usage($thread_num, "Can't read options");
) or usage("Can't read options");
usage($thread_num, "") if $opt_usage;
usage("") if $opt_usage;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup verbosity
......@@ -798,12 +843,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
report_option('verbose', $opt_verbose);
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check build_thread and calculate baseport
# Use auto build thread in all but first worker
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
set_build_thread_ports($thread_num > 1 ? 'auto' : $opt_build_thread);
if ( -d "../sql" )
$source_dist= 1;
......@@ -892,7 +931,7 @@ sub command_line_setup {
elsif ( $arg =~ /^-/ )
usage($thread_num, "Invalid option \"$arg\"");
usage("Invalid option \"$arg\"");
......@@ -929,9 +968,8 @@ sub command_line_setup {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check if we should speed up tests by trying to run on tmpfs
# - Dont check in workers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( defined $opt_mem and $thread_num == 0)
if ( defined $opt_mem)
mtr_error("Can't use --mem and --vardir at the same time ")
if $opt_vardir;
......@@ -955,7 +993,7 @@ sub command_line_setup {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the "var/" directory, as it is the base for everything else
# Set the "var/" directory, the base for everything else
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$default_vardir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/var";
if ( ! $opt_vardir )
......@@ -963,15 +1001,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
$opt_vardir= $default_vardir;
# If more than one parallel run, use a subdir of the selected var
if ($thread_num && $opt_parallel > 1) {
$opt_vardir.= "/".$thread_num;
$path_vardir_trace= $opt_vardir;
# Chop off any "c:", DBUG likes a unix path ex: c:/src/... => /src/...
$path_vardir_trace=~ s/^\w://;
# We make the path absolute, as the server will do a chdir() before usage
unless ( $opt_vardir =~ m,^/, or
(IS_WINDOWS and $opt_vardir =~ m,^[a-z]:/,i) )
......@@ -980,20 +1009,14 @@ sub command_line_setup {
$opt_vardir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/$opt_vardir";
# Location of my.cnf that all clients use
$path_config_file= "$opt_vardir/my.cnf";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set tmpdir
# Set the "tmp" directory
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$opt_tmpdir= "$opt_vardir/tmp" unless $opt_tmpdir;
$opt_tmpdir =~ s,/+$,,; # Remove ending slash if any
# If more than one parallel run, use a subdir of the selected tmpdir
if ($thread_num && $opt_parallel > 1 and $opt_tmpdir ne "$opt_vardir/tmp") {
$opt_tmpdir.= "/".$thread_num;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# fast option
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1099,11 +1122,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set timeout values
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$opt_start_timeout*= $opt_parallel;
# Check valgrind arguments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1157,9 +1175,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
$opt_user= "root"; # We want to do FLUSH xxx commands
$path_testlog= "$opt_vardir/log/mysqltest.log";
$path_current_testlog= "$opt_vardir/log/current_test";
mtr_report("Checking supported features...");
......@@ -1168,8 +1183,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
......@@ -1192,12 +1205,12 @@ sub set_build_thread_ports($) {
my $build_thread= shift || 0;
if ( lc($build_thread) eq 'auto' ) {
mtr_report("Requesting build thread... ");
#mtr_report("Requesting build thread... ");
$build_thread= mtr_get_unique_id(250, 299);
if ( !defined $build_thread ) {
mtr_error("Could not get a unique build thread id");
mtr_report(" - got $build_thread");
#mtr_report(" - got $build_thread");
$ENV{MTR_BUILD_THREAD}= $build_thread;
$opt_build_thread= $build_thread;
......@@ -1614,9 +1627,9 @@ sub environment_setup {
$ENV{'USE_RUNNING_SERVER'}= using_extern();
$ENV{'MYSQL_TEST_DIR'}= $glob_mysql_test_dir;
$ENV{'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR'}= $opt_vardir;
$ENV{'DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT'}= $mysqld_variables{'master-port'} || 3306;
$ENV{'MYSQL_TMP_DIR'}= $opt_tmpdir;
$ENV{'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR'}= $opt_vardir;
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Setup env for NDB
......@@ -2303,7 +2316,7 @@ sub check_ports_free
for ($baseport..$baseport+9){
push(@ports_to_check, $_);
mtr_report("Checking ports...");
#mtr_report("Checking ports...");
# print "@ports_to_check\n";
foreach my $port (@ports_to_check){
if (mtr_ping_port($port)){
......@@ -2337,11 +2350,6 @@ sub initialize_servers {
# using any pidfiles found in var/run
if (check_ports_free()){
# Some port was not free(which one has already been printed)
mtr_error("Some port(s) was not free")
if ( ! $opt_start_dirty )
......@@ -4534,10 +4542,7 @@ sub valgrind_arguments {
# Usage
sub usage ($) {
my ($thread_num, $message)= @_;
# Only main thread should print usage
return if $thread_num != 0;
my ($message)= @_;
if ( $message )
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