Commit 97edcf4b authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Merge five.local.lan:/work/merge/mysql-5.0-Bug

into  five.local.lan:/work/trees/mysql-5.0-build-src-clean
parents f723dec4 91cc44f7
......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ dist-hook:
mkdir -p $(distdir)/t $(distdir)/r $(distdir)/include \
$(distdir)/std_data \
$(distdir)/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_be $(distdir)/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_le \
$(distdir)/lib \
-$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/t/*.def $(distdir)/t
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/t/*.test $(distdir)/t
-$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/t/*.imtest $(distdir)/t
......@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ dist-hook:
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/std_data/*.cnf $(distdir)/std_data
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_be/BACKUP* $(distdir)/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_be
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_le/BACKUP* $(distdir)/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_le
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/std_data/funcs_1/* $(distdir)/std_data/funcs_1
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/lib/*.pl $(distdir)/lib
-rm -rf `find $(distdir)/suite -type d -name SCCS`
......@@ -77,7 +79,8 @@ install-data-local:
$(DESTDIR)$(testdir)/std_data \
$(DESTDIR)$(testdir)/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_be \
$(DESTDIR)$(testdir)/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_le \
$(DESTDIR)$(testdir)/lib \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/README $(DESTDIR)$(testdir)
-$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/t/*.def $(DESTDIR)$(testdir)/t
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/t/*.test $(DESTDIR)$(testdir)/t
......@@ -103,6 +106,7 @@ install-data-local:
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/std_data/*.cnf $(DESTDIR)$(testdir)/std_data
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_be/BACKUP* $(DESTDIR)$(testdir)/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_be
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_le/BACKUP* $(DESTDIR)$(testdir)/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_le
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/std_data/funcs_1/* $(distdir)/std_data/funcs_1
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/lib/*.pl $(DESTDIR)$(testdir)/lib
for f in `(cd $(srcdir); find suite -type f | grep -v SCCS)`; \
do \
......@@ -3739,9 +3739,9 @@ sub mysqld_arguments ($$$$) {
# By default, prevent the started mysqld to access files outside of vardir
my $secure_file_dir= $opt_vardir;
if ( $opt_suite ne "main" )
if ( $opt_suite ne "main" and $opt_suite ne "funcs_1" )
# When running a suite other than default allow the mysqld
# When running a suite other than default or funcs_1 allow the mysqld
# access to subdirs of mysql-test/ in order to make it possible
# to "load data" from the suites data/ directory.
$secure_file_dir= $glob_mysql_test_dir;
Here is content from load_file
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
3. Some hints:
3. Some hints for maintainers of this suite:
- SHOW TABLES ... LIKE '<pattern>'
does a case sensitive comparison between the tablename and
the pattern.
......@@ -43,4 +43,12 @@
ERROR 42000: Access denied for user ... to database 'information_schema'
ERROR 42000: Access denied for user ... to database 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'
- Try to unify results by
--replace_result $engine_type <engine_to_be_tested>
if we could expect that the results for storage engine variants of a
test differ only in the engine names.
This makes future maintenance easier.
- Avoid the use of include/show_msg*.inc.
They produce "SQL" noise which annoys during server debugging and can be
easy replaced by "--echo ...".
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ f57 numeric (0) not null DEFAULT 99,
f58 numeric (64) not null DEFAULT 99
) engine = innodb;
eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb1.txt' into table tb1 ;
load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb1.txt'
into table tb1;
......@@ -57,5 +57,7 @@ f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = innodb;
eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb2.txt'
into table tb2;
......@@ -64,5 +64,7 @@ f174 numeric (0),
f175 numeric (64)
) engine = innodb;
eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
......@@ -64,5 +64,7 @@ f240 varchar(2000) unicode,
f241 char(100) unicode
) engine = innodb;
eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb4.txt' into table tb4 ;
load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb4.txt'
into table tb4;
......@@ -56,5 +56,7 @@ f57 numeric (0) not null DEFAULT 99,
f58 numeric (64) not null DEFAULT 99
) engine = memory;
eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb1.txt' into table tb1 ;
load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb1.txt'
into table tb1;
......@@ -57,5 +57,7 @@ f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = memory;
eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb2.txt'
into table tb2 ;
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ f174 numeric (0),
f175 numeric (64)
) engine = memory;
eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
......@@ -63,5 +63,7 @@ f239 varbinary(0),
f240 varchar(1200) unicode
) engine = memory;
eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb4.txt' into table tb4 ;
load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb4.txt'
into table tb4;
......@@ -64,5 +64,7 @@ f57 numeric (0) not null DEFAULT 99,
f58 numeric (64) not null DEFAULT 99
) engine = myisam;
eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb1.txt' into table tb1 ;
load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb1.txt'
into table tb1;
......@@ -76,5 +76,7 @@ f117 VARBINARY(192) null
# f116 multilinestring null,
# f117 multipolygon null
eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb2.txt'
into table tb2;
......@@ -64,5 +64,7 @@ f174 numeric (0),
f175 numeric (64)
) Engine = myisam;
eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
......@@ -84,5 +84,7 @@ f242 bit(30)
# f233 multilinestring,
# f234 multipolygon,
eval load data infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb4.txt' into table tb4 ;
load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb4.txt'
into table tb4;
......@@ -5,29 +5,46 @@ USE test;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t4, t10, t11;
eval CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = $engine_type;
eval CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = $engine_type;
eval CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = $engine_type;
eval CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = $engine_type;
eval CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = $engine_type;
eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
ENGINE = $engine_type;
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
ENGINE = $engine_type;
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
ENGINE = $engine_type;
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
ENGINE = $engine_type;
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
ENGINE = $engine_type;
LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
drop TABLE if exists t3;
eval CREATE TABLE t3 (f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 integer) ENGINE = $engine_type;
eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
CREATE TABLE t3 (f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 integer) ENGINE = $engine_type;
LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
......@@ -37,9 +54,12 @@ drop database if exists test4;
CREATE database test4;
use test4;
eval CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = $engine_type;
eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int)
ENGINE = $engine_type;
LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
use test;
......@@ -47,18 +67,23 @@ use test;
drop TABLE if exists t7, t8;
eval CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = $engine_type;
eval CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = $engine_type;
eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = $engine_type;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = $engine_type;
LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
drop TABLE if exists t9;
eval CREATE TABLE t9 (f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) ENGINE = $engine_type;
eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.2 - Syntax checks for the stored procedure-specific
......@@ -164,7 +172,7 @@ declare y integer default 1;
set @x = x;
set @y = y;
set @z = 234;
SELECT f1, f2 into @x, @y from t2 limit 1;
SELECT f1, f2 into @x, @y from t2 where f1='a`' and f2='a`' limit 1;
SELECT @x, @y, @z, invar;
set @x = 2;
......@@ -207,7 +215,7 @@ BEGIN
declare x integer; declare y integer;
set @x=x;
set @y=y;
SELECT f4, f3 into @x, @y from t2 limit 1;
SELECT f4, f3 into @x, @y from t2 where f4=-5000 and f3='1000-01-01' limit 1;
SELECT @x, @y;
CALL sp1();
......@@ -695,7 +703,7 @@ Testcase
Ensure that a handler with a condition defined with an SQLSTATE that begins with
01 is always exactly equivalent in action to a handler with an SQLWARNING
“01“ is always exactly equivalent in action to a handler with an SQLWARNING
......@@ -794,7 +802,7 @@ Testcase
Ensure that a handler with a condition defined with an SQLSTATE that begins with
02 is always exactly equivalent in action to a handler with a NOT FOUND
“02“ is always exactly equivalent in action to a handler with a NOT FOUND
......@@ -902,7 +910,7 @@ Testcase
Ensure that a handler with a condition defined with an SQLSTATE that begins with
anything other that 01 or 02 is always exactly equivalent in action to a
anything other that “01“ or “02“ is always exactly equivalent in action to a
handler with an SQLEXCEPTION condition.
......@@ -1082,7 +1090,8 @@ declare f2_value char(20);
declare f5_value char(20);
declare f4_value integer;
declare f6_value integer;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5, f6 from t2 limit 3;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5, f6 from t2
where f4 >=-5000 order by f4 limit 3;
open cur1;
while proceed do
SELECT count AS 'loop';
......@@ -1165,7 +1174,7 @@ of a compound statement ends.
create table temp1( f0 char(20), f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 int, f4 char(20) );
SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2;
SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 order by f4;
f1 f2 f4 f5
a` a` -5000 a`
aaa aaa -4999 aaa
......@@ -1185,8 +1194,8 @@ declare newf1 char(20);
declare newf2 char(20);
declare newf5 char(20);
declare newf4 integer;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 limit 5;
declare cur2 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 limit 5;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 where f4 >= -5000 order by f4 limit 5;
declare cur2 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 where f4 >= -5000 order by f4 limit 5;
open cur1;
open cur2;
......@@ -1268,8 +1277,10 @@ declare i_newf11 char(20);
declare i_newf12 char(20);
declare i_newf13 date;
declare i_newf14 integer;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 from t2 limit 4;
declare cur2 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 from t2 limit 3;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 from t2
where f4>=-5000 order by f4 limit 4;
declare cur2 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 from t2
where f4>=-5000 order by f4 limit 3;
declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set proceed=0;
open cur1;
open cur2;
......@@ -1300,8 +1311,10 @@ DECLARE o_newf11 CHAR(20);
DECLARE o_newf12 CHAR(20);
DECLARE o_newf13 DATE;
DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 FROM t2 LIMIT 5;
DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 FROM t2 LIMIT 5;
DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 FROM t2
WHERE f4>=-5000 ORDER BY f4 LIMIT 5;
DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 FROM t2
WHERE f4>=-5000 ORDER BY f4 LIMIT 5;
OPEN cur1;
OPEN cur2;
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.3 - Syntax checks for the stored procedure-specific flow
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.6 - Privilege Checks:
......@@ -79,6 +87,7 @@ BEGIN
SELECT * from db_storedproc_1.t6 where t6.f2= 'xyz';
ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'user_1'@'localhost' to database 'db_storedproc_1'
USE db_storedproc_1;
root@localhost db_storedproc_1
GRANT CREATE ROUTINE ON db_storedproc_1.* TO 'user_1'@'localhost';
......@@ -90,6 +99,7 @@ CREATE PROCEDURE sp1(v1 char(20))
SELECT * from db_storedproc_1.t6 where t6.f2= 'xyz';
USE db_storedproc_1;
root@localhost db_storedproc_1
DROP USER 'user_1'@'localhost';
......@@ -115,6 +125,7 @@ CREATE FUNCTION fn1(v1 int) returns int
return v1;
USE db_storedproc_1;
root@localhost db_storedproc_1
drop user 'user_1'@'localhost';
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.7 - SQL mode checks:
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.8 - SHOW statement checks:
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
......@@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ update t1 set f2='update';
select * from t1;
f1 f2 f3
NULL update 42
select trigger_name from information_schema.triggers;
select trigger_name from information_schema.triggers order by trigger_name;
......@@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ insert into trig_db3.t1 (f1,f2) values ('insert to db3 t1 from db1',4);
select @test_var1, @test_var2, @test_var3;
@test_var1 @test_var2 @test_var3
trig1 trig2 trig3
select * from t1;
select * from t1 order by f2;
f1 f2
trig1 1
trig1 2
......@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ trig2 3
select * from trig_db3.t1;
f1 f2
trig3 4
select * from t1;
select * from t1 order by f2;
f1 f2
trig1 1
trig1 2
......@@ -348,10 +349,10 @@ for each row set @test_var2='trig1_a';
create trigger trig_db2.trig2 before insert on trig_db2.t1
for each row set @test_var3='trig2';
select trigger_schema, trigger_name, event_object_table
from information_schema.triggers;
from information_schema.triggers order by trigger_name;
trigger_schema trigger_name event_object_table
trig_db1 trig1_b t1
trig_db1 trig1_a t1
trig_db1 trig1_b t1
trig_db2 trig2 t1
set @test_var1= '', @test_var2= '', @test_var3= '';
insert into t1 (f1,f2) values ('insert to db1 t1 from db1',352);
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
Testcase: 3.5:
......@@ -92,18 +93,18 @@ Create trigger trg1 BEFORE INSERT on t1
for each row set new.f1='Trigger';
Use db_drop;
Insert into t1 values ('Insert error');
Select * from t1;
Select * from t1 order by f1;
drop trigger trg1;
select trigger_schema, trigger_name, event_object_table
from information_schema.triggers;
from information_schema.triggers order by trigger_name;
trigger_schema trigger_name event_object_table
Insert into t1 values ('Insert no trigger');
Select * from t1;
Select * from t1 order by f1;
Insert no trigger
drop trigger trg1;
drop database if exists db_drop;
revoke ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM 'test_general'@'localhost';
......@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ use dbtest_one;
Insert into dbtest_two.t2 values ('2nd Insert');
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f1' at row 1
Select * from dbtest_two.t2;
Select * from dbtest_two.t2 order by f1;
1st Insert 3.5.
2nd Insert 3.5.
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
Testcase: 3.5:
......@@ -161,14 +162,22 @@ select @test_var; - single SQL - insert
Create trigger trg2 BEFORE UPDATE on tb3 for each row
insert into db_test.t1_i
values (new.f120, new.f136, new.f144, new.f163);
Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test';
f120 f122 f136 f144 f163
1 Test 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
select * from db_test.t1_i order by i120;
i120 i136 i144 i163
1 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
update tb3 set f120='I', f122='Test Insert'
where f122='Test';
Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test';
f120 f122 f136 f144 f163
I Test Insert 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
select * from db_test.t1_i;
select * from db_test.t1_i order by i120;
i120 i136 i144 i163
1 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
I 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
......@@ -185,14 +194,14 @@ update tb3 set f120='U', f122='Test Update'
Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test';
f120 f122 f136 f144 f163
U Test Update 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
select * from db_test.t1_u;
select * from db_test.t1_u order by u120;
u120 u136 u144 u163
a 00111 0000099999 999.990000000000000000000000000000
U 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
c 00333 0000099999 999.990000000000000000000000000000
f 00333 0000099999 999.990000000000000000000000000000
U 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
U 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
U 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
f 00333 0000099999 999.990000000000000000000000000000 - single SQL - delete
......@@ -205,7 +214,7 @@ f122='Test Delete'
Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test';
f120 f122 f136 f144 f163
D Test Delete 00444 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
select * from db_test.t1_d;
select * from db_test.t1_d order by d120;
d120 d136 d144 d163
a 00111 0000099999 999.990000000000000000000000000000
c 00333 0000099999 999.990000000000000000000000000000
......@@ -252,29 +261,29 @@ END//
set @test_var='Empty', @test_var2=0;
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('1', 'Test', 101);
select f120, f122, f136, @test_var, @test_var2
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f136;
f120 f122 f136 @test_var @test_var2
D Test 00101 one 2nd else
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('2', 'Test', 102);
select f120, f122, f136, @test_var, @test_var2
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f136;
f120 f122 f136 @test_var @test_var2
D Test 00101 two 2nd else
D Test 00102 two 2nd else
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('3', 'Test', 10);
select f120, f122, f136, @test_var, @test_var2
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f136;
f120 f122 f136 @test_var @test_var2
d Test 00010 three 2nd if
D Test 00101 three 2nd if
D Test 00102 three 2nd if
d Test 00010 three 2nd if
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('3', 'Test', 103);
select f120, f122, f136, @test_var, @test_var2
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f136;
f120 f122 f136 @test_var @test_var2
d Test 00010 three 2nd else
D Test 00101 three 2nd else
D Test 00102 three 2nd else
d Test 00010 three 2nd else
D Test 00103 three 2nd else
create trigger trg3 before update on tb3 for each row
......@@ -334,20 +343,20 @@ set @test_var='Empty';
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144)
values ('a', 'Test', 5, 7);
select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136;
f120 f122 f136 f144 @test_var
A Test 00125 0000000007 A*seven
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144)
values ('b', 'Test', 71,16);
select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136;
f120 f122 f136 f144 @test_var
A Test 00125 0000000007 B*0000000016
B Test 00191 0000000016 B*0000000016
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144)
values ('c', 'Test', 80,1);
select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136;
f120 f122 f136 f144 @test_var
A Test 00125 0000000007 C=one
B Test 00191 0000000016 C=one
......@@ -357,34 +366,34 @@ values ('d', 'Test', 152);
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f120' at row 1
select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136;
f120 f122 f136 f144 @test_var
1 Test 00152 0000099999 1*0000099999
A Test 00125 0000000007 1*0000099999
B Test 00191 0000000016 1*0000099999
C Test 00200 0000000001 1*0000099999
1 Test 00152 0000099999 1*0000099999
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144)
values ('e', 'Test', 200, 8);
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f120' at row 1
select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136;
f120 f122 f136 f144 @test_var
1 Test 00152 0000099999 1=eight
1 Test 00200 0000000008 1=eight
A Test 00125 0000000007 1=eight
B Test 00191 0000000016 1=eight
C Test 00200 0000000001 1=eight
1 Test 00152 0000099999 1=eight
1 Test 00200 0000000008 1=eight
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144)
values ('f', 'Test', 100, 8);
select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136;
f120 f122 f136 f144 @test_var
1 Test 00152 0000099999 1=eight
1 Test 00200 0000000008 1=eight
A Test 00125 0000000007 1=eight
B Test 00191 0000000016 1=eight
C Test 00200 0000000001 1=eight
1 Test 00152 0000099999 1=eight
1 Test 00200 0000000008 1=eight
create trigger trg3a before update on tb3 for each row
......@@ -490,9 +499,38 @@ drop trigger trg7;
Testcase (requirement void)
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_01 () BEGIN set @v1=1; END//
CALL sp_01 ();
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('6', 'Test', 101);
update tb3 set f120='S', f136=111,
where f122='Test';
select f120, f122
from tb3 where f122 like 'Test' order by f120;
f120 f122
S Test
Testcase (Disabled as a result of bug _____)
Create trigger trg9_1 before update on tb3 for each row
Start transaction;
Set new.f120='U';
ERROR HY000: Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.
Create trigger trg9_2 before delete on tb3 for each row
Start transaction;
Set @var2=old.f120;
ERROR HY000: Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.
drop user test_general@localhost;
drop user test_general;
drop user test_super@localhost;
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
......@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ set @tr_var_af_118=old.f118, @tr_var_af_121=old.f121,
Insert into tb3 (f122, f136, f163)
values ('Test', 7, 123.17);
Update tb3 Set f136=8 where f122='Test';
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f163 from tb3 where f122='Test';
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f163 from tb3 where f122='Test' order by f136;
f118 f121 f122 f136 f163
a NULL Test 00008 123.170000000000000000000000000000
select @tr_var_b4_118, @tr_var_b4_121, @tr_var_b4_122,
......@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ a NULL Test 7 123.170000000000000000000000000000
@tr_var_af_118 @tr_var_af_121 @tr_var_af_122 @tr_var_af_136 @tr_var_af_163
0 0 0 0 0
delete from tb3 where f122='Test';
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f163 from tb3 where f122='Test';
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f163 from tb3 where f122='Test' order by f136;
f118 f121 f122 f136 f163
select @tr_var_b4_118, @tr_var_b4_121, @tr_var_b4_122,
@tr_var_b4_136, @tr_var_b4_163;
......@@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ set @tr_var_af_118=new.f118, @tr_var_af_121=new.f121,
Insert into tb3 (f122, f136, f151, f163)
values ('Test', 7, DEFAULT, 995.24);
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f151, f163 from tb3
where f122 like 'Test';
where f122 like 'Test' order by f163;
f118 f121 f122 f136 f151 f163
a NULL Test 00007 999 995.240000000000000000000000000000
select @tr_var_b4_118, @tr_var_b4_121, @tr_var_b4_122,
......@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ where f122='Test';
Warning 1048 Column 'f136' cannot be null
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f151, f163 from tb3
where f122 like 'Test';
where f122 like 'Test' order by f163;
f118 f121 f122 f136 f151 f163
a NULL Test 00000 999 NULL
select @tr_var_b4_118, @tr_var_b4_121, @tr_var_b4_122,
......@@ -240,6 +241,7 @@ ERROR HY000: There is no NEW row in on DELETE trigger
create trigger trg5b after DELETE on tb3 for each row
set new.f122='test';
ERROR HY000: There is no NEW row in on DELETE trigger
drop trigger trg5a;
drop trigger trg5b;
Testcase (implied in previous tests)
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
......@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ Insert into vw11 (f122, f151) values ('Test', 1);
Insert into vw11 (f122, f151) values ('Test', 2);
Insert into vw11 (f122, f151) values ('Not in View', 3);
select f121, f122, f151, f163
from tb3 where f122 like 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 like 'Test' order by f151;
f121 f122 f151 f163
NULL Test 1 111.110000000000000000000000000000
NULL Test 2 111.110000000000000000000000000000
......@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ f121 f122 f151 f163
NULL Not in View 3 111.110000000000000000000000000000
Update vw11 set f163=1;
select f121, f122, f151, f163 from tb3
where f122 like 'Test';
where f122 like 'Test' order by f151;
f121 f122 f151 f163
Y Test 1 1.000000000000000000000000000000
Y Test 2 1.000000000000000000000000000000
......@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ before delete
delete from vw11 where f151=1;
select f121, f122, f151, f163 from tb3
where f122 like 'Test';
where f122 like 'Test' order by f151;
f121 f122 f151 f163
Y Test 2 1.000000000000000000000000000000
select f121, f122, f151, f163 from vw11;
......@@ -141,11 +142,11 @@ set @counter= 0;
select @counter as 'Rows Loaded Before';
Rows Loaded Before
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table tb_load;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table tb_load;
select @counter as 'Rows Loaded After';
Rows Loaded After
Select * from tb_load limit 10;
Select * from tb_load order by f1 limit 10;
f1 f2 f3
-5000 a` 1000
-4999 aaa 999
......@@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ insert into t3 (f1) values (new.f1+1000);
create trigger tr2_4 after insert on t2_4 for each row
insert into t3 (f1) values (new.f1+10000);
insert into t1 values (1);
select * from t3;
select * from t3 order by f1;
......@@ -275,14 +276,14 @@ create trigger tr4 after insert on t4
for each row insert into t1 (f1) values (new.f4+1);
insert into t1 values (1);
ERROR HY000: Can't update table 't1' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.
select * from t1;
select * from t1 order by f1;
select * from t2;
select * from t2 order by f2;
select * from t3;
select * from t3 order by f3;
select * from t4;
select * from t4 order by f4;
drop trigger tr1;
drop trigger tr2;
......@@ -293,8 +294,8 @@ drop table t2;
drop table t3;
drop table t4;
Testcase y.y.y.4: Recursive trigger/SP references (disabled bug 11889)
Testcase y.y.y.4: Recursive trigger/SP references
set @sql_mode='traditional';
create table t1_sp (
count integer,
......@@ -382,12 +383,12 @@ start transaction;
insert into t1 values (1);
ERROR 22003: Out of range value adjusted for column 'f4' at row 1
select * from t1;
select * from t1 order by f1;
select * from t2;
select * from t2 order by f2;
select * from t3;
select * from t3 order by f3;
drop trigger tr1;
drop trigger tr2;
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
Testcase x.x.x.1:
......@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ f107 year(4) not null default 2000,
f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb2.txt'
into table tb2;
USE test1;
......@@ -111,7 +112,8 @@ f107 year(4) not null default 2000,
f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb2.txt'
into table tb2;
USE test;
! Attention: The file with the expected results is not
......@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f45' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f47' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f49' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f51' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb1.txt' into table tb1 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb1.txt'
into table tb1;
drop table if exists tb2 ;
create table tb2 (
f59 numeric (0) unsigned,
......@@ -131,7 +132,8 @@ f107 year(4) not null default 2000,
f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb2.txt'
into table tb2;
drop table if exists tb3 ;
create table tb3 (
f118 char not null DEFAULT 'a',
......@@ -197,7 +199,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
drop table if exists tb4;
create table tb4 (
f176 numeric (0) unsigned not null DEFAULT 9,
......@@ -259,7 +262,8 @@ f239 varchar(20000) binary,
f240 varchar(2000) unicode,
f241 char(100) unicode
) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb4.txt' into table tb4 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb4.txt'
into table tb4;
USE test1;
drop table if exists tb2 ;
create table tb2 (
......@@ -315,33 +319,40 @@ f107 year(4) not null default 2000,
f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb2.txt'
into table tb2;
USE test;
USE test;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t4, t10, t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
drop TABLE if exists t3;
CREATE TABLE t3 (f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 integer) ENGINE = InnoDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
drop database if exists test4;
CREATE database test4;
use test4;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
use test;
drop TABLE if exists t7, t8;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -353,7 +364,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -367,7 +378,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
drop TABLE if exists t9;
CREATE TABLE t9 (f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'test%'
ORDER BY table_schema, table_name, column_name;
......@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f45' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f47' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f49' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f51' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb1.txt' into table tb1 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb1.txt'
into table tb1;
drop table if exists tb2 ;
create table tb2 (
f59 numeric (0) unsigned,
......@@ -127,7 +128,8 @@ f107 year(4) not null default 2000,
f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb2.txt'
into table tb2 ;
drop table if exists tb3;
create table tb3 (
f118 char not null DEFAULT 'a',
......@@ -187,7 +189,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
drop table if exists tb4 ;
create table tb4 (
f176 numeric (0) unsigned not null DEFAULT 9,
......@@ -248,7 +251,8 @@ f238 varchar(25000) binary,
f239 varbinary(0),
f240 varchar(1200) unicode
) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb4.txt' into table tb4 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb4.txt'
into table tb4;
USE test1;
drop table if exists tb2 ;
create table tb2 (
......@@ -304,33 +308,40 @@ f107 year(4) not null default 2000,
f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb2.txt'
into table tb2 ;
USE test;
USE test;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t4, t10, t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
drop TABLE if exists t3;
CREATE TABLE t3 (f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 integer) ENGINE = MEMORY;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
drop database if exists test4;
CREATE database test4;
use test4;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
use test;
drop TABLE if exists t7, t8;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -342,7 +353,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -356,7 +367,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
drop TABLE if exists t9;
CREATE TABLE t9 (f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'test%'
ORDER BY table_schema, table_name, column_name;
......@@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f45' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f47' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f49' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f51' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb1.txt' into table tb1 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb1.txt'
into table tb1;
drop table if exists tb2 ;
create table tb2 (
f59 numeric (0) unsigned,
......@@ -143,7 +144,8 @@ f115 VARBINARY(27) null ,
f116 VARBINARY(64) null,
f117 VARBINARY(192) null
) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb2.txt'
into table tb2;
drop table if exists tb3 ;
create table tb3 (
f118 char not null DEFAULT 'a',
......@@ -209,7 +211,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
drop table if exists tb4 ;
create table tb4 (
f176 numeric (0) unsigned not null DEFAULT 9,
......@@ -280,7 +283,8 @@ f240 varchar(120) unicode,
f241 char(100) unicode,
f242 bit(30)
) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb4.txt' into table tb4 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb4.txt'
into table tb4;
USE test1;
drop table if exists tb2 ;
create table tb2 (
......@@ -344,33 +348,40 @@ f115 VARBINARY(27) null ,
f116 VARBINARY(64) null,
f117 VARBINARY(192) null
) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb2.txt'
into table tb2;
USE test;
USE test;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t4, t10, t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
drop TABLE if exists t3;
CREATE TABLE t3 (f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 integer) ENGINE = MyISAM;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
drop database if exists test4;
CREATE database test4;
use test4;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
use test;
drop TABLE if exists t7, t8;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -382,7 +393,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -396,7 +407,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
drop TABLE if exists t9;
CREATE TABLE t9 (f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'test%'
ORDER BY table_schema, table_name, column_name;
......@@ -4,29 +4,35 @@ USE test;
USE test;
USE test;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t4, t10, t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = ndb;
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = ndb;
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = ndb;
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = ndb;
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = ndb;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
ENGINE = ndb;
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
ENGINE = ndb;
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
ENGINE = ndb;
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
ENGINE = ndb;
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
ENGINE = ndb;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
drop TABLE if exists t3;
CREATE TABLE t3 (f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 integer) ENGINE = ndb;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
drop database if exists test4;
CREATE database test4;
use test4;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = ndb;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int)
ENGINE = ndb;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
use test;
drop TABLE if exists t7, t8;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = ndb;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = ndb;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = ndb;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = ndb;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -38,7 +44,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -52,7 +58,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
drop TABLE if exists t9;
CREATE TABLE t9 (f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) ENGINE = ndb;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'test%'
ORDER BY table_schema, table_name, column_name;
......@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f45' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f47' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f49' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f51' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb1.txt' into table tb1 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb1.txt'
into table tb1;
drop table if exists tb2 ;
create table tb2 (
f59 numeric (0) unsigned,
......@@ -131,7 +132,8 @@ f107 year(4) not null default 2000,
f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb2.txt'
into table tb2;
drop table if exists tb3 ;
create table tb3 (
f118 char not null DEFAULT 'a',
......@@ -197,7 +199,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
drop table if exists tb4;
create table tb4 (
f176 numeric (0) unsigned not null DEFAULT 9,
......@@ -259,7 +262,8 @@ f239 varchar(20000) binary,
f240 varchar(2000) unicode,
f241 char(100) unicode
) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb4.txt' into table tb4 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb4.txt'
into table tb4;
USE test1;
drop table if exists tb2 ;
create table tb2 (
......@@ -315,33 +319,40 @@ f107 year(4) not null default 2000,
f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = innodb;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/innodb_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/innodb_tb2.txt'
into table tb2;
USE test;
USE test;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t4, t10, t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
drop TABLE if exists t3;
CREATE TABLE t3 (f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 integer) ENGINE = InnoDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
drop database if exists test4;
CREATE database test4;
use test4;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
use test;
drop TABLE if exists t7, t8;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -353,7 +364,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -367,7 +378,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
drop TABLE if exists t9;
CREATE TABLE t9 (f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) ENGINE = InnoDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
CREATE DATABASE db_datadict;
......@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f45' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f47' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f49' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f51' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb1.txt' into table tb1 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb1.txt'
into table tb1;
drop table if exists tb2 ;
create table tb2 (
f59 numeric (0) unsigned,
......@@ -127,7 +128,8 @@ f107 year(4) not null default 2000,
f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb2.txt'
into table tb2 ;
drop table if exists tb3;
create table tb3 (
f118 char not null DEFAULT 'a',
......@@ -187,7 +189,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
drop table if exists tb4 ;
create table tb4 (
f176 numeric (0) unsigned not null DEFAULT 9,
......@@ -248,7 +251,8 @@ f238 varchar(25000) binary,
f239 varbinary(0),
f240 varchar(1200) unicode
) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb4.txt' into table tb4 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb4.txt'
into table tb4;
USE test1;
drop table if exists tb2 ;
create table tb2 (
......@@ -304,33 +308,40 @@ f107 year(4) not null default 2000,
f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb2.txt'
into table tb2 ;
USE test;
USE test;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t4, t10, t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
drop TABLE if exists t3;
CREATE TABLE t3 (f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 integer) ENGINE = MEMORY;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
drop database if exists test4;
CREATE database test4;
use test4;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
use test;
drop TABLE if exists t7, t8;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -342,7 +353,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -356,7 +367,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
drop TABLE if exists t9;
CREATE TABLE t9 (f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) ENGINE = MEMORY;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
CREATE DATABASE db_datadict;
......@@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f45' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f47' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f49' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f51' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb1.txt' into table tb1 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb1.txt'
into table tb1;
drop table if exists tb2 ;
create table tb2 (
f59 numeric (0) unsigned,
......@@ -143,7 +144,8 @@ f115 VARBINARY(27) null ,
f116 VARBINARY(64) null,
f117 VARBINARY(192) null
) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb2.txt'
into table tb2;
drop table if exists tb3 ;
create table tb3 (
f118 char not null DEFAULT 'a',
......@@ -209,7 +211,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
drop table if exists tb4 ;
create table tb4 (
f176 numeric (0) unsigned not null DEFAULT 9,
......@@ -280,7 +283,8 @@ f240 varchar(120) unicode,
f241 char(100) unicode,
f242 bit(30)
) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb4.txt' into table tb4 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb4.txt'
into table tb4;
USE test1;
drop table if exists tb2 ;
create table tb2 (
......@@ -344,33 +348,40 @@ f115 VARBINARY(27) null ,
f116 VARBINARY(64) null,
f117 VARBINARY(192) null
) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb2.txt'
into table tb2;
USE test;
USE test;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t4, t10, t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
drop TABLE if exists t3;
CREATE TABLE t3 (f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 integer) ENGINE = MyISAM;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
drop database if exists test4;
CREATE database test4;
use test4;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
use test;
drop TABLE if exists t7, t8;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -382,7 +393,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -396,7 +407,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
drop TABLE if exists t9;
CREATE TABLE t9 (f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) ENGINE = MyISAM;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
CREATE DATABASE db_datadict;
......@@ -4,29 +4,35 @@ USE test;
USE test;
USE test;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2, t4, t10, t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = NDB;
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = NDB;
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = NDB;
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = NDB;
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = NDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t4 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t10 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
CREATE TABLE t11 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t1;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t2;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t4;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t10;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t11;
drop TABLE if exists t3;
CREATE TABLE t3 (f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 integer) ENGINE = NDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' INTO TABLE t3;
drop database if exists test4;
CREATE database test4;
use test4;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int) ENGINE = NDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
CREATE TABLE t6 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int, f5 char(25), f6 int)
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' INTO TABLE t6;
use test;
drop TABLE if exists t7, t8;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = NDB;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) ENGINE = NDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
CREATE TABLE t7 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = NDB;
CREATE TABLE t8 (f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int) ENGINE = NDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -38,7 +44,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' INTO TABLE t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -52,7 +58,7 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
drop TABLE if exists t9;
CREATE TABLE t9 (f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) ENGINE = NDB;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
LOAD DATA INFILE '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' INTO TABLE t9;
CREATE DATABASE db_datadict;
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.2 - Syntax checks for the stored procedure-specific
......@@ -164,7 +172,7 @@ declare y integer default 1;
set @x = x;
set @y = y;
set @z = 234;
SELECT f1, f2 into @x, @y from t2 limit 1;
SELECT f1, f2 into @x, @y from t2 where f1='a`' and f2='a`' limit 1;
SELECT @x, @y, @z, invar;
set @x = 2;
......@@ -207,7 +215,7 @@ BEGIN
declare x integer; declare y integer;
set @x=x;
set @y=y;
SELECT f4, f3 into @x, @y from t2 limit 1;
SELECT f4, f3 into @x, @y from t2 where f4=-5000 and f3='1000-01-01' limit 1;
SELECT @x, @y;
CALL sp1();
......@@ -695,7 +703,7 @@ Testcase
Ensure that a handler with a condition defined with an SQLSTATE that begins with
01 is always exactly equivalent in action to a handler with an SQLWARNING
“01“ is always exactly equivalent in action to a handler with an SQLWARNING
......@@ -794,7 +802,7 @@ Testcase
Ensure that a handler with a condition defined with an SQLSTATE that begins with
02 is always exactly equivalent in action to a handler with a NOT FOUND
“02“ is always exactly equivalent in action to a handler with a NOT FOUND
......@@ -902,7 +910,7 @@ Testcase
Ensure that a handler with a condition defined with an SQLSTATE that begins with
anything other that 01 or 02 is always exactly equivalent in action to a
anything other that “01“ or “02“ is always exactly equivalent in action to a
handler with an SQLEXCEPTION condition.
......@@ -1082,7 +1090,8 @@ declare f2_value char(20);
declare f5_value char(20);
declare f4_value integer;
declare f6_value integer;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5, f6 from t2 limit 3;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5, f6 from t2
where f4 >=-5000 order by f4 limit 3;
open cur1;
while proceed do
SELECT count AS 'loop';
......@@ -1165,7 +1174,7 @@ of a compound statement ends.
create table temp1( f0 char(20), f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 int, f4 char(20) );
SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2;
SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 order by f4;
f1 f2 f4 f5
a` a` -5000 a`
aaa aaa -4999 aaa
......@@ -1185,8 +1194,8 @@ declare newf1 char(20);
declare newf2 char(20);
declare newf5 char(20);
declare newf4 integer;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 limit 5;
declare cur2 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 limit 5;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 where f4 >= -5000 order by f4 limit 5;
declare cur2 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 where f4 >= -5000 order by f4 limit 5;
open cur1;
open cur2;
......@@ -1268,8 +1277,10 @@ declare i_newf11 char(20);
declare i_newf12 char(20);
declare i_newf13 date;
declare i_newf14 integer;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 from t2 limit 4;
declare cur2 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 from t2 limit 3;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 from t2
where f4>=-5000 order by f4 limit 4;
declare cur2 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 from t2
where f4>=-5000 order by f4 limit 3;
declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set proceed=0;
open cur1;
open cur2;
......@@ -1300,8 +1311,10 @@ DECLARE o_newf11 CHAR(20);
DECLARE o_newf12 CHAR(20);
DECLARE o_newf13 DATE;
DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 FROM t2 LIMIT 5;
DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 FROM t2 LIMIT 5;
DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 FROM t2
WHERE f4>=-5000 ORDER BY f4 LIMIT 5;
DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 FROM t2
WHERE f4>=-5000 ORDER BY f4 LIMIT 5;
OPEN cur1;
OPEN cur2;
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.3 - Syntax checks for the stored procedure-specific flow
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.6 - Privilege Checks:
......@@ -79,6 +87,7 @@ BEGIN
SELECT * from db_storedproc_1.t6 where t6.f2= 'xyz';
ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'user_1'@'localhost' to database 'db_storedproc_1'
USE db_storedproc_1;
root@localhost db_storedproc_1
GRANT CREATE ROUTINE ON db_storedproc_1.* TO 'user_1'@'localhost';
......@@ -90,6 +99,7 @@ CREATE PROCEDURE sp1(v1 char(20))
SELECT * from db_storedproc_1.t6 where t6.f2= 'xyz';
USE db_storedproc_1;
root@localhost db_storedproc_1
DROP USER 'user_1'@'localhost';
......@@ -115,6 +125,7 @@ CREATE FUNCTION fn1(v1 int) returns int
return v1;
USE db_storedproc_1;
root@localhost db_storedproc_1
drop user 'user_1'@'localhost';
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.7 - SQL mode checks:
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.8 - SHOW statement checks:
......@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
......@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ update t1 set f2='update';
select * from t1;
f1 f2 f3
NULL update 42
select trigger_name from information_schema.triggers;
select trigger_name from information_schema.triggers order by trigger_name;
......@@ -307,7 +308,7 @@ insert into trig_db3.t1 (f1,f2) values ('insert to db3 t1 from db1',4);
select @test_var1, @test_var2, @test_var3;
@test_var1 @test_var2 @test_var3
trig1 trig2 trig3
select * from t1;
select * from t1 order by f2;
f1 f2
trig1 1
trig1 2
......@@ -317,7 +318,7 @@ trig2 3
select * from trig_db3.t1;
f1 f2
trig3 4
select * from t1;
select * from t1 order by f2;
f1 f2
trig1 1
trig1 2
......@@ -342,10 +343,10 @@ for each row set @test_var2='trig1_a';
create trigger trig_db2.trig2 before insert on trig_db2.t1
for each row set @test_var3='trig2';
select trigger_schema, trigger_name, event_object_table
from information_schema.triggers;
from information_schema.triggers order by trigger_name;
trigger_schema trigger_name event_object_table
trig_db1 trig1_b t1
trig_db1 trig1_a t1
trig_db1 trig1_b t1
trig_db2 trig2 t1
set @test_var1= '', @test_var2= '', @test_var3= '';
insert into t1 (f1,f2) values ('insert to db1 t1 from db1',352);
......@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
Testcase: 3.5:
......@@ -86,18 +87,18 @@ Create trigger trg1 BEFORE INSERT on t1
for each row set new.f1='Trigger';
Use db_drop;
Insert into t1 values ('Insert error');
Select * from t1;
Select * from t1 order by f1;
drop trigger trg1;
select trigger_schema, trigger_name, event_object_table
from information_schema.triggers;
from information_schema.triggers order by trigger_name;
trigger_schema trigger_name event_object_table
Insert into t1 values ('Insert no trigger');
Select * from t1;
Select * from t1 order by f1;
Insert no trigger
drop trigger trg1;
drop database if exists db_drop;
revoke ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM 'test_general'@'localhost';
......@@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ use dbtest_one;
Insert into dbtest_two.t2 values ('2nd Insert');
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f1' at row 1
Select * from dbtest_two.t2;
Select * from dbtest_two.t2 order by f1;
1st Insert 3.5.
2nd Insert 3.5.
......@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
Testcase: 3.5:
......@@ -155,14 +156,22 @@ select @test_var; - single SQL - insert
Create trigger trg2 BEFORE UPDATE on tb3 for each row
insert into db_test.t1_i
values (new.f120, new.f136, new.f144, new.f163);
Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test';
f120 f122 f136 f144 f163
1 Test 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
select * from db_test.t1_i order by i120;
i120 i136 i144 i163
1 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
update tb3 set f120='I', f122='Test Insert'
where f122='Test';
Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test';
f120 f122 f136 f144 f163
I Test Insert 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
select * from db_test.t1_i;
select * from db_test.t1_i order by i120;
i120 i136 i144 i163
1 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
I 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
......@@ -179,14 +188,14 @@ update tb3 set f120='U', f122='Test Update'
Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test';
f120 f122 f136 f144 f163
U Test Update 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
select * from db_test.t1_u;
select * from db_test.t1_u order by u120;
u120 u136 u144 u163
a 00111 0000099999 999.990000000000000000000000000000
U 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
c 00333 0000099999 999.990000000000000000000000000000
f 00333 0000099999 999.990000000000000000000000000000
U 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
U 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
U 00222 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
f 00333 0000099999 999.990000000000000000000000000000 - single SQL - delete
......@@ -199,7 +208,7 @@ f122='Test Delete'
Select f120, f122, f136, f144, f163 from tb3 where f122 like 'Test';
f120 f122 f136 f144 f163
D Test Delete 00444 0000023456 1.050000000000000000000000000000
select * from db_test.t1_d;
select * from db_test.t1_d order by d120;
d120 d136 d144 d163
a 00111 0000099999 999.990000000000000000000000000000
c 00333 0000099999 999.990000000000000000000000000000
......@@ -246,29 +255,29 @@ END//
set @test_var='Empty', @test_var2=0;
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('1', 'Test', 101);
select f120, f122, f136, @test_var, @test_var2
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f136;
f120 f122 f136 @test_var @test_var2
D Test 00101 one 2nd else
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('2', 'Test', 102);
select f120, f122, f136, @test_var, @test_var2
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f136;
f120 f122 f136 @test_var @test_var2
D Test 00101 two 2nd else
D Test 00102 two 2nd else
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('3', 'Test', 10);
select f120, f122, f136, @test_var, @test_var2
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f136;
f120 f122 f136 @test_var @test_var2
d Test 00010 three 2nd if
D Test 00101 three 2nd if
D Test 00102 three 2nd if
d Test 00010 three 2nd if
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('3', 'Test', 103);
select f120, f122, f136, @test_var, @test_var2
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f136;
f120 f122 f136 @test_var @test_var2
d Test 00010 three 2nd else
D Test 00101 three 2nd else
D Test 00102 three 2nd else
d Test 00010 three 2nd else
D Test 00103 three 2nd else
create trigger trg3 before update on tb3 for each row
......@@ -328,20 +337,20 @@ set @test_var='Empty';
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144)
values ('a', 'Test', 5, 7);
select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136;
f120 f122 f136 f144 @test_var
A Test 00125 0000000007 A*seven
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144)
values ('b', 'Test', 71,16);
select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136;
f120 f122 f136 f144 @test_var
A Test 00125 0000000007 B*0000000016
B Test 00191 0000000016 B*0000000016
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144)
values ('c', 'Test', 80,1);
select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136;
f120 f122 f136 f144 @test_var
A Test 00125 0000000007 C=one
B Test 00191 0000000016 C=one
......@@ -351,34 +360,34 @@ values ('d', 'Test', 152);
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f120' at row 1
select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136;
f120 f122 f136 f144 @test_var
1 Test 00152 0000099999 1*0000099999
A Test 00125 0000000007 1*0000099999
B Test 00191 0000000016 1*0000099999
C Test 00200 0000000001 1*0000099999
1 Test 00152 0000099999 1*0000099999
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144)
values ('e', 'Test', 200, 8);
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f120' at row 1
select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136;
f120 f122 f136 f144 @test_var
1 Test 00152 0000099999 1=eight
1 Test 00200 0000000008 1=eight
A Test 00125 0000000007 1=eight
B Test 00191 0000000016 1=eight
C Test 00200 0000000001 1=eight
1 Test 00152 0000099999 1=eight
1 Test 00200 0000000008 1=eight
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136, f144)
values ('f', 'Test', 100, 8);
select f120, f122, f136, f144, @test_var
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 = 'Test' order by f120,f136;
f120 f122 f136 f144 @test_var
1 Test 00152 0000099999 1=eight
1 Test 00200 0000000008 1=eight
A Test 00125 0000000007 1=eight
B Test 00191 0000000016 1=eight
C Test 00200 0000000001 1=eight
1 Test 00152 0000099999 1=eight
1 Test 00200 0000000008 1=eight
create trigger trg3a before update on tb3 for each row
......@@ -484,9 +493,38 @@ drop trigger trg7;
Testcase (requirement void)
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_01 () BEGIN set @v1=1; END//
CALL sp_01 ();
Insert into tb3 (f120, f122, f136) values ('6', 'Test', 101);
update tb3 set f120='S', f136=111,
where f122='Test';
select f120, f122
from tb3 where f122 like 'Test' order by f120;
f120 f122
S Test
Testcase (Disabled as a result of bug _____)
Create trigger trg9_1 before update on tb3 for each row
Start transaction;
Set new.f120='U';
ERROR HY000: Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.
Create trigger trg9_2 before delete on tb3 for each row
Start transaction;
Set @var2=old.f120;
ERROR HY000: Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.
drop user test_general@localhost;
drop user test_general;
drop user test_super@localhost;
......@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
......@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ set @tr_var_af_118=old.f118, @tr_var_af_121=old.f121,
Insert into tb3 (f122, f136, f163)
values ('Test', 7, 123.17);
Update tb3 Set f136=8 where f122='Test';
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f163 from tb3 where f122='Test';
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f163 from tb3 where f122='Test' order by f136;
f118 f121 f122 f136 f163
a NULL Test 00008 123.170000000000000000000000000000
select @tr_var_b4_118, @tr_var_b4_121, @tr_var_b4_122,
......@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ a NULL Test 7 123.170000000000000000000000000000
@tr_var_af_118 @tr_var_af_121 @tr_var_af_122 @tr_var_af_136 @tr_var_af_163
0 0 0 0 0
delete from tb3 where f122='Test';
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f163 from tb3 where f122='Test';
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f163 from tb3 where f122='Test' order by f136;
f118 f121 f122 f136 f163
select @tr_var_b4_118, @tr_var_b4_121, @tr_var_b4_122,
@tr_var_b4_136, @tr_var_b4_163;
......@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ set @tr_var_af_118=new.f118, @tr_var_af_121=new.f121,
Insert into tb3 (f122, f136, f151, f163)
values ('Test', 7, DEFAULT, 995.24);
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f151, f163 from tb3
where f122 like 'Test';
where f122 like 'Test' order by f163;
f118 f121 f122 f136 f151 f163
a NULL Test 00007 999 995.240000000000000000000000000000
select @tr_var_b4_118, @tr_var_b4_121, @tr_var_b4_122,
......@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ where f122='Test';
Warning 1048 Column 'f136' cannot be null
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f151, f163 from tb3
where f122 like 'Test';
where f122 like 'Test' order by f163;
f118 f121 f122 f136 f151 f163
a NULL Test 00000 999 NULL
select @tr_var_b4_118, @tr_var_b4_121, @tr_var_b4_122,
......@@ -234,6 +235,7 @@ ERROR HY000: There is no NEW row in on DELETE trigger
create trigger trg5b after DELETE on tb3 for each row
set new.f122='test';
ERROR HY000: There is no NEW row in on DELETE trigger
drop trigger trg5a;
drop trigger trg5b;
Testcase (implied in previous tests)
......@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
......@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ Insert into vw11 (f122, f151) values ('Test', 1);
Insert into vw11 (f122, f151) values ('Test', 2);
Insert into vw11 (f122, f151) values ('Not in View', 3);
select f121, f122, f151, f163
from tb3 where f122 like 'Test';
from tb3 where f122 like 'Test' order by f151;
f121 f122 f151 f163
NULL Test 1 111.110000000000000000000000000000
NULL Test 2 111.110000000000000000000000000000
......@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ f121 f122 f151 f163
NULL Not in View 3 111.110000000000000000000000000000
Update vw11 set f163=1;
select f121, f122, f151, f163 from tb3
where f122 like 'Test';
where f122 like 'Test' order by f151;
f121 f122 f151 f163
Y Test 1 1.000000000000000000000000000000
Y Test 2 1.000000000000000000000000000000
......@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ before delete
delete from vw11 where f151=1;
select f121, f122, f151, f163 from tb3
where f122 like 'Test';
where f122 like 'Test' order by f151;
f121 f122 f151 f163
Y Test 2 1.000000000000000000000000000000
select f121, f122, f151, f163 from vw11;
......@@ -135,11 +136,11 @@ set @counter= 0;
select @counter as 'Rows Loaded Before';
Rows Loaded Before
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table tb_load;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table tb_load;
select @counter as 'Rows Loaded After';
Rows Loaded After
Select * from tb_load limit 10;
Select * from tb_load order by f1 limit 10;
f1 f2 f3
-5000 a` 1000
-4999 aaa 999
......@@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ insert into t3 (f1) values (new.f1+1000);
create trigger tr2_4 after insert on t2_4 for each row
insert into t3 (f1) values (new.f1+10000);
insert into t1 values (1);
select * from t3;
select * from t3 order by f1;
......@@ -269,17 +270,17 @@ create trigger tr4 after insert on t4
for each row insert into t1 (f1) values (new.f4+1);
insert into t1 values (1);
ERROR HY000: Can't update table 't1' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.
select * from t1;
select * from t1 order by f1;
select * from t2;
select * from t2 order by f2;
select * from t3;
select * from t3 order by f3;
select * from t4;
select * from t4 order by f4;
drop trigger tr1;
......@@ -291,8 +292,8 @@ drop table t2;
drop table t3;
drop table t4;
Testcase y.y.y.4: Recursive trigger/SP references (disabled bug 11889)
Testcase y.y.y.4: Recursive trigger/SP references
set @sql_mode='traditional';
create table t1_sp (
count integer,
......@@ -380,14 +381,14 @@ start transaction;
insert into t1 values (1);
ERROR 22003: Out of range value adjusted for column 'f4' at row 1
select * from t1;
select * from t1 order by f1;
select * from t2;
select * from t2 order by f2;
select * from t3;
select * from t3 order by f3;
drop trigger tr1;
......@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ f107 year(4) not null default 2000,
f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb2.txt'
into table tb2 ;
USE test1;
......@@ -111,7 +112,8 @@ f107 year(4) not null default 2000,
f108 enum("1enum","2enum") not null default "1enum",
f109 set("1set","2set") not null default "1set"
) engine = memory;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/memory_tb2.txt' into table tb2 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/memory_tb2.txt'
into table tb2 ;
USE test;
! Attention: The file with the expected results is not
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.2 - Syntax checks for the stored procedure-specific
......@@ -164,7 +172,7 @@ declare y integer default 1;
set @x = x;
set @y = y;
set @z = 234;
SELECT f1, f2 into @x, @y from t2 limit 1;
SELECT f1, f2 into @x, @y from t2 where f1='a`' and f2='a`' limit 1;
SELECT @x, @y, @z, invar;
set @x = 2;
......@@ -207,7 +215,7 @@ BEGIN
declare x integer; declare y integer;
set @x=x;
set @y=y;
SELECT f4, f3 into @x, @y from t2 limit 1;
SELECT f4, f3 into @x, @y from t2 where f4=-5000 and f3='1000-01-01' limit 1;
SELECT @x, @y;
CALL sp1();
......@@ -695,7 +703,7 @@ Testcase
Ensure that a handler with a condition defined with an SQLSTATE that begins with
01 is always exactly equivalent in action to a handler with an SQLWARNING
“01“ is always exactly equivalent in action to a handler with an SQLWARNING
......@@ -794,7 +802,7 @@ Testcase
Ensure that a handler with a condition defined with an SQLSTATE that begins with
02 is always exactly equivalent in action to a handler with a NOT FOUND
“02“ is always exactly equivalent in action to a handler with a NOT FOUND
......@@ -902,7 +910,7 @@ Testcase
Ensure that a handler with a condition defined with an SQLSTATE that begins with
anything other that 01 or 02 is always exactly equivalent in action to a
anything other that “01“ or “02“ is always exactly equivalent in action to a
handler with an SQLEXCEPTION condition.
......@@ -1082,7 +1090,8 @@ declare f2_value char(20);
declare f5_value char(20);
declare f4_value integer;
declare f6_value integer;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5, f6 from t2 limit 3;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5, f6 from t2
where f4 >=-5000 order by f4 limit 3;
open cur1;
while proceed do
SELECT count AS 'loop';
......@@ -1165,7 +1174,7 @@ of a compound statement ends.
create table temp1( f0 char(20), f1 char(20), f2 char(20), f3 int, f4 char(20) );
SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2;
SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 order by f4;
f1 f2 f4 f5
a` a` -5000 a`
aaa aaa -4999 aaa
......@@ -1185,8 +1194,8 @@ declare newf1 char(20);
declare newf2 char(20);
declare newf5 char(20);
declare newf4 integer;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 limit 5;
declare cur2 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 limit 5;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 where f4 >= -5000 order by f4 limit 5;
declare cur2 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f4, f5 from t2 where f4 >= -5000 order by f4 limit 5;
open cur1;
open cur2;
......@@ -1268,8 +1277,10 @@ declare i_newf11 char(20);
declare i_newf12 char(20);
declare i_newf13 date;
declare i_newf14 integer;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 from t2 limit 4;
declare cur2 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 from t2 limit 3;
declare cur1 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 from t2
where f4>=-5000 order by f4 limit 4;
declare cur2 cursor for SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 from t2
where f4>=-5000 order by f4 limit 3;
declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set proceed=0;
open cur1;
open cur2;
......@@ -1300,8 +1311,10 @@ DECLARE o_newf11 CHAR(20);
DECLARE o_newf12 CHAR(20);
DECLARE o_newf13 DATE;
DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 FROM t2 LIMIT 5;
DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 FROM t2 LIMIT 5;
DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 FROM t2
WHERE f4>=-5000 ORDER BY f4 LIMIT 5;
DECLARE cur2 CURSOR FOR SELECT f1, f2, f3, f4 FROM t2
WHERE f4>=-5000 ORDER BY f4 LIMIT 5;
OPEN cur1;
OPEN cur2;
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.3 - Syntax checks for the stored procedure-specific flow
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.6 - Privilege Checks:
......@@ -79,6 +87,7 @@ BEGIN
SELECT * from db_storedproc_1.t6 where t6.f2= 'xyz';
ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'user_1'@'localhost' to database 'db_storedproc_1'
USE db_storedproc_1;
root@localhost db_storedproc_1
GRANT CREATE ROUTINE ON db_storedproc_1.* TO 'user_1'@'localhost';
......@@ -90,6 +99,7 @@ CREATE PROCEDURE sp1(v1 char(20))
SELECT * from db_storedproc_1.t6 where t6.f2= 'xyz';
USE db_storedproc_1;
root@localhost db_storedproc_1
DROP USER 'user_1'@'localhost';
......@@ -115,6 +125,7 @@ CREATE FUNCTION fn1(v1 int) returns int
return v1;
USE db_storedproc_1;
root@localhost db_storedproc_1
drop user 'user_1'@'localhost';
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.7 - SQL mode checks:
......@@ -9,20 +9,25 @@ DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_storedproc_1;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc;
CREATE DATABASE db_storedproc_1;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t4;
create table t1(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t1;
create table t2(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t2;
create table t3(f1 char(20),f2 char(20),f3 integer) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t3.txt' into table t3;
create table t4(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t4;
USE db_storedproc_1;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t6;
create table t6(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t6;
USE db_storedproc;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t7;
create table t7 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t7;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -34,8 +39,9 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t7.txt' into table t8;
create table t8 (f1 char(20), f2 char(25), f3 date, f4 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t7.txt' into table t8;
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 1
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 2
......@@ -47,12 +53,14 @@ Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 7
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 8
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 9
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f3' at row 10
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int) engine = myisam;
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/t4.txt' into table t11;
create table t9(f1 int, f2 char(25), f3 int) engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t9.txt' into table t9;
create table t10(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t10;
create table t11(f1 char(20),f2 char(25),f3 date,f4 int,f5 char(25),f6 int)
engine = <engine_to_be_tested>;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/t4.txt' into table t11;
Section 3.1.8 - SHOW statement checks:
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
......@@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ update t1 set f2='update';
select * from t1;
f1 f2 f3
NULL update 42
select trigger_name from information_schema.triggers;
select trigger_name from information_schema.triggers order by trigger_name;
......@@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ insert into trig_db3.t1 (f1,f2) values ('insert to db3 t1 from db1',4);
select @test_var1, @test_var2, @test_var3;
@test_var1 @test_var2 @test_var3
trig1 trig2 trig3
select * from t1;
select * from t1 order by f2;
f1 f2
trig1 1
trig1 2
......@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ trig2 3
select * from trig_db3.t1;
f1 f2
trig3 4
select * from t1;
select * from t1 order by f2;
f1 f2
trig1 1
trig1 2
......@@ -348,10 +349,10 @@ for each row set @test_var2='trig1_a';
create trigger trig_db2.trig2 before insert on trig_db2.t1
for each row set @test_var3='trig2';
select trigger_schema, trigger_name, event_object_table
from information_schema.triggers;
from information_schema.triggers order by trigger_name;
trigger_schema trigger_name event_object_table
trig_db1 trig1_b t1
trig_db1 trig1_a t1
trig_db1 trig1_b t1
trig_db2 trig2 t1
set @test_var1= '', @test_var2= '', @test_var3= '';
insert into t1 (f1,f2) values ('insert to db1 t1 from db1',352);
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
Testcase: 3.5:
......@@ -92,18 +93,18 @@ Create trigger trg1 BEFORE INSERT on t1
for each row set new.f1='Trigger';
Use db_drop;
Insert into t1 values ('Insert error');
Select * from t1;
Select * from t1 order by f1;
drop trigger trg1;
select trigger_schema, trigger_name, event_object_table
from information_schema.triggers;
from information_schema.triggers order by trigger_name;
trigger_schema trigger_name event_object_table
Insert into t1 values ('Insert no trigger');
Select * from t1;
Select * from t1 order by f1;
Insert no trigger
drop trigger trg1;
drop database if exists db_drop;
revoke ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM 'test_general'@'localhost';
......@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ use dbtest_one;
Insert into dbtest_two.t2 values ('2nd Insert');
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f1' at row 1
Select * from dbtest_two.t2;
Select * from dbtest_two.t2 order by f1;
1st Insert 3.5.
2nd Insert 3.5.
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ Warnings:
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f150' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f151' at row 1
Note 1265 Data truncated for column 'f152' at row 1
load data infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/suite/funcs_1/data/myisam_tb3.txt' into table tb3 ;
load data infile '<MYSQLTEST_VARDIR>/std_data_ln/funcs_1/myisam_tb3.txt'
into table tb3;
......@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ set @tr_var_af_118=old.f118, @tr_var_af_121=old.f121,
Insert into tb3 (f122, f136, f163)
values ('Test', 7, 123.17);
Update tb3 Set f136=8 where f122='Test';
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f163 from tb3 where f122='Test';
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f163 from tb3 where f122='Test' order by f136;
f118 f121 f122 f136 f163
a NULL Test 00008 123.170000000000000000000000000000
select @tr_var_b4_118, @tr_var_b4_121, @tr_var_b4_122,
......@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ a NULL Test 7 123.170000000000000000000000000000
@tr_var_af_118 @tr_var_af_121 @tr_var_af_122 @tr_var_af_136 @tr_var_af_163
0 0 0 0 0
delete from tb3 where f122='Test';
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f163 from tb3 where f122='Test';
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f163 from tb3 where f122='Test' order by f136;
f118 f121 f122 f136 f163
select @tr_var_b4_118, @tr_var_b4_121, @tr_var_b4_122,
@tr_var_b4_136, @tr_var_b4_163;
......@@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ set @tr_var_af_118=new.f118, @tr_var_af_121=new.f121,
Insert into tb3 (f122, f136, f151, f163)
values ('Test', 7, DEFAULT, 995.24);
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f151, f163 from tb3
where f122 like 'Test';
where f122 like 'Test' order by f163;
f118 f121 f122 f136 f151 f163
a NULL Test 00007 999 995.240000000000000000000000000000
select @tr_var_b4_118, @tr_var_b4_121, @tr_var_b4_122,
......@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ where f122='Test';
Warning 1048 Column 'f136' cannot be null
select f118, f121, f122, f136, f151, f163 from tb3
where f122 like 'Test';
where f122 like 'Test' order by f163;
f118 f121 f122 f136 f151 f163
a NULL Test 00000 999 NULL
select @tr_var_b4_118, @tr_var_b4_121, @tr_var_b4_122,
......@@ -240,6 +241,7 @@ ERROR HY000: There is no NEW row in on DELETE trigger
create trigger trg5b after DELETE on tb3 for each row
set new.f122='test';
ERROR HY000: There is no NEW row in on DELETE trigger
drop trigger trg5a;
drop trigger trg5b;
Testcase (implied in previous tests)
let $message= --source suite/funcs_1/storedproc/;
--source include/
--echo --source suite/funcs_1/storedproc/
--echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# called both to cleanup possibly existing data before and after the SP tests
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ WHERE table_schema = 'db_datadict' ORDER BY table_name LIMIT 1;
SELECT @table_name,@table_schema;
let $OUTFILE = $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/datadict.out;
let $OUTFILE = $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/datadict.out;
--error 0,1
remove_file $OUTFILE;
--replace_result $OUTFILE <OUTFILE>
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