Commit 9d41d856 authored by Olivier Bertrand's avatar Olivier Bertrand

- Fix a bug concerning index mapping that caused mapped index files

  not to be unmapped. This caused a crash instead of reporting an
  error. This was also fixed.
parent f3af6da9
......@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ RCODE CntReadNext(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp)
for (PCOL colp= tdbp->GetColumns(); colp; colp= colp->GetNext())
((PTDBASE)tdbp)->ResetKindex(g, NULL);
} // endif index
// Save stack and allocation environment and prepare error return
......@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ int CntCloseTable(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp)
// Make all the eventual indexes
tbxp= (TDBDOX*)tdbp;
tbxp->ResetKindex(g, NULL);
tbxp->To_Key_Col= NULL;
rc= tbxp->ResetTableOpt(g, ((PTDBASE)tdbp)->GetDef()->Indexable() == 1);
......@@ -2449,7 +2449,7 @@ int ha_connect::index_init(uint idx, bool sorted)
} // endif index type
if ((rc= rnd_init(0)))
return rc;
if (locked == 2) {
// Indexes are not updated in lock write mode
......@@ -3816,7 +3816,8 @@ ha_rows ha_connect::records_in_range(uint inx, key_range *min_key,
if (indexing < 0 || inx != active_index)
index_init(inx, false);
if (index_init(inx, false))
if (xtrace)
htrc("records_in_range: inx=%d indexing=%d\n", inx, indexing);
......@@ -80,7 +80,16 @@ HANDLE CreateFileMap(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR filename,
} // endif hFileMap
access = (mode == MODE_READ) ? FILE_MAP_READ : FILE_MAP_WRITE;
mm->memory = MapViewOfFile(hFileMap, access, 0, 0, 0);
if (!(mm->memory = MapViewOfFile(hFileMap, access, 0, 0, 0))) {
DWORD ler = GetLastError();
sprintf(g->Message, "Error %ld in MapViewOfFile %s",
ler, filename);
} // endif memory
// lenH is the high-order word of the file size
mm->lenL = GetFileSize(hFile, &mm->lenH);
CloseHandle(hFileMap); // Not used anymore
......@@ -304,15 +304,22 @@ int TDBASE::ResetTableOpt(PGLOBAL g, bool dox)
} // end of ResetTableOpt
/* SetKindex: set or reset the index pointer. */
/* ResetKindex: set or reset the index pointer. */
void TDBASE::SetKindex(PKXBASE kxp)
void TDBASE::ResetKindex(PGLOBAL g, PKXBASE kxp)
if (To_Kindex)
if (To_Kindex) {
int pos = GetRecpos(); // To be reset in Txfp
for (PCOL colp= Columns; colp; colp= colp->GetNext())
To_Kindex->Close(); // Discard old index
SetRecpos(g, pos); // Ignore return value
} // endif To_Kindex
To_Kindex = kxp;
} // end of SetKindex
} // end of ResetKindex
/* SetRecpos: Replace the table at the specified position. */
......@@ -2131,9 +2131,6 @@ int XINDXS::FastFind(int nk)
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(XMAP)
ViewBase = NULL;
#endif // WIN32 && XMAP
NewOff.Val = 0LL;
} // end of XLOAD constructor
......@@ -2147,15 +2144,6 @@ void XLOAD::Close(void)
} // endif Hfile
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(XMAP)
if (ViewBase) {
if (!UnmapViewOfFile(ViewBase))
printf("Error %d closing Viewmap\n", GetLastError());
ViewBase = NULL;
} // endif ViewBase
#endif // WIN32 && XMAP
} // end of Close
/* --------------------------- XFILE Class --------------------------- */
......@@ -2166,9 +2154,9 @@ void XLOAD::Close(void)
Xfile = NULL;
#if defined(XMAP) && !defined(WIN32)
#if defined(XMAP)
Mmp = NULL;
#endif // XMAP && !WIN32
#endif // XMAP
} // end of XFILE constructor
......@@ -2193,9 +2181,9 @@ bool XFILE::Open(PGLOBAL g, char *filename, int id, MODE mode)
} // endswitch mode
if (!(Xfile= global_fopen(g, MSGID_OPEN_ERROR_AND_STRERROR, filename, pmod))) {
#if defined(TRACE)
printf("Open: %s\n", g->Message);
#endif // TRACE
if (trace)
htrc("Open: %s\n", g->Message);
return true;
} // endif Xfile
......@@ -2311,11 +2299,9 @@ void XFILE::Close(void)
Xfile = NULL;
} // endif Xfile
#if defined(XMAP) && !defined(WIN32)
if (Mmp) {
CloseMemMap(Mmp->memory, Mmp->lenL);
Mmp = NULL;
} // endif Mmp
#if defined(XMAP)
if (Mmp && CloseMemMap(Mmp->memory, Mmp->lenL))
printf("Error %d closing mapped index\n");
#endif // XMAP
} // end of Close
......@@ -2357,9 +2343,8 @@ bool XHUGE::Open(PGLOBAL g, char *filename, int id, MODE mode)
return true;
} // endif
#if defined(TRACE)
printf( "Xopen: filename=%s mode=%d\n", filename, mode);
#endif // TRACE
if (trace)
htrc(" Xopen: filename=%s mode=%d\n", filename, mode);
#if defined(WIN32)
LONG high = 0;
......@@ -2476,16 +2461,15 @@ bool XHUGE::Open(PGLOBAL g, char *filename, int id, MODE mode)
/*rc = errno;*/
#if defined(TRACE)
printf("Open: %s\n", g->Message);
#endif // TRACE
if (trace)
htrc("Open: %s\n", g->Message);
return true;
} // endif Hfile
#if defined(TRACE)
printf(" rc=%d oflag=%p mode=%d handle=%d fn=%s\n",
if (trace)
htrc(" rc=%d oflag=%p mode=%d handle=%d fn=%s\n",
rc, oflag, mode, Hfile, filename);
#endif // TRACE
if (mode == MODE_INSERT) {
......@@ -2588,15 +2572,15 @@ bool XHUGE::Read(PGLOBAL g, void *buf, int n, int size)
#else // UNIX
ssize_t count = (ssize_t)(n * size);
#if defined(TRACE)
printf("Hfile=%d n=%d size=%d count=%d\n", Hfile, n, size, count);
#endif // TRACE
if (trace)
htrc("Hfile=%d n=%d size=%d count=%d\n", Hfile, n, size, count);
if (read(Hfile, buf, count) != count) {
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(READ_ERROR), "Index file", strerror(errno));
#if defined(TRACE)
printf("read error %d\n", errno);
#endif // TRACE
if (trace)
htrc("read error %d\n", errno);
rc = true;
} // endif nbr
#endif // UNIX
......@@ -2854,8 +2838,7 @@ bool KXYCOL::Init(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int n, bool sm, int kln)
// Allocate the Value object used when moving items
Type = colp->GetResultType();
if (!(Valp = AllocateValue(g, Type, len, colp->GetScale(),
if (!(Valp = AllocateValue(g, Type, len, prec, colp->IsUnsigned())))
return true;
Klen = Valp->GetClen();
......@@ -2877,10 +2860,11 @@ bool KXYCOL::Init(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int n, bool sm, int kln)
// Store this information to avoid sorting when already done
if (Asc)
// IsSorted = colp->GetOpt() < 0;
// IsSorted = colp->GetOpt() == 2;
IsSorted = false;
//SetNulls(colp->IsNullable()); for when null columns will be indexable
Colp = colp;
return false;
} // end of Init
......@@ -2891,7 +2875,7 @@ bool KXYCOL::Init(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int n, bool sm, int kln)
BYTE* KXYCOL::MapInit(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int *n, BYTE *m)
int len = colp->GetLength(), prec = colp->GetPrecision();
int len = colp->GetLength(), prec = colp->GetScale();
if (n[3] && colp->GetLength() > n[3]
&& colp->GetResultType() == TYPE_STRING) {
......@@ -2906,7 +2890,7 @@ BYTE* KXYCOL::MapInit(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int *n, BYTE *m)
this, colp, Type, n[0], len, m);
// Allocate the Value object used when moving items
Valp = AllocateValue(g, Type, len, prec, false, NULL);
Valp = AllocateValue(g, Type, len, prec, colp->IsUnsigned());
Klen = Valp->GetClen();
if (n[2]) {
......@@ -2926,7 +2910,7 @@ BYTE* KXYCOL::MapInit(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int *n, BYTE *m)
// by blanks (if true) or keep the zero ending char (if false).
// Currently we set it to true to be compatible with QRY blocks,
// and last one to enable type checking (no conversion).
Kblp = AllocValBlock(g, To_Keys, Type, n[0], len, prec, true, true);
Kblp = AllocValBlock(g, To_Keys, Type, n[0], len, prec, !Prefix, true);
if (n[1]) {
Koff.Size = n[1] * sizeof(int);
......@@ -2937,6 +2921,7 @@ BYTE* KXYCOL::MapInit(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int *n, BYTE *m)
Ndf = n[0];
//IsSorted = colp->GetOpt() < 0;
IsSorted = false;
Colp = colp;
return m + Bkeys.Size + Keys.Size + Koff.Size;
} // end of MapInit
#endif // XMAP
......@@ -3054,9 +3039,8 @@ int KXYCOL::Compare(int i1, int i2)
// Do the actual comparison between values.
register int k = Kblp->CompVal(i1, i2);
#ifdef DEBUG2
if (trace > 2)
htrc("Compare done result=%d\n", k);
return (Asc) ? k : -k;
} // end of Compare
......@@ -3067,13 +3051,14 @@ int KXYCOL::Compare(int i1, int i2)
int KXYCOL::CompVal(int i)
// Do the actual comparison between numerical values.
#ifdef DEBUG2
if (trace > 2) {
register int k = (int)Kblp->CompVal(Valp, (int)i);
htrc("Compare done result=%d\n", k);
return k;
} else
return Kblp->CompVal(Valp, i);
} // end of CompVal
......@@ -339,9 +339,6 @@ class DllExport XLOAD : public BLOCK {
// Members
#if defined(WIN32)
HANDLE Hfile; // Handle to file or map
#if defined(XMAP)
void *ViewBase; // Mapped view base address
#endif // XMAP
#else // UNIX
int Hfile; // Descriptor to file or map
#endif // UNIX
......@@ -371,7 +368,7 @@ class DllExport XFILE : public XLOAD {
// Members
FILE *Xfile; // Index stream file
#if defined(XMAP)
MMP Mmp; // To mapped index file
MMP Mmp; // Mapped view base address and length
#endif // XMAP
}; // end of class XFILE
......@@ -142,9 +142,10 @@ class DllExport TDBASE : public TDB {
inline PKXBASE GetKindex(void) {return To_Kindex;}
inline PCOL GetSetCols(void) {return To_SetCols;}
inline void SetSetCols(PCOL colp) {To_SetCols = colp;}
inline void SetKindex(PKXBASE kxp) {To_Kindex = kxp;}
// Properties
void SetKindex(PKXBASE kxp);
void ResetKindex(PGLOBAL g, PKXBASE kxp);
PCOL Key(int i) {return (To_Key_Col) ? To_Key_Col[i] : NULL;}
// Methods
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