Commit 9e65634b authored by Sergey Petrunia's avatar Sergey Petrunia

MWL#17: Table elimination

- Make elimination check to be able detect cases like  t.primary_key_col1=othertbl.col AND t.primary_key_col2=func(t.primary_key_col1).
  These are needed to handle e.g. the case of func() being a correlated subquery that selects the latest value.
- If we've removed a condition with subquery predicate, EXPLAIN [EXTENDED] won't show the subquery anymore

  MWL#17: Table elimination
  - Add tem_field::check_column_usage_processor(). it allows to check which key parts a condition depends on.
  MWL#17: Table elimination
  - Add tem_field::check_column_usage_processor(). it allows to check which key parts a condition depends on.
  MWL#17: Table elimination
  - Item_subselect got 'eliminated' attribute. It is used only to determine if the subselect should be printed by EXPLAIN.
  - Item_subselect got List<Item> refers_to - a list of item in the current select that are referred to from within the subselect.
  - Added Item_*::check_column_usage_processor(). it allows to check which key parts a condition depends on.
  - Added a comment about possible problem in Item_subselect::walk
  MWL#17: Table elimination
  - Item_subselect got 'eliminated' attribute. It is used only to determine if the subselect should be printed by EXPLAIN.
  - Item_subselect got List<Item> refers_to - a list of item in the current select that are referred to from within the subselect.
  - Added Item_*::check_column_usage_processor(). it allows to check which key parts a condition depends on.
  MWL#17: Table elimination
  MWL#17: Table elimination
  MWL#17: Table elimination
  MWL#17: Table elimination
parent 7a9f45c6
......@@ -1915,6 +1915,30 @@ void Item_field::reset_field(Field *f)
name= (char*) f->field_name;
bool Item_field::check_column_usage_processor(uchar *arg)
Field_processor_info* info=(Field_processor_info*)arg;
if (used_tables() & ~info->allowed_tables)
return FALSE;
if (field->table == info->table)
if (!(field->part_of_key.is_set(info->keyno)))
return TRUE;
KEY *key= &field->table->key_info[info->keyno];
for (uint part= 0; part < key->key_parts; part++)
if (field->field_index == key->key_part[part].field->field_index)
info->needed_key_parts |= key_part_map(1) << part;
return FALSE;
const char *Item_ident::full_name() const
char *tmp;
......@@ -3380,7 +3404,7 @@ static void mark_as_dependent(THD *thd, SELECT_LEX *last, SELECT_LEX *current,
/* store pointer on SELECT_LEX from which item is dependent */
if (mark_item)
mark_item->depended_from= last;
current->mark_as_dependent(last, resolved_item);
if (thd->lex->describe & DESCRIBE_EXTENDED)
char warn_buff[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
......@@ -888,6 +888,8 @@ public:
virtual bool reset_query_id_processor(uchar *query_id_arg) { return 0; }
virtual bool is_expensive_processor(uchar *arg) { return 0; }
virtual bool register_field_in_read_map(uchar *arg) { return 0; }
virtual bool check_column_usage_processor(uchar *arg) { return 0; }
virtual bool mark_as_eliminated_processor(uchar *arg) { return 0; }
Check if a partition function is allowed
......@@ -1012,6 +1014,14 @@ public:
typedef struct
table_map allowed_tables;
TABLE *table;
uint keyno;
uint needed_key_parts;
} Field_processor_info;
class sp_head;
......@@ -1477,6 +1487,7 @@ public:
bool find_item_in_field_list_processor(uchar *arg);
bool register_field_in_read_map(uchar *arg);
bool check_partition_func_processor(uchar *int_arg) {return FALSE;}
bool check_column_usage_processor(uchar *arg);
void cleanup();
bool result_as_longlong()
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ inline Item * and_items(Item* cond, Item *item)
Item_result_field(), value_assigned(0), thd(0), substitution(0),
engine(0), old_engine(0), used_tables_cache(0), have_to_be_excluded(0),
const_item_cache(1), engine_changed(0), changed(0), is_correlated(FALSE)
const_item_cache(1), in_fix_fields(0), engine_changed(0), changed(0), is_correlated(FALSE)
with_subselect= 1;
......@@ -151,10 +151,14 @@ bool Item_subselect::fix_fields(THD *thd_param, Item **ref)
DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 0);
engine->set_thd((thd= thd_param));
if (!in_fix_fields)
eliminated= FALSE;
if (check_stack_overrun(thd, STACK_MIN_SIZE, (uchar*)&res))
return TRUE;
res= engine->prepare();
// all transformation is done (used by prepared statements)
......@@ -181,12 +185,14 @@ bool Item_subselect::fix_fields(THD *thd_param, Item **ref)
if (!(*ref)->fixed)
ret= (*ref)->fix_fields(thd, ref);
thd->where= save_where;
return ret;
// Is it one field subselect?
if (engine->cols() > max_columns)
my_error(ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS, MYF(0), 1);
return TRUE;
......@@ -203,11 +209,30 @@ bool Item_subselect::fix_fields(THD *thd_param, Item **ref)
fixed= 1;
thd->where= save_where;
return res;
bool Item_subselect::check_column_usage_processor(uchar *arg)
List_iterator<Item> it(refers_to);
Item *item;
while ((item= it++))
if (item->walk(&Item::check_column_usage_processor,FALSE, arg))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
bool Item_subselect::mark_as_eliminated_processor(uchar *arg)
eliminated= TRUE;
return FALSE;
bool Item_subselect::walk(Item_processor processor, bool walk_subquery,
uchar *argument)
......@@ -225,6 +250,7 @@ bool Item_subselect::walk(Item_processor processor, bool walk_subquery,
if (lex->having && (lex->having)->walk(processor, walk_subquery,
return 1;
/* TODO: why doesn't this walk the OUTER JOINs' ON expressions */
while ((item=li++))
......@@ -54,6 +54,14 @@ protected:
bool const_item_cache;
References from inside the subquery to the select that this predicate is
in. References to parent selects not included.
List<Item> refers_to;
int in_fix_fields;
bool eliminated;
/* changed engine indicator */
bool engine_changed;
/* subquery is transformed */
......@@ -126,6 +134,8 @@ public:
virtual void reset_value_registration() {}
enum_parsing_place place() { return parsing_place; }
bool walk(Item_processor processor, bool walk_subquery, uchar *arg);
bool mark_as_eliminated_processor(uchar *arg);
bool check_column_usage_processor(uchar *arg);
Get the SELECT_LEX structure associated with this Item.
......@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ bool Item_sum::register_sum_func(THD *thd, Item **ref)
sl= sl->master_unit()->outer_select() )
sl->master_unit()->item->with_sum_func= 1;
thd->lex->current_select->mark_as_dependent(aggr_sel, NULL);
return FALSE;
......@@ -1778,7 +1778,7 @@ void st_select_lex_unit::exclude_tree()
'last' should be reachable from this st_select_lex_node
void st_select_lex::mark_as_dependent(st_select_lex *last)
void st_select_lex::mark_as_dependent(st_select_lex *last, Item *dependency)
Mark all selects from resolved to 1 before select where was
......@@ -1804,6 +1804,8 @@ void st_select_lex::mark_as_dependent(st_select_lex *last)
is_correlated= TRUE;
this->master_unit()->item->is_correlated= TRUE;
if (dependency)
bool st_select_lex_node::set_braces(bool value) { return 1; }
......@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ public:
return master_unit()->return_after_parsing();
void mark_as_dependent(st_select_lex *last);
void mark_as_dependent(st_select_lex *last, Item *dependency);
bool set_braces(bool value);
bool inc_in_sum_expr();
......@@ -2478,6 +2478,14 @@ static ha_rows get_quick_record_count(THD *thd, SQL_SELECT *select,
typedef struct st_keyuse_w_needed_reg
KEYUSE *first;
key_part_map second;
} Keyuse_w_needed_reg;
bool has_eq_ref_access_candidate(TABLE *table, table_map can_refer_to_these)
KEYUSE *keyuse= table->reginfo.join_tab->keyuse;
......@@ -2494,24 +2502,85 @@ bool has_eq_ref_access_candidate(TABLE *table, table_map can_refer_to_these)
uint key= keyuse->key;
key_part_map bound_parts=0;
uint n_unusable=0;
bool ft_key= test(keyuse->keypart == FT_KEYPART);
KEY *keyinfo= table->key_info + key;
KEYUSE *key_start = keyuse;
do /* For each keypart and each way to read it */
if (!(keyuse->used_tables & ~can_refer_to_these) &&
if (keyuse->usable)
if(!(keyuse->used_tables & ~can_refer_to_these) &&
!(keyuse->optimize & KEY_OPTIMIZE_REF_OR_NULL))
bound_parts |= keyuse->keypart_map;
} while (keyuse->table && keyuse->key == key);
} while (keyuse->table == table && keyuse->key == key);
KEY *keyinfo= table->key_info + key;
if (!ft_key &&
((keyinfo->flags & (HA_NOSAME | HA_NULL_PART_KEY)) == HA_NOSAME) &&
bound_parts == PREV_BITS(key_part_map, keyinfo->key_parts))
if (ft_key || ((keyinfo->flags & (HA_NOSAME | HA_NULL_PART_KEY))
if (bound_parts == PREV_BITS(key_part_map, keyinfo->key_parts))
return TRUE;
Ok, usable keyuse elements didn't help us. Try making use of
unusable KEYUSEs (psergey-todo: sane comments:)
if (n_unusable && bound_parts)
Check if unusable KEYUSE elements cause all parts of key to be
bound. An unusable keyuse element makes a key part bound when it
represents the following:
keyXpartY=func(bound_columns, preceding_tables)
Keyuse_w_needed_reg *uses;
if (!(uses= (Keyuse_w_needed_reg*)my_alloca(sizeof(Keyuse_w_needed_reg)*n_unusable)))
return FALSE;
uint n_uses=0;
for (KEYUSE *k= key_start; k!=keyuse; k++)
if (!k->usable && !(k->used_tables & ~can_refer_to_these))
//Walk k->val and check which key parts it depends on.
Field_processor_info fp= {can_refer_to_these, table, k->key, 0};
if (!k->val->walk(&Item::check_column_usage_processor, FALSE,
uses[n_uses].first= k;
uses[n_uses].second= fp.needed_key_parts;
/* Now compute transitive closure */
uint n_bounded;
n_bounded= 0;
for (uint i=0; i< n_uses; i++)
/* needed_parts is covered by what is already bound*/
if (!(uses[i].second & ~bound_parts))
bound_parts|= key_part_map(1) << uses[i].first->keypart;
if (bound_parts == PREV_BITS(key_part_map, keyinfo->key_parts))
return TRUE;
} while (n_bounded != 0);
......@@ -2657,6 +2726,7 @@ eliminate_tables_for_join_list(JOIN *join, List<TABLE_LIST> *join_list,
eliminated += tbl->nested_join->join_list.elements;
//psergey-todo: do we need to do anything about removing the join
tbl->on_expr->walk(&Item::mark_as_eliminated_processor, FALSE, NULL);
......@@ -2673,6 +2743,7 @@ eliminate_tables_for_join_list(JOIN *join, List<TABLE_LIST> *join_list,
mark_table_as_eliminated(join, tbl->table, const_tbl_count,
tbl->on_expr->walk(&Item::mark_as_eliminated_processor, FALSE, NULL);
eliminated += 1;
......@@ -3065,6 +3136,7 @@ make_join_statistics(JOIN *join, TABLE_LIST *tables_arg, COND *conds,
if (keyuse->usable)
s->keys.set_bit(key); // QQ: remove this ?
......@@ -3072,7 +3144,8 @@ make_join_statistics(JOIN *join, TABLE_LIST *tables_arg, COND *conds,
if (keyuse->val->type() != Item::NULL_ITEM && !keyuse->optimize)
if (keyuse->usable && keyuse->val->type() != Item::NULL_ITEM &&
if (!((~found_const_table_map) & keyuse->used_tables))
......@@ -3276,6 +3349,7 @@ typedef struct key_field_t {
bool null_rejecting;
bool *cond_guard; /* See KEYUSE::cond_guard */
bool usable;
......@@ -3284,6 +3358,26 @@ typedef struct key_field_t {
This is called for OR between different levels.
That is, the function operates on an array of KEY_FIELD elements which has
two parts:
start new_fields end
$LEFT_PART and $RIGHT_PART are arrays that have KEY_FIELD elements for two
parts of the OR condition. Our task is to produce an array of KEY_FIELD
elements that would correspond to "$LEFT_PART OR $RIGHT_PART".
The rules for combining elements are as follows:
(keyfieldA1 AND keyfieldA2 AND ...) OR (keyfieldB1 AND keyfieldB2 AND ...)=
AND_ij (keyfieldA_i OR keyfieldB_j)
We discard all (keyfieldA_i OR keyfieldB_j) that refer to different
fields. For those referring to the same field, the logic is as follows:
To be able to do 'ref_or_null' we merge a comparison of a column
and 'column IS NULL' to one test. This is useful for sub select queries
that are internally transformed to something like:.
......@@ -3348,13 +3442,18 @@ merge_key_fields(KEY_FIELD *start,KEY_FIELD *new_fields,KEY_FIELD *end,
old->null_rejecting= (old->null_rejecting &&
The conditions are the same, hence their usabilities should
be, too (TODO: shouldn't that apply to the above
null_rejecting and optimize attributes?)
DBUG_ASSERT(old->usable == new_fields->usable);
else if (old->eq_func && new_fields->eq_func &&
old->level= and_level;
old->optimize= ((old->optimize & new_fields->optimize &
......@@ -3363,10 +3462,14 @@ merge_key_fields(KEY_FIELD *start,KEY_FIELD *new_fields,KEY_FIELD *end,
old->null_rejecting= (old->null_rejecting &&
// "t.key_col=const" predicates are always usable
DBUG_ASSERT(old->usable && new_fields->usable);
else if (old->eq_func && new_fields->eq_func &&
((old->val->const_item() && old->val->is_null()) ||
((new_fields->usable && old->val->const_item() &&
old->val->is_null()) ||
((old->usable && new_fields->val->is_null()))))
/* TODO ^ why is the above asymmetric, why const_item()? */
/* field = expression OR field IS NULL */
old->level= and_level;
......@@ -3437,6 +3540,7 @@ add_key_field(KEY_FIELD **key_fields,uint and_level, Item_func *cond,
table_map usable_tables, SARGABLE_PARAM **sargables)
uint exists_optimize= 0;
bool optimizable=0;
if (!(field->flags & PART_KEY_FLAG))
// Don't remove column IS NULL on a LEFT JOIN table
......@@ -3449,15 +3553,15 @@ add_key_field(KEY_FIELD **key_fields,uint and_level, Item_func *cond,
table_map used_tables=0;
bool optimizable=0;
for (uint i=0; i<num_values; i++)
if (!((value[i])->used_tables() & (field->table->map | RAND_TABLE_BIT)))
if (!optimizable)
// psergey-tbl-elim:
// if (!optimizable)
// return;
if (!(usable_tables & field->table->map))
if (!eq_func || (*value)->type() != Item::NULL_ITEM ||
......@@ -3470,6 +3574,7 @@ add_key_field(KEY_FIELD **key_fields,uint and_level, Item_func *cond,
JOIN_TAB *stat=field->table->reginfo.join_tab;
key_map possible_keys=field->key_start;
if (optimizable)
stat[0].keys.merge(possible_keys); // Add possible keys
......@@ -3563,6 +3668,7 @@ add_key_field(KEY_FIELD **key_fields,uint and_level, Item_func *cond,
(*key_fields)->val= *value;
(*key_fields)->level= and_level;
(*key_fields)->optimize= exists_optimize;
(*key_fields)->usable= optimizable;
If the condition has form "tbl.keypart = othertbl.field" and
othertbl.field can be NULL, there will be no matches if othertbl.field
......@@ -3874,6 +3980,7 @@ add_key_part(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse_array,KEY_FIELD *key_field)
keyuse.optimize= key_field->optimize & KEY_OPTIMIZE_REF_OR_NULL;
keyuse.null_rejecting= key_field->null_rejecting;
keyuse.cond_guard= key_field->cond_guard;
keyuse.usable= key_field->usable;
VOID(insert_dynamic(keyuse_array,(uchar*) &keyuse));
......@@ -3954,6 +4061,11 @@ sort_keyuse(KEYUSE *a,KEYUSE *b)
return (int) (a->key - b->key);
if (a->keypart != b->keypart)
return (int) (a->keypart - b->keypart);
// Usable ones go before the unusable
if (a->usable != b->usable)
return (int)a->usable - (int)b->usable;
// Place const values before other ones
if ((res= test((a->used_tables & ~OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT)) -
test((b->used_tables & ~OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT))))
......@@ -4164,7 +4276,8 @@ update_ref_and_keys(THD *thd, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse,JOIN_TAB *join_tab,
for (i=0 ; i < keyuse->elements-1 ; i++,use++)
if (!use->used_tables && use->optimize != KEY_OPTIMIZE_REF_OR_NULL)
if (use->usable && !use->used_tables &&
use->optimize != KEY_OPTIMIZE_REF_OR_NULL)
use->table->const_key_parts[use->key]|= use->keypart_map;
if (use->keypart != FT_KEYPART)
......@@ -4188,6 +4301,7 @@ update_ref_and_keys(THD *thd, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse,JOIN_TAB *join_tab,
/* Save ptr to first use */
if (!use->table->reginfo.join_tab->keyuse)
if (use->usable)
......@@ -4218,7 +4332,7 @@ static void optimize_keyuse(JOIN *join, DYNAMIC_ARRAY *keyuse_array)
To avoid bad matches, we don't make ref_table_rows less than 100.
keyuse->ref_table_rows= ~(ha_rows) 0; // If no ref
if (keyuse->used_tables &
if (keyuse->usable && keyuse->used_tables &
(map= (keyuse->used_tables & ~join->const_table_map &
......@@ -4411,7 +4525,8 @@ best_access_path(JOIN *join,
if 1. expression doesn't refer to forward tables
2. we won't get two ref-or-null's
if (!(remaining_tables & keyuse->used_tables) &&
if (keyuse->usable &&
!(remaining_tables & keyuse->used_tables) &&
!(ref_or_null_part && (keyuse->optimize &
......@@ -5915,9 +6030,11 @@ static bool create_ref_for_key(JOIN *join, JOIN_TAB *j, KEYUSE *org_keyuse,
uint i;
for (i=0 ; i < keyparts ; keyuse++,i++)
while (keyuse->keypart != i ||
((~used_tables) & keyuse->used_tables))
while (keyuse->keypart != i || ((~used_tables) & keyuse->used_tables) ||
keyuse++; /* Skip other parts */
uint maybe_null= test(keyinfo->key_part[i].null_bit);
j->ref.items[i]=keyuse->val; // Save for cond removal
......@@ -16852,10 +16969,13 @@ static void select_describe(JOIN *join, bool need_tmp_table, bool need_order,
for (SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit= join->select_lex->first_inner_unit();
unit= unit->next_unit())
if (!(unit->item && unit->item->eliminated))
if (mysql_explain_union(thd, unit, result))
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ typedef struct keyuse_t {
NULL - Otherwise (the source equality can't be turned off)
bool *cond_guard;
bool usable;
class store_key;
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