Commit 9ea180a1 authored by marko's avatar marko

Document r6770.

parent 9319ba1e
2010-03-03 The InnoDB Team
* handler/, innodb-index.result, innodb-index.test,
innodb.result, innodb.test:
Disallow a duplicate index name when creating an index.
2010-02-11 The InnoDB Team 2010-02-11 The InnoDB Team
* include/mem0mem.h, include/mem0mem.ic, mem/mem0mem.c: * include/mem0mem.h, include/mem0mem.ic, mem/mem0mem.c:
Fix bug #49535 Available memory check slows down crash Fix Bug #49535 Available memory check slows down crash
recovery tens of times recovery tens of times
2010-02-09 The InnoDB Team 2010-02-09 The InnoDB Team
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