Commit bf327673 authored by Andrei Elkin's avatar Andrei Elkin

Bug#36443 Server crashes when executing insert when insert trigger on table

      The crash appeared to be a result of allocating an instance of Discrete_interval 
      automatically that that was referred in out-of-declaration scope.
      Fixed with correcting backing up and restoring scheme of
      auto_inc_intervals_forced, introduced by bug#33029, by means of shallow copying;
      added simulation code that forces executing those fixes of the former bug that
      targeted at master-and-slave having incompatible bug#33029-prone versions.

  new results file
  test merely checks no crash happens on slave.
  forcing to execute special logics implemented for bug#33029 if
  simulate_bug33029 the debug option is set.
  swaps of backed and the actual auto_inc_intervals_forced basing on shallow coping.
  Removing the deep _copy() and methods associated with it;
  adding methods to Discrete_intervals_list:
  private `=', copy constructor to prevent using;
  private set_members();
  public  copy_shallow(), swap(), get_{head, tail, current}();
          empty_no_free() through set_members().
parent 40bcbf9b
stop slave;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
reset master;
reset slave;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
start slave;
create table `t1` (`id` int not null auto_increment primary key);
create trigger `trg` before insert on `t1` for each row begin end;
set @@global.debug="+d,simulate_bug33029";
stop slave;
start slave;
insert into `t1` values ();
select * from t1;
# Bug #36443 Server crashes when executing insert when insert trigger on table
# Emulating the former bug#33029 situation to see that there is no crash anymore.
source include/;
create table `t1` (`id` int not null auto_increment primary key);
create trigger `trg` before insert on `t1` for each row begin end;
set @@global.debug="+d,simulate_bug33029";
stop slave;
start slave;
connection master;
insert into `t1` values ();
select * from t1;
......@@ -4136,6 +4136,7 @@ bool rpl_master_erroneous_autoinc(THD *thd)
if (active_mi && active_mi->rli.sql_thd == thd)
Relay_log_info *rli= &active_mi->rli;
DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("simulate_bug33029", return TRUE;);
return rpl_master_has_bug(rli, 33029, FALSE);
return FALSE;
......@@ -2882,8 +2882,8 @@ void THD::reset_sub_statement_state(Sub_statement_state *backup,
if (rpl_master_erroneous_autoinc(this))
backup->auto_inc_intervals_forced= auto_inc_intervals_forced;
DBUG_ASSERT(backup->auto_inc_intervals_forced.nb_elements() == 0);
......@@ -2931,8 +2931,8 @@ void THD::restore_sub_statement_state(Sub_statement_state *backup)
if (rpl_master_erroneous_autoinc(this))
auto_inc_intervals_forced= backup->auto_inc_intervals_forced;
DBUG_ASSERT(backup->auto_inc_intervals_forced.nb_elements() == 0);
......@@ -314,31 +314,22 @@ private:
Discrete_interval *current;
uint elements; // number of elements
/* helper function for copy construct and assignment operator */
void copy_(const Discrete_intervals_list& from)
for (Discrete_interval *i= from.head; i; i= i->next)
void set_members(Discrete_interval *h, Discrete_interval *t,
Discrete_interval *c, uint el)
Discrete_interval j= *i;
head= h;
tail= t;
current= c;
elements= el;
void operator=(Discrete_intervals_list &); /* prevent use of these */
Discrete_intervals_list(const Discrete_intervals_list &);
Discrete_intervals_list() : head(NULL), current(NULL), elements(0) {};
Discrete_intervals_list(const Discrete_intervals_list& from)
void operator=(const Discrete_intervals_list& from)
void empty_no_free()
head= current= NULL;
elements= 0;
set_members(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
void empty()
......@@ -350,7 +341,24 @@ public:
void copy_shallow(const Discrete_intervals_list * dli)
head= dli->get_head();
tail= dli->get_tail();
current= dli->get_current();
elements= dli->nb_elements();
void swap (Discrete_intervals_list * dli)
Discrete_interval *h, *t, *c;
uint el;
h= dli->get_head();
t= dli->get_tail();
c= dli->get_current();
el= dli->nb_elements();
set_members(h, t, c, el);
const Discrete_interval* get_next()
Discrete_interval *tmp= current;
......@@ -364,4 +372,7 @@ public:
ulonglong minimum() const { return (head ? head->minimum() : 0); };
ulonglong maximum() const { return (head ? tail->maximum() : 0); };
uint nb_elements() const { return elements; }
Discrete_interval* get_head() const { return head; };
Discrete_interval* get_tail() const { return tail; };
Discrete_interval* get_current() const { return current; };
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