Commit cc417e32 authored by Michael Widenius's avatar Michael Widenius

Updated mytop to version 1.91

Fixed that 'Handler:' output gives correct result with MariaDB (not including temporary tables)
parent 6db34a4a
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: mytop,v 1.90 2010/05/23 10:51:21 mark Exp $
# $Id: mytop,v 1.91 2012/01/18 16:49:12 mgrennan Exp $
......@@ -15,12 +15,13 @@ mytop - display MySQL server performance info like `top'
use 5.005;
use strict;
use DBI;
use DBD::mysql;
use Getopt::Long;
use Socket;
use List::Util qw(min max);
use File::Basename;
$main::VERSION = "1.9a";
$main::VERSION = "1.91a";
my $path_for_script= dirname($0);
......@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ my %config = (
resolve => 0,
slow => 10, # slow query time
socket => '',
sort => 0, # default or reverse sort ("s")
sort => 1, # default or reverse sort ("s")
user => 'root',
fullqueries => 0
......@@ -378,12 +379,11 @@ while (1)
## keystroke command processing (if we get this far)
# ! - Force past a replication error
if ($key eq 'r')
if ($key eq '!')
Execute("stop slave");
Execute("set global sql_slave_skip_counter=1");
Execute("start slave");
# t - top
......@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ while (1)
## m - mode swtich to qps
## m - mode switch to qps
if ($key eq 'm')
......@@ -425,17 +425,7 @@ while (1)
## M - mode swtich to qps
if ($key eq 'M')
$config{mode} = 'status';
Clear() unless $config{batchmode};
print "Queries Per Second [hit q to exit this mode]\n";
## c - mode swtich to command summary
## c - mode switch to command summary
if ($key eq 'c')
......@@ -467,8 +457,6 @@ while (1)
# Change the SLOW query value
if ($key eq 'S')
......@@ -755,7 +743,9 @@ while (1)
if ($key eq 'S')
# Switch to show status mode
if ($key eq 'M')
$config{mode} = 'status';
......@@ -931,6 +921,11 @@ sub GetData()
open L, "</proc/loadavg";
my $l = <L>;
close L;
chomp $l;
$last_time = $now_time;
## Server Uptime in meaningful terms...
......@@ -962,6 +957,7 @@ sub GetData()
printf "%-.${host_width}s %${up_width}s\n",
"$server on $config{host} ($db_version)",
"up $uptime $current_time";
# "load $l up $uptime $current_time";
......@@ -1055,19 +1051,29 @@ sub GetData()
if ($t_delta)
my $rows_read;
if (defined($STATUS{Rows_read}))
$rows_read= $STATUS{Rows_read} - $OLD_STATUS{Rows_read};
$STATUS{Handler_read_rnd}+$STATUS{Handler_read_rnd_next} -
printf(" Handler: (R/W/U/D) %5d/%5d/%5d/%5d Tmp: R/W/U: %5d/%5d/%5d\n",
$STATUS{Handler_read_rnd}+$STATUS{Handler_read_rnd_next} -
($STATUS{Handler_write} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_write}) /
($STATUS{Handler_update} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_update}) /
($STATUS{Handler_delete} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_delete}) /
($STATUS{Handler_delete} - $OLD_STATUS{Handler_delete}) /
($STATUS{Rows_tmp_read} - $OLD_STATUS{Rows_tmp_read}) /
......@@ -1083,7 +1089,7 @@ sub GetData()
printf(" MyISAM Key Efficiency: %2.1f%% Bps in/out: %5s/%5s ",
printf(" ISAM Key Efficiency: %2.1f%% Bps in/out: %5s/%5s ",
make_short($STATUS{Bytes_received} / $STATUS{Uptime} ),
make_short($STATUS{Bytes_sent} / $STATUS{Uptime}));
......@@ -1095,35 +1101,40 @@ sub GetData()
my($data) = Hashes('SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
if (defined($data->{Master_Host}))
my($data) = Hashes('show global variables like "read_only"');
if ($data->{Value} ne "OFF")
print " Replication ";
if ($HAS_COLOR) {
print GREEN();
print RED() if ($data->{Slave_IO_Running} ne "Yes") ;
print "IO:$data->{Slave_IO_Running} ";
print RED() if ($HAS_COLOR) ;
print " ReadOnly";
if ($HAS_COLOR) {
print GREEN();
print RED() if ($data->{Slave_SQL_Running} ne "Yes") ;
($data) = Hashes('SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
if (defined($data->{Master_Host}))
if (defined($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master}))
if ($HAS_COLOR) {
print GREEN();
print YELLOW() if ($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} > 60);
print MAGENTA() if ($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} > 360);
print " Replication ";
print "IO:$data->{Slave_IO_Running} ";
print "SQL:$data->{Slave_SQL_Running} ";
print RESET() if ($HAS_COLOR);
my $SlaveDelay = $data->{Seconds_Behind_Master};
if ($SlaveDelay)
if (defined($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master}))
if ($HAS_COLOR) {
print GREEN();
print YELLOW() if ($SlaveDelay > 10);
print MAGENTA() if ($SlaveDelay > 120);
print YELLOW() if ($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} > 60);
print MAGENTA() if ($data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} > 360);
print "Delay: $SlaveDelay sec.";
print "Delay: $data->{Seconds_Behind_Master} sec.";
} else {
my $free = $width - 35;
my $free = $width - 45;
my $Err = substr $data->{Last_Error},0 ,$free;
printf(" ERR: %-${free}s", $Err) if ( $Err ne "" );
......@@ -1198,6 +1209,7 @@ sub GetData()
if ($is_ip and $config{resolve})
$thread->{Host} =~ s/:\d+$//;
# my $host = $thread->{Host};
my $host = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($thread->{Host}), AF_INET);
# $host =~ s/^([^.]+).*/$1/;
$thread->{Host} = $host;
......@@ -1483,7 +1495,7 @@ sub GetShowStatus()
Clear() unless $config{batchmode};
my @rows = Hashes("SHOW STATUS");
printf "%32s %10s %10s\n", 'Counter', 'Total', 'Change';
printf "%32s %10s %10s Toggle idle with 'i'\n", 'Counter', 'Total', 'Change';
printf "%32s %10s %10s\n", '-------', '-----', '------';
for my $row (@rows)
......@@ -1519,9 +1531,7 @@ sub GetShowStatus()
if ($delta != 0) {
printf "%32s: %10s %10s\n", $name, $value, $delta;
printf "%32s: %10s %10s\n", $name, $value, $delta;
print RESET() if $HAS_COLOR;
$statcache{$name} = $value;
......@@ -1703,12 +1713,11 @@ sub trim($)
sub PrintHelp()
my $help = qq[
Help for mytop version $main::VERSION by Mark Grennan <${YELLOW}Mark\${RESET}>
Origional work by Jeremy D. Zawodny <${YELLOW}Jeremy\${RESET}>
Help for mytop version $main::VERSION by Jeremy D. Zawodny <${YELLOW}Jeremy\${RESET}>
with updates by Mark Grennan <${YELLOW}mark\${RESET}>
? - display this screen
# - toggle short/long numbers (not yet implemented)
! - force past replication error
c - command summary view (based on Com_* counters)
C - turn color on and off
d - show only a specific database
......@@ -1733,8 +1742,9 @@ Origional work by Jeremy D. Zawodny <${YELLOW}Jeremy\${RESET}>
S - change slow quiery hightlighting
t - switch to thread view (default)
u - show only a specific user
V - show variablesi
V - show variables
: - enter a command (not yet implemented)
! - Skip an error that has stopped replications (at your own risk)
L - show full queries (do not strip to terminal width)
Base version from ${GREEN}${RESET}
......@@ -2317,11 +2327,8 @@ having the User column appear, for example.
mytop was developed and is maintained by Jeremy D. Zawodny
(Mark Grennan) After weeks and months of trying to get Jeremy's
attention I desided to release my own update to mytop. I use it
every day as a part of my job. Thanks Jeremy for creating mytop.
I hope you find my updates as helpful as I have. I can be
reached at (
If you wish to e-mail me regarding this software, B<PLEASE> subscribe
to the B<mytop> mailing list. See the B<mytop> homepage for details.
......@@ -2330,12 +2337,6 @@ for it. Yahoo! does not necessarily support this software in any
way. It is merely a personal idea which happened to be very useful in
my job.
If you hack Perl and grok MySQL, come work at Yahoo! Contact me for
details. Or just send me your resume. Er, unless we just had layoffs,
in which case we're not hiring. :-(
=head1 SEE ALSO
Please check the MySQL manual if you're not sure where some of the
......@@ -2344,7 +2345,6 @@ output of B<mytop> is coming from.
Copyright (C) 2000-2010, Jeremy D. Zawodny.
Copyright (C) 2010, Mark T. Grennan.
=head1 CREDITS
......@@ -2358,6 +2358,15 @@ Many thanks go to these fine folks:
Added --fullqueries and reading of .my.cnf
=item Mark Grennan (
Added updates for MySQL 5.x. Added 'S' (slow) highlighting.
Added 'C' to turn on and off Color. Added 'l' command to change
color for long running queries. Fixed a few documentation issues.
Monitors Slave status. Added color to Queue hit ratio.
Added number of rows sorted per second.
Created release 1.7.
=item Sami Ahlroos (
Suggested the idle/noidle stuff.
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