Commit ccea4c3d authored by Davi Arnaut's avatar Davi Arnaut

Bug#42733: Type-punning warnings when compiling MySQL --

           strict aliasing violations.

Another rather noisy violation of strict aliasing rules
is the spatial code which makes use of stack-based memory
(of type Geometry_buffer) to provide placement for Geometry
objects. Although a placement new is allowed to dynamically
change the type of a object, the object returned by the
new placement was being ignored and the original stack-based
object was being casted to the new type, thus violating strict
aliasing rules.

The solution is to reorganize the code so that the object
returned by the new placement is used instead of casting the
original object. Also, to ensure that the stack-based object
is properly aligned with respect to the objects it provides
placement for, a set of compiler-dependent macros and types
are introduced so that the alignment of objects can be inquired
and specified.

  Add new header.
  Add new header.
  Remove now-unnecessary macros.
  Make object creation functions return the object whose type
  was dynamically changed by the new placement.
  Move static method from the header in order to avoid having
  to access a forward declaration.
  Object creation callbacks now take a array of chars as the
  storage area.
  Move create_by_typeid to a source file as to not access the
  forward declaration of Geometry_buffer.
  Ensure that Geometry_buffer is properly aligned.
  Use newly added aligned storage helper.
parent eca410d5
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ noinst_HEADERS = config-win.h config-netware.h my_bit.h \
my_aes.h my_tree.h my_trie.h hash.h thr_alarm.h \
thr_lock.h t_ctype.h violite.h my_md5.h base64.h \
my_handler.h my_time.h my_vle.h my_user.h \
my_libwrap.h my_stacktrace.h
my_libwrap.h my_stacktrace.h my_compiler.h
EXTRA_DIST = mysql.h.pp mysql/plugin.h.pp
/* Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
Header for compiler-dependent features.
Intended to contain a set of reusable wrappers for preprocessor
macros, attributes, pragmas, and any other features that are
specific to a target compiler.
#include <my_global.h> /* stddef.h offsetof */
Compiler-dependent internal convenience macros.
/* GNU C/C++ */
#if defined __GNUC__
/* Any after 2.95... */
# define MY_ALIGN_EXT
/* Microsoft Visual C++ */
#elif defined _MSC_VER
# define MY_ALIGNOF(type) __alignof(type)
# define MY_ALIGNED(n) __declspec(align(n))
/* Oracle Solaris Studio */
#elif defined(__SUNPRO_C) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
# if (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x590) || (__SUNPRO_CC >= 0x590)
# define MY_ALIGN_EXT
# endif
/* IBM XL C/C++ */
#elif defined __xlC__
# if __xlC__ >= 0x0600
# define MY_ALIGN_EXT
# endif
/* HP aCC */
#elif defined(__HP_aCC) || defined(__HP_cc)
# if (__HP_aCC >= 60000) || (__HP_cc >= 60000)
# define MY_ALIGN_EXT
# endif
/** Specifies the minimum alignment of a type. */
# define MY_ALIGNOF(type) __alignof__(type)
/** Determine the alignment requirement of a type. */
# define MY_ALIGNED(n) __attribute__((__aligned__((n))))
Generic compiler-dependent features.
#ifndef MY_ALIGNOF
# ifdef __cplusplus
template<typename type> struct my_alignof_helper { char m1; type m2; };
/* Invalid for non-POD types, but most compilers give the right answer. */
# define MY_ALIGNOF(type) offsetof(my_alignof_helper<type>, m2)
# else
# define MY_ALIGNOF(type) offsetof(struct { char m1; type m2; }, m2)
# endif
C++ Type Traits
#ifdef __cplusplus
Opaque storage with a particular alignment.
# if defined(MY_ALIGNED)
/* Partial specialization used due to MSVC++. */
template<size_t alignment> struct my_alignment_imp;
template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(1) my_alignment_imp<1> {};
template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(2) my_alignment_imp<2> {};
template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(4) my_alignment_imp<4> {};
template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(8) my_alignment_imp<8> {};
template<> struct MY_ALIGNED(16) my_alignment_imp<16> {};
/* ... expand as necessary. */
# else
template<size_t alignment>
struct my_alignment_imp { double m1; };
# endif
A POD type with a given size and alignment.
@remark If the compiler does not support a alignment attribute
(MY_ALIGN macro), the default alignment of a double is
used instead.
@tparam size The minimum size.
@tparam alignment The desired alignment: 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16.
template <size_t size, size_t alignment>
struct my_aligned_storage
char data[size];
my_alignment_imp<alignment> align;
#endif /* __cplusplus */
......@@ -941,9 +941,6 @@ typedef long long my_ptrdiff_t;
#define ADD_TO_PTR(ptr,size,type) (type) ((uchar*) (ptr)+size)
#define PTR_BYTE_DIFF(A,B) (my_ptrdiff_t) ((uchar*) (A) - (uchar*) (B))
#define MY_DIV_UP(A, B) (((A) + (B) - 1) / (B))
#define MY_ALIGNED_BYTE_ARRAY(N, S, T) T N[MY_DIV_UP(S, sizeof(T))]
Custom version of standard offsetof() macro which can be used to get
offsets of members in class for non-POD types (according to the current
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ static Geometry::Class_info **ci_collection_end=
Geometry::ci_collection+Geometry::wkb_last + 1;
Geometry::Class_info::Class_info(const char *name, int type_id,
void(*create_func)(void *)):
create_geom_t create_func):
m_type_id(type_id), m_create_func(create_func)
m_name.str= (char *) name;
......@@ -62,39 +62,39 @@ Geometry::Class_info::Class_info(const char *name, int type_id,
ci_collection[type_id]= this;
static void create_point(void *buffer)
static Geometry *create_point(char *buffer)
new(buffer) Gis_point;
return new (buffer) Gis_point;
static void create_linestring(void *buffer)
static Geometry *create_linestring(char *buffer)
new(buffer) Gis_line_string;
return new (buffer) Gis_line_string;
static void create_polygon(void *buffer)
static Geometry *create_polygon(char *buffer)
new(buffer) Gis_polygon;
return new (buffer) Gis_polygon;
static void create_multipoint(void *buffer)
static Geometry *create_multipoint(char *buffer)
new(buffer) Gis_multi_point;
return new (buffer) Gis_multi_point;
static void create_multipolygon(void *buffer)
static Geometry *create_multipolygon(char *buffer)
new(buffer) Gis_multi_polygon;
return new (buffer) Gis_multi_polygon;
static void create_multilinestring(void *buffer)
static Geometry *create_multilinestring(char *buffer)
new(buffer) Gis_multi_line_string;
return new (buffer) Gis_multi_line_string;
static void create_geometrycollection(void *buffer)
static Geometry *create_geometrycollection(char *buffer)
new(buffer) Gis_geometry_collection;
return new (buffer) Gis_geometry_collection;
......@@ -145,6 +145,15 @@ Geometry::Class_info *Geometry::find_class(const char *name, uint32 len)
Geometry *Geometry::create_by_typeid(Geometry_buffer *buffer, int type_id)
Class_info *ci;
if (!(ci= find_class(type_id)))
return NULL;
return (*ci->m_create_func)(buffer->data);
Geometry *Geometry::construct(Geometry_buffer *buffer,
const char *data, uint32 data_len)
......@@ -179,9 +188,7 @@ Geometry *Geometry::create_from_wkt(Geometry_buffer *buffer,
if (!(ci= find_class(name.str, name.length)) ||
wkt->reserve(1 + 4, 512))
return NULL;
(*ci->m_create_func)((void *)buffer);
Geometry *result= (Geometry *)buffer;
Geometry *result= (*ci->m_create_func)(buffer->data);
wkt->q_append((char) wkb_ndr);
wkt->q_append((uint32) result->get_class_info()->m_type_id);
if (trs->check_next_symbol('(') ||
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
#ifndef _spatial_h
#define _spatial_h
#include <my_compiler.h>
const uint SRID_SIZE= 4;
......@@ -227,13 +229,16 @@ public:
wkb_ndr= 1 /* Little Endian */
/** Callback which creates Geometry objects on top of a given placement. */
typedef Geometry *(*create_geom_t)(char *);
class Class_info
LEX_STRING m_name;
int m_type_id;
void (*m_create_func)(void *);
Class_info(const char *name, int type_id, void(*create_func)(void *));
create_geom_t m_create_func;
Class_info(const char *name, int type_id, create_geom_t create_func);
virtual const Class_info *get_class_info() const=0;
......@@ -263,15 +268,7 @@ public:
virtual int geometry_n(uint32 num, String *result) const { return -1; }
static Geometry *create_by_typeid(Geometry_buffer *buffer, int type_id)
Class_info *ci;
if (!(ci= find_class((int) type_id)))
return NULL;
(*ci->m_create_func)((void *)buffer);
return my_reinterpret_cast(Geometry *)(buffer);
static Geometry *create_by_typeid(Geometry_buffer *buffer, int type_id);
static Geometry *construct(Geometry_buffer *buffer,
const char *data, uint32 data_len);
static Geometry *create_from_wkt(Geometry_buffer *buffer,
......@@ -528,11 +525,8 @@ public:
const Class_info *get_class_info() const;
const int geometry_buffer_size= sizeof(Gis_point);
struct Geometry_buffer
void *arr[(geometry_buffer_size - 1)/sizeof(void *) + 1];
struct Geometry_buffer : public
my_aligned_storage<sizeof(Gis_point), MY_ALIGNOF(Gis_point)> {};
#endif /*HAVE_SPATAIAL*/
......@@ -2202,8 +2202,8 @@ static bool show_status_array(THD *thd, const char *wild,
bool ucase_names,
COND *cond)
char * const buff= (char *) &buff_data;
my_aligned_storage<SHOW_VAR_FUNC_BUFF_SIZE, MY_ALIGNOF(long)> buffer;
char * const buff=;
char *prefix_end;
/* the variable name should not be longer than 64 characters */
char name_buffer[64];
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