Commit e268a062 authored by Bradley C. Kuszmaul's avatar Bradley C. Kuszmaul

Now we can compile stuff on 32 and 64 systems

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@243 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent ef44b042
CFLAGS = -Wall -W -O2 -Werror -g
run: make_db_h sample_offsets
make_db_h.o: make_db_h.c sample_offsets_32.h sample_offsets_64.h
run: make_db_h
runs: sample_offsets
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#include <db.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
void print_dbtype(void) {
......@@ -13,71 +15,63 @@ void print_dbtype(void) {
DB db_dummy;
#define DECL_LIMIT 100
#define FIELD_LIMIT 100
struct fieldinfo {
char decl[DECL_LIMIT];
unsigned int off;
unsigned int size;
} db_fields[FIELD_LIMIT];
int db_field_counter=0;
int compare_fields (const void *av, const void *bv) {
const struct fieldinfo *a = av;
const struct fieldinfo *b = bv;
if (a->off < b->off) return -1;
if (a->off > b->off) return 1;
return 0;
#define DB_STRUCT_SETUP(name, fstring) ({ snprintf(db_fields[db_field_counter].decl, DECL_LIMIT, fstring, #name); \
db_fields[db_field_counter].off = offsetof(DB, name); \
db_fields[db_field_counter].size = sizeof(; \
db_field_counter++; })
#include "sample_offsets_32.h"
#include "sample_offsets_64.h"
void print_db_struct (void) {
int i;
unsigned int current_offset=0;
unsigned int i;
unsigned int current_32 = 0;
unsigned int current_64 = 0;
int dummy_counter=0;
int did_toku_internal=0;
/* Do these in alphabetical order. */
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(app_private, "void *%s");
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(close, "int (*%s) (DB*, u_int32_t)");
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(cursor, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, DBC **, u_int32_t)");
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(del, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, DBT *, u_int32_t)");
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(get, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, DBT *, DBT *, u_int32_t)");
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(key_range, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, DBT *, DB_KEY_RANGE *, u_int32_t)");
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(open, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, const char *, const char *, DBTYPE, u_int32_t, int)");
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(put, "int (*%s) (DB *, DB_TXN *, DBT *, DBT *, u_int32_t)");
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(remove, "int (*%s) (DB *, const char *, const char *, u_int32_t)");
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(rename, "int (*%s) (DB *, const char *, const char *, const char *, u_int32_t)");
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(set_bt_compare, "int (*%s) (DB *, int (*)(DB *, const DBT *, const DBT *))");
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(set_flags, "int (*%s) (DB *, u_int32_t)");
DB_STRUCT_SETUP(stat, "int (*%s) (DB *, void *, u_int32_t)");
qsort(db_fields, db_field_counter, sizeof(db_fields[0]), compare_fields);
// int did_toku_internal=0;
printf("struct __toku_db {\n");
for (i=0; i<db_field_counter; i++) {
unsigned int this_offset = db_fields[i].off;
for (i=0; i<sizeof(fields32)/sizeof(fields32[0]); i++) {
unsigned int this_32 = fields32[i].off;
unsigned int this_64 = fields64[i].off;
assert(strcmp(fields32[i].decl, fields64[i].decl)==0);
#if 0
if (!did_toku_internal && this_offset+sizeof(void*)>current_offset) {
printf(" struct __tokudb_internal *i;\n");
if (this_offset>current_offset) {
printf(" char dummy%d[%d];\n", dummy_counter++, this_offset-current_offset);
if (this_32 > current_32 || this_64 > current_64) {
unsigned int diff32 = this_32-current_32;
unsigned int diff64 = this_64-current_64;
assert(this_32 > current_32 && this_64 > current_64);
if (diff32!=diff64) {
unsigned int diff = diff64-diff32;
printf(" void* dummy%d[%d];\n", dummy_counter++, diff/4);
if (diff32>0) {
printf(" char dummy%d[%d];\n", dummy_counter++, diff32);
if (this_offset<current_offset) {
current_32 = this_32;
current_64 = this_64;
if (this_32<current_32 || this_64<current_64) {
printf(" %s; /* offset=%d size=%d */\n", db_fields[i].decl, db_fields[i].off, db_fields[i].size);
printf(" %s; /* 32-bit offset=%d size=%d, 64=bit offset=%d size=%d */\n", fields32[i].decl, fields32[i].off, fields32[i].size, fields64[i].off, fields64[i].size);
current_32 += fields32[i].size;
current_64 += fields64[i].size;
int main (int argc __attribute__((__unused__)), char *argv[] __attribute__((__unused__))) {
printf("#ifndef _DB_H\n");
printf("#define _DB_H\n");
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