Commit e3e76d0b authored by Vicențiu Ciorbaru's avatar Vicențiu Ciorbaru Committed by Sergei Golubchik

Extended ACL_USER to create ACL_ROLE.

Moved fields corresponding to role entries to the ACL_ROLE class.
parent 2504d40d
......@@ -221,26 +221,14 @@ public:
uint8 salt[SCRAMBLE_LENGTH + 1]; // scrambled password in binary form
uint8 salt_len; // 0 - no password, 4 - 3.20, 8 - 4.0, 20 - 4.1.1
uchar flags; // field used to store various state information
enum SSL_type ssl_type;
const char *ssl_cipher, *x509_issuer, *x509_subject;
LEX_STRING plugin;
LEX_STRING auth_string;
list to hold references to granted roles (ACL_USER instances)
if the instance of the class represents a user, or a user if the
instance of the class represents a role.
DYNAMIC_ARRAY role_grants;
In case of granting a role to a role, the access bits are merged together
via a bit OR operation and placed in the ACL_USER::access field.
When rebuilding role_grants via the rebuild_role_grant function,
the ACL_USER::access field needs to be reset aswell. The field
initial_role_access holds the initial grants present in the table row.
ulong initial_role_access;
ACL_USER *copy(MEM_ROOT *root)
......@@ -263,6 +251,24 @@ public:
bzero(&dst->role_grants, sizeof(role_grants));
return dst;
class ACL_ROLE :public ACL_USER
uchar flags; // field used to store various state information
In case of granting a role to a role, the access bits are merged together
via a bit OR operation and placed in the ACL_USER::access field.
When rebuilding role_grants via the rebuild_role_grant function,
the ACL_USER::access field needs to be reset aswell. The field
initial_role_access holds the initial grants present in the table row.
ulong initial_role_access;
DYNAMIC_ARRAY parent_grantee; // array of backlinks to elements granted
class ACL_DB :public ACL_ACCESS
......@@ -554,11 +560,11 @@ typedef struct st_role_grant
Struct to hold the state of a node during a Depth First Search exploration
template <class T> class NODE_STATE
T *node_data; /* pointer to the node data */
uint neigh_idx; /* the neighbour that needs to be evaluated next */
ACL_ROLE *node_data; /* pointer to the node data */
uint neigh_idx; /* the neighbour that needs to be evaluated next */
static uchar* acl_role_map_get_key(ROLE_GRANT_PAIR *entry, size_t *length,
......@@ -659,10 +665,11 @@ static void init_check_host(void);
static void rebuild_check_host(void);
static void rebuild_role_grants(void);
static void free_acl_user(ACL_USER *acl_user);
static void free_acl_role(ACL_ROLE *acl_role);
static ACL_USER *find_user_no_anon(const char *host, const char *user,
my_bool exact);
static ACL_USER *find_user(const char *host, const char *user, const char *ip);
static ACL_USER *find_acl_role(const char *user);
static ACL_ROLE *find_acl_role(const char *user);
static bool update_user_table(THD *thd, TABLE *table, const char *host,
const char *user, const char *new_password,
uint new_password_len);
......@@ -671,12 +678,12 @@ static my_bool grant_load(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables);
static inline void get_grantor(THD *thd, char* grantor);
static my_bool acl_user_reset_grant(ACL_USER *user,
void * not_used __attribute__((unused)));
static my_bool acl_role_reset_grant(ACL_USER *role,
static my_bool acl_role_reset_grant(ACL_ROLE *role,
void * not_used __attribute__((unused)));
static my_bool acl_role_propagate_grants(ACL_USER *role,
static my_bool acl_role_propagate_grants(ACL_ROLE *role,
void * not_used __attribute__((unused)));
static int add_role_user_mapping(ROLE_GRANT_PAIR *mapping);
static my_bool get_role_access(ACL_USER *role, ulong *access);
static my_bool get_role_access(ACL_ROLE *role, ulong *access);
Enumeration of various ACL's and Hashes used in handle_grant_struct()
......@@ -692,13 +699,42 @@ enum enum_acl_lists
static ACL_ROLE *create_role_from_user(MEM_ROOT *root, ACL_USER *user)
ACL_ROLE *dst= (ACL_ROLE *) alloc_root(root, sizeof(ACL_ROLE));
if (!dst)
return 0;
*(ACL_USER *)dst= *user;
dst->user.str= safe_strdup_root(root, user->user.str);
dst->user.length= user->user.length;
dst->ssl_cipher= safe_strdup_root(root, user->ssl_cipher);
dst->x509_issuer= safe_strdup_root(root, user->x509_issuer);
dst->x509_subject= safe_strdup_root(root, user->x509_subject);
if (user->plugin.str == native_password_plugin_name.str ||
user->plugin.str == old_password_plugin_name.str)
dst->plugin= user->plugin;
dst->plugin.str= strmake_root(root, user->plugin.str, user->plugin.length);
dst->auth_string.str= safe_strdup_root(root, user->auth_string.str);
dst->host.hostname= safe_strdup_root(root, user->host.hostname);
bzero(&dst->role_grants, sizeof(dst->role_grants));
bzero(&dst->parent_grantee, sizeof(dst->parent_grantee));
dst->flags= 0;
return dst;
free_acl_user(ACL_USER *user)
free_acl_role(ACL_ROLE *role)
Convert scrambled password to binary form, according to scramble type,
Binary form is stored in user.salt.
......@@ -953,7 +989,7 @@ static my_bool acl_load(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
(void) my_init_dynamic_array(&acl_users,sizeof(ACL_USER), 50, 100, MYF(0));
(void) my_hash_init2(&acl_roles,50,system_charset_info,
0,0,0, (my_hash_get_key) acl_role_get_key,
(void (*)(void *))free_acl_user, 0);
(void (*)(void *))free_acl_role, 0);
username_char_length= min(table->field[1]->char_length(), USERNAME_CHAR_LENGTH);
password_length= table->field[2]->field_length /
......@@ -1008,9 +1044,10 @@ static my_bool acl_load(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
user.user.str= username;
user.user.length= username? strlen(username) : 0;
/* If the user entry is a role, skip password and hostname checks
If the user entry is a role, skip password and hostname checks
A user can not log in with a role so some checks are not necessary
is_role= check_is_role(table);
if (!is_role && check_no_resolve &&
......@@ -1152,15 +1189,17 @@ static my_bool acl_load(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
(void) my_init_dynamic_array(&user.role_grants,sizeof(ACL_USER *),
(void) my_init_dynamic_array(&user.role_grants,sizeof(ACL_ROLE *),
50, 100, MYF(0));
if (is_role) {
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Found role %s", user.user.str));
ACL_USER *entry= user.copy(&mem);
ACL_ROLE *entry= create_role_from_user(&mem, &user);
entry->role_grants = user.role_grants;
(void) my_init_dynamic_array(&entry->parent_grantee, sizeof(ACL_USER *),
50, 100, MYF(0));
/* set initial role access the same as the table row privileges */
entry->initial_role_access = entry->access;
entry->initial_role_access= entry->access;
my_hash_insert(&acl_roles, (uchar *)entry);
......@@ -1707,7 +1746,7 @@ int acl_check_setrole(THD *thd, char *rolename, ulonglong *access)
/* clear role privileges */
ACL_USER *role= find_acl_role(rolename);
ACL_ROLE *role= find_acl_role(rolename);
ACL_USER *acl_user;
if (!strcasecmp(rolename, "NONE")) {
......@@ -1733,9 +1772,9 @@ int acl_check_setrole(THD *thd, char *rolename, ulonglong *access)
goto end;
for (uint i=0 ; i < role->role_grants.elements ; i++)
for (uint i=0 ; i < role->parent_grantee.elements ; i++)
acl_user= *(dynamic_element(&role->role_grants, i, ACL_USER**));
acl_user= *(dynamic_element(&role->parent_grantee, i, ACL_USER**));
if ((!acl_user->user.str && !thd->security_ctx->user[0]) ||
(acl_user->user.str && !strcmp(thd->security_ctx->user,
......@@ -2140,7 +2179,7 @@ void rebuild_check_host(void)
static my_bool acl_role_propagate_grants(ACL_USER *role,
static my_bool acl_role_propagate_grants(ACL_ROLE *role,
void * not_used __attribute__((unused)))
ulong access;
......@@ -2154,10 +2193,11 @@ static my_bool acl_role_propagate_grants(ACL_USER *role,
The function can be used as a walk action for hash elements aswell.
my_bool acl_role_reset_grant(ACL_USER *role,
my_bool acl_role_reset_grant(ACL_ROLE *role,
void * not_used __attribute__((unused)))
/* Also reset the role access bits */
role->access= role->initial_role_access;
role->flags&= ~ROLE_GRANTS_FINAL;
......@@ -2184,13 +2224,15 @@ my_bool acl_user_reset_grant(ACL_USER *user,
TRUE: Error or invalid parameteres
FALSE: All ok;
my_bool get_role_access(ACL_USER *role, ulong *access)
my_bool get_role_access(ACL_ROLE *role, ulong *access)
/* the search operation should always leave the ROLE_VISITED flag clean
for all nodes involved in the search */
The search operation should always leave the ROLE_VISITED flag clean
for all nodes involved in the search
DBUG_ASSERT(!(role->flags & ROLE_VISITED));
......@@ -2204,41 +2246,40 @@ my_bool get_role_access(ACL_USER *role, ulong *access)
DYNAMIC_ARRAY stack; /* stack used to simulate the recursive calls of DFS
* used a DYNAMIC_ARRAY to reduce the number of
* malloc calls to a minimum */
NODE_STATE<ACL_USER> state; /* variable used to insert elements in the stack */
Stack used to simulate the recursive calls of DFS.
It uses a DYNAMIC_ARRAY to reduce the number of
malloc calls to a minimum
NODE_STATE state; /* variable used to insert elements in the stack */
state.neigh_idx= 0;
state.node_data= role;
role->flags|= ROLE_VISITED;
(void) my_init_dynamic_array(&stack,sizeof(NODE_STATE<ACL_USER>),
20, 50, MYF(0));
insert_dynamic(&stack, &state);
(void) my_init_dynamic_array(&stack,sizeof(NODE_STATE), 20, 50, MYF(0));
push_dynamic(&stack, &state);
while (stack.elements)
NODE_STATE<ACL_USER> *curr_state= dynamic_element(&stack,
stack.elements - 1,
NODE_STATE *curr_state= dynamic_element(&stack, stack.elements - 1,
DBUG_ASSERT(curr_state->node_data->flags & ROLE_VISITED);
ACL_USER *current= state.node_data;
ACL_USER *neighbour= NULL;
/* iterate through the neighbours until a first valid jump-to
neighbour is found */
ACL_ROLE *current= state.node_data;
ACL_ROLE *neighbour= NULL;
Iterate through the neighbours until a first valid jump-to
neighbour is found
my_bool found= FALSE;
uint i;
for (i= curr_state->neigh_idx;
i < current->role_grants.elements && found == FALSE; i++)
neighbour= *(dynamic_element(&current->role_grants, i, ACL_USER**));
/* check if the neighbour is a role; pass if not*/
if (!(neighbour->flags & IS_ROLE))
neighbour= *(dynamic_element(&current->role_grants, i, ACL_ROLE**));
/* check if it forms a cycle */
if (neighbour->flags & ROLE_VISITED)
......@@ -2247,26 +2288,31 @@ my_bool get_role_access(ACL_USER *role, ulong *access)
/* check if it was already explored, in that case, just set the rights
and move on */
Check if it was already explored, in that case, just set the rights
and move on
if (neighbour->flags & ROLE_GRANTS_FINAL)
current->access|= neighbour->access;
/* set the current state search index to the next index
Set the current state search index to the next index
this needs to be done before inserting, so as to make sure that the
pointer is valid
found= TRUE;
if (found)
/* we're going to have to take a look at the same neighbour again
we're going to have to take a look at the same neighbour again
once it is done being explored, thus, set the neigh_idx to "i"
which is the current neighbour that will be added on the stack*/
which is the current neighbour that will be added on the stack
curr_state->neigh_idx= i;
/* some sanity checks */
......@@ -2276,29 +2322,26 @@ my_bool get_role_access(ACL_USER *role, ulong *access)
neighbour->flags|= ROLE_VISITED;
state.neigh_idx= 0;
state.node_data= neighbour;
insert_dynamic(&stack, &state);
push_dynamic(&stack, &state);
/* make sure we got a correct node */
/* Make sure we got a correct node */
DBUG_ASSERT(!(curr_state->node_data->flags & ROLE_GRANTS_FINAL));
DBUG_ASSERT(curr_state->node_data->flags & ROLE_VISITED);
if we have finished with exploring the current node, pop it off the
curr_state= (NODE_STATE<ACL_USER> *)pop_dynamic(&stack);
/* Finished with exploring the current node, pop it off the stack */
curr_state= (NODE_STATE *)pop_dynamic(&stack);
curr_state->node_data->flags&= ~ROLE_VISITED; /* clear the visited bit */
curr_state->node_data->flags|= ROLE_GRANTS_FINAL;
/* add the own role's rights once it's finished exploring */
/* Add the own role's rights once it's finished exploring */
curr_state->node_data->access|= curr_state->node_data->initial_role_access;
/* cleanup */
/* Cleanup */
/* finally set the access */
/* Finally set the access */
*access= role->access;
......@@ -2317,7 +2360,7 @@ int add_role_user_mapping(ROLE_GRANT_PAIR *mapping)
ACL_USER *user= find_user_no_anon((mapping->u_hname) ? mapping->u_hname: "",
(mapping->u_uname) ? mapping->u_uname: "",
ACL_USER *role= find_acl_role(mapping->r_uname ? mapping->r_uname: "");
ACL_ROLE *role= find_acl_role(mapping->r_uname ? mapping->r_uname: "");
int result= 0;
......@@ -2341,13 +2384,7 @@ int add_role_user_mapping(ROLE_GRANT_PAIR *mapping)
push_dynamic(&user->role_grants, (uchar*) &role);
Only add the other link if the grant is between a user
and a role, otherwise, the grant is unidirectional,
so as to prevent cycles in the grant role to role graph.
if (!result)
push_dynamic(&role->role_grants, (uchar*) &user);
push_dynamic(&role->parent_grantee, (uchar*) &user);
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Found %s %s@%s having role granted %s@%s\n",
(result) ? "role" : "user",
......@@ -2681,7 +2718,7 @@ find_user_no_anon(const char *host, const char *user, my_bool exact)
Find first entry that matches the current user
static ACL_USER *
static ACL_ROLE *
find_acl_role(const char *user)
......@@ -2689,7 +2726,7 @@ find_acl_role(const char *user)
DBUG_RETURN((ACL_USER *)my_hash_search(&acl_roles, (uchar *)user,
DBUG_RETURN((ACL_ROLE *)my_hash_search(&acl_roles, (uchar *)user,
user ? strlen(user) : 0));
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