Commit e6675a24 authored by Alexander Nozdrin's avatar Alexander Nozdrin

Auto-merge from mysql-5.1.

parents d097b407 2e906736
post_commit_to = ""
post_push_to = ""
tree_name = "mysql-trunk-bugfixing"
tree_name = "mysql-trunk"
......@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ sub main
print "in MySQL 5.6. Please use --defaults-extra-file instead\n";
foreach (@defaults_options)
......@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ static bool get_interval_info(const char *str,uint length,CHARSET_INFO *cs,
value= value*LL(10) + (longlong) (*str - '0');
if (transform_msec && i == count - 1) // microseconds always last
int msec_length= 6 - (int)(str - start);
int msec_length= 6 - (int) (str - start);
if (msec_length > 0)
value*= (long)log_10_int[msec_length];
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