Commit e8566a20 authored by's avatar


Use const table * in NDB API
parent aa27f0ed
......@@ -1363,15 +1363,6 @@ public:
static void setConnectString(const char * connectString);
* useFullyQualifiedNames
* Enables unique name space for different databases and schemas
* by defining table names as DATABASENAME/SCHEMANAME/TABLENAME and
* @param turnNamingOn bool true - turn naming on, false - turn naming off
void useFullyQualifiedNames(bool turnNamingOn = true);
bool usingFullyQualifiedNames();
/** @} *********************************************************************/
......@@ -1422,13 +1413,13 @@ public:
Uint64 getAutoIncrementValue(const char* aTableName,
Uint32 cacheSize = 1);
Uint64 getAutoIncrementValue(NdbDictionary::Table * aTable,
Uint64 getAutoIncrementValue(const NdbDictionary::Table * aTable,
Uint32 cacheSize = 1);
Uint64 readAutoIncrementValue(const char* aTableName);
Uint64 readAutoIncrementValue(NdbDictionary::Table * aTable);
Uint64 readAutoIncrementValue(const NdbDictionary::Table * aTable);
bool setAutoIncrementValue(const char* aTableName, Uint64 val,
bool increase = false);
bool setAutoIncrementValue(NdbDictionary::Table * aTable, Uint64 val,
bool setAutoIncrementValue(const NdbDictionary::Table * aTable, Uint64 val,
bool increase = false);
Uint64 getTupleIdFromNdb(const char* aTableName,
Uint32 cacheSize = 1000);
......@@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ private:
Ndb* theNdb;
NdbConnection* theNdbCon;
NdbOperation* theNdbOp;
NdbTableImpl* theTable;
NdbTableImpl* theAccessTable;
NdbTableImpl* theBlobTable;
const NdbTableImpl* theTable;
const NdbTableImpl* theAccessTable;
const NdbTableImpl* theBlobTable;
const NdbColumnImpl* theColumn;
char theFillChar;
// sizes
......@@ -442,12 +442,12 @@ public:
int executePendingBlobOps(Uint8 flags = 0xFF);
// Fast path calls for MySQL ha_ndbcluster
NdbOperation* getNdbOperation(NdbDictionary::Table * table);
NdbIndexOperation* getNdbIndexOperation(NdbDictionary::Index * index,
NdbDictionary::Table * table);
NdbScanOperation* getNdbScanOperation(NdbDictionary::Table * table);
NdbIndexScanOperation* getNdbIndexScanOperation(NdbDictionary::Index * index,
NdbDictionary::Table * table);
NdbOperation* getNdbOperation(const NdbDictionary::Table * table);
NdbIndexOperation* getNdbIndexOperation(const NdbDictionary::Index *,
const NdbDictionary::Table * table);
NdbScanOperation* getNdbScanOperation(const NdbDictionary::Table * table);
NdbIndexScanOperation* getNdbIndexScanOperation(const NdbDictionary::Index * index,
const NdbDictionary::Table * table);
......@@ -556,14 +556,14 @@ private:
void setOperationErrorCodeAbort(int anErrorCode);
int checkMagicNumber(); // Verify correct object
NdbOperation* getNdbOperation(class NdbTableImpl* aTable,
NdbOperation* getNdbOperation(const class NdbTableImpl* aTable,
NdbOperation* aNextOp = 0);
NdbIndexScanOperation* getNdbScanOperation(class NdbTableImpl* aTable);
NdbIndexOperation* getNdbIndexOperation(class NdbIndexImpl* anIndex,
class NdbTableImpl* aTable,
NdbIndexScanOperation* getNdbScanOperation(const class NdbTableImpl* aTable);
NdbIndexOperation* getNdbIndexOperation(const class NdbIndexImpl* anIndex,
const class NdbTableImpl* aTable,
NdbOperation* aNextOp = 0);
NdbIndexScanOperation* getNdbIndexScanOperation(NdbIndexImpl* index,
NdbTableImpl* table);
NdbIndexScanOperation* getNdbIndexScanOperation(const NdbIndexImpl* index,
const NdbTableImpl* table);
void handleExecuteCompletion();
......@@ -175,15 +175,15 @@ private:
int executeCursor(int ProcessorId);
// Overloaded methods from NdbCursorOperation
int indxInit(class NdbIndexImpl* anIndex,
class NdbTableImpl* aTable,
int indxInit(const class NdbIndexImpl* anIndex,
const class NdbTableImpl* aTable,
NdbConnection* myConnection);
int equal_impl(const class NdbColumnImpl*, const char* aValue, Uint32 len);
int prepareSend(Uint32 TC_ConnectPtr, Uint64 TransactionId);
// Private attributes
NdbIndexImpl* m_theIndex;
const NdbIndexImpl* m_theIndex;
Uint32 m_theIndexDefined[NDB_MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_INDEX][3];
Uint32 m_theIndexLen; // Length of the index in words
Uint32 m_theNoOfIndexDefined; // The number of index attributes
......@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ protected:
// Initialise after allocating operation to a transaction
int init(class NdbTableImpl*, NdbConnection* aCon);
int init(const class NdbTableImpl*, NdbConnection* aCon);
void initInterpreter();
void next(NdbOperation*); // Set next pointer
......@@ -858,8 +858,8 @@ protected:
Uint32* theKEYINFOptr; // Pointer to where to write KEYINFO
Uint32* theATTRINFOptr; // Pointer to where to write ATTRINFO
class NdbTableImpl* m_currentTable; // The current table
class NdbTableImpl* m_accessTable;
const class NdbTableImpl* m_currentTable; // The current table
const class NdbTableImpl* m_accessTable;
// Set to TRUE when a tuple key attribute has been defined.
Uint32 theTupleKeyDefined[NDB_MAX_NO_OF_ATTRIBUTES_IN_KEY][3];
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ protected:
int executeCursor(int ProcessorId);
// Overloaded private methods from NdbOperation
int init(NdbTableImpl* tab, NdbConnection* myConnection);
int init(const NdbTableImpl* tab, NdbConnection* myConnection);
int prepareSend(Uint32 TC_ConnectPtr, Uint64 TransactionId);
int doSend(int ProcessorId);
......@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ RestoreMetaData::parseTableDescriptor(const Uint32 * data, Uint32 len)
debug << "Pushing table " << table->getTableName() << endl;
debug << " with " << table->getNoOfAttributes() << " attributes" << endl;
return true;
......@@ -683,8 +684,8 @@ RestoreDataIterator::validateFragmentFooter() {
AttributeDesc::AttributeDesc(NdbDictionary::Column *c)
: m_column(c)
size = c->getSize()*8;
arraySize = c->getLength();
size = 8*NdbColumnImpl::getImpl(* c).m_attrSize;
arraySize = NdbColumnImpl::getImpl(* c).m_arraySize;
void TableS::createAttr(NdbDictionary::Column *column)
......@@ -36,9 +36,6 @@ BackupRestore::init()
if (m_ndb == NULL)
return false;
// Turn off table name completion
if (m_ndb->waitUntilReady(30) != 0)
......@@ -102,19 +99,82 @@ BackupRestore::~BackupRestore()
match_blob(const char * name){
int cnt, id1, id2;
char buf[256];
if((cnt = sscanf(name, "%[^/]/%[^/]/NDB$BLOB_%d_%d", buf, buf, &id1, &id2)) == 4){
return id1;
return -1;
const NdbDictionary::Table*
BackupRestore::get_table(const NdbDictionary::Table* tab){
if(m_cache.m_old_table == tab)
return m_cache.m_new_table;
m_cache.m_old_table = tab;
int cnt, id1, id2;
char buf[256];
if((cnt = sscanf(tab->getName(), "%[^/]/%[^/]/NDB$BLOB_%d_%d", buf, buf, &id1, &id2)) == 4){
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "NDB$BLOB_%d_%d", m_new_tables[id1]->getTableId(), id2);
m_cache.m_new_table = m_ndb->getDictionary()->getTable(buf);
} else {
m_cache.m_new_table = m_new_tables[tab->getTableId()];
return m_cache.m_new_table;
BackupRestore::table(const TableS & table){
if (!m_restore_meta)
if (!m_restore && !m_restore_meta)
return true;
const char * name = table.getTableName();
* Ignore blob tables
if(match_blob(name) >= 0)
return true;
BaseString tmp(name);
Vector<BaseString> split;
if(tmp.split(split, "/") != 3){
err << "Invalid table name format " << name << endl;
return false;
NdbDictionary::Dictionary* dict = m_ndb->getDictionary();
if (dict->createTable(*table.m_dictTable) == -1)
NdbDictionary::Table copy(*table.m_dictTable);
if (dict->createTable(copy) == -1)
err << "Create table " << table.getTableName() << " failed: "
<< dict->getNdbError() << endl;
return false;
info << "Successfully restored table " << table.getTableName()<< endl ;
const NdbDictionary::Table* tab = dict->getTable(split[2].c_str());
if(tab == 0){
err << "Unable to find table: " << split[2].c_str() << endl;
return false;
const NdbDictionary::Table* null = 0;
m_new_tables.fill(table.m_dictTable->getTableId(), null);
m_new_tables[table.m_dictTable->getTableId()] = tab;
return true;
......@@ -161,8 +221,9 @@ void BackupRestore::tuple_a(restore_callback_t *cb)
} // if
const TupleS &tup = *(cb->tup);
const TableS * table = tup.getTable();
NdbOperation * op = cb->connection->getNdbOperation(table->getTableName());
const NdbDictionary::Table * table = get_table(tup.getTable()->m_dictTable);
NdbOperation * op = cb->connection->getNdbOperation(table);
if (op == NULL)
......@@ -203,8 +264,9 @@ void BackupRestore::tuple_a(restore_callback_t *cb)
ret = op->setValue(i, dataPtr, length);
if (ret < 0) {
ndbout_c("Column: %d type %d",i,
ndbout_c("Column: %d type %d %d %d %d",i,
size, arraySize, attr_data->size);
......@@ -349,8 +411,8 @@ BackupRestore::logEntry(const LogEntry & tup)
} // if
const TableS * table = tup.m_table;
NdbOperation * op = trans->getNdbOperation(table->getTableName());
const NdbDictionary::Table * table = get_table(tup.m_table->m_dictTable);
NdbOperation * op = trans->getNdbOperation(table);
if (op == NULL)
err << "Cannot get operation: " << trans->getNdbError() << endl;
......@@ -514,3 +576,6 @@ BackupRestore::tuple(const TupleS & tup)
template class Vector<NdbDictionary::Table*>;
template class Vector<const NdbDictionary::Table*>;
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ public:
m_tuples = 0;
m_free_callback = 0;
m_transactions = 0;
m_cache.m_old_table = 0;
virtual ~BackupRestore();
......@@ -70,6 +71,18 @@ public:
TupleS *m_tuples;
restore_callback_t *m_callback;
restore_callback_t *m_free_callback;
* m_new_table_ids[X] = Y;
* X - old table id
* Y != 0 - new table
Vector<const NdbDictionary::Table*> m_new_tables;
struct {
const NdbDictionary::Table* m_old_table;
const NdbDictionary::Table* m_new_table;
} m_cache;
const NdbDictionary::Table* get_table(const NdbDictionary::Table* );
......@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ main(int argc, const char** argv)
dataIter.validateFooter(); //not implemented
for (Uint32 i= 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
for (i= 0; i < g_consumers.size(); i++)
RestoreLogIterator logIter(metaData);
......@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ Ndb::getAutoIncrementValue(const char* aTableName, Uint32 cacheSize)
Ndb::getAutoIncrementValue(NdbDictionary::Table * aTable, Uint32 cacheSize)
Ndb::getAutoIncrementValue(const NdbDictionary::Table * aTable, Uint32 cacheSize)
if (aTable == 0)
......@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ Ndb::readAutoIncrementValue(const char* aTableName)
Ndb::readAutoIncrementValue(NdbDictionary::Table * aTable)
Ndb::readAutoIncrementValue(const NdbDictionary::Table * aTable)
if (aTable == 0)
......@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ Ndb::setAutoIncrementValue(const char* aTableName, Uint64 val, bool increase)
Ndb::setAutoIncrementValue(NdbDictionary::Table * aTable, Uint64 val, bool increase)
Ndb::setAutoIncrementValue(const NdbDictionary::Table * aTable, Uint64 val, bool increase)
DEBUG_TRACE("setAutoIncrementValue " << val);
if (aTable == 0)
......@@ -1188,11 +1188,6 @@ void Ndb::setDatabaseSchemaName(const char * a_schema_name)
void Ndb::useFullyQualifiedNames(bool turnNamingOn)
fullyQualifiedNames = turnNamingOn;
bool Ndb::usingFullyQualifiedNames()
return fullyQualifiedNames;
......@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ Remark: Get an operation from NdbOperation object idlelist and
object, synchronous.
NdbConnection::getNdbOperation(NdbTableImpl * tab, NdbOperation* aNextOp)
NdbConnection::getNdbOperation(const NdbTableImpl * tab, NdbOperation* aNextOp)
NdbOperation* tOp;
......@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ NdbConnection::getNdbOperation(NdbTableImpl * tab, NdbOperation* aNextOp)
return NULL;
NdbOperation* NdbConnection::getNdbOperation(NdbDictionary::Table * table)
NdbOperation* NdbConnection::getNdbOperation(const NdbDictionary::Table * table)
if (table)
return getNdbOperation(& NdbTableImpl::getImpl(*table));
......@@ -1048,8 +1048,8 @@ NdbConnection::getNdbIndexScanOperation(const char* anIndexName,
NdbConnection::getNdbIndexScanOperation(NdbIndexImpl* index,
NdbTableImpl* table)
NdbConnection::getNdbIndexScanOperation(const NdbIndexImpl* index,
const NdbTableImpl* table)
if (theCommitStatus == Started){
const NdbTableImpl * indexTable = index->getIndexTable();
......@@ -1070,8 +1070,8 @@ NdbConnection::getNdbIndexScanOperation(NdbIndexImpl* index,
NdbConnection::getNdbIndexScanOperation(NdbDictionary::Index * index,
NdbDictionary::Table * table)
NdbConnection::getNdbIndexScanOperation(const NdbDictionary::Index * index,
const NdbDictionary::Table * table)
if (index && table)
return getNdbIndexScanOperation(& NdbIndexImpl::getImpl(*index),
......@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ Remark: Get an operation from NdbScanOperation object idlelist and get t
getOperation will set the theTableId in the NdbOperation object, synchronous.
NdbConnection::getNdbScanOperation(NdbTableImpl * tab)
NdbConnection::getNdbScanOperation(const NdbTableImpl * tab)
NdbIndexScanOperation* tOp;
......@@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ getNdbOp_error1:
NdbConnection::getNdbScanOperation(NdbDictionary::Table * table)
NdbConnection::getNdbScanOperation(const NdbDictionary::Table * table)
if (table)
return getNdbScanOperation(& NdbTableImpl::getImpl(*table));
......@@ -1178,8 +1178,8 @@ Remark: Get an operation from NdbIndexOperation object idlelist and get
getOperation will set the theTableId in the NdbIndexOperation object, synchronous.
NdbConnection::getNdbIndexOperation(NdbIndexImpl * anIndex,
NdbTableImpl * aTable,
NdbConnection::getNdbIndexOperation(const NdbIndexImpl * anIndex,
const NdbTableImpl * aTable,
NdbOperation* aNextOp)
NdbIndexOperation* tOp;
......@@ -1222,8 +1222,8 @@ NdbConnection::getNdbIndexOperation(NdbIndexImpl * anIndex,
NdbConnection::getNdbIndexOperation(NdbDictionary::Index * index,
NdbDictionary::Table * table)
NdbConnection::getNdbIndexOperation(const NdbDictionary::Index * index,
const NdbDictionary::Table * table)
if (index && table)
return getNdbIndexOperation(& NdbIndexImpl::getImpl(*index),
......@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ NdbIndexOperation::~NdbIndexOperation()
* Remark: Initiates operation record after allocation.
NdbIndexOperation::indxInit(NdbIndexImpl * anIndex,
NdbTableImpl * aTable,
NdbIndexOperation::indxInit(const NdbIndexImpl * anIndex,
const NdbTableImpl * aTable,
NdbConnection* myConnection)
NdbOperation::init(aTable, myConnection);
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ NdbOperation::setErrorCodeAbort(int anErrorCode)
NdbOperation::init(NdbTableImpl* tab, NdbConnection* myConnection){
NdbOperation::init(const NdbTableImpl* tab, NdbConnection* myConnection){
NdbApiSignal* tSignal;
theStatus = Init;
theError.code = 0;
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ NdbScanOperation::setErrorCodeAbort(int aErrorCode){
* Remark: Initiates operation record after allocation.
NdbScanOperation::init(NdbTableImpl* tab, NdbConnection* myConnection)
NdbScanOperation::init(const NdbTableImpl* tab, NdbConnection* myConnection)
m_transConnection = myConnection;
//NdbConnection* aScanConnection = theNdb->startTransaction(myConnection);
......@@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ NdbIndexScanOperation::saveBoundATTRINFO()
Uint32 cnt = m_accessTable->getNoOfColumns() - 1;
m_sort_columns = cnt - i;
for(; i<cnt; i++){
NdbColumnImpl* key = m_accessTable->m_index->m_columns[i];
NdbColumnImpl* col = m_currentTable->getColumn(key->m_keyInfoPos);
const NdbColumnImpl* key = m_accessTable->m_index->m_columns[i];
const NdbColumnImpl* col = m_currentTable->getColumn(key->m_keyInfoPos);
NdbRecAttr* tmp = NdbScanOperation::getValue_impl(col, (char*)-1);
UintPtr newVal = UintPtr(tmp);
theTupleKeyDefined[i][0] = FAKE_PTR;
......@@ -1169,8 +1169,8 @@ NdbIndexScanOperation::fix_get_values(){
Uint32 cnt = m_accessTable->getNoOfColumns() - 1;
NdbIndexImpl * idx = m_accessTable->m_index;
NdbTableImpl * tab = m_currentTable;
const NdbIndexImpl * idx = m_accessTable->m_index;
const NdbTableImpl * tab = m_currentTable;
for(Uint32 i = 0; i<cnt; i++){
Uint32 val = theTupleKeyDefined[i][0];
......@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::pk_read(const byte *key, uint key_len, byte *buf)
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("key_len: %u", key_len));
DBUG_DUMP("key", (char*)key, key_len);
if (!(op= trans->getNdbOperation((NDBTAB *) m_table)) ||
if (!(op= trans->getNdbOperation((const NDBTAB *) m_table)) ||
op->readTuple() != 0)
......@@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::complemented_pk_read(const byte *old_data, byte *new_data)
// We have allready retrieved all fields, nothing to complement
if (!(op= trans->getNdbOperation((NDBTAB *) m_table)) ||
if (!(op= trans->getNdbOperation((const NDBTAB *) m_table)) ||
op->readTuple() != 0)
......@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::unique_index_read(const byte *key,
if (!(op= trans->getNdbIndexOperation((NDBINDEX *)
(NDBTAB *) m_table)) ||
(const NDBTAB *) m_table)) ||
op->readTuple() != 0)
......@@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::ordered_index_scan(const key_range *start_key,
index_name= get_index_name(active_index);
if (!(op= trans->getNdbIndexScanOperation((NDBINDEX *)
(NDBTAB *) m_table)))
(const NDBTAB *) m_table)))
NdbScanOperation::LockMode lm= (NdbScanOperation::LockMode)
......@@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::filtered_scan(const byte *key, uint key_len,
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Starting a new filtered scan on %s",
if (!(op= trans->getNdbScanOperation((NDBTAB *) m_table)))
if (!(op= trans->getNdbScanOperation((const NDBTAB *) m_table)))
NdbScanOperation::LockMode lm= (NdbScanOperation::LockMode)
......@@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::full_table_scan(byte *buf)
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("Starting new scan on %s", m_tabname));
if (!(op=trans->getNdbScanOperation((NDBTAB *) m_table)))
if (!(op=trans->getNdbScanOperation((const NDBTAB *) m_table)))
NdbScanOperation::LockMode lm= (NdbScanOperation::LockMode)
......@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::define_read_attrs(byte* buf, NdbOperation* op)
// Scanning table with no primary key
int hidden_no= table->fields;
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
const NDBTAB *tab= (NDBTAB *) m_table;
const NDBTAB *tab= (const NDBTAB *) m_table;
if (!tab->getColumn(hidden_no))
......@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::write_row(byte *record)
has_auto_increment= (table->next_number_field && record == table->record[0]);
skip_auto_increment= table->auto_increment_field_not_null;
if (!(op= trans->getNdbOperation((NDBTAB *) m_table)))
if (!(op= trans->getNdbOperation((const NDBTAB *) m_table)))
res= (m_use_write) ? op->writeTuple() :op->insertTuple();
......@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::write_row(byte *record)
if (table->primary_key == MAX_KEY)
// Table has hidden primary key
Uint64 auto_value= m_ndb->getAutoIncrementValue((NDBTAB *) m_table);
Uint64 auto_value= m_ndb->getAutoIncrementValue((const NDBTAB *) m_table);
if (set_hidden_key(op, table->fields, (const byte*)&auto_value))
......@@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::write_row(byte *record)
("Trying to set next auto increment value to %lu",
(ulong) next_val));
if (m_ndb->setAutoIncrementValue((NDBTAB *) m_table, next_val, true))
if (m_ndb->setAutoIncrementValue((const NDBTAB *) m_table, next_val, true))
("Setting next auto increment value to %u", next_val));
......@@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::update_row(const byte *old_data, byte *new_data)
if (!(op= trans->getNdbOperation((NDBTAB *) m_table)) ||
if (!(op= trans->getNdbOperation((const NDBTAB *) m_table)) ||
op->updateTuple() != 0)
......@@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::delete_row(const byte *record)
if (!(op=trans->getNdbOperation((NDBTAB *) m_table)) ||
if (!(op=trans->getNdbOperation((const NDBTAB *) m_table)) ||
op->deleteTuple() != 0)
......@@ -1747,7 +1747,7 @@ void ha_ndbcluster::unpack_record(byte* buf)
// Table with hidden primary key
int hidden_no= table->fields;
const NDBTAB *tab= (NDBTAB *) m_table;
const NDBTAB *tab= (const NDBTAB *) m_table;
const NDBCOL *hidden_col= tab->getColumn(hidden_no);
NdbRecAttr* rec= m_value[hidden_no].rec;
......@@ -1765,7 +1765,7 @@ void ha_ndbcluster::unpack_record(byte* buf)
void ha_ndbcluster::print_results()
const NDBTAB *tab= (NDBTAB*) m_table;
const NDBTAB *tab= (const NDBTAB*) m_table;
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
......@@ -2190,7 +2190,7 @@ void ha_ndbcluster::position(const byte *record)
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Getting hidden key"));
int hidden_no= table->fields;
NdbRecAttr* rec= m_value[hidden_no].rec;
const NDBTAB *tab= (NDBTAB *) m_table;
const NDBTAB *tab= (const NDBTAB *) m_table;
const NDBCOL *hidden_col= tab->getColumn(hidden_no);
DBUG_ASSERT(hidden_col->getPrimaryKey() &&
hidden_col->getAutoIncrement() &&
......@@ -2363,7 +2363,7 @@ int ha_ndbcluster::extra(enum ha_extra_function operation)
void ha_ndbcluster::start_bulk_insert(ha_rows rows)
int bytes, batch;
const NDBTAB *tab= (NDBTAB *) m_table;
const NDBTAB *tab= (const NDBTAB *) m_table;
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("rows: %d", (int)rows));
......@@ -3165,8 +3165,8 @@ longlong ha_ndbcluster::get_auto_increment()
: autoincrement_prefetch;
Uint64 auto_value=
(skip_auto_increment) ?
m_ndb->readAutoIncrementValue((NDBTAB *) m_table)
: m_ndb->getAutoIncrementValue((NDBTAB *) m_table, cache_size);
m_ndb->readAutoIncrementValue((const NDBTAB *) m_table)
: m_ndb->getAutoIncrementValue((const NDBTAB *) m_table, cache_size);
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