/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007-8 Tokutek Inc.  All rights reserved."

#ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it."

   \file  locktree.c
   \brief Lock trees: implementation

#include <locktree.h>
#include <ydb-internal.h>
#include <brt-internal.h>
#include <stdint.h>

/* TODO: Yoni should check that all asserts make sense instead of panic,
         and all early returns make sense instead of panic,
         and vice versa. */
/* TODO: During integration, create a db panic function to take care of this.
         The panic function will go in ydb.c.
         We may have to return the panic return code something.
         We know the DB will always return EINVAL afterwards, but
         what is the INITIAL panic return?
         ALSO maybe make ticket, maybe it should be doing DB_RUNRECOVERY after
         instead of EINVAL.
/* TODO: During integration, make sure we first verify the NULL CONSISTENCY,
         (return EINVAL if necessary) before making lock tree calls. */

static inline int toku__lt_panic(toku_lock_tree *tree, int r) {
    return tree->panic(tree->db, r);
const u_int32_t __toku_default_buflen = 2;

static const DBT __toku_lt_infinity;
static const DBT __toku_lt_neg_infinity;

const DBT* const toku_lt_infinity     = &__toku_lt_infinity;
const DBT* const toku_lt_neg_infinity = &__toku_lt_neg_infinity;

char* toku_lt_strerror(TOKU_LT_ERROR r) {
    if (r >= 0) return strerror(r);
    if (r == TOKU_LT_INCONSISTENT) {
        return "Locking data structures have become inconsistent.\n";
    return "Unknown error in locking data structures.\n";
/* Compare two payloads assuming that at least one of them is infinite */ 
static inline int toku__infinite_compare(const DBT* a, const DBT* b) {
    if    (a == b)                      return  0;
    if    (a == toku_lt_infinity)       return  1;
    if    (b == toku_lt_infinity)       return -1;
    if    (a == toku_lt_neg_infinity)   return -1;
    assert(b == toku_lt_neg_infinity);  return  1;

static inline BOOL toku__lt_is_infinite(const DBT* p) {
    if (p == toku_lt_infinity || p == toku_lt_neg_infinity) {
        DBT* dbt = (DBT*)p;
        assert(!dbt->data && !dbt->size);
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

/* Verifies that NULL data and size are consistent.
   i.e. The size is 0 if and only if the data is NULL. */
static inline int toku__lt_verify_null_key(const DBT* key) {
    if (key && key->size && !key->data) return EINVAL;
    return 0;

static inline DBT* toku__recreate_DBT(DBT* dbt, void* payload, u_int32_t length) {
    memset(dbt, 0, sizeof(DBT));
    dbt->data = payload;
    dbt->size = length;
    return dbt;

static inline int toku__lt_txn_cmp(const TXNID a, const TXNID b) {
    return a < b ? -1 : (a != b);

static inline void toku_ltm_remove_lt(toku_ltm* mgr, toku_lock_tree* lt) {
    assert(mgr && lt);
    toku_lth_delete(mgr->lth, lt);

static inline int toku_ltm_add_lt(toku_ltm* mgr, toku_lock_tree* lt) {
    assert(mgr && lt);
    return toku_lth_insert(mgr->lth, lt);

int toku__lt_point_cmp(const toku_point* x, const toku_point* y) {
    int partial_result;
    DBT point_1;
    DBT point_2;

    assert(x && y);
    assert(x->lt == y->lt);

    if (toku__lt_is_infinite(x->key_payload) ||
        toku__lt_is_infinite(y->key_payload)) {
        /* If either payload is infinite, then:
           - if duplicates are allowed, the data must be the same 
             infinite value. 
           - if duplicates are not allowed, the data is irrelevant
             In either case, we do not have to compare data: the key will
             be the sole determinant of the comparison */
        return toku__infinite_compare(x->key_payload, y->key_payload);
    partial_result = x->lt->compare_fun(x->lt->db,
                     toku__recreate_DBT(&point_1, x->key_payload, x->key_len),
                     toku__recreate_DBT(&point_2, y->key_payload, y->key_len));
    if (partial_result) return partial_result;
    if (!x->lt->duplicates) return 0;

    if (toku__lt_is_infinite(x->data_payload) ||
        toku__lt_is_infinite(y->data_payload)) {
        return toku__infinite_compare(x->data_payload, y->data_payload);
    return x->lt->dup_compare(x->lt->db,
                   toku__recreate_DBT(&point_1, x->data_payload, x->data_len),
                   toku__recreate_DBT(&point_2, y->data_payload, y->data_len));

/* Lock tree manager functions begin here */
int toku_ltm_create(toku_ltm** pmgr,
                    u_int32_t max_locks,
                    int   (*panic)(DB*, int), 
                    toku_dbt_cmp (*get_compare_fun_from_db)(DB*),
                    toku_dbt_cmp (*get_dup_compare_from_db)(DB*),
                    void* (*user_malloc) (size_t),
                    void  (*user_free)   (void*),
                    void* (*user_realloc)(void*, size_t)) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    toku_ltm* tmp_mgr = NULL;

    if (!pmgr || !max_locks || !user_malloc || !user_free || !user_realloc) {
        r = EINVAL; goto cleanup;
    assert(panic && get_compare_fun_from_db && get_dup_compare_from_db);

    tmp_mgr          = (toku_ltm*)user_malloc(sizeof(*tmp_mgr));
    if (!tmp_mgr) { r = ENOMEM; goto cleanup; }
    memset(tmp_mgr, 0, sizeof(toku_ltm));
     Temporarily set the maximum number of locks per environment to 'infinity'.
     See ticket #596 for when this will be reversed.
     We will then use 'max_locks' instead of 'UINT32_MAX'.
     All of the 'per_db' functions and variables will then be deleted.
    r = toku_ltm_set_max_locks(tmp_mgr, UINT32_MAX);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    tmp_mgr->panic            = panic;
    tmp_mgr->malloc           = user_malloc;
    tmp_mgr->free             = user_free;
    tmp_mgr->realloc          = user_realloc;
    tmp_mgr->get_compare_fun_from_db = get_compare_fun_from_db;
    tmp_mgr->get_dup_compare_from_db = get_dup_compare_from_db;

    r = toku_lth_create(&tmp_mgr->lth, user_malloc, user_free, user_realloc);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    if (!tmp_mgr->lth) { r = ENOMEM; goto cleanup; }

    r = toku_idlth_create(&tmp_mgr->idlth, user_malloc, user_free, user_realloc);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    if (!tmp_mgr->idlth) { r = ENOMEM; goto cleanup; }

    r = toku_ltm_set_max_locks_per_db(tmp_mgr, max_locks);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }

    r = 0;
    *pmgr = tmp_mgr;
    if (r!=0) {
        if (tmp_mgr) {
            if (tmp_mgr->lth)   { toku_lth_close(tmp_mgr->lth); }
            if (tmp_mgr->idlth) { toku_idlth_close(tmp_mgr->idlth); }
    return r;

int toku_ltm_close(toku_ltm* mgr) {
    int r           = ENOSYS;
    int first_error = 0;

    if (!mgr) { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }

    toku_lock_tree* lt;
    while ((lt = toku_lth_next(mgr->lth)) != NULL) {
        r = toku_lt_close(lt);
        if (r!=0 && first_error==0) { first_error = r; }

    r = first_error;
    return r;

int toku_ltm_get_max_locks(toku_ltm* mgr, u_int32_t* max_locks) {
    int r = ENOSYS;

    if (!mgr || !max_locks) { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }
    *max_locks = mgr->max_locks;
    r = 0;
    return r;

int toku_ltm_get_max_locks_per_db(toku_ltm* mgr, u_int32_t* max_locks) {
    int r = ENOSYS;

    if (!mgr || !max_locks) { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }
    *max_locks = mgr->max_locks_per_db;
    r = 0;
    return r;

int toku_ltm_set_max_locks(toku_ltm* mgr, u_int32_t max_locks) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    if (!mgr || !max_locks) {
        r = EINVAL; goto cleanup;
    if (max_locks < mgr->curr_locks) {
        r = EDOM; goto cleanup;
    mgr->max_locks = max_locks;
    r = 0;
    return r;

int toku_ltm_set_max_locks_per_db(toku_ltm* mgr, u_int32_t max_locks) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    if (!mgr || !max_locks) {
        r = EINVAL; goto cleanup;
    toku_lock_tree* lt;
    while ((lt = toku_lth_next(mgr->lth)) != NULL) {
        if (max_locks < lt->curr_locks) {
            r = EDOM; goto cleanup; }
    while ((lt = toku_lth_next(mgr->lth)) != NULL) {
        lt->max_locks = max_locks;
    mgr->max_locks_per_db = max_locks;
    r = 0;
    return r;

/* Functions to update the range count and compare it with the
   maximum number of ranges */
#if 0   //See ticket #596
static inline BOOL toku__ltm_lock_test_incr(toku_ltm* tree_mgr, 
                                            u_int32_t replace_locks) {
    assert(replace_locks <= tree_mgr->curr_locks);
    return tree_mgr->curr_locks - replace_locks < tree_mgr->max_locks;

static inline void toku__ltm_lock_incr(toku_ltm* tree_mgr, u_int32_t replace_locks) {
    assert(toku__ltm_lock_test_incr(tree_mgr, replace_locks));
    tree_mgr->curr_locks -= replace_locks;
    tree_mgr->curr_locks += 1;

static inline void toku__ltm_lock_decr(toku_ltm* tree_mgr, u_int32_t locks) {
    assert(tree_mgr->curr_locks >= locks);
    tree_mgr->curr_locks -= locks;

/* The following 3 are temporary functions.  See #596 */
static inline BOOL toku__lt_lock_test_incr_per_db(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                                                  u_int32_t replace_locks) {
    assert(replace_locks <= tree->curr_locks);
    return tree->curr_locks - replace_locks < tree->max_locks;

static inline void toku__lt_lock_incr_per_db(toku_lock_tree* tree, u_int32_t replace_locks) {
    assert(toku__lt_lock_test_incr_per_db(tree, replace_locks));
    tree->curr_locks -= replace_locks;
    tree->curr_locks += 1;

static inline void toku__lt_lock_decr_per_db(toku_lock_tree* tree, u_int32_t locks) {
    assert(tree->curr_locks >= locks);
    tree->curr_locks -= locks;

static inline void toku__p_free(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_point* point) {
    if (!toku__lt_is_infinite(point->key_payload)) {
    if (!toku__lt_is_infinite(point->data_payload)) {

   Allocate and copy the payload.
static inline int toku__payload_copy(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                               void** payload_out, u_int32_t* len_out,
                               void*  payload_in,  u_int32_t  len_in) {
    assert(payload_out && len_out);
    if (!len_in) {
        assert(!payload_in || toku__lt_is_infinite(payload_in));
        *payload_out = payload_in;
        *len_out     = len_in;
    else {
        *payload_out = tree->malloc((size_t)len_in);
        if (!*payload_out) return errno;
        *len_out     = len_in;
        memcpy(*payload_out, payload_in, (size_t)len_in);
    return 0;

static inline int toku__p_makecopy(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_point** ppoint) {
    toku_point*     point      = *ppoint;
    toku_point*     temp_point = NULL;
    int r;

    temp_point = (toku_point*)tree->malloc(sizeof(toku_point));
    if (0) {
        died1: tree->free(temp_point); return r; }
    if (!temp_point) return errno;
    memcpy(temp_point, point, sizeof(toku_point));

    r = toku__payload_copy(tree,
                            &temp_point->key_payload, &temp_point->key_len,
                                  point->key_payload,       point->key_len);
    if (0) {
        if (!toku__lt_is_infinite(temp_point->key_payload)) {
            tree->free(temp_point->key_payload); }
        goto died1; }
    if (r!=0) goto died1;
                        &temp_point->data_payload, &temp_point->data_len,
                              point->data_payload,       point->data_len);
    if (r!=0) goto died2;
    *ppoint = temp_point;
    return 0;

/* Provides access to a selfread tree for a particular transaction.
   Returns NULL if it does not exist yet. */
toku_range_tree* toku__lt_ifexist_selfread(toku_lock_tree* tree, TXNID txn) {
    toku_rt_forest* forest = toku_rth_find(tree->rth, txn);
    return forest ? forest->self_read : NULL;

/* Provides access to a selfwrite tree for a particular transaction.
   Returns NULL if it does not exist yet. */
toku_range_tree* toku__lt_ifexist_selfwrite(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                                             TXNID txn) {
    toku_rt_forest* forest = toku_rth_find(tree->rth, txn);
    return forest ? forest->self_write : NULL;

static inline int toku__lt_add_locked_txn(toku_lock_tree* tree, TXNID txn) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    BOOL half_done = FALSE;

    /* Neither selfread nor selfwrite exist. */
    r = toku_rth_insert(tree->rth, txn);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    r = toku_rth_insert(tree->txns_still_locked, txn);
    if (r!=0) { half_done = TRUE; goto cleanup; }
    r = 0;
    if (half_done) { toku_rth_delete(tree->rth, txn); }    
    return r;

/* Provides access to a selfread tree for a particular transaction.
   Creates it if it does not exist. */
static inline int toku__lt_selfread(toku_lock_tree* tree, TXNID txn,
                              toku_range_tree** pselfread) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    assert(tree && pselfread);

    toku_rt_forest* forest = toku_rth_find(tree->rth, txn);
    if (!forest) {
        /* Neither selfread nor selfwrite exist. */
        r = toku__lt_add_locked_txn(tree, txn);
        if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
        forest = toku_rth_find(tree->rth, txn);
    if (!forest->self_read) {
        r = toku_rt_create(&forest->self_read,
                           toku__lt_point_cmp, toku__lt_txn_cmp,
                           tree->malloc, tree->free, tree->realloc);
        if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    *pselfread = forest->self_read;
    r = 0;
    return r;

/* Provides access to a selfwrite tree for a particular transaction.
   Creates it if it does not exist. */
static inline int toku__lt_selfwrite(toku_lock_tree* tree, TXNID txn,
                              toku_range_tree** pselfwrite) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    assert(tree && pselfwrite);

    toku_rt_forest* forest = toku_rth_find(tree->rth, txn);
    if (!forest) {
        /* Neither selfread nor selfwrite exist. */
        r = toku__lt_add_locked_txn(tree, txn);
        if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
        forest = toku_rth_find(tree->rth, txn);
    if (!forest->self_write) {
        r = toku_rt_create(&forest->self_write,
                           toku__lt_point_cmp, toku__lt_txn_cmp,
                           tree->malloc, tree->free, tree->realloc);
        if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    *pselfwrite = forest->self_write;
    r = 0;
    return r;

static inline BOOL toku__dominated(toku_interval* query, toku_interval* by) {
    assert(query && by);
    return (toku__lt_point_cmp(query->left,  by->left) >= 0 &&
            toku__lt_point_cmp(query->right, by->right) <= 0);

    This function only supports non-overlapping trees.
    Uses the standard definition of dominated from the design document.
    Determines whether 'query' is dominated by 'rt'.
static inline int toku__lt_rt_dominates(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_interval* query,
                                  toku_range_tree* rt, BOOL* dominated) {
    assert(tree && query && dominated);
    if (!rt) {
        *dominated = FALSE;
        return 0;
    BOOL            allow_overlaps;
    const u_int32_t query_size = 1;
    toku_range      buffer[query_size];
    u_int32_t       buflen     = query_size;
    toku_range*     buf        = &buffer[0];
    u_int32_t       numfound;
    int             r;

    /* Sanity check. (Function only supports non-overlap range trees.) */
    r = toku_rt_get_allow_overlaps(rt, &allow_overlaps);
    if (r!=0) return r;

    r = toku_rt_find(rt, query, query_size, &buf, &buflen, &numfound);
    if (r!=0) return r;
    if (numfound == 0) {
        *dominated = FALSE;
        return 0;
    assert(numfound == 1);
    *dominated = toku__dominated(query, &buf[0].ends);
    return 0;

typedef enum
    This function checks for conflicts in the borderwrite tree.
    If no range overlaps, there is no conflict.
    If >= 2 ranges overlap the query then, by definition of borderwrite,
    at least one overlapping regions must not be 'self'. Design document
    explains why this MUST cause a conflict.
    If exactly one range overlaps and its data == self, there is no conflict.
    If exactly one range overlaps and its data != self, there might be a
    conflict.  We need to check the 'peer'write table to verify.
static inline int toku__lt_borderwrite_conflict(toku_lock_tree* tree, TXNID self,
                                       toku_interval* query,
                                       toku_conflict* conflict, TXNID* peer) {
    assert(tree && query && conflict && peer);
    toku_range_tree* rt = tree->borderwrite;

    const u_int32_t query_size = 2;
    toku_range   buffer[query_size];
    u_int32_t     buflen     = query_size;
    toku_range*  buf        = &buffer[0];
    u_int32_t     numfound;
    int          r;

    r = toku_rt_find(rt, query, query_size, &buf, &buflen, &numfound);
    if (r!=0) return r;
    assert(numfound <= query_size);
    if      (numfound == 2) *conflict = TOKU_YES_CONFLICT;
    else if (numfound == 0 || buf[0].data == self) *conflict = TOKU_NO_CONFLICT;
    else {
        *conflict = TOKU_MAYBE_CONFLICT;
        *peer = buf[0].data;
    return 0;

    Determines whether 'query' meets 'rt'.
    This function supports only non-overlapping trees with homogeneous 
    transactions, i.e., a selfwrite or selfread table only.
    Uses the standard definition of 'query' meets 'tree' at 'data' from the
    design document.
static inline int toku__lt_meets(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_interval* query, 
                           toku_range_tree* rt, BOOL* met) {
    assert(tree && query && rt && met);
    const u_int32_t query_size = 1;
    toku_range   buffer[query_size];
    u_int32_t     buflen     = query_size;
    toku_range*  buf        = &buffer[0];
    u_int32_t     numfound;
    int          r;
    BOOL         allow_overlaps;

    /* Sanity check. (Function only supports non-overlap range trees.) */
    r = toku_rt_get_allow_overlaps(rt, &allow_overlaps);
    if (r!=0) return r;

    r = toku_rt_find(rt, query, query_size, &buf, &buflen, &numfound);
    if (r!=0) return r;
    assert(numfound <= query_size);
    *met = numfound != 0;
    return 0;

    Determines whether 'query' meets 'rt' at txn2 not equal to txn.
    This function supports all range trees, but queries must either be a single point,
    or the range tree is homogenous.
    Uses the standard definition of 'query' meets 'tree' at 'data' from the
    design document.
static inline int toku__lt_meets_peer(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_interval* query, 
                                       toku_range_tree* rt, BOOL is_homogenous,
                                       TXNID self, BOOL* met) {
    assert(tree && query && rt && self && met);
    assert(query->left == query->right || is_homogenous);

    const u_int32_t query_size = is_homogenous ? 1 : 2;
    toku_range   buffer[2];
    u_int32_t    buflen     = query_size;
    toku_range*  buf        = &buffer[0];
    u_int32_t    numfound;
    int          r;

    r = toku_rt_find(rt, query, query_size, &buf, &buflen, &numfound);
    if (r!=0) return r;
    assert(numfound <= query_size);
    *met = numfound == 2 || (numfound == 1 && buf[0].data != self);
    return 0;

    Utility function to implement: (from design document)
    if K meets E at v'!=t and K meets W_v' then return failure.
static inline int toku__lt_check_borderwrite_conflict(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                                               TXNID txn, toku_interval* query) {
    assert(tree && query);
    toku_conflict conflict;
    TXNID peer;
    toku_range_tree* peer_selfwrite;
    int r;
    r = toku__lt_borderwrite_conflict(tree, txn, query, &conflict, &peer);
    if (r!=0) return r;
    if (conflict == TOKU_MAYBE_CONFLICT) {
        peer_selfwrite = toku__lt_ifexist_selfwrite(tree, peer);
        if (!peer_selfwrite) return toku__lt_panic(tree, TOKU_LT_INCONSISTENT);

        BOOL met;
        r = toku__lt_meets(tree, query, peer_selfwrite, &met);
        if (r!=0)   return r;
        conflict = met ? TOKU_YES_CONFLICT : TOKU_NO_CONFLICT;
    if    (conflict == TOKU_YES_CONFLICT) return DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED;
    assert(conflict == TOKU_NO_CONFLICT);
    return 0;

static inline void toku__payload_from_dbt(void** payload, u_int32_t* len,
                                           const DBT* dbt) {
    assert(payload && len && dbt);
    if (toku__lt_is_infinite(dbt)) *payload = (void*)dbt;
    else if (!dbt->size) {
        *payload = NULL;
        *len     = 0;
    } else {
        *payload = dbt->data;
        *len     = dbt->size;

static inline void toku__init_point(toku_point* point, toku_lock_tree* tree,
                              const DBT* key, const DBT* data) {
    assert(point && tree && key);
    assert(!tree->duplicates == !data);
    memset(point, 0, sizeof(toku_point));
    point->lt = tree;

    toku__payload_from_dbt(&point->key_payload, &point->key_len, key);
    if (tree->duplicates) {
        toku__payload_from_dbt(&point->data_payload, &point->data_len, data);
    else {
        assert(data == NULL);
        point->data_payload = NULL;
        point->data_len     = 0;

static inline void toku__init_query(toku_interval* query,
                                    toku_point* left, toku_point* right) {
    query->left  = left;
    query->right = right;

    Memory ownership: 
     - to_insert we own (it's static)
     - to_insert.ends.left, .ends.right are toku_point's, and we own them.
       If we have consolidated, we own them because we had allocated
       them earlier, but
       if we have not consolidated we need to gain ownership now: 
       we will gain ownership by copying all payloads and 
       allocating the points. 
     - to_insert.{ends.left,ends.right}.{key_payload, data_payload} are owned by lt,
       we made copies from the DB at consolidation time 

static inline void toku__init_insert(toku_range* to_insert,
                               toku_point* left, toku_point* right,
                               TXNID txn) {
    to_insert->ends.left  = left;
    to_insert->ends.right = right;
    to_insert->data  = txn;

/* Returns whether the point already exists
   as an endpoint of the given range. */
static inline BOOL toku__lt_p_independent(toku_point* point, toku_interval* range) {
    assert(point && range);
    return point != range->left && point != range->right;

static inline int toku__lt_extend_extreme(toku_lock_tree* tree,toku_range* to_insert,
                                    BOOL* alloc_left, BOOL* alloc_right,
                                    u_int32_t numfound) {
    assert(to_insert && tree && alloc_left && alloc_right);
    u_int32_t i;
    assert(numfound <= tree->buflen);
    for (i = 0; i < numfound; i++) {
        int c;
        /* Find the extreme left end-point among overlapping ranges */
        if ((c = toku__lt_point_cmp(tree->buf[i].ends.left, to_insert->ends.left))
            <= 0) {
            if ((!*alloc_left && c == 0) ||
                !toku__lt_p_independent(tree->buf[i].ends.left, &to_insert->ends)) {
                return toku__lt_panic(tree, TOKU_LT_INCONSISTENT); }
            *alloc_left      = FALSE;
            to_insert->ends.left  = tree->buf[i].ends.left;
        /* Find the extreme right end-point */
        if ((c = toku__lt_point_cmp(tree->buf[i].ends.right, to_insert->ends.right))
            >= 0) {
            if ((!*alloc_right && c == 0) ||
                (tree->buf[i].ends.right == to_insert->ends.left &&
                 tree->buf[i].ends.left  != to_insert->ends.left) ||
                 tree->buf[i].ends.right == to_insert->ends.right) {
                return toku__lt_panic(tree, TOKU_LT_INCONSISTENT); }
            *alloc_right     = FALSE;
            to_insert->ends.right = tree->buf[i].ends.right;
    return 0;

static inline int toku__lt_alloc_extreme(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_range* to_insert,
                                   BOOL alloc_left, BOOL* alloc_right) {
    assert(to_insert && alloc_right);
    BOOL copy_left = FALSE;
    int r;
    /* The pointer comparison may speed up the evaluation in some cases, 
       but it is not strictly needed */
    if (alloc_left && alloc_right &&
        (to_insert->ends.left == to_insert->ends.right ||
         toku__lt_point_cmp(to_insert->ends.left, to_insert->ends.right) == 0)) {
        *alloc_right = FALSE;
        copy_left    = TRUE;

    if (alloc_left) {
        r = toku__p_makecopy(tree, &to_insert->ends.left);
        if (0) { died1:
            if (alloc_left) toku__p_free(tree, to_insert->ends.left); return r; }
        if (r!=0) return r;
    if (*alloc_right) {
        r = toku__p_makecopy(tree, &to_insert->ends.right);
        if (r!=0) goto died1;
    else if (copy_left) to_insert->ends.right = to_insert->ends.left;
    return 0;

static inline int toku__lt_delete_overlapping_ranges(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                                               toku_range_tree* rt,
                                               u_int32_t numfound) {
    assert(tree && rt);
    int r;
    u_int32_t i;
    assert(numfound <= tree->buflen);
    for (i = 0; i < numfound; i++) {
        r = toku_rt_delete(rt, &tree->buf[i]);
        if (r!=0) return r;
    return 0;

static inline int toku__lt_free_points(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_interval* to_insert,
                                  u_int32_t numfound, toku_range_tree *rt) {
    assert(tree && to_insert);
    assert(numfound <= tree->buflen);

    int r;
    u_int32_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < numfound; i++) {
        if (rt != NULL) {
            r = toku_rt_delete(rt, &tree->buf[i]);
            if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);
           We will maintain the invariant: (separately for read and write
           (toku__lt_point_cmp(a, b) == 0 && a.txn == b.txn) => a == b
        /* Do not double-free. */
        if (tree->buf[i].ends.right != tree->buf[i].ends.left &&
            toku__lt_p_independent(tree->buf[i].ends.right, to_insert)) {
            toku__p_free(tree, tree->buf[i].ends.right);
        if (toku__lt_p_independent(tree->buf[i].ends.left,  to_insert)) {
            toku__p_free(tree, tree->buf[i].ends.left);
    return 0;

/* TODO: query should be made from the to_insert instead of a parameter. */
/* TODO: toku_query should be an object.  toku_range would contain a query and a transaction. */
/* TODO: Toku error codes, i.e. get rid of the extra parameter for (ran out of locks) */
/* Consolidate the new range and all the overlapping ranges */
static inline int toku__consolidate(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                                    toku_interval* query, toku_range* to_insert,
                                    TXNID txn, BOOL* out_of_locks) {
    int r;
    BOOL             alloc_left    = TRUE;
    BOOL             alloc_right   = TRUE;
    toku_range_tree* selfread;
    assert(tree && to_insert && out_of_locks);
    *out_of_locks = FALSE;
#if !defined(TOKU_RT_NOOVERLAPS)
    toku_range_tree* mainread      = tree->mainread;
    /* Find the self read tree */
    r = toku__lt_selfread(tree, txn, &selfread);
    if (r!=0) return r;
    /* Find all overlapping ranges in the self-read */
    u_int32_t numfound;
    r = toku_rt_find(selfread, query, 0, &tree->buf, &tree->buflen,
    if (r!=0) return r;
    assert(numfound <= tree->buflen);
    /* Find the extreme left and right point of the consolidated interval */
    r = toku__lt_extend_extreme(tree, to_insert, &alloc_left, &alloc_right,
    if (r!=0) return r;
    if (!toku__lt_lock_test_incr_per_db(tree, numfound)) {
        *out_of_locks = TRUE;
        return 0;
    /* Allocate the consolidated range */
    r = toku__lt_alloc_extreme(tree, to_insert, alloc_left, &alloc_right);
    if (0) { died1:
        if (alloc_left)  toku__p_free(tree, to_insert->ends.left);
        if (alloc_right) toku__p_free(tree, to_insert->ends.right); return r; }
    if (r!=0) return r;
    /* From this point on we have to panic if we cannot finish. */
    /* Delete overlapping ranges from selfread ... */
    r = toku__lt_delete_overlapping_ranges(tree, selfread, numfound);
    if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);
    /* ... and mainread.
       Growth direction: if we had no overlaps, the next line
       should be commented out */
#if !defined(TOKU_RT_NOOVERLAPS)
    r = toku__lt_delete_overlapping_ranges(tree, mainread, numfound);
    if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);
    /* Free all the points from ranges in tree->buf[0]..tree->buf[numfound-1] */
    toku__lt_free_points(tree, &to_insert->ends, numfound, NULL);
    /* We don't necessarily need to panic after here unless numfound > 0
       Which indicates we deleted something. */
    /* Insert extreme range into selfread. */
    /* VL */
    r = toku_rt_insert(selfread, to_insert);
#if !defined(TOKU_RT_NOOVERLAPS)
    int r2;
    if (0) { died2: r2 = toku_rt_delete(selfread, to_insert);
        if (r2!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r2); goto died1; }
    if (r!=0) {
        /* If we deleted/merged anything, this is a panic situation. */
        if (numfound) return toku__lt_panic(tree, TOKU_LT_INCONSISTENT);
        goto died1; }
#if !defined(TOKU_RT_NOOVERLAPS)
    /* Insert extreme range into mainread. */
    r = toku_rt_insert(tree->mainread, to_insert);
    if (r!=0) {
        /* If we deleted/merged anything, this is a panic situation. */
        if (numfound) return toku__lt_panic(tree, TOKU_LT_INCONSISTENT);
        goto died2; }
    toku__lt_lock_incr_per_db(tree, numfound);
    return 0;

static inline void toku__lt_init_full_query(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_interval* query,
                                      toku_point* left, toku_point* right) {
    toku__init_point(left,  tree,       (DBT*)toku_lt_neg_infinity,
                      tree->duplicates ? (DBT*)toku_lt_neg_infinity : NULL);
    toku__init_point(right, tree,       (DBT*)toku_lt_infinity,
                      tree->duplicates ? (DBT*)toku_lt_infinity : NULL);
    toku__init_query(query, left, right);

    TODO: Refactor.
    toku__lt_free_points should be replaced (or supplanted) with a 
    toku__lt_free_point (singular)
static inline int toku__lt_free_contents(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_range_tree* rt,
                                   toku_range_tree *rtdel) {
    if (!rt) return 0;
    int r;
    int r2;
    BOOL found = FALSE;

    toku_interval query;
    toku_point left;
    toku_point right;
    toku__lt_init_full_query(tree, &query, &left, &right);
    while ((r = toku_rt_next(rt, &tree->buf[0], &found)) == 0 && found) {
        r = toku__lt_free_points(tree, &query, 1, rtdel);
        if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);
    r2 = toku_rt_close(rt);
    assert(r2 == 0);
    return r;

static inline BOOL toku__r_backwards(toku_interval* range) {
    assert(range && range->left && range->right);
    toku_point* left  = (toku_point*)range->left;
    toku_point* right = (toku_point*)range->right;

    /* Optimization: if all the pointers are equal, clearly left == right. */
    return (left->key_payload  != right->key_payload ||
            left->data_payload != right->data_payload) &&
            toku__lt_point_cmp(left, right) > 0;

static inline int toku__lt_unlock_deferred_txns(toku_lock_tree* tree);

static inline void toku__lt_set_comparison_functions(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                                                     DB* db) {
    assert(!tree->db && !tree->compare_fun && !tree->dup_compare);
    tree->db = db;
    tree->compare_fun = tree->get_compare_fun_from_db(tree->db);
    tree->dup_compare = tree->get_dup_compare_from_db(tree->db);

static inline void toku__lt_clear_comparison_functions(toku_lock_tree* tree) {
    tree->db          = NULL;
    tree->compare_fun = NULL; 
    tree->dup_compare = NULL; 

/* Preprocess step for acquire functions. */
static inline int toku__lt_preprocess(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB* db,
                                  __attribute__((unused)) TXNID txn,
                                  const DBT* key_left,  const DBT** pdata_left,
                                  const DBT* key_right, const DBT** pdata_right,
                                  toku_point* left, toku_point* right,
                                  toku_interval* query, BOOL* out_of_locks) {
    int r = ENOSYS;

    assert(pdata_left && pdata_right);
    if (!tree || !db ||
        !key_left || !key_right || !out_of_locks)  {r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }
    if (!tree->duplicates) *pdata_right = *pdata_left = NULL;
    const DBT* data_left  = *pdata_left;
    const DBT* data_right = *pdata_right;
    if (tree->duplicates  && (!data_left || !data_right))   { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }
    if (tree->duplicates  && key_left != data_left &&
        toku__lt_is_infinite(key_left))                     { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }
    if (tree->duplicates  && key_right != data_right &&
        toku__lt_is_infinite(key_right))                    { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }

    /* Verify that NULL keys have payload and size that are mutually 
    if ((r = toku__lt_verify_null_key(key_left))   != 0) { goto cleanup; }
    if ((r = toku__lt_verify_null_key(data_left))  != 0) { goto cleanup; }
    if ((r = toku__lt_verify_null_key(key_right))  != 0) { goto cleanup; }
    if ((r = toku__lt_verify_null_key(data_right)) != 0) { goto cleanup; }

    toku__init_point(left,  tree, key_left,  data_left);
    toku__init_point(right, tree, key_right, data_right);
    toku__init_query(query, left, right);
    tree->settings_final = TRUE;

    toku__lt_set_comparison_functions(tree, db);

    /* Verify left <= right, otherwise return EDOM. */
    if (toku__r_backwards(query)) { r = EDOM; goto cleanup; }

    r = 0;
    if (r == 0) {
        assert(tree->db && tree->compare_fun && tree->dup_compare);
        /* Cleanup all existing deleted transactions */
        if (!toku_rth_is_empty(tree->txns_to_unlock)) {
            r = toku__lt_unlock_deferred_txns(tree);
    return r;

/* Postprocess step for acquire functions. */
static inline void toku__lt_postprocess(toku_lock_tree* tree) {

static inline int toku__lt_get_border(toku_lock_tree* tree, BOOL in_borderwrite,
                                toku_range* pred, toku_range* succ,
                                BOOL* found_p,    BOOL* found_s,
                                toku_range* to_insert) {
    assert(tree && pred && succ && found_p && found_s);                                    
    int r;
    toku_range_tree* rt;
    rt = in_borderwrite ? tree->borderwrite : 
                          toku__lt_ifexist_selfwrite(tree, tree->buf[0].data);
    if (!rt)  return toku__lt_panic(tree, TOKU_LT_INCONSISTENT);
    r = toku_rt_predecessor(rt, to_insert->ends.left,  pred, found_p);
    if (r!=0) return r;
    r = toku_rt_successor  (rt, to_insert->ends.right, succ, found_s);
    if (r!=0) return r;
    return 0;

static inline int toku__lt_expand_border(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_range* to_insert,
                                   toku_range* pred, toku_range* succ,
                                   BOOL  found_p,    BOOL  found_s) {
    assert(tree && to_insert && pred && succ);
    int r;
    if      (found_p && pred->data == to_insert->data) {
        r = toku_rt_delete(tree->borderwrite, pred);
        if (r!=0) return r;
        to_insert->ends.left = pred->ends.left;
    else if (found_s && succ->data == to_insert->data) {
        r = toku_rt_delete(tree->borderwrite, succ);
        if (r!=0) return r;
        to_insert->ends.right = succ->ends.right;
    return 0;

static inline int toku__lt_split_border(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_range* to_insert,
                                   toku_range* pred, toku_range* succ,
                                   BOOL  found_p,    BOOL  found_s) {
    assert(tree && to_insert && pred && succ);
    int r;
    assert(tree->buf[0].data != to_insert->data);
    if (!found_s || !found_p) return toku__lt_panic(tree, TOKU_LT_INCONSISTENT);

    r = toku_rt_delete(tree->borderwrite, &tree->buf[0]);
    if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);

    pred->ends.left  = tree->buf[0].ends.left;
    succ->ends.right = tree->buf[0].ends.right;
    if (toku__r_backwards(&pred->ends) || toku__r_backwards(&succ->ends)) {
        return toku__lt_panic(tree, TOKU_LT_INCONSISTENT);}

    r = toku_rt_insert(tree->borderwrite, pred);
    if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);
    r = toku_rt_insert(tree->borderwrite, succ);
    if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);
    return 0;

    Find everything (0 or 1 ranges) it overlaps in borderwrite.
    If 0:
        Retrieve predecessor and successor.
        if both found
            assert(predecessor.data != successor.data)
        if predecessor found, and pred.data == my.data
            'merge' (extend to) predecessor.ends.left
                To do this, delete predecessor,
                insert combined me and predecessor.
                then done/return
        do same check for successor.
        if not same, then just insert the actual item into borderwrite.
     if found == 1:
        If data == my data, done/return
        (overlap someone else, retrieve the peer)
        Get the selfwrite for the peer.
        Get successor of my point in peer_selfwrite
        get pred of my point in peer_selfwrite.
        Old range = O.ends.left, O.ends.right
        delete old range,
        insert      O.ends.left, pred.ends.right
        insert      succ.ends.left, O.ends.right
        NO MEMORY GETS FREED!!!!!!!!!!, it all is tied to selfwrites.
        insert point,point into borderwrite
     done with borderwrite.
     insert point,point into selfwrite.
static inline int toku__lt_borderwrite_insert(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                                        toku_interval* query,
                                        toku_range* to_insert) {
    assert(tree && query && to_insert);
    int r;
    toku_range_tree* borderwrite = tree->borderwrite;   assert(borderwrite);
    const u_int32_t query_size = 1;

    u_int32_t numfound;
    r = toku_rt_find(borderwrite, query, query_size, &tree->buf, &tree->buflen,
    if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);
    assert(numfound <= query_size);

    /* No updated needed in borderwrite: we return right away. */
    if (numfound == 1 && tree->buf[0].data == to_insert->data) return 0;

    /* Find predecessor and successors */
    toku_range pred;
    toku_range succ;
    BOOL found_p;
    BOOL found_s;

    r = toku__lt_get_border(tree, numfound == 0, &pred, &succ, 
                             &found_p, &found_s, to_insert);
    if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);
    if (numfound == 0) {
        if (found_p && found_s && pred.data == succ.data) {
            return toku__lt_panic(tree, TOKU_LT_INCONSISTENT); }
        r = toku__lt_expand_border(tree, to_insert, &pred,   &succ,
                                                      found_p, found_s);
        if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);
    else {  
        r = toku__lt_split_border( tree, to_insert, &pred, &succ, 
                                                      found_p, found_s);
        if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);
    r = toku_rt_insert(borderwrite, to_insert);
    if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);
    return 0;

/* TODO: Investigate better way of passing comparison functions. */
int toku_lt_create(toku_lock_tree** ptree, BOOL duplicates,
                   int   (*panic)(DB*, int), 
                   toku_ltm* mgr,
                   toku_dbt_cmp (*get_compare_fun_from_db)(DB*),
                   toku_dbt_cmp (*get_dup_compare_from_db)(DB*),
                   void* (*user_malloc) (size_t),
                   void  (*user_free)   (void*),
                   void* (*user_realloc)(void*, size_t)) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    toku_lock_tree* tmp_tree = NULL;
    if (!ptree || !mgr ||
        !get_compare_fun_from_db || !get_dup_compare_from_db || !panic ||
        !user_malloc || !user_free || !user_realloc) {
        r = EINVAL; goto cleanup;

    tmp_tree = (toku_lock_tree*)user_malloc(sizeof(*tmp_tree));
    if (!tmp_tree) { r = ENOMEM; goto cleanup; }
    memset(tmp_tree, 0, sizeof(toku_lock_tree));
    tmp_tree->duplicates       = duplicates;
    tmp_tree->panic            = panic;
    tmp_tree->mgr              = mgr;
    tmp_tree->malloc           = user_malloc;
    tmp_tree->free             = user_free;
    tmp_tree->realloc          = user_realloc;
    tmp_tree->get_compare_fun_from_db = get_compare_fun_from_db;
    tmp_tree->get_dup_compare_from_db = get_dup_compare_from_db;
    tmp_tree->lock_escalation_allowed = TRUE;
    r = toku_ltm_get_max_locks_per_db(mgr, &tmp_tree->max_locks);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; } 
#if !defined(TOKU_RT_NOOVERLAPS)
    r = toku_rt_create(&tmp_tree->mainread,
                       toku__lt_point_cmp, toku__lt_txn_cmp, TRUE,
                       user_malloc, user_free, user_realloc);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    r = toku_rt_create(&tmp_tree->borderwrite,
                       toku__lt_point_cmp, toku__lt_txn_cmp, FALSE,
                       user_malloc, user_free, user_realloc);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    r = toku_rth_create(&tmp_tree->rth, user_malloc, user_free, user_realloc);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    r = toku_rth_create(&tmp_tree->txns_to_unlock, user_malloc, user_free, user_realloc);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    r = toku_rth_create(&tmp_tree->txns_still_locked, user_malloc, user_free, user_realloc);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    tmp_tree->buflen = __toku_default_buflen;
    tmp_tree->buf    = (toku_range*)
                        user_malloc(tmp_tree->buflen * sizeof(toku_range));
    if (!tmp_tree->buf) { r = ENOMEM; goto cleanup; }
    tmp_tree->ref_count = 1;
    *ptree = tmp_tree;
    r = 0;
    if (r!=0) {
        if (tmp_tree) {
            if (tmp_tree->mainread)       { toku_rt_close(tmp_tree->mainread); }
            if (tmp_tree->borderwrite)    { toku_rt_close(tmp_tree->borderwrite); }
            if (tmp_tree->rth)            { toku_rth_close(tmp_tree->rth); }
            if (tmp_tree->txns_to_unlock) { toku_rth_close(tmp_tree->rth); }
            if (tmp_tree->buf)            { user_free(tmp_tree->buf); }
    return r;

void toku_ltm_invalidate_lt(toku_ltm* mgr, toku_db_id* db_id) {
    assert(mgr && db_id);
    toku_lt_map* map = NULL;
    map = toku_idlth_find(mgr->idlth, db_id);
    if (!map) { return; }
    toku_idlth_delete(mgr->idlth, db_id);

static inline void toku_lt_set_db_id(toku_lock_tree* lt, toku_db_id* db_id) {
    assert(lt && db_id);
    lt->db_id = db_id;

static inline BOOL toku_lt_get_dups(toku_lock_tree* lt) {
    return lt->duplicates;

int toku_ltm_get_lt(toku_ltm* mgr, toku_lock_tree** ptree, 
                    BOOL duplicates, toku_db_id* db_id) {
    /* first look in hash table to see if lock tree exists for that db,
       if so return it */
    int r = ENOSYS;
    toku_lt_map* map     = NULL;
    toku_lock_tree* tree = NULL;
    BOOL added_to_ltm    = FALSE;
    BOOL added_to_idlth  = FALSE;
    map = toku_idlth_find(mgr->idlth, db_id);
    if (map != NULL) {
        /* Load already existing lock tree. */
        assert (map->tree != NULL);
        *ptree = map->tree;
        assert(duplicates == toku_lt_get_dups(map->tree));
        r = 0;
        goto cleanup;
    /* Must create new lock tree for this db_id*/
    r = toku_lt_create(&tree, duplicates, mgr->panic, mgr,
                       mgr->malloc, mgr->free, mgr->realloc);
    if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
    toku_lt_set_db_id(tree, db_id);
    /* add tree to ltm */
    r = toku_ltm_add_lt(mgr, tree);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    added_to_ltm = TRUE;

    /* add mapping to idlth*/
    r = toku_idlth_insert(mgr->idlth, db_id);
    if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
    added_to_idlth = TRUE;
    map = toku_idlth_find(mgr->idlth, db_id);
    map->tree = tree;

    /* No add ref needed because ref count was set to 1 in toku_lt_create */        
    *ptree = tree;
    r = 0;
    if (r != 0) {
        if (tree != NULL) {
            if (added_to_ltm)   { toku_ltm_remove_lt(mgr, tree); }
            if (added_to_idlth) { toku_idlth_delete(mgr->idlth, db_id); } 
    return r;

int toku_lt_close(toku_lock_tree* tree) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    int first_error = 0;
    if (!tree) { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }
#if !defined(TOKU_RT_NOOVERLAPS)
    r = toku_rt_close(tree->mainread);
    if (!first_error && r!=0) { first_error = r; }
    r = toku_rt_close(tree->borderwrite);
    if (!first_error && r!=0) { first_error = r; }

    toku_rt_forest* forest;
    while ((forest = toku_rth_next(tree->rth)) != NULL) {
        r = toku__lt_free_contents(tree, forest->self_read,  NULL);
        if (!first_error && r!=0) { first_error = r; }
        r = toku__lt_free_contents(tree, forest->self_write, NULL);
        if (!first_error && r!=0) { first_error = r; }

    if (tree->db_id) { toku_db_id_remove_ref(tree->db_id); }
    r = first_error;
    return r;

int toku_lt_acquire_read_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                              DB* db, TXNID txn,
                              const DBT* key, const DBT* data) {
    return toku_lt_acquire_range_read_lock(tree, db, txn, key, data, key, data);

static int toku__lt_try_acquire_range_read_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                                  DB* db, TXNID txn,
                                  const DBT* key_left,  const DBT* data_left,
                                  const DBT* key_right, const DBT* data_right,
                                  BOOL* out_of_locks) {
    int r;
    toku_point left;
    toku_point right;
    toku_interval query;
    BOOL dominated;
    if (!out_of_locks) { return EINVAL; }
    r = toku__lt_preprocess(tree, db, txn, 
                            key_left,  &data_left,
                            key_right, &data_right,
                            &left, &right,
                            &query, out_of_locks);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }

        For transaction 'txn' to acquire a read-lock on range 'K'=['ends.left','ends.right']:
            if 'K' is dominated by selfwrite('txn') then return success.
            else if 'K' is dominated by selfread('txn') then return success.
            else if 'K' meets borderwrite at 'peer' ('peer'!='txn') &&
                    'K' meets selfwrite('peer') then return failure.
                add 'K' to selfread('txn') and selfwrite('txn').
                This requires merging.. see below.

    /* if 'K' is dominated by selfwrite('txn') then return success. */
    r = toku__lt_rt_dominates(tree, &query, 
                            toku__lt_ifexist_selfwrite(tree, txn), &dominated);
    if (r || dominated) { goto cleanup; }

    /* else if 'K' is dominated by selfread('txn') then return success. */
    r = toku__lt_rt_dominates(tree, &query, 
                            toku__lt_ifexist_selfread(tree, txn), &dominated);
    if (r || dominated) { goto cleanup; }
        else if 'K' meets borderwrite at 'peer' ('peer'!='txn') &&
                'K' meets selfwrite('peer') then return failure.
    r = toku__lt_check_borderwrite_conflict(tree, txn, &query);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    /* Now need to merge, copy the memory and insert. */
    toku_range  to_insert;
    toku__init_insert(&to_insert, &left, &right, txn);
    /* Consolidate the new range and all the overlapping ranges */
    r = toku__consolidate(tree, &query, &to_insert, txn, out_of_locks);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    r = 0;
    if (tree) { toku__lt_postprocess(tree); }
    return r;

/* Checks for if a write range conflicts with reads.
   Supports ranges. */
static inline int toku__lt_write_range_conflicts_reads(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                                               TXNID txn, toku_interval* query) {
    int r    = 0;
    BOOL met = FALSE;
    toku_rt_forest* forest;
    while ((forest = toku_rth_next(tree->rth)) != NULL) {
        if (forest->self_read != NULL && forest->hash_key != txn) {
            r = toku__lt_meets_peer(tree, query, forest->self_read, TRUE, txn,
            if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
            if (met)  { r = DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED; goto cleanup; }
    r = 0;
    return r;

    Tests whether a range from BorderWrite is trivially escalatable.
    i.e. No read locks from other transactions overlap the range.
static inline int toku__border_escalation_trivial(toku_lock_tree* tree, 
                                                  toku_range* border_range, 
                                                  BOOL* trivial) {
    assert(tree && border_range && trivial);
    int r = ENOSYS;

    toku_interval query = border_range->ends;

    r = toku__lt_write_range_conflicts_reads(tree, border_range->data, &query);
    if (r == DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED || r == DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) { *trivial = FALSE; }
    else if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    else { *trivial = TRUE; }

    r = 0;
    return r;

/*  */
static inline int toku__escalate_writes_from_border_range(toku_lock_tree* tree, 
                                                          toku_range* border_range) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    if (!tree || !border_range) { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }
    TXNID txn = border_range->data;
    toku_range_tree* self_write = toku__lt_ifexist_selfwrite(tree, txn);
    toku_interval query = border_range->ends;
    u_int32_t numfound = 0;

     * Delete all overlapping ranges
    r = toku_rt_find(self_write, &query, 0, &tree->buf, &tree->buflen, &numfound);
    if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
    u_int32_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < numfound; i++) {
        r = toku_rt_delete(self_write, &tree->buf[i]);
        if (r != 0) { r = toku__lt_panic(tree, r); goto cleanup; }
         * Clean up memory that is not referenced by border_range.
        if (tree->buf[i].ends.left != tree->buf[i].ends.right &&
            toku__lt_p_independent(tree->buf[i].ends.left, &border_range->ends)) {
            /* Do not double free if left and right are same point. */
            toku__p_free(tree, tree->buf[i].ends.left);
        if (toku__lt_p_independent(tree->buf[i].ends.right, &border_range->ends)) {
            toku__p_free(tree, tree->buf[i].ends.right);
     * Insert border_range into self_write table
    r = toku_rt_insert(self_write, border_range);
    if (r != 0) { r = toku__lt_panic(tree, r); goto cleanup; }

    toku__lt_lock_incr_per_db(tree, numfound);
    r = 0;
    return r;

static inline int toku__escalate_reads_from_border_range(toku_lock_tree* tree, 
                                                         toku_range* border_range) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    if (!tree || !border_range) { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }
    TXNID txn = border_range->data;
    toku_range_tree* self_read = toku__lt_ifexist_selfread(tree, txn);
    if (self_read == NULL) { r = 0; goto cleanup; }
    toku_interval query = border_range->ends;
    u_int32_t numfound = 0;

     * Delete all overlapping ranges
    r = toku_rt_find(self_read, &query, 0, &tree->buf, &tree->buflen, &numfound);
    if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
    u_int32_t i;
    u_int32_t removed = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numfound; i++) {
        if (!toku__dominated(&tree->buf[i].ends, &border_range->ends)) { continue; }
        r = toku_rt_delete(self_read, &tree->buf[i]);
        if (r != 0) { r = toku__lt_panic(tree, r); goto cleanup; }
#if !defined(TOKU_RT_NOOVERLAPS)
        r = toku_rt_delete(tree->mainread, &tree->buf[i]);
        if (r != 0) { r = toku__lt_panic(tree, r); goto cleanup; }
         * Clean up memory that is not referenced by border_range.
        if (tree->buf[i].ends.left != tree->buf[i].ends.right &&
            toku__lt_p_independent(tree->buf[i].ends.left, &border_range->ends)) {
            /* Do not double free if left and right are same point. */
            toku__p_free(tree, tree->buf[i].ends.left);
        if (toku__lt_p_independent(tree->buf[i].ends.right, &border_range->ends)) {
            toku__p_free(tree, tree->buf[i].ends.right);
    toku__lt_lock_decr_per_db(tree, removed);
    r = 0;
    return r;

 * For each range in BorderWrite:
 *     Check to see if range conflicts any read lock held by other transactions
 *     Replaces all writes that overlap with range
 *     Deletes all reads dominated by range
static int toku__lt_do_escalation(toku_lock_tree* tree) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    if (!tree)                          { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }
    if (!tree->lock_escalation_allowed) { r = 0;      goto cleanup; }
    toku_range_tree* border  = tree->borderwrite;
    toku_range       border_range;
    BOOL             found   = FALSE;
    BOOL             trivial = FALSE;

    while ((r = toku_rt_next(border, &border_range, &found)) == 0 && found) {
        r = toku__border_escalation_trivial(tree, &border_range, &trivial);
        if (r!=0)     { goto cleanup; }
        if (!trivial) { continue; }
         * At this point, we determine that escalation is simple,
         * Attempt escalation
        r = toku__escalate_writes_from_border_range(tree, &border_range);
        if (r!=0)     { r = toku__lt_panic(tree, r); goto cleanup; }
        r = toku__escalate_reads_from_border_range(tree, &border_range);
        if (r!=0)     { r = toku__lt_panic(tree, r); goto cleanup; }
    r = 0;
    return r;

/* TODO: Different error code for escalation failed vs not even happened. */
#if 0 //See ticket #596
static int toku__ltm_do_escalation(toku_ltm* mgr, BOOL* locks_available) {
    assert(mgr && locks_available);
    int r = ENOSYS;
    toku_lock_tree* lt = NULL;

    while ((lt = toku_lth_next(mgr->lth)) != NULL) {
        r = toku__lt_do_escalation(lt);
        if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }

    *locks_available = toku__ltm_lock_test_incr(mgr, 0);
    r = 0;
    return r;

static int toku__lt_do_escalation_per_db(toku_lock_tree* lt, DB* db, BOOL* locks_available) {
    assert(lt && locks_available);
    int r = ENOSYS;
    toku__lt_set_comparison_functions(lt, db);
    r = toku__lt_do_escalation(lt);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }

    *locks_available = toku__lt_lock_test_incr_per_db(lt, 0);
    r = 0;
    return r;

int toku_lt_acquire_range_read_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB* db, TXNID txn,
                                  const DBT* key_left,  const DBT* data_left,
                                  const DBT* key_right, const DBT* data_right) {
    BOOL out_of_locks = FALSE;
    int r = ENOSYS;

    r = toku__lt_try_acquire_range_read_lock(tree, db, txn, 
                                             key_left,  data_left,
                                             key_right, data_right,
    if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }

    if (out_of_locks) {
        BOOL locks_available = FALSE;
        r = toku__lt_do_escalation_per_db(tree, db, &locks_available);
        if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
        if (!locks_available) {
            r = TOKUDB_OUT_OF_LOCKS;
            goto cleanup;
        r = toku__lt_try_acquire_range_read_lock(tree, db, txn, 
                                                 key_left,  data_left,
                                                 key_right, data_right,
        if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
    if (out_of_locks) {
        r = TOKUDB_OUT_OF_LOCKS;
        goto cleanup;

    r = 0;
    return r;

/* Checks for if a write point conflicts with reads.
   If mainread exists, it uses a single query, else it uses T queries
   (one in each selfread).
   Does not support write ranges.
static int toku__lt_write_point_conflicts_reads(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                                               TXNID txn, toku_interval* query) {
    int r    = 0;
    r = toku__lt_write_range_conflicts_reads(tree, txn, query);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }    
    BOOL met = FALSE;
    toku_range_tree* mainread = tree->mainread; assert(mainread);
    r = toku__lt_meets_peer(tree, query, mainread, FALSE, txn, &met);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    if (met)  { r = DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED; goto cleanup; }
    r = 0;
    return r;

static int toku__lt_try_acquire_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                                           DB* db, TXNID txn,
                                           const DBT* key, const DBT* data, 
                                           BOOL* out_of_locks) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    toku_point endpoint;
    toku_interval query;
    BOOL dominated;
    BOOL free_left = FALSE;
    r = toku__lt_preprocess(tree, db, txn, 
                            key,      &data,
                            key,      &data,
                            &endpoint, &endpoint,
                            &query, out_of_locks);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    *out_of_locks = FALSE;
    /* if 'K' is dominated by selfwrite('txn') then return success. */
    r = toku__lt_rt_dominates(tree, &query, 
                            toku__lt_ifexist_selfwrite(tree, txn), &dominated);
    if (r || dominated) { goto cleanup; }
    /* else if K meets mainread at 'txn2' then return failure */
    r = toku__lt_write_point_conflicts_reads(tree, txn, &query);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
        else if 'K' meets borderwrite at 'peer' ('peer'!='txn') &&
                'K' meets selfwrite('peer') then return failure.
    r = toku__lt_check_borderwrite_conflict(tree, txn, &query);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    /*  Now need to copy the memory and insert.
        No merging required in selfwrite.
        This is a point, and if merging was possible it would have been
        dominated by selfwrite.
    toku_range to_insert;
    toku__init_insert(&to_insert, &endpoint, &endpoint, txn);
    if (!toku__lt_lock_test_incr_per_db(tree, 0)) { 
        *out_of_locks = TRUE; r = 0; goto cleanup;

    BOOL dummy = TRUE;
    r = toku__lt_alloc_extreme(tree, &to_insert, TRUE, &dummy);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    toku_range_tree* selfwrite;
    r = toku__lt_selfwrite(tree, txn, &selfwrite);
    if (r!=0) { free_left = TRUE; goto cleanup; }
    r = toku_rt_insert(selfwrite, &to_insert);
    if (r!=0) { free_left = TRUE; goto cleanup; }
    /* Need to update borderwrite. */
    r = toku__lt_borderwrite_insert(tree, &query, &to_insert);
    if (r!=0) { r = toku__lt_panic(tree, r); goto cleanup; }
    toku__lt_lock_incr_per_db(tree, 0);
    r = 0;

    if (r!=0) {
        if (free_left) {
            toku__p_free(tree, to_insert.ends.left);
    if (tree) { toku__lt_postprocess(tree); }
    return r;

int toku_lt_acquire_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB* db, TXNID txn,
                               const DBT* key, const DBT* data) {
    BOOL out_of_locks = FALSE;
    int r = ENOSYS;

    r = toku__lt_try_acquire_write_lock(tree, db, txn,
                                        key, data,
    if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }

    if (out_of_locks) {
        BOOL locks_available = FALSE;
        r = toku__lt_do_escalation_per_db(tree, db, &locks_available);
        if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
        if (!locks_available) {
            r = TOKUDB_OUT_OF_LOCKS;
            goto cleanup;
        r = toku__lt_try_acquire_write_lock(tree, db, txn,
                                            key, data,
        if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
    if (out_of_locks) {
        r = TOKUDB_OUT_OF_LOCKS;
        goto cleanup;

    r = 0;
    return r;

static int toku__lt_try_acquire_range_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree,
                                    DB* db, TXNID txn,
                                    const DBT* key_left,  const DBT* data_left,
                                    const DBT* key_right, const DBT* data_right,
                                    BOOL* out_of_locks) {
    int r;
    toku_point left;
    toku_point right;
    toku_interval query;

    if (key_left == key_right &&
        (data_left == data_right || (tree && !tree->duplicates))) {
        return toku__lt_try_acquire_write_lock(tree, db, txn, 
                                               key_left, data_left, 

    r = toku__lt_preprocess(tree, db,   txn, 
                            key_left,  &data_left,
                            key_right, &data_right,
                           &left,      &right,
                           &query,      out_of_locks);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    *out_of_locks = FALSE;

    //We are not ready for this.
    //Not needed for Feb 1 release.
    r = ENOSYS;
    if (tree) { toku__lt_postprocess(tree); }

    return r;

int toku_lt_acquire_range_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB* db, TXNID txn,
                                  const DBT* key_left,  const DBT* data_left,
                                  const DBT* key_right, const DBT* data_right) {
    BOOL out_of_locks = FALSE;
    int r = ENOSYS;

    r = toku__lt_try_acquire_range_write_lock(tree,   db, txn,
                                              key_left,  data_left,
                                              key_right, data_right,
    if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }

    if (out_of_locks) {
        BOOL locks_available = FALSE;
        r = toku__lt_do_escalation_per_db(tree, db, &locks_available);
        if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
        if (!locks_available) {
            r = TOKUDB_OUT_OF_LOCKS;
            goto cleanup;
        r = toku__lt_try_acquire_range_write_lock(tree, db, txn,
                                                  key_left,  data_left,
                                                  key_right, data_right,
        if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
    if (out_of_locks) {
        r = TOKUDB_OUT_OF_LOCKS;
        goto cleanup;

    r = 0;
    return r;

static inline int toku__sweep_border(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_range* range) {
    assert(tree && range);
    toku_range_tree* borderwrite = tree->borderwrite;

    /* Find overlapping range in borderwrite */
    int r;
    const u_int32_t query_size = 1;
    toku_range      buffer[query_size];
    u_int32_t       buflen     = query_size;
    toku_range*     buf        = &buffer[0];
    u_int32_t       numfound;

    toku_interval query = range->ends;
    r = toku_rt_find(borderwrite, &query, query_size, &buf, &buflen, &numfound);
    if (r!=0) return r;
    assert(numfound <= query_size);
    /*  If none exists or data is not ours (we have already deleted the real
        overlapping range), continue to the end of the loop (i.e., return) */
    if (!numfound || buf[0].data != range->data) return 0;
    assert(numfound == 1);

    /* Delete s from borderwrite */
    r = toku_rt_delete(borderwrite, &buf[0]);
    if (r!=0) return r;

    /* Find pred(s.ends.left), and succ(s.ends.right) */
    toku_range pred;
    toku_range succ;
    BOOL found_p;
    BOOL found_s;

    r = toku__lt_get_border(tree, TRUE, &pred, &succ, &found_p, &found_s,
    if (r!=0) return r;
    if (found_p && found_s && pred.data == succ.data &&
        pred.data == buf[0].data) { 
        return toku__lt_panic(tree, TOKU_LT_INCONSISTENT); }

    /* If both found and pred.data=succ.data, merge pred and succ (expand?)
       free_points */
    if (!found_p || !found_s || pred.data != succ.data) return 0;

    r = toku_rt_delete(borderwrite, &pred);
    if (r!=0) return r;
    r = toku_rt_delete(borderwrite, &succ);
    if (r!=0) return r;

    pred.ends.right = succ.ends.right;
    r = toku_rt_insert(borderwrite, &pred);
    if (r!=0) return r;

    return 0;

    For each range r in selfwrite
      Find overlapping range s in borderwrite 
      If none exists or data is not ours (we have already deleted the real
        overlapping range), continue
      Delete s from borderwrite
      Find pred(s.ends.left), and succ(s.ends.right)
      If both found and pred.data=succ.data, merge pred and succ (expand?)
static inline int toku__lt_border_delete(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_range_tree* rt) {
    int r;
    if (!rt) return 0;

    /* Find the ranges in rt */
    toku_interval query;
    toku_point left;
    toku_point right;
    toku__lt_init_full_query(tree, &query, &left, &right);

    u_int32_t numfound;
    r = toku_rt_find(rt, &query, 0, &tree->buf, &tree->buflen, &numfound);
    if (r!=0) return r;
    assert(numfound <= tree->buflen);
    u_int32_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < numfound; i++) {
        r = toku__sweep_border(tree, &tree->buf[i]);
        if (r!=0) return r;

    return 0;

static inline int toku__lt_defer_unlocking_txn(toku_lock_tree* tree, TXNID txnid) {
    int r = ENOSYS;

    toku_rt_forest* forest = toku_rth_find(tree->txns_to_unlock, txnid);
    /* Should not be unlocking a transaction twice. */
    r = toku_rth_insert(tree->txns_to_unlock, txnid);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    if (toku_rth_find(tree->txns_still_locked, txnid) != NULL) {
        toku_rth_delete(tree->txns_still_locked, txnid);
    r = 0;
    return r;

static inline int toku__lt_unlock_txn(toku_lock_tree* tree, TXNID txn) {
    if (!tree) return EINVAL;
    int r;
    toku_range_tree *selfwrite = toku__lt_ifexist_selfwrite(tree, txn);
    toku_range_tree *selfread  = toku__lt_ifexist_selfread (tree, txn);

    u_int32_t ranges = 0;

    if (selfread) {
        u_int32_t size;
        r = toku_rt_get_size(selfread, &size);
        ranges += size;
        r = toku__lt_free_contents(tree, selfread, tree->mainread);
        if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);

    if (selfwrite) {
        u_int32_t size;
        r = toku_rt_get_size(selfwrite, &size);
        ranges += size;
        r = toku__lt_border_delete(tree, selfwrite);
        if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);
        r = toku__lt_free_contents(tree, selfwrite, NULL);
        if (r!=0) return toku__lt_panic(tree, r);

    if (selfread || selfwrite) toku_rth_delete(tree->rth, txn);
    toku__lt_lock_decr_per_db(tree, ranges);

    return 0;

static inline int toku__lt_unlock_deferred_txns(toku_lock_tree* tree) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    toku_rt_forest* forest = NULL;
    while ((forest = toku_rth_next(tree->txns_to_unlock)) != NULL) {
        /* This can only fail with a panic so it is fine to quit immediately. */
        r = toku__lt_unlock_txn(tree, forest->hash_key);
        if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    r = 0;
    return r;

static inline void toku__lt_clear(toku_lock_tree* tree) {
    int r;
#if !defined(TOKU_RT_NOOVERLAPS)

    toku_rt_forest* forest;
    u_int32_t ranges = 0;
    while ((forest = toku_rth_next(tree->rth)) != NULL) {
        u_int32_t size;
        if (forest->self_read) {
            r = toku_rt_get_size(forest->self_read, &size);
            ranges += size;
            r = toku__lt_free_contents(tree, forest->self_read,  NULL);
        if (forest->self_write) {
            r = toku_rt_get_size(forest->self_write, &size);
            ranges += size;
            r = toku__lt_free_contents(tree, forest->self_write, NULL);
    /* tree->txns_still_locked is already empty, so we do not clear it. */
    toku__lt_lock_decr_per_db(tree, ranges);

int toku_lt_unlock(toku_lock_tree* tree, TXNID txn) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    if (!tree) { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }
    r = toku__lt_defer_unlocking_txn(tree, txn);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
    if (toku_rth_is_empty(tree->txns_still_locked)) { toku__lt_clear(tree); }
    r = 0;
    return r;

void toku_lt_add_ref(toku_lock_tree* tree) {
    assert(tree->ref_count > 0);

static void toku_ltm_stop_managing_lt(toku_ltm* mgr, toku_lock_tree* tree) {
    toku_ltm_remove_lt(mgr, tree);
    toku_lt_map* map = toku_idlth_find(mgr->idlth, tree->db_id);
    if (map && map->tree == tree) {
        toku_idlth_delete(mgr->idlth, tree->db_id);

int toku_lt_remove_ref(toku_lock_tree* tree) {
    int r = ENOSYS;
    assert(tree->ref_count > 0);
    if (tree->ref_count > 0) { r = 0; goto cleanup; }
    toku_ltm_stop_managing_lt(tree->mgr, tree);
    r = toku_lt_close(tree);
    if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }

    r = 0;    
    return r;