/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma implementation // gcc: Class implementation #endif #include "mysql_priv.h" #include "slave.h" #include #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ #define log_cs &my_charset_latin1 /* pretty_print_str() */ #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT static void pretty_print_str(FILE* file, char* str, int len) { char* end = str + len; fputc('\'', file); while (str < end) { char c; switch ((c=*str++)) { case '\n': fprintf(file, "\\n"); break; case '\r': fprintf(file, "\\r"); break; case '\\': fprintf(file, "\\\\"); break; case '\b': fprintf(file, "\\b"); break; case '\t': fprintf(file, "\\t"); break; case '\'': fprintf(file, "\\'"); break; case 0 : fprintf(file, "\\0"); break; default: fputc(c, file); break; } } fputc('\'', file); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* ignored_error_code() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) inline int ignored_error_code(int err_code) { return ((err_code == ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_TABLE) || (use_slave_mask && bitmap_is_set(&slave_error_mask, err_code))); } #endif /* pretty_print_str() */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT static char *pretty_print_str(char *packet, char *str, int len) { char *end= str + len; char *pos= packet; *pos++= '\''; while (str < end) { char c; switch ((c=*str++)) { case '\n': *pos++= '\\'; *pos++= 'n'; break; case '\r': *pos++= '\\'; *pos++= 'r'; break; case '\\': *pos++= '\\'; *pos++= '\\'; break; case '\b': *pos++= '\\'; *pos++= 'b'; break; case '\t': *pos++= '\\'; *pos++= 't'; break; case '\'': *pos++= '\\'; *pos++= '\''; break; case 0 : *pos++= '\\'; *pos++= '0'; break; default: *pos++= c; break; } } *pos++= '\''; return pos; } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* slave_load_file_stem() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) static inline char* slave_load_file_stem(char*buf, uint file_id, int event_server_id) { fn_format(buf,"SQL_LOAD-",slave_load_tmpdir, "", MY_UNPACK_FILENAME); buf = strend(buf); buf = int10_to_str(::server_id, buf, 10); *buf++ = '-'; buf = int10_to_str(event_server_id, buf, 10); *buf++ = '-'; return int10_to_str(file_id, buf, 10); } #endif /* Delete all temporary files used for SQL_LOAD. SYNOPSIS cleanup_load_tmpdir() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) static void cleanup_load_tmpdir() { MY_DIR *dirp; FILEINFO *file; uint i; char fname[FN_REFLEN], prefbuf[31], *p; if (!(dirp=my_dir(slave_load_tmpdir,MYF(MY_WME)))) return; /* When we are deleting temporary files, we should only remove the files associated with the server id of our server. We don't use event_server_id here because since we've disabled direct binlogging of Create_file/Append_file/Exec_load events we cannot meet Start_log event in the middle of events from one LOAD DATA. */ p= strmake(prefbuf,"SQL_LOAD-",9); p= int10_to_str(::server_id, p, 10); *(p++)= '-'; *p= 0; for (i=0 ; i < (uint)dirp->number_off_files; i++) { file=dirp->dir_entry+i; if (is_prefix(file->name, prefbuf)) { fn_format(fname,file->name,slave_load_tmpdir,"",MY_UNPACK_FILENAME); my_delete(fname, MYF(0)); } } my_dirend(dirp); } #endif /* write_str() */ static bool write_str(IO_CACHE *file, char *str, byte length) { return (my_b_safe_write(file, &length, 1) || my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) str, (int) length)); } /* read_str() */ static inline int read_str(char * &buf, char *buf_end, char * &str, uint8 &len) { if (buf + (uint) (uchar) *buf >= buf_end) return 1; len = (uint8) *buf; str= buf+1; buf+= (uint) len+1; return 0; } /* Prints a "session_var=value" string. Used by mysqlbinlog to print some SET commands just before it prints a query. */ static void print_set_option(FILE* file, uint32 bits_changed, uint32 option, uint32 flags, const char* name, bool* need_comma) { if (bits_changed & option) { if (*need_comma) fprintf(file,", "); fprintf(file,"%s=%d", name, (bool)(flags & option)); *need_comma= 1; } } /************************************************************************** Log_event methods (= the parent class of all events) **************************************************************************/ /* Log_event::get_type_str() */ const char* Log_event::get_type_str() { switch(get_type_code()) { case START_EVENT_V3: return "Start_v3"; case STOP_EVENT: return "Stop"; case QUERY_EVENT: return "Query"; case ROTATE_EVENT: return "Rotate"; case INTVAR_EVENT: return "Intvar"; case LOAD_EVENT: return "Load"; case NEW_LOAD_EVENT: return "New_load"; case SLAVE_EVENT: return "Slave"; case CREATE_FILE_EVENT: return "Create_file"; case APPEND_BLOCK_EVENT: return "Append_block"; case DELETE_FILE_EVENT: return "Delete_file"; case EXEC_LOAD_EVENT: return "Exec_load"; case RAND_EVENT: return "RAND"; case USER_VAR_EVENT: return "User var"; case FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT: return "Format_desc"; default: return "Unknown"; /* impossible */ } } /* Log_event::Log_event() */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT Log_event::Log_event(THD* thd_arg, uint16 flags_arg, bool using_trans) :log_pos(0), temp_buf(0), exec_time(0), cached_event_len(0), flags(flags_arg), thd(thd_arg) { server_id= thd->server_id; when= thd->start_time; cache_stmt= (using_trans && (thd->options & (OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT | OPTION_BEGIN))); } Log_event::Log_event() :temp_buf(0), exec_time(0), cached_event_len(0), flags(0), cache_stmt(0), thd(0) { server_id= ::server_id; when= time(NULL); log_pos= 0; } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Log_event::Log_event() */ Log_event::Log_event(const char* buf, const Format_description_log_event* description_event) :temp_buf(0), cached_event_len(0), cache_stmt(0) { #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT thd = 0; #endif when = uint4korr(buf); server_id = uint4korr(buf + SERVER_ID_OFFSET); if (description_event->binlog_version==1) { log_pos= 0; flags= 0; return; } /* 4.0 or newer */ log_pos= uint4korr(buf + LOG_POS_OFFSET); /* If the log is 4.0 (so here it can only be a 4.0 relay log read by the SQL thread or a 4.0 master binlog read by the I/O thread), log_pos is the beginning of the event: we transform it into the end of the event, which is more useful. But how do you know that the log is 4.0: you know it if description_event is version 3 *and* you are not reading a Format_desc (remember that mysqlbinlog starts by assuming that 5.0 logs are in 4.0 format, until it finds a Format_desc). */ if (description_event->binlog_version==3 && buf[EVENT_TYPE_OFFSET]group_master_log_pos" (see inc_group_relay_log_pos()). As it is unreal log_pos, adding the event len's is nonsense. For example, a fake Rotate event should not have its log_pos (which is 0) changed or it will modify Exec_master_log_pos in SHOW SLAVE STATUS, displaying a nonsense value of (a non-zero offset which does not exist in the master's binlog, so which will cause problems if the user uses this value in CHANGE MASTER). */ log_pos) log_pos+= uint4korr(buf + EVENT_LEN_OFFSET); flags= uint2korr(buf + FLAGS_OFFSET); if ((buf[EVENT_TYPE_OFFSET] == FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT) || (buf[EVENT_TYPE_OFFSET] == ROTATE_EVENT)) { /* These events always have a header which stops here (i.e. their header is FROZEN). */ /* Initialization to zero of all other Log_event members as they're not specified. Currently there are no such members; in the future there will be an event UID (but Format_description and Rotate don't need this UID, as they are not propagated through --log-slave-updates (remember the UID is used to not play a query twice when you have two masters which are slaves of a 3rd master). Then we are done. */ return; } /* otherwise, go on with reading the header from buf (nothing now) */ } #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION /* Log_event::exec_event() */ int Log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { /* rli is null when (as far as I (Guilhem) know) the caller is Load_log_event::exec_event *and* that one is called from Execute_load_log_event::exec_event. In this case, we don't do anything here ; Execute_load_log_event::exec_event will call Log_event::exec_event again later with the proper rli. Strictly speaking, if we were sure that rli is null only in the case discussed above, 'if (rli)' is useless here. But as we are not 100% sure, keep it for now. */ if (rli) { /* If in a transaction, and if the slave supports transactions, just inc_event_relay_log_pos(). We only have to check for OPTION_BEGIN (not OPTION_NOT_AUTOCOMMIT) as transactions are logged with BEGIN/COMMIT, not with SET AUTOCOMMIT= . CAUTION: opt_using_transactions means innodb || bdb ; suppose the master supports InnoDB and BDB, but the slave supports only BDB, problems will arise: - suppose an InnoDB table is created on the master, - then it will be MyISAM on the slave - but as opt_using_transactions is true, the slave will believe he is transactional with the MyISAM table. And problems will come when one does START SLAVE; STOP SLAVE; START SLAVE; (the slave will resume at BEGIN whereas there has not been any rollback). This is the problem of using opt_using_transactions instead of a finer "does the slave support _the_transactional_handler_used_on_the_master_". More generally, we'll have problems when a query mixes a transactional handler and MyISAM and STOP SLAVE is issued in the middle of the "transaction". START SLAVE will resume at BEGIN while the MyISAM table has already been updated. */ if ((thd->options & OPTION_BEGIN) && opt_using_transactions) rli->inc_event_relay_log_pos(); else { rli->inc_group_relay_log_pos(log_pos); flush_relay_log_info(rli); /* Note that Rotate_log_event::exec_event() does not call this function, so there is no chance that a fake rotate event resets last_master_timestamp. */ rli->last_master_timestamp= when; } } return 0; } /* Log_event::pack_info() */ void Log_event::pack_info(Protocol *protocol) { protocol->store("", &my_charset_bin); } /* Log_event::net_send() Only called by SHOW BINLOG EVENTS */ int Log_event::net_send(Protocol *protocol, const char* log_name, my_off_t pos) { const char *p= strrchr(log_name, FN_LIBCHAR); const char *event_type; if (p) log_name = p + 1; protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store(log_name, &my_charset_bin); protocol->store((ulonglong) pos); event_type = get_type_str(); protocol->store(event_type, strlen(event_type), &my_charset_bin); protocol->store((uint32) server_id); protocol->store((ulonglong) log_pos); pack_info(protocol); return protocol->write(); } #endif /* HAVE_REPLICATION */ /* Log_event::init_show_field_list() */ void Log_event::init_show_field_list(List* field_list) { field_list->push_back(new Item_empty_string("Log_name", 20)); field_list->push_back(new Item_return_int("Pos", 11, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG)); field_list->push_back(new Item_empty_string("Event_type", 20)); field_list->push_back(new Item_return_int("Server_id", 10, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG)); field_list->push_back(new Item_return_int("End_log_pos", 11, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG)); field_list->push_back(new Item_empty_string("Info", 20)); } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Log_event::write() */ int Log_event::write(IO_CACHE* file) { return (write_header(file) || write_data(file)) ? -1 : 0; } /* Log_event::write_header() */ int Log_event::write_header(IO_CACHE* file) { /* Header will be of size LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN for all events, except for FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT and ROTATE_EVENT, where it will be LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN (remember these 2 have a frozen header, because we read them before knowing the format). */ char buf[LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN]; char* pos = buf; int4store(pos, (ulong) when); // timestamp pos += 4; *pos++ = get_type_code(); // event type code int4store(pos, server_id); pos += 4; long tmp; // total length of the event switch (get_type_code()) { case FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT: case ROTATE_EVENT: tmp= get_data_size() + LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN; break; default: tmp= get_data_size() + LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN; break; } int4store(pos, tmp); pos += 4; int4store(pos, log_pos); pos += 4; int2store(pos, flags); pos += 2; switch (get_type_code()) { case FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT: case ROTATE_EVENT: break; default: /* Other data to print in the header (nothing now); in that case increment pos. */ break; } return (my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) buf, (uint) (pos - buf))); } /* Log_event::read_log_event() This needn't be format-tolerant, because we only read LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN (we just want to read the event's length). */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT int Log_event::read_log_event(IO_CACHE* file, String* packet, pthread_mutex_t* log_lock) { ulong data_len; int result=0; char buf[LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN]; DBUG_ENTER("read_log_event"); if (log_lock) pthread_mutex_lock(log_lock); if (my_b_read(file, (byte*) buf, sizeof(buf))) { /* If the read hits eof, we must report it as eof so the caller will know it can go into cond_wait to be woken up on the next update to the log. */ DBUG_PRINT("error",("file->error: %d", file->error)); if (!file->error) result= LOG_READ_EOF; else result= (file->error > 0 ? LOG_READ_TRUNC : LOG_READ_IO); goto end; } data_len= uint4korr(buf + EVENT_LEN_OFFSET); if (data_len < LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN || data_len > current_thd->variables.max_allowed_packet) { DBUG_PRINT("error",("data_len: %ld", data_len)); result= ((data_len < LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN) ? LOG_READ_BOGUS : LOG_READ_TOO_LARGE); goto end; } packet->append(buf, sizeof(buf)); data_len-= LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN; if (data_len) { if (packet->append(file, data_len)) { /* Here if we hit EOF it's really an error: as data_len is >=0 there's supposed to be more bytes available. EOF means we are reading the event partially, which should never happen: either we read badly or the binlog is truncated. */ result= file->error >= 0 ? LOG_READ_TRUNC: LOG_READ_IO; /* Implicit goto end; */ } } end: if (log_lock) pthread_mutex_unlock(log_lock); DBUG_RETURN(result); } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT #define UNLOCK_MUTEX if (log_lock) pthread_mutex_unlock(log_lock); #define LOCK_MUTEX if (log_lock) pthread_mutex_lock(log_lock); #define max_allowed_packet current_thd->variables.max_allowed_packet #else #define UNLOCK_MUTEX #define LOCK_MUTEX #endif /* Log_event::read_log_event() NOTE: Allocates memory; The caller is responsible for clean-up. */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT Log_event* Log_event::read_log_event(IO_CACHE* file, pthread_mutex_t* log_lock, const Format_description_log_event *description_event) #else Log_event* Log_event::read_log_event(IO_CACHE* file, const Format_description_log_event *description_event) #endif { DBUG_ASSERT(description_event); char head[LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN]; /* First we only want to read at most LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN, just to check the event for sanity and to know its length; no need to really parse it. We say "at most" because this could be a 3.23 master, which has header of 13 bytes, whereas LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN is 19 bytes (it's "minimal" over the set {MySQL >=4.0}). */ uint header_size= min(description_event->common_header_len, LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN); LOCK_MUTEX; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("my_b_tell=%lu", my_b_tell(file))); if (my_b_read(file, (byte *) head, header_size)) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Log_event::read_log_event(IO_CACHE*,Format_desc*) \ failed my_b_read")); UNLOCK_MUTEX; /* No error here; it could be that we are at the file's end. However if the next my_b_read() fails (below), it will be an error as we were able to read the first bytes. */ return 0; } uint data_len = uint4korr(head + EVENT_LEN_OFFSET); char *buf= 0; const char *error= 0; Log_event *res= 0; if (data_len > max_allowed_packet) { error = "Event too big"; goto err; } if (data_len < header_size) { error = "Event too small"; goto err; } // some events use the extra byte to null-terminate strings if (!(buf = my_malloc(data_len+1, MYF(MY_WME)))) { error = "Out of memory"; goto err; } buf[data_len] = 0; memcpy(buf, head, header_size); if (my_b_read(file, (byte*) buf + header_size, data_len - header_size)) { error = "read error"; goto err; } if ((res= read_log_event(buf, data_len, &error, description_event))) res->register_temp_buf(buf); err: UNLOCK_MUTEX; if (error) { sql_print_error("\ Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): '%s', data_len: %d, event_type: %d", error,data_len,head[EVENT_TYPE_OFFSET]); my_free(buf, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); /* The SQL slave thread will check if file->error<0 to know if there was an I/O error. Even if there is no "low-level" I/O errors with 'file', any of the high-level above errors is worrying enough to stop the SQL thread now ; as we are skipping the current event, going on with reading and successfully executing other events can only corrupt the slave's databases. So stop. */ file->error= -1; } return res; } /* Log_event::read_log_event() Binlog format tolerance is in (buf, event_len, description_event) constructors. */ Log_event* Log_event::read_log_event(const char* buf, uint event_len, const char **error, const Format_description_log_event *description_event) { DBUG_ENTER("Log_event::read_log_event(char*,...)"); DBUG_ASSERT(description_event); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("binlog_version=%d", description_event->binlog_version)); if (event_len < EVENT_LEN_OFFSET || (uint) event_len != uint4korr(buf+EVENT_LEN_OFFSET)) { *error="Sanity check failed"; // Needed to free buffer DBUG_RETURN(NULL); // general sanity check - will fail on a partial read } Log_event* ev = NULL; switch(buf[EVENT_TYPE_OFFSET]) { case QUERY_EVENT: ev = new Query_log_event(buf, event_len, description_event); break; case LOAD_EVENT: ev = new Create_file_log_event(buf, event_len, description_event); break; case NEW_LOAD_EVENT: ev = new Load_log_event(buf, event_len, description_event); break; case ROTATE_EVENT: ev = new Rotate_log_event(buf, event_len, description_event); break; #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION case SLAVE_EVENT: /* can never happen (unused event) */ ev = new Slave_log_event(buf, event_len); break; #endif /* HAVE_REPLICATION */ case CREATE_FILE_EVENT: ev = new Create_file_log_event(buf, event_len, description_event); break; case APPEND_BLOCK_EVENT: ev = new Append_block_log_event(buf, event_len, description_event); break; case DELETE_FILE_EVENT: ev = new Delete_file_log_event(buf, event_len, description_event); break; case EXEC_LOAD_EVENT: ev = new Execute_load_log_event(buf, event_len, description_event); break; case START_EVENT_V3: /* this is sent only by MySQL <=4.x */ ev = new Start_log_event_v3(buf, description_event); break; #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION case STOP_EVENT: ev = new Stop_log_event(buf, description_event); break; #endif /* HAVE_REPLICATION */ case INTVAR_EVENT: ev = new Intvar_log_event(buf, description_event); break; case RAND_EVENT: ev = new Rand_log_event(buf, description_event); break; case USER_VAR_EVENT: ev = new User_var_log_event(buf, description_event); break; case FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT: ev = new Format_description_log_event(buf, event_len, description_event); break; default: break; } /* is_valid() are small event-specific sanity tests which are important; for example there are some my_malloc() in constructors (e.g. Query_log_event::Query_log_event(char*...)); when these my_malloc() fail we can't return an error out of the constructor (because constructor is "void") ; so instead we leave the pointer we wanted to allocate (e.g. 'query') to 0 and we test it in is_valid(). Same for Format_description_log_event, member 'post_header_len'. */ if (!ev || !ev->is_valid()) { delete ev; #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT if (!force_opt) /* then mysqlbinlog dies */ { *error= "Found invalid event in binary log"; DBUG_RETURN(0); } ev= new Unknown_log_event(buf, description_event); #else *error= "Found invalid event in binary log"; DBUG_RETURN(0); #endif } ev->cached_event_len = event_len; DBUG_RETURN(ev); } #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT /* Log_event::print_header() */ void Log_event::print_header(FILE* file) { char llbuff[22]; fputc('#', file); print_timestamp(file); fprintf(file, " server id %d end_log_pos %s ", server_id, llstr(log_pos,llbuff)); } /* Log_event::print_timestamp() */ void Log_event::print_timestamp(FILE* file, time_t* ts) { struct tm *res; if (!ts) ts = &when; #ifdef MYSQL_SERVER // This is always false struct tm tm_tmp; localtime_r(ts,(res= &tm_tmp)); #else res=localtime(ts); #endif fprintf(file,"%02d%02d%02d %2d:%02d:%02d", res->tm_year % 100, res->tm_mon+1, res->tm_mday, res->tm_hour, res->tm_min, res->tm_sec); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Log_event::set_log_pos() Only used when we are writing an event which we created, to the BINlog. That is, when we have parsed and executed a query; we then want to set the event's log_pos to what it is going to be in the binlog after we write it. Note that this is the position of the END of the event. */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT void Log_event::set_log_pos(MYSQL_LOG* log) { /* Note that with a SEQ_READ_APPEND cache, my_b_tell() does not work well. So this will give slightly wrong positions for the Format_desc/Rotate/Stop events which the slave writes to its relay log. For example, the initial Format_desc will have end_log_pos=91 instead of 95. Because after writing the first 4 bytes of the relay log, my_b_tell() still reports 0. Because my_b_append() does not update the counter which my_b_tell() later uses (one should probably use my_b_append_tell() to work around this). To get right positions even when writing to the relay log, we use the (new) my_b_safe_tell(). Note that this raises a question on the correctness of all these DBUG_ASSERT(my_b_tell()=rli->event_relay_log_pos). */ if (!log_pos) log_pos = my_b_safe_tell(&log->log_file)+get_event_len(); } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ /************************************************************************** Query_log_event methods **************************************************************************/ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) /* Query_log_event::pack_info() This (which is used only for SHOW BINLOG EVENTS) could be updated to print SET @@session_var=. But this is not urgent, as SHOW BINLOG EVENTS is only an information, it does not produce suitable queries to replay (for example it does not print LOAD DATA INFILE). */ void Query_log_event::pack_info(Protocol *protocol) { // TODO: show the catalog ?? char *buf, *pos; if (!(buf= my_malloc(9 + db_len + q_len, MYF(MY_WME)))) return; pos= buf; if (db && db_len) { pos= strmov(buf, "use `"); memcpy(pos, db, db_len); pos= strmov(pos+db_len, "`; "); } if (query && q_len) { memcpy(pos, query, q_len); pos+= q_len; } protocol->store(buf, pos-buf, &my_charset_bin); my_free(buf, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); } #endif /* Query_log_event::write() */ int Query_log_event::write(IO_CACHE* file) { return query ? Log_event::write(file) : -1; } /* Query_log_event::write_data() */ int Query_log_event::write_data(IO_CACHE* file) { char buf[QUERY_HEADER_LEN+1+4+1+8+1+1+catalog_len]; if (!query) return -1; /* We want to store the thread id: (- as an information for the user when he reads the binlog) - if the query uses temporary table: for the slave SQL thread to know to which master connection the temp table belongs. Now imagine we (write_data()) are called by the slave SQL thread (we are logging a query executed by this thread; the slave runs with --log-slave-updates). Then this query will be logged with thread_id=the_thread_id_of_the_SQL_thread. Imagine that 2 temp tables of the same name were created simultaneously on the master (in the master binlog you have CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t; (thread 1) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t; (thread 2) ...) then in the slave's binlog there will be CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t; (thread_id_of_the_slave_SQL_thread) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t; (thread_id_of_the_slave_SQL_thread) which is bad (same thread id!). To avoid this, we log the thread's thread id EXCEPT for the SQL slave thread for which we log the original (master's) thread id. Now this moves the bug: what happens if the thread id on the master was 10 and when the slave replicates the query, a connection number 10 is opened by a normal client on the slave, and updates a temp table of the same name? We get a problem again. To avoid this, in the handling of temp tables (sql_base.cc) we use thread_id AND server_id. TODO when this is merged into 4.1: in 4.1, slave_proxy_id has been renamed to pseudo_thread_id and is a session variable: that's to make mysqlbinlog work with temp tables. We probably need to introduce SET PSEUDO_SERVER_ID for mysqlbinlog in 4.1. mysqlbinlog would print: SET PSEUDO_SERVER_ID= SET PSEUDO_THREAD_ID= for each query using temp tables. */ int4store(buf + Q_THREAD_ID_OFFSET, slave_proxy_id); int4store(buf + Q_EXEC_TIME_OFFSET, exec_time); buf[Q_DB_LEN_OFFSET] = (char) db_len; int2store(buf + Q_ERR_CODE_OFFSET, error_code); int2store(buf + Q_STATUS_VARS_LEN_OFFSET, status_vars_len); /* You MUST always write status vars in increasing order of code. This guarantees that a slightly older slave will be able to parse those he knows. */ char* start= buf+QUERY_HEADER_LEN; if (flags2_inited) { *(start++)= Q_FLAGS2_CODE; int4store(start, flags2); start+= 4; } if (sql_mode_inited) { *(start++)= Q_SQL_MODE_CODE; int8store(start, sql_mode); start+= 8; } if (catalog) { *(start++)= Q_CATALOG_CODE; *(start++)= catalog_len; bmove(start, catalog, catalog_len); start+= catalog_len; /* We write a \0 at the end. As we also have written the length, it's apparently useless; but in fact it enables us to just do catalog= a_pointer_to_the_buffer_of_the_read_event later in the slave SQL thread. If we didn't have the \0, we would need to memdup to build the catalog in the slave SQL thread. And still the interest of having the length too is that in the slave SQL thread we immediately know at which position the catalog ends (no need to search for '\0'. In other words: length saves search, \0 saves mem alloc, at the cost of 1 redundant byte on the disk. Note that this is only a fix until we change 'catalog' to LEX_STRING (then we won't need the \0). */ *(start++)= '\0'; } /* Here there could be code like if (command-line-option-which-says-"log_this_variable") { *(start++)= Q_THIS_VARIABLE_CODE; int4store(start, this_variable); start+= 4; } */ return (my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) buf, (start-buf)) || my_b_safe_write(file, (db) ? (byte*) db : (byte*)"", db_len + 1) || my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) query, q_len)) ? -1 : 0; } /* Query_log_event::Query_log_event() */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT Query_log_event::Query_log_event(THD* thd_arg, const char* query_arg, ulong query_length, bool using_trans) :Log_event(thd_arg, !thd_arg->tmp_table_used ? 0 : LOG_EVENT_THREAD_SPECIFIC_F, using_trans), data_buf(0), query(query_arg), catalog(thd_arg->catalog), db(thd_arg->db), q_len((uint32) query_length), error_code(thd_arg->killed != THD::NOT_KILLED ? thd->killed_errno() : thd_arg->net.last_errno), thread_id(thd_arg->thread_id), /* save the original thread id; we already know the server id */ slave_proxy_id(thd_arg->variables.pseudo_thread_id), flags2_inited(1), sql_mode_inited(1), flags2(0), sql_mode(0) { time_t end_time; time(&end_time); exec_time = (ulong) (end_time - thd->start_time); catalog_len = (catalog) ? (uint32) strlen(catalog) : 0; status_vars_len= 1+4+1+8+1+1+catalog_len+1; db_len = (db) ? (uint32) strlen(db) : 0; /* If we don't use flags2 for anything else than options contained in thd->options, it would be more efficient to flags2=thd_arg->options (OPTIONS_WRITTEN_TO_BINLOG would be used only at reading time). But it's likely that we don't want to use 32 bits for 3 bits; in the future we will probably want to reclaim the 29 bits. So we need the &. */ flags2= thd_arg->options & OPTIONS_WRITTEN_TO_BIN_LOG; sql_mode= thd_arg->variables.sql_mode; DBUG_PRINT("info",("Query_log_event has flags2=%lu sql_mode=%lu",flags2,sql_mode)); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Query_log_event::Query_log_event() This is used by the SQL slave thread to prepare the event before execution. */ Query_log_event::Query_log_event(const char* buf, uint event_len, const Format_description_log_event *description_event) :Log_event(buf, description_event), data_buf(0), query(NULL), catalog(NULL), db(NULL), catalog_len(0), status_vars_len(0), flags2_inited(0), sql_mode_inited(0) { ulong data_len; uint8 common_header_len, post_header_len; DBUG_ENTER("Query_log_event::Query_log_event(char*,...)"); common_header_len= description_event->common_header_len; post_header_len= description_event->post_header_len[QUERY_EVENT-1]; DBUG_PRINT("info",("event_len=%ld, common_header_len=%d, post_header_len=%d", event_len, common_header_len, post_header_len)); /* We test if the event's length is sensible, and if so we compute data_len. We cannot rely on QUERY_HEADER_LEN here as it would not be format-tolerant. We use QUERY_HEADER_MINIMAL_LEN which is the same for 3.23, 4.0 & 5.0. */ if (event_len < (uint)(common_header_len + post_header_len)) return; data_len = event_len - (common_header_len + post_header_len); buf+= common_header_len; slave_proxy_id= thread_id = uint4korr(buf + Q_THREAD_ID_OFFSET); exec_time = uint4korr(buf + Q_EXEC_TIME_OFFSET); db_len = (uint)buf[Q_DB_LEN_OFFSET]; error_code = uint2korr(buf + Q_ERR_CODE_OFFSET); /* 5.0 format starts here. Depending on the format, we may or not have affected/warnings etc The remnent post-header to be parsed has length: */ uint32 tmp= post_header_len - QUERY_HEADER_MINIMAL_LEN; if (tmp) { status_vars_len= uint2korr(buf + Q_STATUS_VARS_LEN_OFFSET); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Query_log_event has status_vars_len=%d", status_vars_len)); tmp-= 2; } /* we have parsed everything we know in the post header */ #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (tmp) /* this is probably a master newer than us */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Query_log_event has longer post header than we know\ (%d more bytes)", tmp)); #endif /* Suppose you have a 4.0 master with --ansi and a 5.0 slave with --ansi. The slave sets flags2 to 0 (because that's a 4.0 event); if we simply use this value of 0, we will cancel --ansi on the slave, which is unwanted. In this example 0 means "unset", not really "set to 0". Fortunately we have flags2_inited==0 to distinguish between "unset" and "set to 0". See below. */ /* variable-part: the status vars; only in MySQL 5.0 */ const char* start= buf+post_header_len; const char* end= start+status_vars_len; /* The place from which we will start string duplication. */ const char* start_dup= end; for (const char* pos=start;posdb) { if (!(same_db = !memcmp(last_event_info->db, db, db_len + 1))) memcpy(last_event_info->db, db, db_len + 1); } if (db && db[0] && !same_db) fprintf(file, "use %s;\n", db); end=int10_to_str((long) when, strmov(buff,"SET TIMESTAMP="),10); *end++=';'; *end++='\n'; my_fwrite(file, (byte*) buff, (uint) (end-buff),MYF(MY_NABP | MY_WME)); if (flags & LOG_EVENT_THREAD_SPECIFIC_F) fprintf(file,"SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=%lu;\n",(ulong)thread_id); /* Now the session variables; it's more efficient to pass SQL_MODE as a number instead of a comma-separated list. FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL, UNIQUE_CHECKS are session-only variables (they have no global version; they're not listed in sql_class.h), The tests below work for pure binlogs or pure relay logs. Won't work for mixed relay logs but we don't create mixed relay logs (that is, there is no relay log with a format change except within the 3 first events, which mysqlbinlog handles gracefully). So this code should always be good. */ uint32 tmp; if (likely(flags2_inited)) /* likely as this will mainly read 5.0 logs */ { /* tmp is a bitmask of bits which have changed. */ if (likely(last_event_info->flags2_inited)) /* All bits which have changed */ tmp= (last_event_info->flags2) ^ flags2; else /* that's the first Query event we read */ { last_event_info->flags2_inited= 1; tmp= ~((uint32)0); /* all bits have changed */ } if (unlikely(tmp)) /* some bits have changed */ { bool need_comma= 0; fprintf(file, "SET "); print_set_option(file, tmp, OPTION_NO_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, ~flags2, "@@session.foreign_key_checks", &need_comma); print_set_option(file, tmp, OPTION_AUTO_IS_NULL, flags2, "@@session.sql_auto_is_null", &need_comma); print_set_option(file, tmp, OPTION_RELAXED_UNIQUE_CHECKS, ~flags2, "@@session.unique_checks", &need_comma); fprintf(file,";\n"); last_event_info->flags2= flags2; } } /* If flags2_inited==0, this is an event from 3.23 or 4.0; nothing to print (remember we don't produce mixed relay logs so there cannot be 5.0 events before that one so there is nothing to reset). */ if (likely(sql_mode_inited)) { if (unlikely(!last_event_info->sql_mode_inited)) /* first Query event */ { last_event_info->sql_mode_inited= 1; last_event_info->sql_mode= ~sql_mode; // force a difference to force write } if (unlikely(last_event_info->sql_mode != sql_mode)) { fprintf(file,"SET @@session.sql_mode=%lu;\n",(ulong)sql_mode); last_event_info->sql_mode= sql_mode; } } my_fwrite(file, (byte*) query, q_len, MYF(MY_NABP | MY_WME)); fprintf(file, ";\n"); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Query_log_event::exec_event() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) int Query_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { int expected_error,actual_error= 0; /* Colleagues: please never free(thd->catalog) in MySQL. This would lead to bugs as here thd->catalog is a part of an alloced block, not an entire alloced block (see Query_log_event::exec_event()). Same for thd->db. Thank you. */ thd->catalog= (char*) catalog; thd->db= (char*) rewrite_db(db); /* InnoDB internally stores the master log position it has executed so far, i.e. the position just after the COMMIT event. When InnoDB will want to store, the positions in rli won't have been updated yet, so group_master_log_* will point to old BEGIN and event_master_log* will point to the beginning of current COMMIT. But log_pos of the COMMIT Query event is what we want, i.e. the pos of the END of the current log event (COMMIT). We save it in rli so that InnoDB can access it. */ rli->future_group_master_log_pos= log_pos; if (db_ok(thd->db, replicate_do_db, replicate_ignore_db)) { thd->set_time((time_t)when); thd->query_length= q_len; thd->query = (char*)query; VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count)); thd->query_id = query_id++; VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count)); thd->query_error= 0; // clear error thd->clear_error(); thd->variables.pseudo_thread_id= thread_id; // for temp tables if (flags2_inited) /* all bits of thd->options which are 1 in OPTIONS_WRITTEN_TO_BIN_LOG must take their value from flags2. */ thd->options= flags2|(thd->options & ~(ulong)OPTIONS_WRITTEN_TO_BIN_LOG); /* else, we are in a 3.23/4.0 binlog; we previously received a Rotate_log_event which reset thd->options and sql_mode, so nothing to do. */ /* We do not replicate IGNORE_DIR_IN_CREATE. That is, if the master is a slave which runs with SQL_MODE=IGNORE_DIR_IN_CREATE, this should not force us to ignore the dir too. Imagine you are a ring of machines, and one has a disk problem so that you temporarily need IGNORE_DIR_IN_CREATE on this machine; you don't want it to propagate elsewhere (you don't want all slaves to start ignoring the dirs). */ if (sql_mode_inited) thd->variables.sql_mode= (thd->variables.sql_mode&MODE_NO_DIR_IN_CREATE)| (sql_mode & ~(uint32)MODE_NO_DIR_IN_CREATE); /* Sanity check to make sure the master did not get a really bad error on the query (for example, if the query on the master was killed, we don't want to play it on the slave, because we don't know how much of it we have to play). */ if (ignored_error_code((expected_error = error_code)) || !check_expected_error(thd,rli,expected_error)) { mysql_log.write(thd,COM_QUERY,"%s",thd->query); DBUG_PRINT("query",("%s",thd->query)); mysql_parse(thd, thd->query, q_len); /* If we expected a non-zero error code, and we don't get the same error code, and none of them should be ignored. */ DBUG_PRINT("info",("expected_error: %d last_errno: %d", expected_error, thd->net.last_errno)); if ((expected_error != (actual_error= thd->net.last_errno)) && expected_error && !ignored_error_code(actual_error) && !ignored_error_code(expected_error)) { slave_print_error(rli, 0, "\ Query '%s' caused different errors on master and slave. \ Error on master: '%s' (%d), Error on slave: '%s' (%d). \ Default database: '%s'", query, ER_SAFE(expected_error), expected_error, actual_error ? thd->net.last_error: "no error", actual_error, print_slave_db_safe(db)); thd->query_error= 1; } /* If we get the same error code as expected, or they should be ignored. */ else if (expected_error == actual_error || ignored_error_code(actual_error)) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("error ignored")); thd->query_error = 0; *rli->last_slave_error = 0; rli->last_slave_errno = 0; } /* Other cases: mostly we expected no error and get one. */ else if (thd->query_error || thd->is_fatal_error) { slave_print_error(rli,actual_error, "Error '%s' on query '%s'. Default database: '%s'", (actual_error ? thd->net.last_error : "unexpected success or fatal error"), query, print_slave_db_safe(db)); thd->query_error= 1; } /* TODO: compare the values of "affected rows" around here. Something like: if ((uint32) affected_in_event != (uint32) affected_on_slave) { sql_print_error("Slave: did not get the expected number of affected \ rows running query from master - expected %d, got %d (this numbers \ should have matched modulo 4294967296).", 0, ...); thd->query_error = 1; } We may also want an option to tell the slave to ignore "affected" mismatch. This mismatch could be implemented with a new ER_ code, and to ignore it you would use --slave-skip-errors... To do the comparison we need to know the value of "affected" which the above mysql_parse() computed. And we need to know the value of "affected" in the master's binlog. Both will be implemented later. The important thing is that we now have the format ready to log the values of "affected" in the binlog. So we can release 5.0.0 before effectively logging "affected" and effectively comparing it. */ } /* End of sanity check. If the test was false, the query got a really bad error on the master, which could be inconsistent. check_expected_error() already printed the message to stderr and rli, to tell the DBA to fix things, and it has set thd->query_error to 1. */ } /* End of if (db_ok(... */ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count)); /* Probably we have set thd->query, thd->db, thd->catalog to point to places in the data_buf of this event. Now the event is going to be deleted probably, so data_buf will be freed, so the thd->... listed above will be pointers to freed memory. So we must set them to 0, so that those bad pointers values are not later used. Note that "cleanup" queries (automatic DO RELEASE_LOCK() and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE don't suffer from these assignments to 0 as DROP TEMPORARY TABLE uses the db.table syntax). */ thd->db= thd->query= thd->catalog =0; VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count)); // assume no convert for next query unless set explictly #ifdef TO_BE_REMOVED thd->variables.convert_set = 0; #endif close_thread_tables(thd); free_root(&thd->mem_root,0); return (thd->query_error ? thd->query_error : Log_event::exec_event(rli)); } #endif /************************************************************************** Start_log_event_v3 methods **************************************************************************/ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT Start_log_event_v3::Start_log_event_v3() :Log_event(), binlog_version(BINLOG_VERSION) { created= when; memcpy(server_version, ::server_version, ST_SERVER_VER_LEN); } #endif /* Start_log_event_v3::pack_info() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) void Start_log_event_v3::pack_info(Protocol *protocol) { char buf[12 + ST_SERVER_VER_LEN + 14 + 22], *pos; pos= strmov(buf, "Server ver: "); pos= strmov(pos, server_version); pos= strmov(pos, ", Binlog ver: "); pos= int10_to_str(binlog_version, pos, 10); protocol->store(buf, (uint) (pos-buf), &my_charset_bin); } #endif /* Start_log_event_v3::print() */ #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void Start_log_event_v3::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { if (!short_form) { print_header(file); fprintf(file, "\tStart: binlog v %d, server v %s created ", binlog_version, server_version); print_timestamp(file); if (created) fprintf(file," at startup"); fputc('\n', file); } #ifdef WHEN_WE_HAVE_THE_RESET_CONNECTION_SQL_COMMAND /* This is for mysqlbinlog: like in replication, we want to delete the stale tmp files left by an unclean shutdown of mysqld (temporary tables). Probably this can be done with RESET CONNECTION (syntax to be defined). */ fprintf(file,"RESET CONNECTION;\n"); #endif fflush(file); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Start_log_event_v3::Start_log_event_v3() */ Start_log_event_v3::Start_log_event_v3(const char* buf, const Format_description_log_event* description_event) :Log_event(buf, description_event) { buf += description_event->common_header_len; binlog_version = uint2korr(buf+ST_BINLOG_VER_OFFSET); memcpy(server_version, buf+ST_SERVER_VER_OFFSET, ST_SERVER_VER_LEN); created = uint4korr(buf+ST_CREATED_OFFSET); } /* Start_log_event_v3::write_data() */ int Start_log_event_v3::write_data(IO_CACHE* file) { char buff[START_V3_HEADER_LEN]; int2store(buff + ST_BINLOG_VER_OFFSET,binlog_version); memcpy(buff + ST_SERVER_VER_OFFSET,server_version,ST_SERVER_VER_LEN); int4store(buff + ST_CREATED_OFFSET,created); return (my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) buff, sizeof(buff)) ? -1 : 0); } /* Start_log_event_v3::exec_event() The master started IMPLEMENTATION - To handle the case where the master died without having time to write DROP TEMPORARY TABLE, DO RELEASE_LOCK (prepared statements' deletion is TODO), we clean up all temporary tables that we got, if we are sure we can (see below). TODO - Remove all active user locks. Guilhem 2003-06: this is true but not urgent: the worst it can cause is the use of a bit of memory for a user lock which will not be used anymore. If the user lock is later used, the old one will be released. In other words, no deadlock problem. */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) int Start_log_event_v3::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { DBUG_ENTER("Start_log_event_v3::exec_event"); switch (rli->relay_log.description_event_for_exec->binlog_version) { case 3: case 4: /* This can either be 4.x (then a Start_log_event_v3 is only at master startup so we are sure the master has restarted and cleared his temp tables; the event always has 'created'>0) or 5.0 (then we have to test 'created'). */ if (created) { close_temporary_tables(thd); cleanup_load_tmpdir(); } /* As a transaction NEVER spans on 2 or more binlogs: if we have an active transaction at this point, the master died while writing the transaction to the binary log, i.e. while flushing the binlog cache to the binlog. As the write was started, the transaction had been committed on the master, so we lack of information to replay this transaction on the slave; all we can do is stop with error. Note: this event could be sent by the master to inform us of the format of its binlog; in other words maybe it is not at its original place when it comes to us; we'll know this by checking log_pos ("artificial" events have log_pos == 0). */ if (log_pos && (thd->options & OPTION_BEGIN)) { slave_print_error(rli, 0, "\ Rolling back unfinished transaction (no COMMIT or ROLLBACK) from relay log. \ Probably cause is that the master died while writing the transaction to it's \ binary log."); return(1); } break; /* Now the older formats; in that case load_tmpdir is cleaned up by the I/O thread. */ case 1: if (strncmp(rli->relay_log.description_event_for_exec->server_version, "3.23.57",7) >= 0 && created) { /* Can distinguish, based on the value of 'created': this event was generated at master startup. */ close_temporary_tables(thd); } /* Otherwise, can't distinguish a Start_log_event generated at master startup and one generated by master FLUSH LOGS, so cannot be sure temp tables have to be dropped. So do nothing. */ break; default: /* this case is impossible */ DBUG_RETURN(1); } DBUG_RETURN(Log_event::exec_event(rli)); } #endif /* defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) */ /*************************************************************************** Format_description_log_event methods ****************************************************************************/ /* Format_description_log_event 1st ctor. SYNOPSIS Format_description_log_event::Format_description_log_event binlog_version the binlog version for which we want to build an event. Can be 1 (=MySQL 3.23), 3 (=4.0.x x>=2 and 4.1) or 4 (MySQL 5.0). Note that the old 4.0 (binlog version 2) is not supported; it should not be used for replication with 5.0. DESCRIPTION Ctor. Can be used to create the event to write to the binary log (when the server starts or when FLUSH LOGS), or to create artificial events to parse binlogs from MySQL 3.23 or 4.x. When in a client, only the 2nd use is possible. TODO Update this code with the new event for LOAD DATA, once they are pushed (in 4.1 or 5.0). If it's in 5.0, only the "case 4" block should be updated. */ Format_description_log_event::Format_description_log_event(uint8 binlog_ver, const char* server_ver) : Start_log_event_v3() { created= when; binlog_version= binlog_ver; switch(binlog_ver) { case 4: /* MySQL 5.0 */ memcpy(server_version, ::server_version, ST_SERVER_VER_LEN); common_header_len= LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN; number_of_event_types= LOG_EVENT_TYPES; /* we'll catch my_malloc() error in is_valid() */ post_header_len=(uint8*) my_malloc(number_of_event_types*sizeof(uint8), MYF(0)); /* This long list of assignments is not beautiful, but I see no way to make it nicer, as the right members are #defines, not array members, so it's impossible to write a loop. */ if (post_header_len) { post_header_len[START_EVENT_V3-1]= START_V3_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[QUERY_EVENT-1]= QUERY_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[STOP_EVENT-1]= 0; post_header_len[ROTATE_EVENT-1]= ROTATE_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[INTVAR_EVENT-1]= 0; post_header_len[LOAD_EVENT-1]= LOAD_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[SLAVE_EVENT-1]= 0; post_header_len[CREATE_FILE_EVENT-1]= CREATE_FILE_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[APPEND_BLOCK_EVENT-1]= APPEND_BLOCK_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[EXEC_LOAD_EVENT-1]= EXEC_LOAD_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[DELETE_FILE_EVENT-1]= DELETE_FILE_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[NEW_LOAD_EVENT-1]= post_header_len[LOAD_EVENT-1]; post_header_len[RAND_EVENT-1]= 0; post_header_len[USER_VAR_EVENT-1]= 0; post_header_len[FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT-1]= FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_HEADER_LEN; } break; case 1: /* 3.23 */ case 3: /* 4.0.x x>=2 */ /* We build an artificial (i.e. not sent by the master) event, which describes what those old master versions send. */ if (binlog_ver==1) strmov(server_version, server_ver ? server_ver : "3.23"); else strmov(server_version, server_ver ? server_ver : "4.0"); common_header_len= binlog_ver==1 ? OLD_HEADER_LEN : LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN; /* The first new event in binlog version 4 is Format_desc. So any event type after that does not exist in older versions. We use the events known by version 3, even if version 1 had only a subset of them (this is not a problem: it uses a few bytes for nothing but unifies code; it does not make the slave detect less corruptions). */ number_of_event_types= FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT - 1; post_header_len=(uint8*) my_malloc(number_of_event_types*sizeof(uint8), MYF(0)); if (post_header_len) { post_header_len[START_EVENT_V3-1]= START_V3_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[QUERY_EVENT-1]= QUERY_HEADER_MINIMAL_LEN; post_header_len[STOP_EVENT-1]= 0; post_header_len[ROTATE_EVENT-1]= (binlog_ver==1) ? 0 : ROTATE_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[INTVAR_EVENT-1]= 0; post_header_len[LOAD_EVENT-1]= LOAD_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[SLAVE_EVENT-1]= 0; post_header_len[CREATE_FILE_EVENT-1]= CREATE_FILE_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[APPEND_BLOCK_EVENT-1]= APPEND_BLOCK_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[EXEC_LOAD_EVENT-1]= EXEC_LOAD_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[DELETE_FILE_EVENT-1]= DELETE_FILE_HEADER_LEN; post_header_len[NEW_LOAD_EVENT-1]= post_header_len[LOAD_EVENT-1]; post_header_len[RAND_EVENT-1]= 0; post_header_len[USER_VAR_EVENT-1]= 0; } break; default: /* Includes binlog version 2 i.e. 4.0.x x<=1 */ post_header_len= 0; /* will make is_valid() fail */ break; } } Format_description_log_event::Format_description_log_event(const char* buf, uint event_len, const Format_description_log_event* description_event) /* The problem with this constructor is that the fixed header may have a length different from this version, but we don't know this length as we have not read the Format_description_log_event which says it, yet. This length is in the post-header of the event, but we don't know where the post-header starts. So this type of event HAS to: - either have the header's length at the beginning (in the header, at a fixed position which will never be changed), not in the post-header. That would make the header be "shifted" compared to other events. - or have a header of size LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN (19), in all future versions, so that we know for sure. I (Guilhem) chose the 2nd solution. Rotate has the same constraint (because it is sent before Format_description_log_event). */ :Start_log_event_v3(buf, description_event) { DBUG_ENTER("Format_description_log_event::Format_description_log_event(char*,...)"); buf+= LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN; if ((common_header_len=buf[ST_COMMON_HEADER_LEN_OFFSET]) < OLD_HEADER_LEN) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; /* sanity check */ number_of_event_types= event_len-(LOG_EVENT_MINIMAL_HEADER_LEN+ST_COMMON_HEADER_LEN_OFFSET+1); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("common_header_len=%d number_of_event_types=%d", common_header_len, number_of_event_types)); /* If alloc fails, we'll detect it in is_valid() */ post_header_len= (uint8*) my_memdup(buf+ST_COMMON_HEADER_LEN_OFFSET+1, number_of_event_types* sizeof(*post_header_len), MYF(0)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } int Format_description_log_event::write_data(IO_CACHE* file) { /* We don't call Start_log_event_v3::write_data() because this would make 2 my_b_safe_write(). */ char buff[FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_HEADER_LEN]; int2store(buff + ST_BINLOG_VER_OFFSET,binlog_version); memcpy(buff + ST_SERVER_VER_OFFSET,server_version,ST_SERVER_VER_LEN); int4store(buff + ST_CREATED_OFFSET,created); buff[ST_COMMON_HEADER_LEN_OFFSET]= LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN; memcpy(buff+ST_COMMON_HEADER_LEN_OFFSET+1, (byte*) post_header_len, LOG_EVENT_TYPES); return (my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) buff, sizeof(buff)) ? -1 : 0); } /* SYNOPSIS Format_description_log_event::exec_event() IMPLEMENTATION Save the information which describes the binlog's format, to be able to read all coming events. Call Start_log_event_v3::exec_event(). */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) int Format_description_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { DBUG_ENTER("Format_description_log_event::exec_event"); /* save the information describing this binlog */ delete rli->relay_log.description_event_for_exec; rli->relay_log.description_event_for_exec= this; /* If this event comes from ourselves, there is no cleaning task to perform, we don't call Start_log_event_v3::exec_event() (this was just to update the log's description event). */ if (server_id == (uint32) ::server_id) { /* Do not modify rli->group_master_log_pos, as this event did not exist on the master. That is, just update the *relay log* coordinates; this is done by passing log_pos=0 to inc_group_relay_log_pos, like we do in Stop_log_event::exec_event(). If in a transaction, don't touch group_* coordinates. */ if (thd->options & OPTION_BEGIN) rli->inc_event_relay_log_pos(); else { rli->inc_group_relay_log_pos(0); flush_relay_log_info(rli); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* If the event was not requested by the slave i.e. the master sent it while the slave asked for a position >4, the event will make rli->group_master_log_pos advance. Say that the slave asked for position 1000, and the Format_desc event's end is 95. Then in the beginning of replication rli->group_master_log_pos will be 0, then 95, then jump to first really asked event (which is >95). So this is ok. */ DBUG_RETURN(Start_log_event_v3::exec_event(rli)); } #endif /************************************************************************** Load_log_event methods General note about Load_log_event: the binlogging of LOAD DATA INFILE is going to be changed in 5.0 (or maybe in 4.1; not decided yet). However, the 5.0 slave could still have to read such events (from a 4.x master), convert them (which just means maybe expand the header, when 5.0 servers have a UID in events) (remember that whatever is after the header will be like in 4.x, as this event's format is not modified in 5.0 as we will use new types of events to log the new LOAD DATA INFILE features). To be able to read/convert, we just need to not assume that the common header is of length LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN (we must use the description event). Note that I (Guilhem) manually tested replication of a big LOAD DATA INFILE between 3.23 and 5.0, and between 4.0 and 5.0, and it works fine (and the positions displayed in SHOW SLAVE STATUS then are fine too). **************************************************************************/ /* Load_log_event::pack_info() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) void Load_log_event::pack_info(Protocol *protocol) { char *buf, *pos; uint buf_len; buf_len= 5 + db_len + 3 + // "use DB; " 18 + fname_len + 2 + // "LOAD DATA INFILE 'file''" 7 + // LOCAL 9 + // " REPLACE or IGNORE " 11 + table_name_len + // "INTO TABLE table" 21 + sql_ex.field_term_len*4 + 2 + // " FIELDS TERMINATED BY 'str'" 23 + sql_ex.enclosed_len*4 + 2 + // " OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY 'str'" 12 + sql_ex.escaped_len*4 + 2 + // " ESCAPED BY 'str'" 21 + sql_ex.line_term_len*4 + 2 + // " FIELDS TERMINATED BY 'str'" 19 + sql_ex.line_start_len*4 + 2 + // " LINES STARTING BY 'str'" 15 + 22 + // " IGNORE xxx LINES" 3 + (num_fields-1)*2 + field_block_len; // " (field1, field2, ...)" if (!(buf= my_malloc(buf_len, MYF(MY_WME)))) return; pos= buf; if (db && db_len) { pos= strmov(pos, "use `"); memcpy(pos, db, db_len); pos= strmov(pos+db_len, "`; "); } pos= strmov(pos, "LOAD DATA "); if (check_fname_outside_temp_buf()) pos= strmov(pos, "LOCAL "); pos= strmov(pos, "INFILE '"); memcpy(pos, fname, fname_len); pos= strmov(pos+fname_len, "' "); if (sql_ex.opt_flags & REPLACE_FLAG) pos= strmov(pos, " REPLACE "); else if (sql_ex.opt_flags & IGNORE_FLAG) pos= strmov(pos, " IGNORE "); pos= strmov(pos ,"INTO TABLE "); memcpy(pos, table_name, table_name_len); pos+= table_name_len; if (sql_ex.field_term_len) { pos= strmov(pos, " FIELDS TERMINATED BY "); pos= pretty_print_str(pos, sql_ex.field_term, sql_ex.field_term_len); } if (sql_ex.enclosed_len) { if (sql_ex.opt_flags & OPT_ENCLOSED_FLAG) pos= strmov(pos, " OPTIONALLY "); pos= strmov(pos, " ENCLOSED BY "); pos= pretty_print_str(pos, sql_ex.enclosed, sql_ex.enclosed_len); } if (sql_ex.escaped_len) { pos= strmov(pos, " ESCAPED BY "); pos= pretty_print_str(pos, sql_ex.escaped, sql_ex.escaped_len); } bool line_lexem_added= false; if (sql_ex.line_term_len) { pos= strmov(pos, " LINES TERMINATED BY "); pos= pretty_print_str(pos, sql_ex.line_term, sql_ex.line_term_len); line_lexem_added= true; } if (sql_ex.line_start_len) { if (!line_lexem_added) pos= strmov(pos," LINES"); pos= strmov(pos, " STARTING BY "); pos= pretty_print_str(pos, sql_ex.line_start, sql_ex.line_start_len); } if ((long) skip_lines > 0) { pos= strmov(pos, " IGNORE "); pos= longlong10_to_str((longlong) skip_lines, pos, 10); pos= strmov(pos," LINES "); } if (num_fields) { uint i; const char *field= fields; pos= strmov(pos, " ("); for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { if (i) { *pos++= ' '; *pos++= ','; } memcpy(pos, field, field_lens[i]); pos+= field_lens[i]; field+= field_lens[i] + 1; } *pos++= ')'; } protocol->store(buf, pos-buf, &my_charset_bin); my_free(buf, MYF(0)); } #endif /* defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) */ /* Load_log_event::write_data_header() */ int Load_log_event::write_data_header(IO_CACHE* file) { char buf[LOAD_HEADER_LEN]; int4store(buf + L_THREAD_ID_OFFSET, slave_proxy_id); int4store(buf + L_EXEC_TIME_OFFSET, exec_time); int4store(buf + L_SKIP_LINES_OFFSET, skip_lines); buf[L_TBL_LEN_OFFSET] = (char)table_name_len; buf[L_DB_LEN_OFFSET] = (char)db_len; int4store(buf + L_NUM_FIELDS_OFFSET, num_fields); return my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*)buf, LOAD_HEADER_LEN); } /* Load_log_event::write_data_body() */ int Load_log_event::write_data_body(IO_CACHE* file) { if (sql_ex.write_data(file)) return 1; if (num_fields && fields && field_lens) { if (my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*)field_lens, num_fields) || my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*)fields, field_block_len)) return 1; } return (my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*)table_name, table_name_len + 1) || my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*)db, db_len + 1) || my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*)fname, fname_len)); } /* Load_log_event::Load_log_event() */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT Load_log_event::Load_log_event(THD *thd_arg, sql_exchange *ex, const char *db_arg, const char *table_name_arg, List &fields_arg, enum enum_duplicates handle_dup, bool using_trans) :Log_event(thd_arg, 0, using_trans), thread_id(thd_arg->thread_id), slave_proxy_id(thd_arg->variables.pseudo_thread_id), num_fields(0),fields(0), field_lens(0),field_block_len(0), table_name(table_name_arg ? table_name_arg : ""), db(db_arg), fname(ex->file_name) { time_t end_time; time(&end_time); exec_time = (ulong) (end_time - thd_arg->start_time); /* db can never be a zero pointer in 4.0 */ db_len = (uint32) strlen(db); table_name_len = (uint32) strlen(table_name); fname_len = (fname) ? (uint) strlen(fname) : 0; sql_ex.field_term = (char*) ex->field_term->ptr(); sql_ex.field_term_len = (uint8) ex->field_term->length(); sql_ex.enclosed = (char*) ex->enclosed->ptr(); sql_ex.enclosed_len = (uint8) ex->enclosed->length(); sql_ex.line_term = (char*) ex->line_term->ptr(); sql_ex.line_term_len = (uint8) ex->line_term->length(); sql_ex.line_start = (char*) ex->line_start->ptr(); sql_ex.line_start_len = (uint8) ex->line_start->length(); sql_ex.escaped = (char*) ex->escaped->ptr(); sql_ex.escaped_len = (uint8) ex->escaped->length(); sql_ex.opt_flags = 0; sql_ex.cached_new_format = -1; if (ex->dumpfile) sql_ex.opt_flags|= DUMPFILE_FLAG; if (ex->opt_enclosed) sql_ex.opt_flags|= OPT_ENCLOSED_FLAG; sql_ex.empty_flags= 0; switch (handle_dup) { case DUP_IGNORE: sql_ex.opt_flags|= IGNORE_FLAG; break; case DUP_REPLACE: sql_ex.opt_flags|= REPLACE_FLAG; break; case DUP_UPDATE: // Impossible here case DUP_ERROR: break; } if (!ex->field_term->length()) sql_ex.empty_flags |= FIELD_TERM_EMPTY; if (!ex->enclosed->length()) sql_ex.empty_flags |= ENCLOSED_EMPTY; if (!ex->line_term->length()) sql_ex.empty_flags |= LINE_TERM_EMPTY; if (!ex->line_start->length()) sql_ex.empty_flags |= LINE_START_EMPTY; if (!ex->escaped->length()) sql_ex.empty_flags |= ESCAPED_EMPTY; skip_lines = ex->skip_lines; List_iterator li(fields_arg); field_lens_buf.length(0); fields_buf.length(0); Item* item; while ((item = li++)) { num_fields++; uchar len = (uchar) strlen(item->name); field_block_len += len + 1; fields_buf.append(item->name, len + 1); field_lens_buf.append((char*)&len, 1); } field_lens = (const uchar*)field_lens_buf.ptr(); fields = fields_buf.ptr(); } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Load_log_event::Load_log_event() NOTE The caller must do buf[event_len] = 0 before he starts using the constructed event. */ Load_log_event::Load_log_event(const char *buf, uint event_len, const Format_description_log_event *description_event) :Log_event(buf, description_event),num_fields(0),fields(0), field_lens(0),field_block_len(0), table_name(0),db(0),fname(0) { if (!event_len) // derived class, will call copy_log_event() itself return; /* I (Guilhem) manually tested replication of LOAD DATA INFILE for 3.23->5.0, 4.0->5.0 and 5.0->5.0 and it works. */ copy_log_event(buf, event_len, ((buf[EVENT_TYPE_OFFSET] == LOAD_EVENT) ? LOAD_HEADER_LEN + description_event->common_header_len : LOAD_HEADER_LEN + LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN), description_event); } /* Load_log_event::copy_log_event() */ int Load_log_event::copy_log_event(const char *buf, ulong event_len, int body_offset, const Format_description_log_event *description_event) { uint data_len; char* buf_end = (char*)buf + event_len; /* this is the beginning of the post-header */ const char* data_head = buf + description_event->common_header_len; slave_proxy_id= thread_id= uint4korr(data_head + L_THREAD_ID_OFFSET); exec_time = uint4korr(data_head + L_EXEC_TIME_OFFSET); skip_lines = uint4korr(data_head + L_SKIP_LINES_OFFSET); table_name_len = (uint)data_head[L_TBL_LEN_OFFSET]; db_len = (uint)data_head[L_DB_LEN_OFFSET]; num_fields = uint4korr(data_head + L_NUM_FIELDS_OFFSET); if ((int) event_len < body_offset) return 1; /* Sql_ex.init() on success returns the pointer to the first byte after the sql_ex structure, which is the start of field lengths array. */ if (!(field_lens=(uchar*)sql_ex.init((char*)buf + body_offset, buf_end, buf[EVENT_TYPE_OFFSET] != LOAD_EVENT))) return 1; data_len = event_len - body_offset; if (num_fields > data_len) // simple sanity check against corruption return 1; for (uint i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) field_block_len += (uint)field_lens[i] + 1; fields = (char*)field_lens + num_fields; table_name = fields + field_block_len; db = table_name + table_name_len + 1; fname = db + db_len + 1; fname_len = strlen(fname); // null termination is accomplished by the caller doing buf[event_len]=0 /* In 5.0 this event will have the same format, as we are planning to log LOAD DATA INFILE in a completely different way (as a plain-text query) since 4.1 or 5.0 (Dmitri's WL#874) */ return 0; } /* Load_log_event::print() */ #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void Load_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { print(file, short_form, last_event_info, 0); } void Load_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info, bool commented) { if (!short_form) { print_header(file); fprintf(file, "\tQuery\tthread_id=%ld\texec_time=%ld\n", thread_id, exec_time); } bool same_db = 0; if (db && last_event_info->db) { if (!(same_db = !memcmp(last_event_info->db, db, db_len + 1))) memcpy(last_event_info->db, db, db_len + 1); } if (db && db[0] && !same_db) fprintf(file, "%suse %s;\n", commented ? "# " : "", db); fprintf(file, "%sLOAD DATA ", commented ? "# " : ""); if (check_fname_outside_temp_buf()) fprintf(file, "LOCAL "); fprintf(file, "INFILE '%-*s' ", fname_len, fname); if (sql_ex.opt_flags & REPLACE_FLAG) fprintf(file," REPLACE "); else if (sql_ex.opt_flags & IGNORE_FLAG) fprintf(file," IGNORE "); fprintf(file, "INTO TABLE %s ", table_name); if (sql_ex.field_term) { fprintf(file, " FIELDS TERMINATED BY "); pretty_print_str(file, sql_ex.field_term, sql_ex.field_term_len); } if (sql_ex.enclosed) { if (sql_ex.opt_flags & OPT_ENCLOSED_FLAG) fprintf(file," OPTIONALLY "); fprintf(file, " ENCLOSED BY "); pretty_print_str(file, sql_ex.enclosed, sql_ex.enclosed_len); } if (sql_ex.escaped) { fprintf(file, " ESCAPED BY "); pretty_print_str(file, sql_ex.escaped, sql_ex.escaped_len); } bool line_lexem_added= false; if (sql_ex.line_term) { fprintf(file," LINES TERMINATED BY "); pretty_print_str(file, sql_ex.line_term, sql_ex.line_term_len); line_lexem_added= true; } if (sql_ex.line_start) { if (!line_lexem_added) fprintf(file," LINES"); fprintf(file," STARTING BY "); pretty_print_str(file, sql_ex.line_start, sql_ex.line_start_len); } if ((long) skip_lines > 0) fprintf(file, " IGNORE %ld LINES", (long) skip_lines); if (num_fields) { uint i; const char* field = fields; fprintf(file, " ("); for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { if (i) fputc(',', file); fprintf(file, field); field += field_lens[i] + 1; } fputc(')', file); } fprintf(file, ";\n"); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Load_log_event::set_fields() */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT void Load_log_event::set_fields(List &field_list) { uint i; const char* field = fields; for (i= 0; i < num_fields; i++) { field_list.push_back(new Item_field(db, table_name, field)); field+= field_lens[i] + 1; } } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) /* Does the data loading job when executing a LOAD DATA on the slave SYNOPSIS Load_log_event::exec_event net rli use_rli_only_for_errors - if set to 1, rli is provided to Load_log_event::exec_event only for this function to have RPL_LOG_NAME and rli->last_slave_error, both being used by error reports. rli's position advancing is skipped (done by the caller which is Execute_load_log_event::exec_event). - if set to 0, rli is provided for full use, i.e. for error reports and position advancing. DESCRIPTION Does the data loading job when executing a LOAD DATA on the slave RETURN VALUE 0 Success 1 Failure */ int Load_log_event::exec_event(NET* net, struct st_relay_log_info* rli, bool use_rli_only_for_errors) { thd->db= (char*) rewrite_db(db); DBUG_ASSERT(thd->query == 0); thd->query = 0; // Should not be needed thd->query_error = 0; /* Saved for InnoDB, see comment in Query_log_event::exec_event() */ rli->future_group_master_log_pos= log_pos; /* We test replicate_*_db rules. Note that we have already prepared the file to load, even if we are going to ignore and delete it now. So it is possible that we did a lot of disk writes for nothing. In other words, a big LOAD DATA INFILE on the master will still consume a lot of space on the slave (space in the relay log + space of temp files: twice the space of the file to load...) even if it will finally be ignored. TODO: fix this; this can be done by testing rules in Create_file_log_event::exec_event() and then discarding Append_block and al. Another way is do the filtering in the I/O thread (more efficient: no disk writes at all). */ if (db_ok(thd->db, replicate_do_db, replicate_ignore_db)) { thd->set_time((time_t)when); VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count)); thd->query_id = query_id++; VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count)); TABLE_LIST tables; bzero((char*) &tables,sizeof(tables)); tables.db = thd->db; tables.alias = tables.real_name = (char*)table_name; tables.lock_type = TL_WRITE; tables.updating= 1; // the table will be opened in mysql_load if (table_rules_on && !tables_ok(thd, &tables)) { // TODO: this is a bug - this needs to be moved to the I/O thread if (net) skip_load_data_infile(net); } else { char llbuff[22]; enum enum_duplicates handle_dup; if (sql_ex.opt_flags & REPLACE_FLAG) handle_dup= DUP_REPLACE; else if (sql_ex.opt_flags & IGNORE_FLAG) handle_dup= DUP_IGNORE; else { /* When replication is running fine, if it was DUP_ERROR on the master then we could choose DUP_IGNORE here, because if DUP_ERROR suceeded on master, and data is identical on the master and slave, then there should be no uniqueness errors on slave, so DUP_IGNORE is the same as DUP_ERROR. But in the unlikely case of uniqueness errors (because the data on the master and slave happen to be different (user error or bug), we want LOAD DATA to print an error message on the slave to discover the problem. If reading from net (a 3.23 master), mysql_load() will change this to DUP_IGNORE. */ handle_dup= DUP_ERROR; } sql_exchange ex((char*)fname, sql_ex.opt_flags & DUMPFILE_FLAG); String field_term(sql_ex.field_term,sql_ex.field_term_len,log_cs); String enclosed(sql_ex.enclosed,sql_ex.enclosed_len,log_cs); String line_term(sql_ex.line_term,sql_ex.line_term_len,log_cs); String line_start(sql_ex.line_start,sql_ex.line_start_len,log_cs); String escaped(sql_ex.escaped,sql_ex.escaped_len, log_cs); ex.field_term= &field_term; ex.enclosed= &enclosed; ex.line_term= &line_term; ex.line_start= &line_start; ex.escaped= &escaped; ex.opt_enclosed = (sql_ex.opt_flags & OPT_ENCLOSED_FLAG); if (sql_ex.empty_flags & FIELD_TERM_EMPTY) ex.field_term->length(0); ex.skip_lines = skip_lines; List field_list; set_fields(field_list); thd->variables.pseudo_thread_id= thread_id; if (net) { // mysql_load will use thd->net to read the file thd->net.vio = net->vio; /* Make sure the client does not get confused about the packet sequence */ thd->net.pkt_nr = net->pkt_nr; } if (mysql_load(thd, &ex, &tables, field_list, handle_dup, net != 0, TL_WRITE)) thd->query_error = 1; if (thd->cuted_fields) { /* log_pos is the position of the LOAD event in the master log */ sql_print_error("\ Slave: load data infile on table '%s' at log position %s in log \ '%s' produced %ld warning(s). Default database: '%s'", (char*) table_name, llstr(log_pos,llbuff), RPL_LOG_NAME, (ulong) thd->cuted_fields, print_slave_db_safe(db)); } if (net) net->pkt_nr= thd->net.pkt_nr; } } else { /* We will just ask the master to send us /dev/null if we do not want to load the data. TODO: this a bug - needs to be done in I/O thread */ if (net) skip_load_data_infile(net); } thd->net.vio = 0; /* Same reason as in Query_log_event::exec_event() */ thd->db= thd->catalog= 0; close_thread_tables(thd); if (thd->query_error) { /* this err/sql_errno code is copy-paste from send_error() */ const char *err; int sql_errno; if ((err=thd->net.last_error)[0]) sql_errno=thd->net.last_errno; else { sql_errno=ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR; err=ER(sql_errno); } slave_print_error(rli,sql_errno,"\ Error '%s' running LOAD DATA INFILE on table '%s'. Default database: '%s'", err, (char*)table_name, print_slave_db_safe(db)); free_root(&thd->mem_root,0); return 1; } free_root(&thd->mem_root,0); if (thd->is_fatal_error) { slave_print_error(rli,ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "\ Fatal error running LOAD DATA INFILE on table '%s'. Default database: '%s'", (char*)table_name, print_slave_db_safe(db)); return 1; } return ( use_rli_only_for_errors ? 0 : Log_event::exec_event(rli) ); } #endif /************************************************************************** Rotate_log_event methods **************************************************************************/ /* Rotate_log_event::pack_info() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) void Rotate_log_event::pack_info(Protocol *protocol) { char buf1[256], buf[22]; String tmp(buf1, sizeof(buf1), log_cs); tmp.length(0); tmp.append(new_log_ident, ident_len); tmp.append(";pos="); tmp.append(llstr(pos,buf)); protocol->store(tmp.ptr(), tmp.length(), &my_charset_bin); } #endif /* Rotate_log_event::print() */ #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void Rotate_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { char buf[22]; if (short_form) return; print_header(file); fprintf(file, "\tRotate to "); if (new_log_ident) my_fwrite(file, (byte*) new_log_ident, (uint)ident_len, MYF(MY_NABP | MY_WME)); fprintf(file, " pos: %s", llstr(pos, buf)); fputc('\n', file); fflush(file); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Rotate_log_event::Rotate_log_event() */ Rotate_log_event::Rotate_log_event(const char* buf, uint event_len, const Format_description_log_event* description_event) :Log_event(buf, description_event) ,new_log_ident(NULL),alloced(0) { // The caller will ensure that event_len is what we have at EVENT_LEN_OFFSET uint8 header_size= description_event->common_header_len; uint8 post_header_len= description_event->post_header_len[ROTATE_EVENT-1]; uint ident_offset; if (event_len < header_size) return; buf += header_size; pos = post_header_len ? uint8korr(buf + R_POS_OFFSET) : 4; ident_len = (uint)(event_len - (header_size+post_header_len)); ident_offset = post_header_len; set_if_smaller(ident_len,FN_REFLEN-1); if (!(new_log_ident= my_strdup_with_length((byte*) buf + ident_offset, (uint) ident_len, MYF(MY_WME)))) return; alloced = 1; } /* Rotate_log_event::write_data() */ int Rotate_log_event::write_data(IO_CACHE* file) { char buf[ROTATE_HEADER_LEN]; int8store(buf + R_POS_OFFSET, pos); return (my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*)buf, ROTATE_HEADER_LEN) || my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*)new_log_ident, (uint) ident_len)); } /* Rotate_log_event::exec_event() Got a rotate log event from the master IMPLEMENTATION This is mainly used so that we can later figure out the logname and position for the master. We can't rotate the slave's BINlog as this will cause infinitive rotations in a A -> B -> A setup. The NOTES below is a wrong comment which will disappear when 4.1 is merged. RETURN VALUES 0 ok */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) int Rotate_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { DBUG_ENTER("Rotate_log_event::exec_event"); pthread_mutex_lock(&rli->data_lock); rli->event_relay_log_pos= my_b_tell(rli->cur_log); /* If we are in a transaction: the only normal case is when the I/O thread was copying a big transaction, then it was stopped and restarted: we have this in the relay log: BEGIN ... ROTATE (a fake one) ... COMMIT or ROLLBACK In that case, we don't want to touch the coordinates which correspond to the beginning of the transaction. Starting from 5.0.0, there also are some rotates from the slave itself, in the relay log. */ if (!(thd->options & OPTION_BEGIN)) { memcpy(rli->group_master_log_name, new_log_ident, ident_len+1); rli->notify_group_master_log_name_update(); rli->group_master_log_pos= pos; rli->group_relay_log_pos= rli->event_relay_log_pos; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("group_master_log_name: '%s' group_master_log_pos:\ %lu", rli->group_master_log_name, (ulong) rli->group_master_log_pos)); /* Reset thd->options and sql_mode, because this could be the signal of a master's downgrade from 5.0 to 4.0. However, no need to reset description_event_for_exec: indeed, if the next master is 5.0 (even 5.0.1) we will soon get a Format_desc; if the next master is 4.0 then the events are in the slave's format (conversion). */ set_slave_thread_options(thd); thd->variables.sql_mode= global_system_variables.sql_mode; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&rli->data_lock); pthread_cond_broadcast(&rli->data_cond); flush_relay_log_info(rli); DBUG_RETURN(0); } #endif /************************************************************************** Intvar_log_event methods **************************************************************************/ /* Intvar_log_event::pack_info() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) void Intvar_log_event::pack_info(Protocol *protocol) { char buf[256], *pos; pos= strmake(buf, get_var_type_name(), sizeof(buf)-23); *pos++= '='; pos= longlong10_to_str(val, pos, -10); protocol->store(buf, (uint) (pos-buf), &my_charset_bin); } #endif /* Intvar_log_event::Intvar_log_event() */ Intvar_log_event::Intvar_log_event(const char* buf, const Format_description_log_event* description_event) :Log_event(buf, description_event) { buf+= description_event->common_header_len; type= buf[I_TYPE_OFFSET]; val= uint8korr(buf+I_VAL_OFFSET); } /* Intvar_log_event::get_var_type_name() */ const char* Intvar_log_event::get_var_type_name() { switch(type) { case LAST_INSERT_ID_EVENT: return "LAST_INSERT_ID"; case INSERT_ID_EVENT: return "INSERT_ID"; default: /* impossible */ return "UNKNOWN"; } } /* Intvar_log_event::write_data() */ int Intvar_log_event::write_data(IO_CACHE* file) { char buf[9]; buf[I_TYPE_OFFSET] = type; int8store(buf + I_VAL_OFFSET, val); return my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) buf, sizeof(buf)); } /* Intvar_log_event::print() */ #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void Intvar_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { char llbuff[22]; const char *msg; LINT_INIT(msg); if (!short_form) { print_header(file); fprintf(file, "\tIntvar\n"); } fprintf(file, "SET "); switch (type) { case LAST_INSERT_ID_EVENT: msg="LAST_INSERT_ID"; break; case INSERT_ID_EVENT: msg="INSERT_ID"; break; } fprintf(file, "%s=%s;\n", msg, llstr(val,llbuff)); fflush(file); } #endif /* Intvar_log_event::exec_event() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION)&& !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) int Intvar_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { switch (type) { case LAST_INSERT_ID_EVENT: thd->last_insert_id_used = 1; thd->last_insert_id = val; break; case INSERT_ID_EVENT: thd->next_insert_id = val; break; } rli->inc_event_relay_log_pos(); return 0; } #endif /************************************************************************** Rand_log_event methods **************************************************************************/ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) void Rand_log_event::pack_info(Protocol *protocol) { char buf1[256], *pos; pos= strmov(buf1,"rand_seed1="); pos= int10_to_str((long) seed1, pos, 10); pos= strmov(pos, ",rand_seed2="); pos= int10_to_str((long) seed2, pos, 10); protocol->store(buf1, (uint) (pos-buf1), &my_charset_bin); } #endif Rand_log_event::Rand_log_event(const char* buf, const Format_description_log_event* description_event) :Log_event(buf, description_event) { buf+= description_event->common_header_len; seed1= uint8korr(buf+RAND_SEED1_OFFSET); seed2= uint8korr(buf+RAND_SEED2_OFFSET); } int Rand_log_event::write_data(IO_CACHE* file) { char buf[16]; int8store(buf + RAND_SEED1_OFFSET, seed1); int8store(buf + RAND_SEED2_OFFSET, seed2); return my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) buf, sizeof(buf)); } #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void Rand_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { char llbuff[22],llbuff2[22]; if (!short_form) { print_header(file); fprintf(file, "\tRand\n"); } fprintf(file, "SET @@RAND_SEED1=%s, @@RAND_SEED2=%s;\n", llstr(seed1, llbuff),llstr(seed2, llbuff2)); fflush(file); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) int Rand_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { thd->rand.seed1= (ulong) seed1; thd->rand.seed2= (ulong) seed2; rli->inc_event_relay_log_pos(); return 0; } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ /************************************************************************** User_var_log_event methods **************************************************************************/ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) void User_var_log_event::pack_info(Protocol* protocol) { char *buf= 0; uint val_offset= 2 + name_len; uint event_len= val_offset; if (is_null) { buf= my_malloc(val_offset + 5, MYF(MY_WME)); strmov(buf + val_offset, "NULL"); event_len= val_offset + 4; } else { switch (type) { case REAL_RESULT: double real_val; float8get(real_val, val); buf= my_malloc(val_offset + FLOATING_POINT_BUFFER, MYF(MY_WME)); event_len+= my_sprintf(buf + val_offset, (buf + val_offset, "%.14g", real_val)); break; case INT_RESULT: buf= my_malloc(val_offset + 22, MYF(MY_WME)); event_len= longlong10_to_str(uint8korr(val), buf + val_offset,-10)-buf; break; case STRING_RESULT: /* This is correct as pack_info is used for SHOW BINLOG command only. But be carefull this is may be incorrect in other cases as string may contain \ and '. */ event_len= val_offset + 2 + val_len; buf= my_malloc(event_len, MYF(MY_WME)); buf[val_offset]= '\''; memcpy(buf + val_offset + 1, val, val_len); buf[val_offset + val_len + 1]= '\''; break; case ROW_RESULT: default: DBUG_ASSERT(1); return; } } buf[0]= '@'; buf[1+name_len]= '='; memcpy(buf+1, name, name_len); protocol->store(buf, event_len, &my_charset_bin); my_free(buf, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ User_var_log_event::User_var_log_event(const char* buf, const Format_description_log_event* description_event) :Log_event(buf, description_event) { buf+= description_event->common_header_len; name_len= uint4korr(buf); name= (char *) buf + UV_NAME_LEN_SIZE; buf+= UV_NAME_LEN_SIZE + name_len; is_null= (bool) *buf; if (is_null) { type= STRING_RESULT; charset_number= my_charset_bin.number; val_len= 0; val= 0; } else { type= (Item_result) buf[UV_VAL_IS_NULL]; charset_number= uint4korr(buf + UV_VAL_IS_NULL + UV_VAL_TYPE_SIZE); val_len= uint4korr(buf + UV_VAL_IS_NULL + UV_VAL_TYPE_SIZE + UV_CHARSET_NUMBER_SIZE); val= (char *) (buf + UV_VAL_IS_NULL + UV_VAL_TYPE_SIZE + UV_CHARSET_NUMBER_SIZE + UV_VAL_LEN_SIZE); } } int User_var_log_event::write_data(IO_CACHE* file) { char buf[UV_NAME_LEN_SIZE]; char buf1[UV_VAL_IS_NULL + UV_VAL_TYPE_SIZE + UV_CHARSET_NUMBER_SIZE + UV_VAL_LEN_SIZE]; char buf2[8], *pos= buf2; uint buf1_length; int4store(buf, name_len); if ((buf1[0]= is_null)) { buf1_length= 1; val_len= 0; } else { buf1[1]= type; int4store(buf1 + 2, charset_number); int4store(buf1 + 2 + UV_CHARSET_NUMBER_SIZE, val_len); buf1_length= 10; switch (type) { case REAL_RESULT: float8store(buf2, *(double*) val); break; case INT_RESULT: int8store(buf2, *(longlong*) val); break; case STRING_RESULT: pos= val; break; case ROW_RESULT: default: DBUG_ASSERT(1); return 0; } } return (my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) buf, sizeof(buf)) || my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) name, name_len) || my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) buf1, buf1_length) || my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) pos, val_len)); } /* User_var_log_event::print() */ #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void User_var_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { if (!short_form) { print_header(file); fprintf(file, "\tUser_var\n"); } fprintf(file, "SET @"); my_fwrite(file, (byte*) name, (uint) (name_len), MYF(MY_NABP | MY_WME)); if (is_null) { fprintf(file, ":=NULL;\n"); } else { switch (type) { case REAL_RESULT: double real_val; float8get(real_val, val); fprintf(file, ":=%.14g;\n", real_val); break; case INT_RESULT: char int_buf[22]; longlong10_to_str(uint8korr(val), int_buf, -10); fprintf(file, ":=%s;\n", int_buf); break; case STRING_RESULT: fprintf(file, ":='%s';\n", val); break; case ROW_RESULT: default: DBUG_ASSERT(1); return; } } fflush(file); } #endif /* User_var_log_event::exec_event() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) int User_var_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { Item *it= 0; CHARSET_INFO *charset= get_charset(charset_number, MYF(0)); LEX_STRING user_var_name; user_var_name.str= name; user_var_name.length= name_len; double real_val; longlong int_val; if (is_null) { it= new Item_null(); } else { switch (type) { case REAL_RESULT: float8get(real_val, val); it= new Item_real(real_val); val= (char*) &real_val; // Pointer to value in native format val_len= sizeof(real_val); break; case INT_RESULT: int_val= (longlong) uint8korr(val); it= new Item_int(int_val); val= (char*) &int_val; // Pointer to value in native format val_len= sizeof(int_val); break; case STRING_RESULT: it= new Item_string(val, val_len, charset); break; case ROW_RESULT: default: DBUG_ASSERT(1); return 0; } } Item_func_set_user_var e(user_var_name, it); e.fix_fields(thd, 0, 0); e.update_hash(val, val_len, type, charset, DERIVATION_NONE); free_root(&thd->mem_root,0); rli->inc_event_relay_log_pos(); return 0; } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ /************************************************************************** Slave_log_event methods **************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void Unknown_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { if (short_form) return; print_header(file); fputc('\n', file); fprintf(file, "# %s", "Unknown event\n"); } #endif #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT void Slave_log_event::pack_info(Protocol *protocol) { char buf[256+HOSTNAME_LENGTH], *pos; pos= strmov(buf, "host="); pos= strnmov(pos, master_host, HOSTNAME_LENGTH); pos= strmov(pos, ",port="); pos= int10_to_str((long) master_port, pos, 10); pos= strmov(pos, ",log="); pos= strmov(pos, master_log); pos= strmov(pos, ",pos="); pos= longlong10_to_str(master_pos, pos, 10); protocol->store(buf, pos-buf, &my_charset_bin); } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT Slave_log_event::Slave_log_event(THD* thd_arg, struct st_relay_log_info* rli) :Log_event(thd_arg, 0, 0) , mem_pool(0), master_host(0) { DBUG_ENTER("Slave_log_event"); if (!rli->inited) // QQ When can this happen ? DBUG_VOID_RETURN; MASTER_INFO* mi = rli->mi; // TODO: re-write this better without holding both locks at the same time pthread_mutex_lock(&mi->data_lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&rli->data_lock); master_host_len = strlen(mi->host); master_log_len = strlen(rli->group_master_log_name); // on OOM, just do not initialize the structure and print the error if ((mem_pool = (char*)my_malloc(get_data_size() + 1, MYF(MY_WME)))) { master_host = mem_pool + SL_MASTER_HOST_OFFSET ; memcpy(master_host, mi->host, master_host_len + 1); master_log = master_host + master_host_len + 1; memcpy(master_log, rli->group_master_log_name, master_log_len + 1); master_port = mi->port; master_pos = rli->group_master_log_pos; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("master_log: %s pos: %d", master_log, (ulong) master_pos)); } else sql_print_error("Out of memory while recording slave event"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&rli->data_lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mi->data_lock); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ Slave_log_event::~Slave_log_event() { my_free(mem_pool, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); } #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void Slave_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { char llbuff[22]; if (short_form) return; print_header(file); fputc('\n', file); fprintf(file, "\ Slave: master_host: '%s' master_port: %d master_log: '%s' master_pos: %s\n", master_host, master_port, master_log, llstr(master_pos, llbuff)); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ int Slave_log_event::get_data_size() { return master_host_len + master_log_len + 1 + SL_MASTER_HOST_OFFSET; } int Slave_log_event::write_data(IO_CACHE* file) { int8store(mem_pool + SL_MASTER_POS_OFFSET, master_pos); int2store(mem_pool + SL_MASTER_PORT_OFFSET, master_port); // log and host are already there return my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*)mem_pool, get_data_size()); } void Slave_log_event::init_from_mem_pool(int data_size) { master_pos = uint8korr(mem_pool + SL_MASTER_POS_OFFSET); master_port = uint2korr(mem_pool + SL_MASTER_PORT_OFFSET); master_host = mem_pool + SL_MASTER_HOST_OFFSET; master_host_len = strlen(master_host); // safety master_log = master_host + master_host_len + 1; if (master_log > mem_pool + data_size) { master_host = 0; return; } master_log_len = strlen(master_log); } /* This code is not used, so has not been updated to be format-tolerant */ Slave_log_event::Slave_log_event(const char* buf, uint event_len) :Log_event(buf,0) /*unused event*/ ,mem_pool(0),master_host(0) { if (event_len < LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN) return; event_len -= LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN; if (!(mem_pool = (char*) my_malloc(event_len + 1, MYF(MY_WME)))) return; memcpy(mem_pool, buf + LOG_EVENT_HEADER_LEN, event_len); mem_pool[event_len] = 0; init_from_mem_pool(event_len); } #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT int Slave_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { if (mysql_bin_log.is_open()) mysql_bin_log.write(this); return Log_event::exec_event(rli); } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ /************************************************************************** Stop_log_event methods **************************************************************************/ /* Stop_log_event::print() */ #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void Stop_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { if (short_form) return; print_header(file); fprintf(file, "\tStop\n"); fflush(file); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Stop_log_event::exec_event() The master stopped. We used to clean up all temporary tables but this is useless as, as the master has shut down properly, it has written all DROP TEMPORARY TABLE and DO RELEASE_LOCK (prepared statements' deletion is TODO). We used to clean up slave_load_tmpdir, but this is useless as it has been cleared at the end of LOAD DATA INFILE. So we have nothing to do here. The place were we must do this cleaning is in Start_log_event_v3::exec_event(), not here. Because if we come here, the master was sane. */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT int Stop_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { /* We do not want to update master_log pos because we get a rotate event before stop, so by now group_master_log_name is set to the next log. If we updated it, we will have incorrect master coordinates and this could give false triggers in MASTER_POS_WAIT() that we have reached the target position when in fact we have not. */ if (thd->options & OPTION_BEGIN) rli->inc_event_relay_log_pos(); else { rli->inc_group_relay_log_pos(0); flush_relay_log_info(rli); } return 0; } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ #endif /* HAVE_REPLICATION */ /************************************************************************** Create_file_log_event methods **************************************************************************/ /* Create_file_log_event ctor */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT Create_file_log_event:: Create_file_log_event(THD* thd_arg, sql_exchange* ex, const char* db_arg, const char* table_name_arg, List& fields_arg, enum enum_duplicates handle_dup, char* block_arg, uint block_len_arg, bool using_trans) :Load_log_event(thd_arg,ex,db_arg,table_name_arg,fields_arg,handle_dup, using_trans), fake_base(0),block(block_arg),block_len(block_len_arg), file_id(thd_arg->file_id = mysql_bin_log.next_file_id()) { sql_ex.force_new_format(); } #endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Create_file_log_event::write_data_body() */ int Create_file_log_event::write_data_body(IO_CACHE* file) { int res; if ((res = Load_log_event::write_data_body(file)) || fake_base) return res; return (my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) "", 1) || my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) block, block_len)); } /* Create_file_log_event::write_data_header() */ int Create_file_log_event::write_data_header(IO_CACHE* file) { int res; if ((res = Load_log_event::write_data_header(file)) || fake_base) return res; byte buf[CREATE_FILE_HEADER_LEN]; int4store(buf + CF_FILE_ID_OFFSET, file_id); return my_b_safe_write(file, buf, CREATE_FILE_HEADER_LEN); } /* Create_file_log_event::write_base() */ int Create_file_log_event::write_base(IO_CACHE* file) { int res; fake_base = 1; // pretend we are Load event res = write(file); fake_base = 0; return res; } /* Create_file_log_event ctor */ Create_file_log_event::Create_file_log_event(const char* buf, uint len, const Format_description_log_event* description_event) :Load_log_event(buf,0,description_event),fake_base(0),block(0),inited_from_old(0) { uint block_offset; uint header_len= description_event->common_header_len; uint8 load_header_len= description_event->post_header_len[LOAD_EVENT-1]; uint8 create_file_header_len= description_event->post_header_len[CREATE_FILE_EVENT-1]; if (copy_log_event(buf,len, ((buf[EVENT_TYPE_OFFSET] == LOAD_EVENT) ? load_header_len + header_len : (fake_base ? (header_len+load_header_len) : (header_len+load_header_len) + create_file_header_len)), description_event)) return; if (description_event->binlog_version!=1) { file_id= uint4korr(buf + header_len + load_header_len + CF_FILE_ID_OFFSET); // + 1 for \0 terminating fname /* Note that it's ok to use get_data_size() below, because it is computed with values we have already read from this event (because we called copy_log_event()); we are not using slave's format info to decode master's format, we are really using master's format info. Anyway, both formats should be identical (except the common_header_len) as these Load events are not changed between 4.0 and 5.0 (as logging of LOAD DATA INFILE does not use Load_log_event in 5.0). */ block_offset= description_event->common_header_len + Load_log_event::get_data_size() + create_file_header_len + 1; if (len < block_offset) return; block = (char*)buf + block_offset; block_len = len - block_offset; } else { sql_ex.force_new_format(); inited_from_old = 1; } } /* Create_file_log_event::print() */ #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void Create_file_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info, bool enable_local) { if (short_form) { if (enable_local && check_fname_outside_temp_buf()) Load_log_event::print(file, 1, last_event_info); return; } if (enable_local) { Load_log_event::print(file, 1, last_event_info, !check_fname_outside_temp_buf()); /* That one is for "file_id: etc" below: in mysqlbinlog we want the #, in SHOW BINLOG EVENTS we don't. */ fprintf(file, "#"); } fprintf(file, " file_id: %d block_len: %d\n", file_id, block_len); } void Create_file_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { print(file,short_form,last_event_info,0); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Create_file_log_event::pack_info() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) void Create_file_log_event::pack_info(Protocol *protocol) { char buf[NAME_LEN*2 + 30 + 21*2], *pos; pos= strmov(buf, "db="); memcpy(pos, db, db_len); pos= strmov(pos + db_len, ";table="); memcpy(pos, table_name, table_name_len); pos= strmov(pos + table_name_len, ";file_id="); pos= int10_to_str((long) file_id, pos, 10); pos= strmov(pos, ";block_len="); pos= int10_to_str((long) block_len, pos, 10); protocol->store(buf, (uint) (pos-buf), &my_charset_bin); } #endif /* defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) */ /* Create_file_log_event::exec_event() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) int Create_file_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { char fname_buf[FN_REFLEN+10]; char *p; int fd = -1; IO_CACHE file; int error = 1; bzero((char*)&file, sizeof(file)); p = slave_load_file_stem(fname_buf, file_id, server_id); strmov(p, ".info"); // strmov takes less code than memcpy if ((fd = my_open(fname_buf, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_BINARY|O_TRUNC, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0 || init_io_cache(&file, fd, IO_SIZE, WRITE_CACHE, (my_off_t)0, 0, MYF(MY_WME|MY_NABP))) { slave_print_error(rli,my_errno, "Error in Create_file event: could not open file '%s'", fname_buf); goto err; } // a trick to avoid allocating another buffer strmov(p, ".data"); fname = fname_buf; fname_len = (uint)(p-fname) + 5; if (write_base(&file)) { strmov(p, ".info"); // to have it right in the error message slave_print_error(rli,my_errno, "Error in Create_file event: could not write to file '%s'", fname_buf); goto err; } end_io_cache(&file); my_close(fd, MYF(0)); // fname_buf now already has .data, not .info, because we did our trick if ((fd = my_open(fname_buf, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_BINARY|O_TRUNC, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0) { slave_print_error(rli,my_errno, "Error in Create_file event: could not open file '%s'", fname_buf); goto err; } if (my_write(fd, (byte*) block, block_len, MYF(MY_WME+MY_NABP))) { slave_print_error(rli,my_errno, "Error in Create_file event: write to '%s' failed", fname_buf); goto err; } error=0; // Everything is ok err: if (error) end_io_cache(&file); if (fd >= 0) my_close(fd, MYF(0)); return error ? 1 : Log_event::exec_event(rli); } #endif /* defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) */ /************************************************************************** Append_block_log_event methods **************************************************************************/ /* Append_block_log_event ctor */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT Append_block_log_event::Append_block_log_event(THD* thd_arg, const char* db_arg, char* block_arg, uint block_len_arg, bool using_trans) :Log_event(thd_arg,0, using_trans), block(block_arg), block_len(block_len_arg), file_id(thd_arg->file_id), db(db_arg) { } #endif /* Append_block_log_event ctor */ Append_block_log_event::Append_block_log_event(const char* buf, uint len, const Format_description_log_event* description_event) :Log_event(buf, description_event),block(0) { uint8 common_header_len= description_event->common_header_len; uint8 append_block_header_len= description_event->post_header_len[APPEND_BLOCK_EVENT-1]; uint total_header_len= common_header_len+append_block_header_len; if (len < total_header_len) return; file_id= uint4korr(buf + common_header_len + AB_FILE_ID_OFFSET); block= (char*)buf + total_header_len; block_len= len - total_header_len; } /* Append_block_log_event::write_data() */ int Append_block_log_event::write_data(IO_CACHE* file) { byte buf[APPEND_BLOCK_HEADER_LEN]; int4store(buf + AB_FILE_ID_OFFSET, file_id); return (my_b_safe_write(file, buf, APPEND_BLOCK_HEADER_LEN) || my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) block, block_len)); } /* Append_block_log_event::print() */ #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void Append_block_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { if (short_form) return; print_header(file); fputc('\n', file); fprintf(file, "#Append_block: file_id: %d block_len: %d\n", file_id, block_len); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Append_block_log_event::pack_info() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) void Append_block_log_event::pack_info(Protocol *protocol) { char buf[256]; uint length; length= (uint) my_sprintf(buf, (buf, ";file_id=%u;block_len=%u", file_id, block_len)); protocol->store(buf, length, &my_charset_bin); } #endif /* defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) */ /* Append_block_log_event::exec_event() */ #if defined( HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) int Append_block_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { char fname[FN_REFLEN+10]; char *p= slave_load_file_stem(fname, file_id, server_id); int fd; int error = 1; memcpy(p, ".data", 6); if ((fd = my_open(fname, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_BINARY, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0) { slave_print_error(rli,my_errno, "Error in Append_block event: could not open file '%s'", fname); goto err; } if (my_write(fd, (byte*) block, block_len, MYF(MY_WME+MY_NABP))) { slave_print_error(rli,my_errno, "Error in Append_block event: write to '%s' failed", fname); goto err; } error=0; err: if (fd >= 0) my_close(fd, MYF(0)); return error ? error : Log_event::exec_event(rli); } #endif /************************************************************************** Delete_file_log_event methods **************************************************************************/ /* Delete_file_log_event ctor */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT Delete_file_log_event::Delete_file_log_event(THD *thd_arg, const char* db_arg, bool using_trans) :Log_event(thd_arg, 0, using_trans), file_id(thd_arg->file_id), db(db_arg) { } #endif /* Delete_file_log_event ctor */ Delete_file_log_event::Delete_file_log_event(const char* buf, uint len, const Format_description_log_event* description_event) :Log_event(buf, description_event),file_id(0) { uint8 common_header_len= description_event->common_header_len; uint8 delete_file_header_len= description_event->post_header_len[DELETE_FILE_EVENT-1]; if (len < (uint)(common_header_len + delete_file_header_len)) return; file_id= uint4korr(buf + common_header_len + DF_FILE_ID_OFFSET); } /* Delete_file_log_event::write_data() */ int Delete_file_log_event::write_data(IO_CACHE* file) { byte buf[DELETE_FILE_HEADER_LEN]; int4store(buf + DF_FILE_ID_OFFSET, file_id); return my_b_safe_write(file, buf, DELETE_FILE_HEADER_LEN); } /* Delete_file_log_event::print() */ #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void Delete_file_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { if (short_form) return; print_header(file); fputc('\n', file); fprintf(file, "#Delete_file: file_id=%u\n", file_id); } #endif /* MYSQL_CLIENT */ /* Delete_file_log_event::pack_info() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) void Delete_file_log_event::pack_info(Protocol *protocol) { char buf[64]; uint length; length= (uint) my_sprintf(buf, (buf, ";file_id=%u", (uint) file_id)); protocol->store(buf, (int32) length, &my_charset_bin); } #endif /* Delete_file_log_event::exec_event() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) int Delete_file_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { char fname[FN_REFLEN+10]; char *p= slave_load_file_stem(fname, file_id, server_id); memcpy(p, ".data", 6); (void) my_delete(fname, MYF(MY_WME)); memcpy(p, ".info", 6); (void) my_delete(fname, MYF(MY_WME)); return Log_event::exec_event(rli); } #endif /* defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) */ /************************************************************************** Execute_load_log_event methods **************************************************************************/ /* Execute_load_log_event ctor */ #ifndef MYSQL_CLIENT Execute_load_log_event::Execute_load_log_event(THD *thd_arg, const char* db_arg, bool using_trans) :Log_event(thd_arg, 0, using_trans), file_id(thd_arg->file_id), db(db_arg) { } #endif /* Execute_load_log_event ctor */ Execute_load_log_event::Execute_load_log_event(const char* buf, uint len, const Format_description_log_event* description_event) :Log_event(buf, description_event), file_id(0) { uint8 common_header_len= description_event->common_header_len; uint8 exec_load_header_len= description_event->post_header_len[EXEC_LOAD_EVENT-1]; if (len < (uint)(common_header_len+exec_load_header_len)) return; file_id= uint4korr(buf + common_header_len + EL_FILE_ID_OFFSET); } /* Execute_load_log_event::write_data() */ int Execute_load_log_event::write_data(IO_CACHE* file) { byte buf[EXEC_LOAD_HEADER_LEN]; int4store(buf + EL_FILE_ID_OFFSET, file_id); return my_b_safe_write(file, buf, EXEC_LOAD_HEADER_LEN); } /* Execute_load_log_event::print() */ #ifdef MYSQL_CLIENT void Execute_load_log_event::print(FILE* file, bool short_form, LAST_EVENT_INFO* last_event_info) { if (short_form) return; print_header(file); fputc('\n', file); fprintf(file, "#Exec_load: file_id=%d\n", file_id); } #endif /* Execute_load_log_event::pack_info() */ #if defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) void Execute_load_log_event::pack_info(Protocol *protocol) { char buf[64]; uint length; length= (uint) my_sprintf(buf, (buf, ";file_id=%u", (uint) file_id)); protocol->store(buf, (int32) length, &my_charset_bin); } /* Execute_load_log_event::exec_event() */ int Execute_load_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli) { char fname[FN_REFLEN+10]; char *p= slave_load_file_stem(fname, file_id, server_id); int fd; int error = 1; IO_CACHE file; Load_log_event* lev = 0; memcpy(p, ".info", 6); if ((fd = my_open(fname, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, MYF(MY_WME))) < 0 || init_io_cache(&file, fd, IO_SIZE, READ_CACHE, (my_off_t)0, 0, MYF(MY_WME|MY_NABP))) { slave_print_error(rli,my_errno, "Error in Exec_load event: could not open file '%s'", fname); goto err; } if (!(lev = (Load_log_event*)Log_event::read_log_event(&file, (pthread_mutex_t*)0, rli->relay_log.description_event_for_exec)) || lev->get_type_code() != NEW_LOAD_EVENT) { slave_print_error(rli,0, "Error in Exec_load event: file '%s' appears corrupted", fname); goto err; } lev->thd = thd; /* lev->exec_event should use rli only for errors i.e. should not advance rli's position. lev->exec_event is the place where the table is loaded (it calls mysql_load()). */ if (lev->exec_event(0,rli,1)) { /* We want to indicate the name of the file that could not be loaded (SQL_LOADxxx). But as we are here we are sure the error is in rli->last_slave_error and rli->last_slave_errno (example of error: duplicate entry for key), so we don't want to overwrite it with the filename. What we want instead is add the filename to the current error message. */ char *tmp= my_strdup(rli->last_slave_error,MYF(MY_WME)); if (tmp) { slave_print_error(rli, rli->last_slave_errno, /* ok to re-use error code */ "%s. Failed executing load from '%s'", tmp, fname); my_free(tmp,MYF(0)); } goto err; } /* We have an open file descriptor to the .info file; we need to close it or Windows will refuse to delete the file in my_delete(). */ if (fd >= 0) { my_close(fd, MYF(0)); end_io_cache(&file); fd= -1; } (void) my_delete(fname, MYF(MY_WME)); memcpy(p, ".data", 6); (void) my_delete(fname, MYF(MY_WME)); error = 0; err: delete lev; if (fd >= 0) { my_close(fd, MYF(0)); end_io_cache(&file); } return error ? error : Log_event::exec_event(rli); } #endif /* defined(HAVE_REPLICATION) && !defined(MYSQL_CLIENT) */ /************************************************************************** sql_ex_info methods **************************************************************************/ /* sql_ex_info::write_data() */ int sql_ex_info::write_data(IO_CACHE* file) { if (new_format()) { return (write_str(file, field_term, field_term_len) || write_str(file, enclosed, enclosed_len) || write_str(file, line_term, line_term_len) || write_str(file, line_start, line_start_len) || write_str(file, escaped, escaped_len) || my_b_safe_write(file,(byte*) &opt_flags,1)); } else { old_sql_ex old_ex; old_ex.field_term= *field_term; old_ex.enclosed= *enclosed; old_ex.line_term= *line_term; old_ex.line_start= *line_start; old_ex.escaped= *escaped; old_ex.opt_flags= opt_flags; old_ex.empty_flags=empty_flags; return my_b_safe_write(file, (byte*) &old_ex, sizeof(old_ex)); } } /* sql_ex_info::init() */ char* sql_ex_info::init(char* buf,char* buf_end,bool use_new_format) { cached_new_format = use_new_format; if (use_new_format) { empty_flags=0; /* The code below assumes that buf will not disappear from under our feet during the lifetime of the event. This assumption holds true in the slave thread if the log is in new format, but is not the case when we have old format because we will be reusing net buffer to read the actual file before we write out the Create_file event. */ if (read_str(buf, buf_end, field_term, field_term_len) || read_str(buf, buf_end, enclosed, enclosed_len) || read_str(buf, buf_end, line_term, line_term_len) || read_str(buf, buf_end, line_start, line_start_len) || read_str(buf, buf_end, escaped, escaped_len)) return 0; opt_flags = *buf++; } else { field_term_len= enclosed_len= line_term_len= line_start_len= escaped_len=1; field_term = buf++; // Use first byte in string enclosed= buf++; line_term= buf++; line_start= buf++; escaped= buf++; opt_flags = *buf++; empty_flags= *buf++; if (empty_flags & FIELD_TERM_EMPTY) field_term_len=0; if (empty_flags & ENCLOSED_EMPTY) enclosed_len=0; if (empty_flags & LINE_TERM_EMPTY) line_term_len=0; if (empty_flags & LINE_START_EMPTY) line_start_len=0; if (empty_flags & ESCAPED_EMPTY) escaped_len=0; } return buf; }