CREATE TABLE graph_base (
PRIMARY KEY (from_id,to_id),
INDEX (to_id)
latch   VARCHAR(32) NULL,
weight  DOUBLE    NULL,
KEY (latch, origid, destid) USING HASH,
KEY (latch, destid, origid) USING HASH
) ENGINE=OQGRAPH DATA_TABLE='graph_base' ORIGID='from_id', DESTID='to_id';
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (1,2), (2,1);
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (1,3), (3,1);
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (3,4), (4,3);
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (5,6), (6,5);
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (5,7);
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (9,9);
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (10,11);
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (11,12);
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (12,10);
# Return all edges
SELECT * FROM graph;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
# Currently count should be 13
SELECT count(*) FROM graph;
# Return all vertices, and subsets of vertices
SELECT * FROM graph where latch='';
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
# Currently count should be 11
SELECT count(*) FROM graph where latch='';
SELECT * FROM graph where latch='' and linkid = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph where latch='' and (linkid > 2 and linkid < 6);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph where latch='' and linkid = NULL;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph where latch='' and linkid = 666;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT origid as `from`, linkid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and origid = 1;
from	to
1	3
1	2
SELECT origid as `from`, linkid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and origid = 2;
from	to
2	1
SELECT origid as `from`, linkid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and origid = 4;
from	to
4	3
SELECT origid as `from`, linkid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and origid = 9;
from	to
9	9
SELECT origid as `from`, linkid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and origid = 10;
from	to
10	11
SELECT origid as `from`, linkid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and origid = NULL;
from	to
SELECT origid as `from`, linkid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and origid = 666;
from	to
SELECT linkid as `from`, destid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and destid = 1;
from	to
3	1
2	1
SELECT linkid as `from`, destid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and destid = 2;
from	to
1	2
SELECT linkid as `from`, destid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and destid = 4;
from	to
3	4
SELECT linkid as `from`, destid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and destid = 9;
from	to
9	9
SELECT linkid as `from`, destid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and destid = 10;
from	to
12	10
SELECT linkid as `from`, destid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and destid = NULL;
from	to
SELECT linkid as `from`, destid as `to` FROM graph where latch='' and destid = 666;
from	to
SELECT * FROM graph where latch='0';
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT count(*) FROM graph where latch='0';
SELECT * FROM graph where latch='0' and linkid = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph where latch='0' and (linkid > 2 and linkid < 6);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT origid as `from`, linkid as `to` FROM graph where latch='0' and origid = 1;
from	to
1	3
1	2
SELECT origid as `from`, linkid as `to` FROM graph where latch='0' and origid = 2;
from	to
2	1
SELECT origid as `from`, linkid as `to` FROM graph where latch='0' and origid = 4;
from	to
4	3
SELECT origid as `from`, linkid as `to` FROM graph where latch='0' and origid = 9;
from	to
9	9
SELECT origid as `from`, linkid as `to` FROM graph where latch='0' and origid = 10;
from	to
10	11
SELECT linkid as `from`, destid as `to` FROM graph where latch='0' and destid = 1;
from	to
3	1
2	1
SELECT linkid as `from`, destid as `to` FROM graph where latch='0' and destid = 2;
from	to
1	2
SELECT linkid as `from`, destid as `to` FROM graph where latch='0' and destid = 4;
from	to
3	4
SELECT linkid as `from`, destid as `to` FROM graph where latch='0' and destid = 9;
from	to
9	9
SELECT linkid as `from`, destid as `to` FROM graph where latch='0' and destid = 10;
from	to
12	10
# Breadth-first search tests
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	1	NULL	2	4	4
breadth_first	1	NULL	1	3	3
breadth_first	1	NULL	1	2	2
breadth_first	1	NULL	0	1	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	2	NULL	3	4	4
breadth_first	2	NULL	2	3	3
breadth_first	2	NULL	1	2	1
breadth_first	2	NULL	0	1	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	3	NULL	2	4	2
breadth_first	3	NULL	1	3	4
breadth_first	3	NULL	1	2	1
breadth_first	3	NULL	0	1	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 4;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	4	NULL	3	4	2
breadth_first	4	NULL	2	3	1
breadth_first	4	NULL	1	2	3
breadth_first	4	NULL	0	1	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 5;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	5	NULL	1	3	7
breadth_first	5	NULL	1	2	6
breadth_first	5	NULL	0	1	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 6;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	6	NULL	2	3	7
breadth_first	6	NULL	1	2	5
breadth_first	6	NULL	0	1	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 7;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	7	NULL	0	1	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 8;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	8	NULL	0	1	8
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 9;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	9	NULL	0	1	9
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 10;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	10	NULL	2	3	12
breadth_first	10	NULL	1	2	11
breadth_first	10	NULL	0	1	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 11;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	11	NULL	2	3	10
breadth_first	11	NULL	1	2	12
breadth_first	11	NULL	0	1	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 12;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	12	NULL	2	3	11
breadth_first	12	NULL	1	2	10
breadth_first	12	NULL	0	1	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 666;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	666	NULL	0	1	666
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 1 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	1	NULL	1	3	3
breadth_first	1	NULL	1	2	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 2 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	2	NULL	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 3 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	3	NULL	1	3	4
breadth_first	3	NULL	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 4 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	4	NULL	1	2	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 5 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	5	NULL	1	3	7
breadth_first	5	NULL	1	2	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 6 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	6	NULL	1	2	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 7 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 8 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 9 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 10 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	10	NULL	1	2	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 11 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	11	NULL	1	2	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 12 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	12	NULL	1	2	10
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 1 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 2 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 3 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 4 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 5 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 6 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 7 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 8 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 9 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 10 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 11 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 12 AND weight = 1;
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 1 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	1	NULL	2	4	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 2 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	2	NULL	2	3	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 3 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	3	NULL	2	4	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 4 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	4	NULL	2	3	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 5 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 6 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	6	NULL	2	3	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 7 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 8 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 9 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 10 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	10	NULL	2	3	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 11 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	11	NULL	2	3	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 12 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	12	NULL	2	3	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 1 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 2 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	2	NULL	3	4	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 3 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 4 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	4	NULL	3	4	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 5 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 6 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 7 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 8 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 9 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 10 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 11 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 12 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 1 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	1	NULL	2	4	4
breadth_first	1	NULL	1	3	3
breadth_first	1	NULL	1	2	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 2 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	2	NULL	2	3	3
breadth_first	2	NULL	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 3 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	3	NULL	2	4	2
breadth_first	3	NULL	1	3	4
breadth_first	3	NULL	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 4 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	4	NULL	2	3	1
breadth_first	4	NULL	1	2	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 5 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	5	NULL	1	3	7
breadth_first	5	NULL	1	2	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 6 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	6	NULL	2	3	7
breadth_first	6	NULL	1	2	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 7 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 8 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 9 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 10 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	10	NULL	2	3	12
breadth_first	10	NULL	1	2	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 11 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	11	NULL	2	3	10
breadth_first	11	NULL	1	2	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = 12 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	12	NULL	2	3	11
breadth_first	12	NULL	1	2	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	1	2	4	4
breadth_first	NULL	1	1	3	3
breadth_first	NULL	1	1	2	2
breadth_first	NULL	1	0	1	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	2	3	4	4
breadth_first	NULL	2	2	3	3
breadth_first	NULL	2	1	2	1
breadth_first	NULL	2	0	1	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	3	2	4	2
breadth_first	NULL	3	1	3	4
breadth_first	NULL	3	1	2	1
breadth_first	NULL	3	0	1	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 4;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	4	3	4	2
breadth_first	NULL	4	2	3	1
breadth_first	NULL	4	1	2	3
breadth_first	NULL	4	0	1	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 5;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	5	1	3	7
breadth_first	NULL	5	1	2	6
breadth_first	NULL	5	0	1	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 6;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	6	2	3	7
breadth_first	NULL	6	1	2	5
breadth_first	NULL	6	0	1	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 7;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	7	0	1	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 8;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	8	0	1	8
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 9;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	9	0	1	9
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 10;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	10	2	3	12
breadth_first	NULL	10	1	2	11
breadth_first	NULL	10	0	1	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 11;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	11	2	3	10
breadth_first	NULL	11	1	2	12
breadth_first	NULL	11	0	1	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 12;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	12	2	3	11
breadth_first	NULL	12	1	2	10
breadth_first	NULL	12	0	1	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 1 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	1	1	3	3
breadth_first	NULL	1	1	2	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 2 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	2	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 3 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	3	1	3	4
breadth_first	NULL	3	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 4 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	4	1	2	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 5 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	5	1	3	7
breadth_first	NULL	5	1	2	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 6 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	6	1	2	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 7 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 8 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 9 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 10 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	10	1	2	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 11 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	11	1	2	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 12 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	12	1	2	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 1 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	1	2	4	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 2 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	2	2	3	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 3 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	3	2	4	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 4 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	4	2	3	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 5 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 6 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	6	2	3	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 7 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 8 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 9 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 10 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	10	2	3	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 11 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	11	2	3	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 12 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	12	2	3	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 1 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 2 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	2	3	4	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 3 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 4 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
breadth_first	NULL	4	3	4	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 5 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 6 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 7 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 8 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 9 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 10 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 11 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = 12 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND origid = NULL;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND destid = NULL;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first' AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = 'breadth_first';
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	1	NULL	2	4	4
2	1	NULL	1	3	3
2	1	NULL	1	2	2
2	1	NULL	0	1	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	2	NULL	3	4	4
2	2	NULL	2	3	3
2	2	NULL	1	2	1
2	2	NULL	0	1	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	3	NULL	2	4	2
2	3	NULL	1	3	4
2	3	NULL	1	2	1
2	3	NULL	0	1	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 4;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	4	NULL	3	4	2
2	4	NULL	2	3	1
2	4	NULL	1	2	3
2	4	NULL	0	1	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 5;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	5	NULL	1	3	7
2	5	NULL	1	2	6
2	5	NULL	0	1	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 6;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	6	NULL	2	3	7
2	6	NULL	1	2	5
2	6	NULL	0	1	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 7;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	7	NULL	0	1	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 8;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	8	NULL	0	1	8
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 9;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	9	NULL	0	1	9
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 10;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	10	NULL	2	3	12
2	10	NULL	1	2	11
2	10	NULL	0	1	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 11;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	11	NULL	2	3	10
2	11	NULL	1	2	12
2	11	NULL	0	1	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 12;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	12	NULL	2	3	11
2	12	NULL	1	2	10
2	12	NULL	0	1	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 666;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	666	NULL	0	1	666
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 1 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	1	NULL	1	3	3
2	1	NULL	1	2	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 2 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	2	NULL	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 3 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	3	NULL	1	3	4
2	3	NULL	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 4 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	4	NULL	1	2	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 5 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	5	NULL	1	3	7
2	5	NULL	1	2	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 6 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	6	NULL	1	2	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 7 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 8 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 9 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 10 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	10	NULL	1	2	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 11 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	11	NULL	1	2	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 12 AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	12	NULL	1	2	10
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 1 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 2 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 3 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 4 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 5 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 6 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 7 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 8 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 9 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 10 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 11 AND weight = 1;
SELECT count(*) FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 12 AND weight = 1;
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 1 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	1	NULL	2	4	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 2 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	2	NULL	2	3	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 3 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	3	NULL	2	4	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 4 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	4	NULL	2	3	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 5 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 6 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	6	NULL	2	3	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 7 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 8 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 9 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 10 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	10	NULL	2	3	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 11 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	11	NULL	2	3	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 12 AND weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	12	NULL	2	3	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 1 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 2 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	2	NULL	3	4	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 3 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 4 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	4	NULL	3	4	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 5 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 6 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 7 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 8 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 9 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 10 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 11 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 12 AND weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 1 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	1	NULL	2	4	4
2	1	NULL	1	3	3
2	1	NULL	1	2	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 2 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	2	NULL	2	3	3
2	2	NULL	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 3 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	3	NULL	2	4	2
2	3	NULL	1	3	4
2	3	NULL	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 4 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	4	NULL	2	3	1
2	4	NULL	1	2	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 5 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	5	NULL	1	3	7
2	5	NULL	1	2	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 6 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	6	NULL	2	3	7
2	6	NULL	1	2	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 7 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 8 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 9 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 10 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	10	NULL	2	3	12
2	10	NULL	1	2	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 11 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	11	NULL	2	3	10
2	11	NULL	1	2	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = 12 AND (weight = 1 or weight = 2);
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	12	NULL	2	3	11
2	12	NULL	1	2	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	1	2	4	4
2	NULL	1	1	3	3
2	NULL	1	1	2	2
2	NULL	1	0	1	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	2	3	4	4
2	NULL	2	2	3	3
2	NULL	2	1	2	1
2	NULL	2	0	1	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	3	2	4	2
2	NULL	3	1	3	4
2	NULL	3	1	2	1
2	NULL	3	0	1	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 4;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	4	3	4	2
2	NULL	4	2	3	1
2	NULL	4	1	2	3
2	NULL	4	0	1	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 5;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	5	1	3	7
2	NULL	5	1	2	6
2	NULL	5	0	1	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 6;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	6	2	3	7
2	NULL	6	1	2	5
2	NULL	6	0	1	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 7;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	7	0	1	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 8;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	8	0	1	8
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 9;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	9	0	1	9
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 10;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	10	2	3	12
2	NULL	10	1	2	11
2	NULL	10	0	1	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 11;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	11	2	3	10
2	NULL	11	1	2	12
2	NULL	11	0	1	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 12;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	12	2	3	11
2	NULL	12	1	2	10
2	NULL	12	0	1	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 1 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	1	1	3	3
2	NULL	1	1	2	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 2 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	2	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 3 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	3	1	3	4
2	NULL	3	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 4 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	4	1	2	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 5 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	5	1	3	7
2	NULL	5	1	2	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 6 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	6	1	2	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 7 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 8 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 9 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 10 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	10	1	2	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 11 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	11	1	2	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 12 and weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	12	1	2	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 1 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	1	2	4	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 2 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	2	2	3	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 3 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	3	2	4	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 4 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	4	2	3	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 5 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 6 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	6	2	3	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 7 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 8 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 9 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 10 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	10	2	3	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 11 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	11	2	3	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 12 and weight = 2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	12	2	3	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 1 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 2 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	2	3	4	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 3 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 4 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
2	NULL	4	3	4	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 5 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 6 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 7 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 8 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 9 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 10 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 11 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = 12 and weight = 3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND origid = NULL;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND destid = NULL;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2' AND weight = 1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch = '2';
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
# Dijkstras algorithm tests
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=1 AND destid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	1	1	NULL	0	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=1 AND destid=2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	1	2	NULL	0	1
dijkstras	1	2	1	1	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=2 AND destid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	2	1	NULL	0	2
dijkstras	2	1	1	1	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=1 AND destid=4;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	1	4	NULL	0	1
dijkstras	1	4	1	1	3
dijkstras	1	4	1	2	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=4 AND destid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	4	1	NULL	0	4
dijkstras	4	1	1	1	3
dijkstras	4	1	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=1 AND destid=5;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=1 AND destid=666;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=5 AND destid=7;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	5	7	NULL	0	5
dijkstras	5	7	1	1	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=7 AND destid=5;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=10 AND destid=11;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	10	11	NULL	0	10
dijkstras	10	11	1	1	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=10 AND destid=12;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	10	12	NULL	0	10
dijkstras	10	12	1	1	11
dijkstras	10	12	1	2	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=11 AND destid=10;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	11	10	NULL	0	11
dijkstras	11	10	1	1	12
dijkstras	11	10	1	2	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=11 AND destid=12;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	11	12	NULL	0	11
dijkstras	11	12	1	1	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=12 AND destid=10;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	12	10	NULL	0	12
dijkstras	12	10	1	1	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=12 AND destid=11;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	12	11	NULL	0	12
dijkstras	12	11	1	1	10
dijkstras	12	11	1	2	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	4	4
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	3	3
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	2	2
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	1	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	2	NULL	0	4	4
dijkstras	2	NULL	0	3	3
dijkstras	2	NULL	0	2	1
dijkstras	2	NULL	0	1	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	3	NULL	0	4	2
dijkstras	3	NULL	0	3	4
dijkstras	3	NULL	0	2	1
dijkstras	3	NULL	0	1	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=4;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	4	NULL	0	4	2
dijkstras	4	NULL	0	3	1
dijkstras	4	NULL	0	2	3
dijkstras	4	NULL	0	1	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=5;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	5	NULL	0	3	7
dijkstras	5	NULL	0	2	6
dijkstras	5	NULL	0	1	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=6;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	6	NULL	0	3	7
dijkstras	6	NULL	0	2	5
dijkstras	6	NULL	0	1	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=7;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	7	NULL	0	1	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=8;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	8	NULL	0	1	8
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=9;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	9	NULL	0	1	9
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=10;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	10	NULL	0	3	12
dijkstras	10	NULL	0	2	11
dijkstras	10	NULL	0	1	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=11;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	11	NULL	0	3	10
dijkstras	11	NULL	0	2	12
dijkstras	11	NULL	0	1	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=12;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	12	NULL	0	3	11
dijkstras	12	NULL	0	2	10
dijkstras	12	NULL	0	1	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=666;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	666	NULL	0	1	666
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	1	2	4	4
dijkstras	NULL	1	1	3	3
dijkstras	NULL	1	1	2	2
dijkstras	NULL	1	0	1	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	2	3	4	4
dijkstras	NULL	2	2	3	3
dijkstras	NULL	2	1	2	1
dijkstras	NULL	2	0	1	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	3	2	4	2
dijkstras	NULL	3	1	3	4
dijkstras	NULL	3	1	2	1
dijkstras	NULL	3	0	1	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=4;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	4	3	4	2
dijkstras	NULL	4	2	3	1
dijkstras	NULL	4	1	2	3
dijkstras	NULL	4	0	1	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=5;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	5	1	3	7
dijkstras	NULL	5	1	2	6
dijkstras	NULL	5	0	1	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=6;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	6	2	3	7
dijkstras	NULL	6	1	2	5
dijkstras	NULL	6	0	1	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=7;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	7	0	1	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=8;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	8	0	1	8
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=9;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	9	0	1	9
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=10;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	10	2	3	12
dijkstras	NULL	10	1	2	11
dijkstras	NULL	10	0	1	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=11;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	11	2	3	10
dijkstras	NULL	11	1	2	12
dijkstras	NULL	11	0	1	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=12;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	12	2	3	11
dijkstras	NULL	12	1	2	10
dijkstras	NULL	12	0	1	12
# legacy string number
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=1 AND destid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	1	1	NULL	0	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=1 AND destid=2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	1	2	NULL	0	1
1	1	2	1	1	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=2 AND destid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	2	1	NULL	0	2
1	2	1	1	1	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=1 AND destid=4;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	1	4	NULL	0	1
1	1	4	1	1	3
1	1	4	1	2	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=4 AND destid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	4	1	NULL	0	4
1	4	1	1	1	3
1	4	1	1	2	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=1 AND destid=5;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=1 AND destid=666;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=5 AND destid=7;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	5	7	NULL	0	5
1	5	7	1	1	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=7 AND destid=5;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=10 AND destid=11;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	10	11	NULL	0	10
1	10	11	1	1	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=10 AND destid=12;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	10	12	NULL	0	10
1	10	12	1	1	11
1	10	12	1	2	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=11 AND destid=10;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	11	10	NULL	0	11
1	11	10	1	1	12
1	11	10	1	2	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=11 AND destid=12;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	11	12	NULL	0	11
1	11	12	1	1	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=12 AND destid=10;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	12	10	NULL	0	12
1	12	10	1	1	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=12 AND destid=11;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	12	11	NULL	0	12
1	12	11	1	1	10
1	12	11	1	2	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	1	NULL	0	4	4
1	1	NULL	0	3	3
1	1	NULL	0	2	2
1	1	NULL	0	1	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	2	NULL	0	4	4
1	2	NULL	0	3	3
1	2	NULL	0	2	1
1	2	NULL	0	1	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	3	NULL	0	4	2
1	3	NULL	0	3	4
1	3	NULL	0	2	1
1	3	NULL	0	1	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=4;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	4	NULL	0	4	2
1	4	NULL	0	3	1
1	4	NULL	0	2	3
1	4	NULL	0	1	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=5;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	5	NULL	0	3	7
1	5	NULL	0	2	6
1	5	NULL	0	1	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=6;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	6	NULL	0	3	7
1	6	NULL	0	2	5
1	6	NULL	0	1	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=7;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	7	NULL	0	1	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=8;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	8	NULL	0	1	8
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=9;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	9	NULL	0	1	9
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=10;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	10	NULL	0	3	12
1	10	NULL	0	2	11
1	10	NULL	0	1	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=11;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	11	NULL	0	3	10
1	11	NULL	0	2	12
1	11	NULL	0	1	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=12;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	12	NULL	0	3	11
1	12	NULL	0	2	10
1	12	NULL	0	1	12
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=666;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	666	NULL	0	1	666
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND destid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	NULL	1	2	4	4
1	NULL	1	1	3	3
1	NULL	1	1	2	2
1	NULL	1	0	1	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND destid=2;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	NULL	2	3	4	4
1	NULL	2	2	3	3
1	NULL	2	1	2	1
1	NULL	2	0	1	2
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND destid=3;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	NULL	3	2	4	2
1	NULL	3	1	3	4
1	NULL	3	1	2	1
1	NULL	3	0	1	3
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND destid=4;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	NULL	4	3	4	2
1	NULL	4	2	3	1
1	NULL	4	1	2	3
1	NULL	4	0	1	4
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND destid=5;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	NULL	5	1	3	7
1	NULL	5	1	2	6
1	NULL	5	0	1	5
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND destid=6;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	NULL	6	2	3	7
1	NULL	6	1	2	5
1	NULL	6	0	1	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND destid=7;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	NULL	7	0	1	7
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND destid=8;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	NULL	8	0	1	8
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND destid=9;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	NULL	9	0	1	9
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND destid=10;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	NULL	10	2	3	12
1	NULL	10	1	2	11
1	NULL	10	0	1	10
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND destid=11;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	NULL	11	2	3	10
1	NULL	11	1	2	12
1	NULL	11	0	1	11
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND destid=12;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	NULL	12	2	3	11
1	NULL	12	1	2	10
1	NULL	12	0	1	12
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (11,13);
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (10,14);
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (14,13);
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=10 AND destid=13;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	10	13	NULL	0	10
dijkstras	10	13	1	1	11
dijkstras	10	13	1	2	13
DELETE FROM graph_base where from_id=10 and to_id=11;
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (10,15);
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (15,13);
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=10 AND destid=13;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	10	13	NULL	0	10
dijkstras	10	13	1	1	14
dijkstras	10	13	1	2	13
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (10,11);
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=10 AND destid=13;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	10	13	NULL	0	10
dijkstras	10	13	1	1	11
dijkstras	10	13	1	2	13
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	4	4
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	3	3
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	2	2
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	1	1
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (21,22);
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=21;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	21	NULL	0	2	22
dijkstras	21	NULL	0	1	21
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=22;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	22	NULL	0	1	22
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (4,17);
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	5	17
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	4	4
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	3	3
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	2	2
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	1	1
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (4,16);
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	6	17
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	5	16
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	4	4
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	3	3
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	2	2
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	1	1
INSERT INTO graph_base(from_id, to_id) VALUES (17,18);
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	7	18
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	6	17
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	5	16
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	4	4
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	3	3
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	2	2
dijkstras	1	NULL	0	1	1
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND destid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	NULL	1	4	7	18
dijkstras	NULL	1	3	6	17
dijkstras	NULL	1	3	5	16
dijkstras	NULL	1	2	4	4
dijkstras	NULL	1	1	3	3
dijkstras	NULL	1	1	2	2
dijkstras	NULL	1	0	1	1
# Now we add a connection from 4->6 
INSERT INTO graph_base (from_id,to_id) VALUES (4,6);
# And delete all references to node 5
DELETE FROM graph_base WHERE from_id=5;
DELETE FROM graph_base WHERE from_id=3 AND to_id=5;
# which means there is a path in one direction only 1>3>4>6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=1 AND destid=6;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
dijkstras	1	6	NULL	0	1
dijkstras	1	6	1	1	3
dijkstras	1	6	1	2	4
dijkstras	1	6	1	3	6
# but not 6>4>3>1 (so no result)
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='dijkstras' AND origid=6 AND destid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=1 AND destid=6;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
1	1	6	NULL	0	1
1	1	6	1	1	3
1	1	6	1	2	4
1	1	6	1	3	6
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE latch='1' AND origid=6 AND destid=1;
latch	origid	destid	weight	seq	linkid
DELETE FROM graph_base;
TRUNCATE TABLE graph_base;
DROP TABLE graph_base;