Testing server 'Oracle' at 1999-03-25  0:49:44

Testing the speed of inserting data into 1 table and do some selects on it.
The tests are done with a table that has 100000 rows.

Generating random keys
Creating tables
Inserting 100000 rows in order
Inserting 100000 rows in reverse order
Inserting 100000 rows in random order
Time for insert (300000): 1017 wallclock secs (228.54 usr 28.12 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)

Testing insert of duplicates
Time for insert_duplicates (300000): 2000 wallclock secs ( 0.00 usr  0.00 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)

Retrieving data from the table
Time for select_big (10:3000000): 844 wallclock secs (366.38 usr 91.00 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Note: Query took longer then time-limit: 600
Estimating end time based on:
8 queries in 8 loops of 10 loops took 677 seconds
Estimated time for order_by_key (10:2400000): 846 wallclock secs (362.64 usr 93.30 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Note: Query took longer then time-limit: 600
Estimating end time based on:
8 queries in 8 loops of 10 loops took 651 seconds
Estimated time for order_by (10:2400000): 813 wallclock secs (362.89 usr 88.91 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Time for select_range_prefix (5010:42084): 46 wallclock secs (18.80 usr  3.50 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Note: Query took longer then time-limit: 600
Estimating end time based on:
225 queries in 225 loops of 5000 loops took 638 seconds
Estimated time for select_range (5000:1890): 14177 wallclock secs (17.56 usr  3.56 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Note: Query took longer then time-limit: 600
Estimating end time based on:
187460 queries in 93730 loops of 100000 loops took 601 seconds
Estimated time for select_key_prefix (200000): 641 wallclock secs (235.18 usr 40.05 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Note: Query took longer then time-limit: 600
Estimating end time based on:
1316 queries in 658 loops of 100000 loops took 601 seconds
Estimated time for select_key (200000): 91337 wallclock secs (252.28 usr 48.63 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)

Test of compares with simple ranges
Time for select_range_prefix (20000:43500): 37 wallclock secs (17.82 usr  2.98 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Note: Query took longer then time-limit: 600
Estimating end time based on:
1480 queries in 37 loops of 500 loops took 608 seconds
Estimated time for select_range (20000:3219): 608 wallclock secs ( 1.26 usr  0.21 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Time for select_group (91): 50 wallclock secs ( 0.08 usr  0.02 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Time for min_max_on_key (3000):  9 wallclock secs ( 3.29 usr  0.62 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Time for min_max (60): 25 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.01 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Time for count_on_key (100): 31 wallclock secs ( 0.08 usr  0.04 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Time for count (100): 50 wallclock secs ( 0.08 usr  0.03 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)

Testing update with functions
Time for update_key (500):  221 wallclock secs ( 0.26 usr  0.08 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Time for update_key_big (501): 299 wallclock secs ( 0.40 usr  0.07 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)

Testing delete
Time for delete_key (500): 265 wallclock secs ( 0.34 usr  0.04 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)
Time for delete_big (12): 495 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.04 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)

Insert into table with 16 keys and with a primary key with 16 parts
Time for insert_key (100000): 647 wallclock secs (78.18 usr  9.80 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)

Testing update of keys
Time for update_of_primary_key_many_keys (256): 445 wallclock secs ( 0.19 usr  0.00 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)

Deleting everything from table
Time for delete_big (2): 544 wallclock secs ( 0.00 usr  0.01 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)

Estimated total time: 123077 wallclock secs (1962.20 usr 413.70 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU secs)