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<title>Berkeley DB: DBENV-&gt;set_flags</title>
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#include &lt;db.h&gt;
DBENV-&gt;set_flags(DB_ENV *dbenv, u_int32_t flags, int onoff);
<p>The <b>flags</b> value must be set to 0 or by bitwise inclusively <b>OR</b>'ing together one or more
of the following values.
If <b>onoff</b> is zero, the specified flags are cleared, otherwise they
are set.
<p><dl compact>
<p><dt><a name="DB_CDB_ALLDB">DB_CDB_ALLDB</a><dd>For Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store applications, perform locking on an environment-wide basis
rather than per-database.  This flag may only be used to configure Berkeley DB
before the <a href="../api_c/env_open.html">DBENV-&gt;open</a> interface is called.
<p><dt><a name="DB_NOMMAP">DB_NOMMAP</a><dd>Copy read-only database files in this environment into the local cache
instead of potentially mapping them into process memory (see the
description of the <a href="../api_c/env_set_mp_mmapsize.html">DBENV-&gt;set_mp_mmapsize</a> function for further information).
<p><dt><a name="DB_TXN_NOSYNC">DB_TXN_NOSYNC</a><dd>Do not synchronously flush the log on transaction commit or prepare.
This means that transactions exhibit the ACI (atomicity, consistency and
isolation) properties, but not D (durability), i.e., database integrity
will be maintained but it is possible that some number of the most
recently committed transactions may be undone during recovery instead of
being redone.
<p>The number of transactions that are potentially at risk is governed by
how often the log is checkpointed (see <a href="../utility/db_checkpoint.html">db_checkpoint</a> for more
information) and how many log updates can fit on a single log page.
<p>The DBENV-&gt;set_flags function returns a non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.
<p>The database environment's flag values may also be set using the environment's
<b>DB_CONFIG</b> file.  The syntax of the entry in that file is a
single line with the string "set_flags", one or more whitespace characters,
and the interface flag argument as a string, for example, "set_flags
DB_TXN_NOSYNC".  Because the <b>DB_CONFIG</b> file is read when the database
environment is opened, it will silently overrule configuration done
before that time.
<p><dl compact>
<p><dt>EINVAL<dd>An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
<h1>See Also</h1>
<a href="../api_c/env_close.html">DBENV-&gt;close</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_create.html">db_env_create</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_open.html">DBENV-&gt;open</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_remove.html">DBENV-&gt;remove</a>,
<a href="../api_c/db_err.html">DBENV-&gt;err</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_strerror.html">db_strerror</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_version.html">db_version</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_set_cachesize.html">DBENV-&gt;set_cachesize</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_set_errcall.html">DBENV-&gt;set_errcall</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_set_errfile.html">DBENV-&gt;set_errfile</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_set_errpfx.html">DBENV-&gt;set_errpfx</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_set_flags.html">DBENV-&gt;set_flags</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_set_mutexlocks.html">DBENV-&gt;set_mutexlocks</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_set_paniccall.html">DBENV-&gt;set_paniccall</a>,
<a href="../api_c/env_set_verbose.html">DBENV-&gt;set_verbose</a>.
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