#include "mysql_priv.h" #include "sql_select.h" /**************************************************************************** * Index Condition Pushdown code starts ***************************************************************************/ /* Check if given expression uses only table fields covered by the given index SYNOPSIS uses_index_fields_only() item Expression to check tbl The table having the index keyno The index number other_tbls_ok TRUE <=> Fields of other non-const tables are allowed DESCRIPTION Check if given expression only uses fields covered by index #keyno in the table tbl. The expression can use any fields in any other tables. The expression is guaranteed not to be AND or OR - those constructs are handled outside of this function. RETURN TRUE Yes FALSE No */ bool uses_index_fields_only(Item *item, TABLE *tbl, uint keyno, bool other_tbls_ok) { if (item->walk(&Item::limit_index_condition_pushdown_processor, FALSE, NULL)) { return FALSE; } if (item->const_item()) return TRUE; /* Don't push down the triggered conditions. Nested outer joins execution code may need to evaluate a condition several times (both triggered and untriggered), and there is no way to put thi TODO: Consider cloning the triggered condition and using the copies for: 1. push the first copy down, to have most restrictive index condition possible 2. Put the second copy into tab->select_cond. */ if (item->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM && ((Item_func*)item)->functype() == Item_func::TRIG_COND_FUNC) return FALSE; if (!(item->used_tables() & tbl->map)) return other_tbls_ok; Item::Type item_type= item->type(); switch (item_type) { case Item::FUNC_ITEM: { /* This is a function, apply condition recursively to arguments */ Item_func *item_func= (Item_func*)item; Item **child; Item **item_end= (item_func->arguments()) + item_func->argument_count(); for (child= item_func->arguments(); child != item_end; child++) { if (!uses_index_fields_only(*child, tbl, keyno, other_tbls_ok)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } case Item::COND_ITEM: { /* This is a AND/OR condition. Regular AND/OR clauses are handled by make_cond_for_index() which will chop off the part that can be checked with index. This code is for handling non-top-level AND/ORs, e.g. func(x AND y). */ List_iterator<Item> li(*((Item_cond*)item)->argument_list()); Item *item; while ((item=li++)) { if (!uses_index_fields_only(item, tbl, keyno, other_tbls_ok)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } case Item::FIELD_ITEM: { Item_field *item_field= (Item_field*)item; Field *field= item_field->field; if (field->table != tbl) return TRUE; /* The below is probably a repetition - the first part checks the other two, but let's play it safe: */ if(!field->part_of_key.is_set(keyno) || field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY || field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB) return FALSE; KEY *key_info= tbl->key_info + keyno; KEY_PART_INFO *key_part= key_info->key_part; KEY_PART_INFO *key_part_end= key_part + key_info->key_parts; for ( ; key_part < key_part_end; key_part++) { if (field->eq(key_part->field)) return !(key_part->key_part_flag & HA_PART_KEY_SEG); } if ((tbl->file->ha_table_flags() & HA_PRIMARY_KEY_IN_READ_INDEX) && tbl->s->primary_key != MAX_KEY && tbl->s->primary_key != keyno) { key_info= tbl->key_info + tbl->s->primary_key; key_part= key_info->key_part; key_part_end= key_part + key_info->key_parts; for ( ; key_part < key_part_end; key_part++) { /* It does not make sense to use the fact that the engine can read in a full field if the key if the index is built only over a part of this field. */ if (field->eq(key_part->field)) return !(key_part->key_part_flag & HA_PART_KEY_SEG); } } return FALSE; } case Item::REF_ITEM: return uses_index_fields_only(item->real_item(), tbl, keyno, other_tbls_ok); default: return FALSE; /* Play it safe, don't push unknown non-const items */ } } #define ICP_COND_USES_INDEX_ONLY 10 /* Get a part of the condition that can be checked using only index fields SYNOPSIS make_cond_for_index() cond The source condition table The table that is partially available keyno The index in the above table. Only fields covered by the index are available other_tbls_ok TRUE <=> Fields of other non-const tables are allowed DESCRIPTION Get a part of the condition that can be checked when for the given table we have values only of fields covered by some index. The condition may refer to other tables, it is assumed that we have values of all of their fields. Example: make_cond_for_index( "cond(t1.field) AND cond(t2.key1) AND cond(t2.non_key) AND cond(t2.key2)", t2, keyno(t2.key1)) will return "cond(t1.field) AND cond(t2.key2)" RETURN Index condition, or NULL if no condition could be inferred. */ Item *make_cond_for_index(Item *cond, TABLE *table, uint keyno, bool other_tbls_ok) { if (!cond) return NULL; if (cond->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) { uint n_marked= 0; if (((Item_cond*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC) { table_map used_tables= 0; Item_cond_and *new_cond=new Item_cond_and; if (!new_cond) return (COND*) 0; List_iterator<Item> li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item *item; while ((item=li++)) { Item *fix= make_cond_for_index(item, table, keyno, other_tbls_ok); if (fix) { new_cond->argument_list()->push_back(fix); used_tables|= fix->used_tables(); } if (test(item->marker == ICP_COND_USES_INDEX_ONLY)) { n_marked++; item->marker= 0; } } if (n_marked ==((Item_cond*)cond)->argument_list()->elements) cond->marker= ICP_COND_USES_INDEX_ONLY; switch (new_cond->argument_list()->elements) { case 0: return (COND*) 0; case 1: new_cond->used_tables_cache= used_tables; return new_cond->argument_list()->head(); default: new_cond->quick_fix_field(); new_cond->used_tables_cache= used_tables; return new_cond; } } else /* It's OR */ { Item_cond_or *new_cond=new Item_cond_or; if (!new_cond) return (COND*) 0; List_iterator<Item> li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item *item; while ((item=li++)) { Item *fix= make_cond_for_index(item, table, keyno, other_tbls_ok); if (!fix) return (COND*) 0; new_cond->argument_list()->push_back(fix); if (test(item->marker == ICP_COND_USES_INDEX_ONLY)) { n_marked++; item->marker= 0; } } if (n_marked ==((Item_cond*)cond)->argument_list()->elements) cond->marker= ICP_COND_USES_INDEX_ONLY; new_cond->quick_fix_field(); new_cond->used_tables_cache= ((Item_cond_or*) cond)->used_tables_cache; new_cond->top_level_item(); return new_cond; } } if (!uses_index_fields_only(cond, table, keyno, other_tbls_ok)) return (COND*) 0; cond->marker= ICP_COND_USES_INDEX_ONLY; return cond; } Item *make_cond_remainder(Item *cond, TABLE *table, uint keyno, bool other_tbls_ok, bool exclude_index) { if (cond->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) { table_map tbl_map= 0; if (((Item_cond*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC) { /* Create new top level AND item */ Item_cond_and *new_cond=new Item_cond_and; if (!new_cond) return (COND*) 0; List_iterator<Item> li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item *item; while ((item=li++)) { Item *fix= make_cond_remainder(item, table, keyno, other_tbls_ok, exclude_index); if (fix) { new_cond->argument_list()->push_back(fix); tbl_map |= fix->used_tables(); } } switch (new_cond->argument_list()->elements) { case 0: return (COND*) 0; case 1: return new_cond->argument_list()->head(); default: new_cond->quick_fix_field(); ((Item_cond*)new_cond)->used_tables_cache= tbl_map; return new_cond; } } else /* It's OR */ { Item_cond_or *new_cond=new Item_cond_or; if (!new_cond) return (COND*) 0; List_iterator<Item> li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item *item; while ((item=li++)) { Item *fix= make_cond_remainder(item, table, keyno, other_tbls_ok, FALSE); if (!fix) return (COND*) 0; new_cond->argument_list()->push_back(fix); tbl_map |= fix->used_tables(); } new_cond->quick_fix_field(); ((Item_cond*)new_cond)->used_tables_cache= tbl_map; new_cond->top_level_item(); return new_cond; } } else { if (exclude_index && uses_index_fields_only(cond, table, keyno, other_tbls_ok)) return 0; else return cond; } } /* Try to extract and push the index condition SYNOPSIS push_index_cond() tab A join tab that has tab->table->file and its condition in tab->select_cond keyno Index for which extract and push the condition DESCRIPTION Try to extract and push the index condition down to table handler */ void push_index_cond(JOIN_TAB *tab, uint keyno) { DBUG_ENTER("push_index_cond"); Item *idx_cond; if ((tab->table->file->index_flags(keyno, 0, 1) & HA_DO_INDEX_COND_PUSHDOWN) && optimizer_flag(tab->join->thd, OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_INDEX_COND_PUSHDOWN) && tab->join->thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_UPDATE_MULTI && tab->join->thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_DELETE_MULTI && tab->type != JT_CONST && tab->type != JT_SYSTEM) { DBUG_EXECUTE("where", print_where(tab->select_cond, "full cond", QT_ORDINARY);); idx_cond= make_cond_for_index(tab->select_cond, tab->table, keyno, tab->icp_other_tables_ok); DBUG_EXECUTE("where", print_where(idx_cond, "idx cond", QT_ORDINARY);); if (idx_cond) { Item *idx_remainder_cond= 0; tab->pre_idx_push_select_cond= tab->select->cond; /* For BKA cache we store condition to special BKA cache field because evaluation of the condition requires additional operations before the evaluation. This condition is used in JOIN_CACHE_BKA[_UNIQUE]::skip_index_tuple() functions. */ if (tab->use_join_cache && /* if cache is used then the value is TRUE only for BKA[_UNIQUE] cache (see check_join_cache_usage func). */ tab->icp_other_tables_ok && (idx_cond->used_tables() & ~(tab->table->map | tab->join->const_table_map))) tab->cache_idx_cond= idx_cond; else idx_remainder_cond= tab->table->file->idx_cond_push(keyno, idx_cond); /* Disable eq_ref's "lookup cache" if we've pushed down an index condition. TODO: This check happens to work on current ICP implementations, but there may exist a compliant implementation that will not work correctly with it. Sort this out when we stabilize the condition pushdown APIs. */ if (idx_remainder_cond != idx_cond) tab->ref.disable_cache= TRUE; Item *row_cond= tab->idx_cond_fact_out ? make_cond_remainder(tab->select_cond, tab->table, keyno, tab->icp_other_tables_ok, TRUE) : tab->pre_idx_push_select_cond; DBUG_EXECUTE("where", print_where(row_cond, "remainder cond", QT_ORDINARY);); if (row_cond) { if (!idx_remainder_cond) tab->select_cond= row_cond; else { COND *new_cond= new Item_cond_and(row_cond, idx_remainder_cond); tab->select_cond= new_cond; tab->select_cond->quick_fix_field(); ((Item_cond_and*)tab->select_cond)->used_tables_cache= row_cond->used_tables() | idx_remainder_cond->used_tables(); } } else tab->select_cond= idx_remainder_cond; if (tab->select) { DBUG_EXECUTE("where", print_where(tab->select->cond, "select_cond", QT_ORDINARY);); tab->select->cond= tab->select_cond; tab->select->pre_idx_push_select_cond= tab->pre_idx_push_select_cond; } } } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; }