/************************************************************************ Starts the InnoDB database server (c) 1996-2000 Innobase Oy Created 2/16/1996 Heikki Tuuri *************************************************************************/ #include "os0proc.h" #include "sync0sync.h" #include "ut0mem.h" #include "mem0mem.h" #include "mem0pool.h" #include "data0data.h" #include "data0type.h" #include "dict0dict.h" #include "buf0buf.h" #include "buf0flu.h" #include "buf0rea.h" #include "os0file.h" #include "os0thread.h" #include "fil0fil.h" #include "fsp0fsp.h" #include "rem0rec.h" #include "rem0cmp.h" #include "mtr0mtr.h" #include "log0log.h" #include "log0recv.h" #include "page0page.h" #include "page0cur.h" #include "trx0trx.h" #include "dict0boot.h" #include "dict0load.h" #include "trx0sys.h" #include "dict0crea.h" #include "btr0btr.h" #include "btr0pcur.h" #include "btr0cur.h" #include "btr0sea.h" #include "rem0rec.h" #include "srv0srv.h" #include "que0que.h" #include "usr0sess.h" #include "lock0lock.h" #include "trx0roll.h" #include "trx0purge.h" #include "row0ins.h" #include "row0sel.h" #include "row0upd.h" #include "row0row.h" #include "row0mysql.h" #include "lock0lock.h" #include "ibuf0ibuf.h" #include "pars0pars.h" #include "btr0sea.h" #include "srv0start.h" #include "que0que.h" /* Log sequence number immediately after startup */ dulint srv_start_lsn; /* Log sequence number at shutdown */ dulint srv_shutdown_lsn; #ifdef HAVE_DARWIN_THREADS # include <sys/utsname.h> ibool srv_have_fullfsync = FALSE; #endif ibool srv_start_raw_disk_in_use = FALSE; static ibool srv_start_has_been_called = FALSE; ulint srv_sizeof_trx_t_in_ha_innodb_cc; ibool srv_startup_is_before_trx_rollback_phase = FALSE; ibool srv_is_being_started = FALSE; static ibool srv_was_started = FALSE; /* At a shutdown the value first climbs to SRV_SHUTDOWN_CLEANUP and then to SRV_SHUTDOWN_LAST_PHASE */ ulint srv_shutdown_state = 0; ibool measure_cont = FALSE; static os_file_t files[1000]; static mutex_t ios_mutex; static ulint ios; static ulint n[SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS + 5]; static os_thread_id_t thread_ids[SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS + 5]; /* We use this mutex to test the return value of pthread_mutex_trylock on successful locking. HP-UX does NOT return 0, though Linux et al do. */ static os_fast_mutex_t srv_os_test_mutex; /* Name of srv_monitor_file */ static char* srv_monitor_file_name; #define SRV_N_PENDING_IOS_PER_THREAD OS_AIO_N_PENDING_IOS_PER_THREAD #define SRV_MAX_N_PENDING_SYNC_IOS 100 /* Avoid warnings when using purify */ #ifdef HAVE_purify static int inno_bcmp(register const char *s1, register const char *s2, register uint len) { while (len-- != 0 && *s1++ == *s2++) ; return len+1; } #define memcmp(A,B,C) inno_bcmp((A),(B),(C)) #endif /************************************************************************* Reads the data files and their sizes from a character string given in the .cnf file. */ ibool srv_parse_data_file_paths_and_sizes( /*================================*/ /* out: TRUE if ok, FALSE if parsing error */ char* str, /* in: the data file path string */ char*** data_file_names, /* out, own: array of data file names */ ulint** data_file_sizes, /* out, own: array of data file sizes in megabytes */ ulint** data_file_is_raw_partition,/* out, own: array of flags showing which data files are raw partitions */ ulint* n_data_files, /* out: number of data files */ ibool* is_auto_extending, /* out: TRUE if the last data file is auto-extending */ ulint* max_auto_extend_size) /* out: max auto extend size for the last file if specified, 0 if not */ { char* input_str; char* endp; char* path; ulint size; ulint i = 0; *is_auto_extending = FALSE; *max_auto_extend_size = 0; input_str = str; /* First calculate the number of data files and check syntax: path:size[M | G];path:size[M | G]... . Note that a Windows path may contain a drive name and a ':'. */ while (*str != '\0') { path = str; while ((*str != ':' && *str != '\0') || (*str == ':' && (*(str + 1) == '\\' || *(str + 1) == '/' || *(str + 1) == ':'))) { str++; } if (*str == '\0') { return(FALSE); } str++; size = strtoul(str, &endp, 10); str = endp; if (*str != 'M' && *str != 'G') { size = size / (1024 * 1024); } else if (*str == 'G') { size = size * 1024; str++; } else { str++; } if (0 == memcmp(str, ":autoextend", (sizeof ":autoextend") - 1)) { str += (sizeof ":autoextend") - 1; if (0 == memcmp(str, ":max:", (sizeof ":max:") - 1)) { str += (sizeof ":max:") - 1; size = strtoul(str, &endp, 10); str = endp; if (*str != 'M' && *str != 'G') { size = size / (1024 * 1024); } else if (*str == 'G') { size = size * 1024; str++; } else { str++; } } if (*str != '\0') { return(FALSE); } } if (strlen(str) >= 6 && *str == 'n' && *(str + 1) == 'e' && *(str + 2) == 'w') { str += 3; } if (*str == 'r' && *(str + 1) == 'a' && *(str + 2) == 'w') { str += 3; } if (size == 0) { return(FALSE); } i++; if (*str == ';') { str++; } else if (*str != '\0') { return(FALSE); } } *data_file_names = (char**)ut_malloc(i * sizeof(void*)); *data_file_sizes = (ulint*)ut_malloc(i * sizeof(ulint)); *data_file_is_raw_partition = (ulint*)ut_malloc(i * sizeof(ulint)); *n_data_files = i; /* Then store the actual values to our arrays */ str = input_str; i = 0; while (*str != '\0') { path = str; /* Note that we must step over the ':' in a Windows path; a Windows path normally looks like C:\ibdata\ibdata1:1G, but a Windows raw partition may have a specification like \\.\C::1Gnewraw or \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2:1Gnewraw */ while ((*str != ':' && *str != '\0') || (*str == ':' && (*(str + 1) == '\\' || *(str + 1) == '/' || *(str + 1) == ':'))) { str++; } if (*str == ':') { /* Make path a null-terminated string */ *str = '\0'; str++; } size = strtoul(str, &endp, 10); str = endp; if ((*str != 'M') && (*str != 'G')) { size = size / (1024 * 1024); } else if (*str == 'G') { size = size * 1024; str++; } else { str++; } (*data_file_names)[i] = path; (*data_file_sizes)[i] = size; if (0 == memcmp(str, ":autoextend", (sizeof ":autoextend") - 1)) { *is_auto_extending = TRUE; str += (sizeof ":autoextend") - 1; if (0 == memcmp(str, ":max:", (sizeof ":max:") - 1)) { str += (sizeof ":max:") - 1; size = strtoul(str, &endp, 10); str = endp; if (*str != 'M' && *str != 'G') { size = size / (1024 * 1024); } else if (*str == 'G') { size = size * 1024; str++; } else { str++; } *max_auto_extend_size = size; } if (*str != '\0') { return(FALSE); } } (*data_file_is_raw_partition)[i] = 0; if (strlen(str) >= 6 && *str == 'n' && *(str + 1) == 'e' && *(str + 2) == 'w') { str += 3; (*data_file_is_raw_partition)[i] = SRV_NEW_RAW; } if (*str == 'r' && *(str + 1) == 'a' && *(str + 2) == 'w') { str += 3; if ((*data_file_is_raw_partition)[i] == 0) { (*data_file_is_raw_partition)[i] = SRV_OLD_RAW; } } i++; if (*str == ';') { str++; } } return(TRUE); } /************************************************************************* Reads log group home directories from a character string given in the .cnf file. */ ibool srv_parse_log_group_home_dirs( /*==========================*/ /* out: TRUE if ok, FALSE if parsing error */ char* str, /* in: character string */ char*** log_group_home_dirs) /* out, own: log group home dirs */ { char* input_str; char* path; ulint i = 0; input_str = str; /* First calculate the number of directories and check syntax: path;path;... */ while (*str != '\0') { path = str; while (*str != ';' && *str != '\0') { str++; } i++; if (*str == ';') { str++; } else if (*str != '\0') { return(FALSE); } } *log_group_home_dirs = (char**) ut_malloc(i * sizeof(void*)); /* Then store the actual values to our array */ str = input_str; i = 0; while (*str != '\0') { path = str; while (*str != ';' && *str != '\0') { str++; } if (*str == ';') { *str = '\0'; str++; } (*log_group_home_dirs)[i] = path; i++; } return(TRUE); } /************************************************************************ I/o-handler thread function. */ static #ifndef __WIN__ void* #else ulint #endif io_handler_thread( /*==============*/ void* arg) { ulint segment; ulint i; segment = *((ulint*)arg); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG_THREAD_CREATION fprintf(stderr, "Io handler thread %lu starts, id %lu\n", segment, os_thread_pf(os_thread_get_curr_id())); #endif for (i = 0;; i++) { fil_aio_wait(segment); mutex_enter(&ios_mutex); ios++; mutex_exit(&ios_mutex); } /* We count the number of threads in os_thread_exit(). A created thread should always use that to exit and not use return() to exit. The thread actually never comes here because it is exited in an os_event_wait(). */ os_thread_exit(NULL); #ifndef __WIN__ return(NULL); /* Not reached */ #else return(0); #endif } #ifdef __WIN__ #define SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR '\\' #else #define SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR '/' #endif /************************************************************************* Normalizes a directory path for Windows: converts slashes to backslashes. */ void srv_normalize_path_for_win( /*=======================*/ char* str __attribute__((unused))) /* in/out: null-terminated character string */ { #ifdef __WIN__ for (; *str; str++) { if (*str == '/') { *str = '\\'; } } #endif } /************************************************************************* Adds a slash or a backslash to the end of a string if it is missing and the string is not empty. */ static char* srv_add_path_separator_if_needed( /*=============================*/ /* out: string which has the separator if the string is not empty */ char* str) /* in: null-terminated character string */ { char* out_str; ulint len = ut_strlen(str); if (len == 0 || str[len - 1] == SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR) { return(str); } out_str = ut_malloc(len + 2); memcpy(out_str, str, len); out_str[len] = SRV_PATH_SEPARATOR; out_str[len + 1] = 0; return(out_str); } /************************************************************************* Calculates the low 32 bits when a file size which is given as a number database pages is converted to the number of bytes. */ static ulint srv_calc_low32( /*===========*/ /* out: low 32 bytes of file size when expressed in bytes */ ulint file_size) /* in: file size in database pages */ { return(0xFFFFFFFFUL & (file_size << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT)); } /************************************************************************* Calculates the high 32 bits when a file size which is given as a number database pages is converted to the number of bytes. */ static ulint srv_calc_high32( /*============*/ /* out: high 32 bytes of file size when expressed in bytes */ ulint file_size) /* in: file size in database pages */ { return(file_size >> (32 - UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT)); } /************************************************************************* Creates or opens the log files and closes them. */ static ulint open_or_create_log_file( /*====================*/ /* out: DB_SUCCESS or error code */ ibool create_new_db, /* in: TRUE if we should create a new database */ ibool* log_file_created, /* out: TRUE if new log file created */ ibool log_file_has_been_opened,/* in: TRUE if a log file has been opened before: then it is an error to try to create another log file */ ulint k, /* in: log group number */ ulint i) /* in: log file number in group */ { ibool ret; ulint size; ulint size_high; char name[10000]; UT_NOT_USED(create_new_db); *log_file_created = FALSE; srv_normalize_path_for_win(srv_log_group_home_dirs[k]); srv_log_group_home_dirs[k] = srv_add_path_separator_if_needed( srv_log_group_home_dirs[k]); ut_a(strlen(srv_log_group_home_dirs[k]) < (sizeof name) - 10 - sizeof "ib_logfile"); sprintf(name, "%s%s%lu", srv_log_group_home_dirs[k], "ib_logfile", (ulong) i); files[i] = os_file_create(name, OS_FILE_CREATE, OS_FILE_NORMAL, OS_LOG_FILE, &ret); if (ret == FALSE) { if (os_file_get_last_error(FALSE) != OS_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS #ifdef UNIV_AIX /* AIX 5.1 after security patch ML7 may have errno set to 0 here, which causes our function to return 100; work around that AIX problem */ && os_file_get_last_error(FALSE) != 100 #endif ) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error in creating or opening %s\n", name); return(DB_ERROR); } files[i] = os_file_create(name, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_AIO, OS_LOG_FILE, &ret); if (!ret) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error in opening %s\n", name); return(DB_ERROR); } ret = os_file_get_size(files[i], &size, &size_high); ut_a(ret); if (size != srv_calc_low32(srv_log_file_size) || size_high != srv_calc_high32(srv_log_file_size)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: log file %s is of different size %lu %lu bytes\n" "InnoDB: than specified in the .cnf file %lu %lu bytes!\n", name, (ulong) size_high, (ulong) size, (ulong) srv_calc_high32(srv_log_file_size), (ulong) srv_calc_low32(srv_log_file_size)); return(DB_ERROR); } } else { *log_file_created = TRUE; ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Log file %s did not exist: new to be created\n", name); if (log_file_has_been_opened) { return(DB_ERROR); } fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Setting log file %s size to %lu MB\n", name, (ulong) srv_log_file_size >> (20 - UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT)); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...\n"); ret = os_file_set_size(name, files[i], srv_calc_low32(srv_log_file_size), srv_calc_high32(srv_log_file_size)); if (!ret) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error in creating %s: probably out of disk space\n", name); return(DB_ERROR); } } ret = os_file_close(files[i]); ut_a(ret); if (i == 0) { /* Create in memory the file space object which is for this log group */ fil_space_create(name, 2 * k + SRV_LOG_SPACE_FIRST_ID, FIL_LOG); } ut_a(fil_validate()); fil_node_create(name, srv_log_file_size, 2 * k + SRV_LOG_SPACE_FIRST_ID, FALSE); #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE /* If this is the first log group, create the file space object for archived logs. Under MySQL, no archiving ever done. */ if (k == 0 && i == 0) { arch_space_id = 2 * k + 1 + SRV_LOG_SPACE_FIRST_ID; fil_space_create("arch_log_space", arch_space_id, FIL_LOG); } else { arch_space_id = ULINT_UNDEFINED; } #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ if (i == 0) { log_group_init(k, srv_n_log_files, srv_log_file_size * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, 2 * k + SRV_LOG_SPACE_FIRST_ID, SRV_LOG_SPACE_FIRST_ID + 1); /* dummy arch space id */ } return(DB_SUCCESS); } /************************************************************************* Creates or opens database data files and closes them. */ static ulint open_or_create_data_files( /*======================*/ /* out: DB_SUCCESS or error code */ ibool* create_new_db, /* out: TRUE if new database should be created */ #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE ulint* min_arch_log_no,/* out: min of archived log numbers in data files */ ulint* max_arch_log_no,/* out: */ #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ dulint* min_flushed_lsn,/* out: min of flushed lsn values in data files */ dulint* max_flushed_lsn,/* out: */ ulint* sum_of_new_sizes)/* out: sum of sizes of the new files added */ { ibool ret; ulint i; ibool one_opened = FALSE; ibool one_created = FALSE; ulint size; ulint size_high; ulint rounded_size_pages; char name[10000]; if (srv_n_data_files >= 1000) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: can only have < 1000 data files\n" "InnoDB: you have defined %lu\n", (ulong) srv_n_data_files); return(DB_ERROR); } *sum_of_new_sizes = 0; *create_new_db = FALSE; srv_normalize_path_for_win(srv_data_home); srv_data_home = srv_add_path_separator_if_needed(srv_data_home); for (i = 0; i < srv_n_data_files; i++) { srv_normalize_path_for_win(srv_data_file_names[i]); ut_a(strlen(srv_data_home) + strlen(srv_data_file_names[i]) < (sizeof name) - 1); sprintf(name, "%s%s", srv_data_home, srv_data_file_names[i]); if (srv_data_file_is_raw_partition[i] == 0) { /* First we try to create the file: if it already exists, ret will get value FALSE */ files[i] = os_file_create(name, OS_FILE_CREATE, OS_FILE_NORMAL, OS_DATA_FILE, &ret); if (ret == FALSE && os_file_get_last_error(FALSE) != OS_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS #ifdef UNIV_AIX /* AIX 5.1 after security patch ML7 may have errno set to 0 here, which causes our function to return 100; work around that AIX problem */ && os_file_get_last_error(FALSE) != 100 #endif ) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error in creating or opening %s\n", name); return(DB_ERROR); } } else if (srv_data_file_is_raw_partition[i] == SRV_NEW_RAW) { /* The partition is opened, not created; then it is written over */ srv_start_raw_disk_in_use = TRUE; srv_created_new_raw = TRUE; files[i] = os_file_create( name, OS_FILE_OPEN_RAW, OS_FILE_NORMAL, OS_DATA_FILE, &ret); if (!ret) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error in opening %s\n", name); return(DB_ERROR); } } else if (srv_data_file_is_raw_partition[i] == SRV_OLD_RAW) { srv_start_raw_disk_in_use = TRUE; ret = FALSE; } else { ut_a(0); } if (ret == FALSE) { /* We open the data file */ if (one_created) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: data files can only be added at the end\n"); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: of a tablespace, but data file %s existed beforehand.\n", name); return(DB_ERROR); } if (srv_data_file_is_raw_partition[i] == SRV_OLD_RAW) { files[i] = os_file_create( name, OS_FILE_OPEN_RAW, OS_FILE_NORMAL, OS_DATA_FILE, &ret); } else if (i == 0) { files[i] = os_file_create( name, OS_FILE_OPEN_RETRY, OS_FILE_NORMAL, OS_DATA_FILE, &ret); } else { files[i] = os_file_create( name, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_NORMAL, OS_DATA_FILE, &ret); } if (!ret) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error in opening %s\n", name); os_file_get_last_error(TRUE); return(DB_ERROR); } if (srv_data_file_is_raw_partition[i] == SRV_OLD_RAW) { goto skip_size_check; } ret = os_file_get_size(files[i], &size, &size_high); ut_a(ret); /* Round size downward to megabytes */ rounded_size_pages = (size / (1024 * 1024) + 4096 * size_high) << (20 - UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT); if (i == srv_n_data_files - 1 && srv_auto_extend_last_data_file) { if (srv_data_file_sizes[i] > rounded_size_pages || (srv_last_file_size_max > 0 && srv_last_file_size_max < rounded_size_pages)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: auto-extending data file %s is of a different size\n" "InnoDB: %lu pages (rounded down to MB) than specified in the .cnf file:\n" "InnoDB: initial %lu pages, max %lu (relevant if non-zero) pages!\n", name, (ulong) rounded_size_pages, (ulong) srv_data_file_sizes[i], (ulong) srv_last_file_size_max); return(DB_ERROR); } srv_data_file_sizes[i] = rounded_size_pages; } if (rounded_size_pages != srv_data_file_sizes[i]) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: data file %s is of a different size\n" "InnoDB: %lu pages (rounded down to MB)\n" "InnoDB: than specified in the .cnf file %lu pages!\n", name, (ulong) rounded_size_pages, (ulong) srv_data_file_sizes[i]); return(DB_ERROR); } skip_size_check: fil_read_flushed_lsn_and_arch_log_no(files[i], one_opened, #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE min_arch_log_no, max_arch_log_no, #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ min_flushed_lsn, max_flushed_lsn); one_opened = TRUE; } else { /* We created the data file and now write it full of zeros */ one_created = TRUE; if (i > 0) { ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Data file %s did not exist: new to be created\n", name); } else { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: The first specified data file %s did not exist:\n" "InnoDB: a new database to be created!\n", name); *create_new_db = TRUE; } ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Setting file %s size to %lu MB\n", name, (ulong) (srv_data_file_sizes[i] >> (20 - UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT))); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...\n"); ret = os_file_set_size(name, files[i], srv_calc_low32(srv_data_file_sizes[i]), srv_calc_high32(srv_data_file_sizes[i])); if (!ret) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error in creating %s: probably out of disk space\n", name); return(DB_ERROR); } *sum_of_new_sizes = *sum_of_new_sizes + srv_data_file_sizes[i]; } ret = os_file_close(files[i]); ut_a(ret); if (i == 0) { fil_space_create(name, 0, FIL_TABLESPACE); } ut_a(fil_validate()); if (srv_data_file_is_raw_partition[i]) { fil_node_create(name, srv_data_file_sizes[i], 0, TRUE); } else { fil_node_create(name, srv_data_file_sizes[i], 0, FALSE); } } ios = 0; mutex_create(&ios_mutex); mutex_set_level(&ios_mutex, SYNC_NO_ORDER_CHECK); return(DB_SUCCESS); } /******************************************************************** Starts InnoDB and creates a new database if database files are not found and the user wants. Server parameters are read from a file of name "srv_init" in the ib_home directory. */ int innobase_start_or_create_for_mysql(void) /*====================================*/ /* out: DB_SUCCESS or error code */ { buf_pool_t* ret; ibool create_new_db; ibool log_file_created; ibool log_created = FALSE; ibool log_opened = FALSE; dulint min_flushed_lsn; dulint max_flushed_lsn; #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE ulint min_arch_log_no; ulint max_arch_log_no; #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ ulint sum_of_new_sizes; ulint sum_of_data_file_sizes; ulint tablespace_size_in_header; ulint err; ulint i; ibool srv_file_per_table_original_value = srv_file_per_table; mtr_t mtr; #ifdef HAVE_DARWIN_THREADS # ifdef F_FULLFSYNC /* This executable has been compiled on Mac OS X 10.3 or later. Assume that F_FULLFSYNC is available at run-time. */ srv_have_fullfsync = TRUE; # else /* F_FULLFSYNC */ /* This executable has been compiled on Mac OS X 10.2 or earlier. Determine if the executable is running on Mac OS X 10.3 or later. */ struct utsname utsname; if (uname(&utsname)) { fputs("InnoDB: cannot determine Mac OS X version!\n", stderr); } else { srv_have_fullfsync = strcmp(utsname.release, "7.") >= 0; } if (!srv_have_fullfsync) { fputs( "InnoDB: On Mac OS X, fsync() may be broken on internal drives,\n" "InnoDB: making transactions unsafe!\n", stderr); } # endif /* F_FULLFSYNC */ #endif /* HAVE_DARWIN_THREADS */ if (sizeof(ulint) != sizeof(void*)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: size of InnoDB's ulint is %lu, but size of void* is %lu.\n" "InnoDB: The sizes should be the same so that on a 64-bit platform you can\n" "InnoDB: allocate more than 4 GB of memory.", (ulong)sizeof(ulint), (ulong)sizeof(void*)); } srv_file_per_table = FALSE; /* system tables are created in tablespace 0 */ #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNIV_DEBUG switched on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); #endif #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG switched on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); #endif #ifdef UNIV_SEARCH_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNIV_SEARCH_DEBUG switched on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); #endif #ifdef UNIV_MEM_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNIV_MEM_DEBUG switched on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); #endif #ifdef UNIV_SIMULATE_AWE fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNIV_SIMULATE_AWE switched on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); #endif if (srv_sizeof_trx_t_in_ha_innodb_cc != (ulint)sizeof(trx_t)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: trx_t size is %lu in ha_innodb.cc but %lu in srv0start.c\n" "InnoDB: Check that pthread_mutex_t is defined in the same way in these\n" "InnoDB: compilation modules. Cannot continue.\n", (ulong) srv_sizeof_trx_t_in_ha_innodb_cc, (ulong) sizeof(trx_t)); return(DB_ERROR); } /* Since InnoDB does not currently clean up all its internal data structures in MySQL Embedded Server Library server_end(), we print an error message if someone tries to start up InnoDB a second time during the process lifetime. */ if (srv_start_has_been_called) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error:startup called second time during the process lifetime.\n" "InnoDB: In the MySQL Embedded Server Library you cannot call server_init()\n" "InnoDB: more than once during the process lifetime.\n"); } srv_start_has_been_called = TRUE; log_do_write = TRUE; /* yydebug = TRUE; */ srv_is_being_started = TRUE; srv_startup_is_before_trx_rollback_phase = TRUE; os_aio_use_native_aio = FALSE; #if !defined(__WIN2000__) && !defined(UNIV_SIMULATE_AWE) if (srv_use_awe) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: You have specified innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb\n" "InnoDB: in my.cnf, but AWE can only be used in Windows 2000 and later.\n" "InnoDB: To use AWE, InnoDB must be compiled with __WIN2000__ defined.\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } #endif #ifdef __WIN__ if (os_get_os_version() == OS_WIN95 || os_get_os_version() == OS_WIN31 || os_get_os_version() == OS_WINNT) { /* On Win 95, 98, ME, Win32 subsystem for Windows 3.1, and NT use simulated aio. In NT Windows provides async i/o, but when run in conjunction with InnoDB Hot Backup, it seemed to corrupt the data files. */ os_aio_use_native_aio = FALSE; } else { /* On Win 2000 and XP use async i/o */ os_aio_use_native_aio = TRUE; } #endif if (srv_file_flush_method_str == NULL) { /* These are the default options */ srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_FDATASYNC; srv_win_file_flush_method = SRV_WIN_IO_UNBUFFERED; #ifndef __WIN__ } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "fdatasync")) { srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_FDATASYNC; } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "O_DSYNC")) { srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_O_DSYNC; } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "O_DIRECT")) { srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_O_DIRECT; } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "littlesync")) { srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_LITTLESYNC; } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "nosync")) { srv_unix_file_flush_method = SRV_UNIX_NOSYNC; #else } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "normal")) { srv_win_file_flush_method = SRV_WIN_IO_NORMAL; os_aio_use_native_aio = FALSE; } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "unbuffered")) { srv_win_file_flush_method = SRV_WIN_IO_UNBUFFERED; os_aio_use_native_aio = FALSE; } else if (0 == ut_strcmp(srv_file_flush_method_str, "async_unbuffered")) { srv_win_file_flush_method = SRV_WIN_IO_UNBUFFERED; #endif } else { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Unrecognized value %s for innodb_flush_method\n", srv_file_flush_method_str); return(DB_ERROR); } /* Note that the call srv_boot() also changes the values of srv_pool_size etc. to the units used by InnoDB internally */ /* Set the maximum number of threads which can wait for a semaphore inside InnoDB: this is the 'sync wait array' size, as well as the maximum number of threads that can wait in the 'srv_conc array' for their time to enter InnoDB. */ #if defined(__WIN__) || defined(__NETWARE__) /* Create less event semaphores because Win 98/ME had difficulty creating 40000 event semaphores. Comment from Novell, Inc.: also, these just take a lot of memory on NetWare. */ srv_max_n_threads = 1000; #else if (srv_pool_size >= 1000 * 1024) { /* Here we still have srv_pool_size counted in kilobytes (in 4.0 this was in bytes) srv_boot() converts the value to pages; if buffer pool is less than 1000 MB, assume fewer threads. */ srv_max_n_threads = 50000; } else if (srv_pool_size >= 8 * 1024) { srv_max_n_threads = 10000; } else { srv_max_n_threads = 1000; /* saves several MB of memory, especially in 64-bit computers */ } #endif err = srv_boot(); /* This changes srv_pool_size to units of a page */ if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { return((int) err); } mutex_create(&srv_monitor_file_mutex); mutex_set_level(&srv_monitor_file_mutex, SYNC_NO_ORDER_CHECK); if (srv_innodb_status) { srv_monitor_file_name = mem_alloc( strlen(fil_path_to_mysql_datadir) + 20 + sizeof "/innodb_status."); sprintf(srv_monitor_file_name, "%s/innodb_status.%lu", fil_path_to_mysql_datadir, os_proc_get_number()); srv_monitor_file = fopen(srv_monitor_file_name, "w+"); if (!srv_monitor_file) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: unable to create %s: %s\n", srv_monitor_file_name, strerror(errno)); return(DB_ERROR); } } else { srv_monitor_file_name = NULL; srv_monitor_file = os_file_create_tmpfile(); if (!srv_monitor_file) { return(DB_ERROR); } } /* Restrict the maximum number of file i/o threads */ if (srv_n_file_io_threads > SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS) { srv_n_file_io_threads = SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS; } if (!os_aio_use_native_aio) { /* In simulated aio we currently have use only for 4 threads */ srv_n_file_io_threads = 4; os_aio_init(8 * SRV_N_PENDING_IOS_PER_THREAD * srv_n_file_io_threads, srv_n_file_io_threads, SRV_MAX_N_PENDING_SYNC_IOS); } else { os_aio_init(SRV_N_PENDING_IOS_PER_THREAD * srv_n_file_io_threads, srv_n_file_io_threads, SRV_MAX_N_PENDING_SYNC_IOS); } fil_init(srv_max_n_open_files); if (srv_use_awe) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Using AWE: Memory window is %lu MB and AWE memory is %lu MB\n", (ulong) (srv_awe_window_size / ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE)), (ulong) (srv_pool_size / ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE))); /* We must disable adaptive hash indexes because they do not tolerate remapping of pages in AWE */ srv_use_adaptive_hash_indexes = FALSE; ret = buf_pool_init(srv_pool_size, srv_pool_size, srv_awe_window_size); } else { ret = buf_pool_init(srv_pool_size, srv_pool_size, srv_pool_size); } if (ret == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Fatal error: cannot allocate the memory for the buffer pool\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } fsp_init(); log_init(); lock_sys_create(srv_lock_table_size); /* Create i/o-handler threads: */ for (i = 0; i < srv_n_file_io_threads; i++) { n[i] = i; os_thread_create(io_handler_thread, n + i, thread_ids + i); } #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE if (0 != ut_strcmp(srv_log_group_home_dirs[0], srv_arch_dir)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: you must set the log group home dir in my.cnf the\n" "InnoDB: same as log arch dir.\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ if (srv_n_log_files * srv_log_file_size >= 262144) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: combined size of log files must be < 4 GB\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } sum_of_new_sizes = 0; for (i = 0; i < srv_n_data_files; i++) { #ifndef __WIN__ if (sizeof(off_t) < 5 && srv_data_file_sizes[i] >= 262144) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: file size must be < 4 GB with this MySQL binary\n" "InnoDB: and operating system combination, in some OS's < 2 GB\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } #endif sum_of_new_sizes += srv_data_file_sizes[i]; } if (sum_of_new_sizes < 640) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: tablespace size must be at least 10 MB\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } err = open_or_create_data_files(&create_new_db, #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE &min_arch_log_no, &max_arch_log_no, #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ &min_flushed_lsn, &max_flushed_lsn, &sum_of_new_sizes); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Could not open or create data files.\n" "InnoDB: If you tried to add new data files, and it failed here,\n" "InnoDB: you should now edit innodb_data_file_path in my.cnf back\n" "InnoDB: to what it was, and remove the new ibdata files InnoDB created\n" "InnoDB: in this failed attempt. InnoDB only wrote those files full of\n" "InnoDB: zeros, but did not yet use them in any way. But be careful: do not\n" "InnoDB: remove old data files which contain your precious data!\n"); return((int) err); } #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE srv_normalize_path_for_win(srv_arch_dir); srv_arch_dir = srv_add_path_separator_if_needed(srv_arch_dir); #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ for (i = 0; i < srv_n_log_files; i++) { err = open_or_create_log_file(create_new_db, &log_file_created, log_opened, 0, i); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { return((int) err); } if (log_file_created) { log_created = TRUE; } else { log_opened = TRUE; } if ((log_opened && create_new_db) || (log_opened && log_created)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: all log files must be created at the same time.\n" "InnoDB: All log files must be created also in database creation.\n" "InnoDB: If you want bigger or smaller log files, shut down the\n" "InnoDB: database and make sure there were no errors in shutdown.\n" "InnoDB: Then delete the existing log files. Edit the .cnf file\n" "InnoDB: and start the database again.\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } } /* Open all log files and data files in the system tablespace: we keep them open until database shutdown */ fil_open_log_and_system_tablespace_files(); if (log_created && !create_new_db #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE && !srv_archive_recovery #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ ) { if (ut_dulint_cmp(max_flushed_lsn, min_flushed_lsn) != 0 #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE || max_arch_log_no != min_arch_log_no #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ ) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Cannot initialize created log files because\n" "InnoDB: data files were not in sync with each other\n" "InnoDB: or the data files are corrupt.\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } if (ut_dulint_cmp(max_flushed_lsn, ut_dulint_create(0, 1000)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Cannot initialize created log files because\n" "InnoDB: data files are corrupt, or new data files were\n" "InnoDB: created when the database was started previous\n" "InnoDB: time but the database was not shut down\n" "InnoDB: normally after that.\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } mutex_enter(&(log_sys->mutex)); #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE /* Do not + 1 arch_log_no because we do not use log archiving */ recv_reset_logs(max_flushed_lsn, max_arch_log_no, TRUE); #else recv_reset_logs(max_flushed_lsn, TRUE); #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); } if (create_new_db) { mtr_start(&mtr); fsp_header_init(0, sum_of_new_sizes, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); trx_sys_create(); dict_create(); srv_startup_is_before_trx_rollback_phase = FALSE; #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE } else if (srv_archive_recovery) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Starting archive recovery from a backup...\n"); err = recv_recovery_from_archive_start( min_flushed_lsn, srv_archive_recovery_limit_lsn, min_arch_log_no); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { return(DB_ERROR); } /* Since ibuf init is in dict_boot, and ibuf is needed in any disk i/o, first call dict_boot */ dict_boot(); trx_sys_init_at_db_start(); srv_startup_is_before_trx_rollback_phase = FALSE; /* Initialize the fsp free limit global variable in the log system */ fsp_header_get_free_limit(0); recv_recovery_from_archive_finish(); #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ } else { /* We always try to do a recovery, even if the database had been shut down normally: this is the normal startup path */ err = recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_start(LOG_CHECKPOINT, ut_dulint_max, min_flushed_lsn, max_flushed_lsn); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { return(DB_ERROR); } /* Since the insert buffer init is in dict_boot, and the insert buffer is needed in any disk i/o, first we call dict_boot(). Note that trx_sys_init_at_db_start() only needs to access space 0, and the insert buffer at this stage already works for space 0. */ dict_boot(); trx_sys_init_at_db_start(); if (srv_force_recovery < SRV_FORCE_NO_IBUF_MERGE) { /* The following call is necessary for the insert buffer to work with multiple tablespaces. We must know the mapping between space id's and .ibd file names. In a crash recovery, we check that the info in data dictionary is consistent with what we already know about space id's from the call of fil_load_single_table_tablespaces(). In a normal startup, we create the space objects for every table in the InnoDB data dictionary that has an .ibd file. We also determine the maximum tablespace id used. TODO: We may have incomplete transactions in the data dictionary tables. Does that harm the scanning of the data dictionary below? */ dict_check_tablespaces_and_store_max_id( recv_needed_recovery); } srv_startup_is_before_trx_rollback_phase = FALSE; /* Initialize the fsp free limit global variable in the log system */ fsp_header_get_free_limit(0); /* recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_finish needs trx lists which are initialized in trx_sys_init_at_db_start(). */ recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_finish(); } if (!create_new_db && sum_of_new_sizes > 0) { /* New data file(s) were added */ mtr_start(&mtr); fsp_header_inc_size(0, sum_of_new_sizes, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); } if (recv_needed_recovery) { ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Flushing modified pages from the buffer pool...\n"); } log_make_checkpoint_at(ut_dulint_max, TRUE); #ifdef UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE /* Archiving is always off under MySQL */ if (!srv_log_archive_on) { ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == log_archive_noarchivelog()); } else { mutex_enter(&(log_sys->mutex)); start_archive = FALSE; if (log_sys->archiving_state == LOG_ARCH_OFF) { start_archive = TRUE; } mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); if (start_archive) { ut_a(DB_SUCCESS == log_archive_archivelog()); } } #endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */ if (srv_measure_contention) { /* os_thread_create(&test_measure_cont, NULL, thread_ids + SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS); */ } /* fprintf(stderr, "Max allowed record size %lu\n", page_get_free_space_of_empty() / 2); */ /* Create the thread which watches the timeouts for lock waits and prints InnoDB monitor info */ os_thread_create(&srv_lock_timeout_and_monitor_thread, NULL, thread_ids + 2 + SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS); /* Create the thread which warns of long semaphore waits */ os_thread_create(&srv_error_monitor_thread, NULL, thread_ids + 3 + SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS); srv_was_started = TRUE; srv_is_being_started = FALSE; #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG /* Wait a while so that the created threads have time to suspend themselves before we switch sync debugging on; otherwise a thread may execute mutex_enter() before the checks are on, and mutex_exit() after the checks are on, which will cause an assertion failure in sync debug. */ os_thread_sleep(3000000); #endif sync_order_checks_on = TRUE; if (srv_use_doublewrite_buf && trx_doublewrite == NULL) { /* Create the doublewrite buffer to a new tablespace */ trx_sys_create_doublewrite_buf(); } err = dict_create_or_check_foreign_constraint_tables(); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { return((int)DB_ERROR); } /* Create the master thread which does purge and other utility operations */ os_thread_create(&srv_master_thread, NULL, thread_ids + 1 + SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS); /* buf_debug_prints = TRUE; */ sum_of_data_file_sizes = 0; for (i = 0; i < srv_n_data_files; i++) { sum_of_data_file_sizes += srv_data_file_sizes[i]; } tablespace_size_in_header = fsp_header_get_tablespace_size(0); if (!srv_auto_extend_last_data_file && sum_of_data_file_sizes != tablespace_size_in_header) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: tablespace size stored in header is %lu pages, but\n" "InnoDB: the sum of data file sizes is %lu pages\n", (ulong) tablespace_size_in_header, (ulong) sum_of_data_file_sizes); if (srv_force_recovery == 0 && sum_of_data_file_sizes < tablespace_size_in_header) { /* This is a fatal error, the tail of a tablespace is missing */ fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Cannot start InnoDB. The tail of the system tablespace is\n" "InnoDB: missing. Have you edited innodb_data_file_path in my.cnf in an\n" "InnoDB: inappropriate way, removing ibdata files from there?\n" "InnoDB: You can set innodb_force_recovery=1 in my.cnf to force\n" "InnoDB: a startup if you are trying to recover a badly corrupt database.\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } } if (srv_auto_extend_last_data_file && sum_of_data_file_sizes < tablespace_size_in_header) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: tablespace size stored in header is %lu pages, but\n" "InnoDB: the sum of data file sizes is only %lu pages\n", (ulong) tablespace_size_in_header, (ulong) sum_of_data_file_sizes); if (srv_force_recovery == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Cannot start InnoDB. The tail of the system tablespace is\n" "InnoDB: missing. Have you edited innodb_data_file_path in my.cnf in an\n" "InnoDB: inappropriate way, removing ibdata files from there?\n" "InnoDB: You can set innodb_force_recovery=1 in my.cnf to force\n" "InnoDB: a startup if you are trying to recover a badly corrupt database.\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } } /* Check that os_fast_mutexes work as expected */ os_fast_mutex_init(&srv_os_test_mutex); if (0 != os_fast_mutex_trylock(&srv_os_test_mutex)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: pthread_mutex_trylock returns an unexpected value on\n" "InnoDB: success! Cannot continue.\n"); exit(1); } os_fast_mutex_unlock(&srv_os_test_mutex); os_fast_mutex_lock(&srv_os_test_mutex); os_fast_mutex_unlock(&srv_os_test_mutex); os_fast_mutex_free(&srv_os_test_mutex); if (srv_print_verbose_log) { ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Started; log sequence number %lu %lu\n", (ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(srv_start_lsn), (ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(srv_start_lsn)); } if (srv_force_recovery > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: !!! innodb_force_recovery is set to %lu !!!\n", (ulong) srv_force_recovery); } fflush(stderr); if (trx_doublewrite_must_reset_space_ids) { /* Actually, we did not change the undo log format between 4.0 and 4.1.1, and we would not need to run purge to completion. Note also that the purge algorithm in 4.1.1 can process the the history list again even after a full purge, because our algorithm does not cut the end of the history list in all cases so that it would become empty after a full purge. That mean that we may purge 4.0 type undo log even after this phase. The insert buffer record format changed between 4.0 and 4.1.1. It is essential that the insert buffer is emptied here! */ fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: You are upgrading to an InnoDB version which allows multiple\n" "InnoDB: tablespaces. Wait that purge and insert buffer merge run to\n" "InnoDB: completion...\n"); for (;;) { os_thread_sleep(1000000); if (0 == strcmp(srv_main_thread_op_info, "waiting for server activity")) { ut_a(ibuf_is_empty()); break; } } fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Full purge and insert buffer merge completed.\n"); trx_sys_mark_upgraded_to_multiple_tablespaces(); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: You have now successfully upgraded to the multiple tablespaces\n" "InnoDB: format. You should NOT DOWNGRADE to an earlier version of\n" "InnoDB: InnoDB! But if you absolutely need to downgrade, see\n" "InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Multiple_tablespaces.html\n" "InnoDB: for instructions.\n"); } if (srv_force_recovery == 0) { /* In the insert buffer we may have even bigger tablespace id's, because we may have dropped those tablespaces, but insert buffer merge has not had time to clean the records from the ibuf tree. */ ibuf_update_max_tablespace_id(); } srv_file_per_table = srv_file_per_table_original_value; return((int) DB_SUCCESS); } /******************************************************************** Shuts down the InnoDB database. */ int innobase_shutdown_for_mysql(void) /*=============================*/ /* out: DB_SUCCESS or error code */ { ulint i; #ifdef __NETWARE__ extern ibool panic_shutdown; #endif if (!srv_was_started) { if (srv_is_being_started) { ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Warning: shutting down a not properly started\n" " InnoDB: or created database!\n"); } return(DB_SUCCESS); } /* 1. Flush the buffer pool to disk, write the current lsn to the tablespace header(s), and copy all log data to archive. The step 1 is the real InnoDB shutdown. The remaining steps 2 - ... just free data structures after the shutdown. */ #ifdef __NETWARE__ if(!panic_shutdown) #endif logs_empty_and_mark_files_at_shutdown(); if (srv_conc_n_threads != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Warning: query counter shows %ld queries still\n" "InnoDB: inside InnoDB at shutdown\n", srv_conc_n_threads); } /* 2. Make all threads created by InnoDB to exit */ srv_shutdown_state = SRV_SHUTDOWN_EXIT_THREADS; /* All threads end up waiting for certain events. Put those events to the signaled state. Then the threads will exit themselves in os_thread_event_wait(). */ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { /* NOTE: IF YOU CREATE THREADS IN INNODB, YOU MUST EXIT THEM HERE OR EARLIER */ /* a. Let the lock timeout thread exit */ os_event_set(srv_lock_timeout_thread_event); /* b. srv error monitor thread exits automatically, no need to do anything here */ /* c. We wake the master thread so that it exits */ srv_wake_master_thread(); /* d. Exit the i/o threads */ os_aio_wake_all_threads_at_shutdown(); os_mutex_enter(os_sync_mutex); if (os_thread_count == 0) { /* All the threads have exited or are just exiting; NOTE that the threads may not have completed their exit yet. Should we use pthread_join() to make sure they have exited? Now we just sleep 0.1 seconds and hope that is enough! */ os_mutex_exit(os_sync_mutex); os_thread_sleep(100000); break; } os_mutex_exit(os_sync_mutex); os_thread_sleep(100000); } if (i == 1000) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Warning: %lu threads created by InnoDB had not exited at shutdown!\n", (ulong) os_thread_count); } if (srv_monitor_file) { fclose(srv_monitor_file); srv_monitor_file = 0; if (srv_monitor_file_name) { unlink(srv_monitor_file_name); mem_free(srv_monitor_file_name); } } mutex_free(&srv_monitor_file_mutex); /* 3. Free all InnoDB's own mutexes and the os_fast_mutexes inside them */ sync_close(); /* 4. Free the os_conc_mutex and all os_events and os_mutexes */ srv_free(); os_sync_free(); /* 5. Free all allocated memory and the os_fast_mutex created in ut0mem.c */ ut_free_all_mem(); if (os_thread_count != 0 || os_event_count != 0 || os_mutex_count != 0 || os_fast_mutex_count != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Warning: some resources were not cleaned up in shutdown:\n" "InnoDB: threads %lu, events %lu, os_mutexes %lu, os_fast_mutexes %lu\n", (ulong) os_thread_count, (ulong) os_event_count, (ulong) os_mutex_count, (ulong) os_fast_mutex_count); } if (dict_foreign_err_file) { fclose(dict_foreign_err_file); } if (lock_latest_err_file) { fclose(lock_latest_err_file); } if (srv_print_verbose_log) { ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number %lu %lu\n", (ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(srv_shutdown_lsn), (ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(srv_shutdown_lsn)); } return((int) DB_SUCCESS); } #ifdef __NETWARE__ void set_panic_flag_for_netware() { extern ibool panic_shutdown; panic_shutdown = TRUE; } #endif