/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #define DBTUP_C #define DBTUP_PAG_MAN_CPP #include "Dbtup.hpp" #include <RefConvert.hpp> #include <ndb_limits.h> #include <pc.hpp> /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ // 4) Page Memory Manager (buddy algorithm) // // The following data structures in Dbtup is used by the Page Memory // Manager. // // cfreepageList[16] // Pages with a header // // The cfreepageList is 16 free lists. Free list 0 contains chunks of // pages with 2^0 (=1) pages in each chunk. Free list 1 chunks of 2^1 // (=2) pages in each chunk and so forth upto free list 15 which // contains chunks of 2^15 (=32768) pages in each chunk. // The cfreepageList array contains the pointer to the first chunk // in each of those lists. The lists are doubly linked where the // first page in each chunk contains the next and previous references // in position ZPAGE_NEXT_CLUST_POS and ZPAGE_PREV_CLUST_POS in the // page header. // In addition the leading page and the last page in each chunk is marked // with a state (=ZFREE_COMMON) in position ZPAGE_STATE_POS in page // header. This state indicates that the page is the leading or last page // in a chunk of free pages. Furthermore the leading and last page is // also marked with a reference to the leading (=ZPAGE_FIRST_CLUST_POS) // and the last page (=ZPAGE_LAST_CLUST_POS) in the chunk. // // The aim of these data structures is to enable a free area handling of // free pages based on a buddy algorithm. When allocating pages it is // performed in chunks of pages and the algorithm tries to make the // chunks as large as possible. // This manager is invoked when fragments lack internal page space to // accomodate all the data they are requested to store. It is also // invoked when fragments deallocate page space back to the free area. // // The following routines are part of the external interface: // void // allocConsPages(Uint32 noOfPagesToAllocate, #In // Uint32& noOfPagesAllocated, #Out // Uint32& retPageRef) #Out // void // returnCommonArea(Uint32 retPageRef, #In // Uint32 retNoPages) #In // // allocConsPages tries to allocate noOfPagesToAllocate pages in one chunk. // If this fails it delivers a chunk as large as possible. It returns the // i-value of the first page in the chunk delivered, if zero pages returned // this i-value is undefined. It also returns the size of the chunk actually // delivered. // // returnCommonArea is used when somebody is returning pages to the free area. // It is used both from internal routines and external routines. // // The following routines are private routines used to support the // above external interface: // removeCommonArea() // insertCommonArea() // findFreeLeftNeighbours() // findFreeRightNeighbours() // Uint32 // nextHigherTwoLog(Uint32 input) // // nextHigherTwoLog is a support routine which is a mathematical function with // an integer as input and an integer as output. It calculates the 2-log of // (input + 1). If the 2-log of (input + 1) is larger than 15 then the routine // will return 15. It is part of the external interface since it is also used // by other similar memory management algorithms. // // External dependencies: // None. // // Side Effects: // Apart from the above mentioned data structures there are no more // side effects other than through the subroutine parameters in the // external interface. // /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CALCULATE THE 2-LOG + 1 OF TMP AND PUT RESULT INTO TBITS */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ Uint32 Dbtup::nextHigherTwoLog(Uint32 input) { input = input | (input >> 8); input = input | (input >> 4); input = input | (input >> 2); input = input | (input >> 1); Uint32 output = (input & 0x5555) + ((input >> 1) & 0x5555); output = (output & 0x3333) + ((output >> 2) & 0x3333); output = output + (output >> 4); output = (output & 0xf) + ((output >> 8) & 0xf); return output; }//nextHigherTwoLog() void Dbtup::initializePage() { for (Uint32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) { cfreepageList[i] = RNIL; }//for PagePtr pagePtr; for (pagePtr.i = 0; pagePtr.i < c_page_pool.getSize(); pagePtr.i++) { jam(); refresh_watch_dog(); c_page_pool.getPtr(pagePtr); pagePtr.p->physical_page_id= RNIL; pagePtr.p->next_page = pagePtr.i + 1; pagePtr.p->first_cluster_page = RNIL; pagePtr.p->next_cluster_page = RNIL; pagePtr.p->last_cluster_page = RNIL; pagePtr.p->prev_page = RNIL; pagePtr.p->page_state = ZFREE_COMMON; }//for pagePtr.p->next_page = RNIL; /** * Page 0 cant be part of buddy as * it will scan left right when searching for bigger blocks, * if 0 is part of arrat, it can search to -1...which is not good */ pagePtr.i = 0; c_page_pool.getPtr(pagePtr); pagePtr.p->page_state = ~ZFREE_COMMON; Uint32 tmp = 1; returnCommonArea(tmp, c_page_pool.getSize() - tmp); cnoOfAllocatedPages = tmp; // Is updated by returnCommonArea }//Dbtup::initializePage() void Dbtup::allocConsPages(Uint32 noOfPagesToAllocate, Uint32& noOfPagesAllocated, Uint32& allocPageRef) { if (noOfPagesToAllocate == 0){ jam(); noOfPagesAllocated = 0; return; }//if Uint32 firstListToCheck = nextHigherTwoLog(noOfPagesToAllocate - 1); for (Uint32 i = firstListToCheck; i < 16; i++) { jam(); if (cfreepageList[i] != RNIL) { jam(); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* PROPER AMOUNT OF PAGES WERE FOUND. NOW SPLIT THE FOUND */ /* AREA AND RETURN THE PART NOT NEEDED. */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ noOfPagesAllocated = noOfPagesToAllocate; allocPageRef = cfreepageList[i]; removeCommonArea(allocPageRef, i); Uint32 retNo = (1 << i) - noOfPagesToAllocate; Uint32 retPageRef = allocPageRef + noOfPagesToAllocate; returnCommonArea(retPageRef, retNo); return; }//if }//for /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* PROPER AMOUNT OF PAGES WERE NOT FOUND. FIND AS MUCH AS */ /* POSSIBLE. */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (firstListToCheck) { jam(); for (Uint32 j = firstListToCheck - 1; (Uint32)~j; j--) { jam(); if (cfreepageList[j] != RNIL) { jam(); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* SOME AREA WAS FOUND, ALLOCATE ALL OF IT. */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ allocPageRef = cfreepageList[j]; removeCommonArea(allocPageRef, j); noOfPagesAllocated = 1 << j; findFreeLeftNeighbours(allocPageRef, noOfPagesAllocated, noOfPagesToAllocate); findFreeRightNeighbours(allocPageRef, noOfPagesAllocated, noOfPagesToAllocate); return; }//if }//for } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* NO FREE AREA AT ALL EXISTED. RETURN ZERO PAGES */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ noOfPagesAllocated = 0; return; }//allocConsPages() void Dbtup::returnCommonArea(Uint32 retPageRef, Uint32 retNo) { do { jam(); if (retNo == 0) { jam(); return; }//if Uint32 list = nextHigherTwoLog(retNo) - 1; retNo -= (1 << list); insertCommonArea(retPageRef, list); retPageRef += (1 << list); } while (1); }//Dbtup::returnCommonArea() void Dbtup::findFreeLeftNeighbours(Uint32& allocPageRef, Uint32& noPagesAllocated, Uint32 noOfPagesToAllocate) { PagePtr pageFirstPtr, pageLastPtr; Uint32 remainAllocate = noOfPagesToAllocate - noPagesAllocated; while (allocPageRef > 0) { jam(); pageLastPtr.i = allocPageRef - 1; c_page_pool.getPtr(pageLastPtr); if (pageLastPtr.p->page_state != ZFREE_COMMON) { jam(); return; } else { jam(); pageFirstPtr.i = pageLastPtr.p->first_cluster_page; ndbrequire(pageFirstPtr.i != RNIL); Uint32 list = nextHigherTwoLog(pageLastPtr.i - pageFirstPtr.i); removeCommonArea(pageFirstPtr.i, list); Uint32 listSize = 1 << list; if (listSize > remainAllocate) { jam(); Uint32 retNo = listSize - remainAllocate; returnCommonArea(pageFirstPtr.i, retNo); allocPageRef = pageFirstPtr.i + retNo; noPagesAllocated = noOfPagesToAllocate; return; } else { jam(); allocPageRef = pageFirstPtr.i; noPagesAllocated += listSize; remainAllocate -= listSize; }//if }//if }//while }//Dbtup::findFreeLeftNeighbours() void Dbtup::findFreeRightNeighbours(Uint32& allocPageRef, Uint32& noPagesAllocated, Uint32 noOfPagesToAllocate) { PagePtr pageFirstPtr, pageLastPtr; Uint32 remainAllocate = noOfPagesToAllocate - noPagesAllocated; if (remainAllocate == 0) { jam(); return; }//if while ((allocPageRef + noPagesAllocated) < c_page_pool.getSize()) { jam(); pageFirstPtr.i = allocPageRef + noPagesAllocated; c_page_pool.getPtr(pageFirstPtr); if (pageFirstPtr.p->page_state != ZFREE_COMMON) { jam(); return; } else { jam(); pageLastPtr.i = pageFirstPtr.p->last_cluster_page; ndbrequire(pageLastPtr.i != RNIL); Uint32 list = nextHigherTwoLog(pageLastPtr.i - pageFirstPtr.i); removeCommonArea(pageFirstPtr.i, list); Uint32 listSize = 1 << list; if (listSize > remainAllocate) { jam(); Uint32 retPageRef = pageFirstPtr.i + remainAllocate; Uint32 retNo = listSize - remainAllocate; returnCommonArea(retPageRef, retNo); noPagesAllocated += remainAllocate; return; } else { jam(); noPagesAllocated += listSize; remainAllocate -= listSize; }//if }//if }//while }//Dbtup::findFreeRightNeighbours() void Dbtup::insertCommonArea(Uint32 insPageRef, Uint32 insList) { cnoOfAllocatedPages -= (1 << insList); PagePtr pageLastPtr, pageInsPtr; c_page_pool.getPtr(pageInsPtr, insPageRef); ndbrequire(insList < 16); pageLastPtr.i = (pageInsPtr.i + (1 << insList)) - 1; pageInsPtr.p->next_cluster_page = cfreepageList[insList]; pageInsPtr.p->prev_cluster_page = RNIL; pageInsPtr.p->last_cluster_page = pageLastPtr.i; cfreepageList[insList] = pageInsPtr.i; c_page_pool.getPtr(pageLastPtr); pageLastPtr.p->first_cluster_page = pageInsPtr.i; pageLastPtr.p->next_page = RNIL; }//Dbtup::insertCommonArea() void Dbtup::removeCommonArea(Uint32 remPageRef, Uint32 list) { cnoOfAllocatedPages += (1 << list); PagePtr pagePrevPtr, pageNextPtr, pageLastPtr, pageSearchPtr, remPagePtr; c_page_pool.getPtr(remPagePtr, remPageRef); ndbrequire(list < 16); if (cfreepageList[list] == remPagePtr.i) { jam(); cfreepageList[list] = remPagePtr.p->next_cluster_page; pageNextPtr.i = cfreepageList[list]; if (pageNextPtr.i != RNIL) { jam(); c_page_pool.getPtr(pageNextPtr); pageNextPtr.p->prev_cluster_page = RNIL; }//if } else { pageSearchPtr.i = cfreepageList[list]; while (true) { jam(); c_page_pool.getPtr(pageSearchPtr); pagePrevPtr = pageSearchPtr; pageSearchPtr.i = pageSearchPtr.p->next_cluster_page; if (pageSearchPtr.i == remPagePtr.i) { jam(); break; }//if }//while pageNextPtr.i = remPagePtr.p->next_cluster_page; pagePrevPtr.p->next_cluster_page = pageNextPtr.i; if (pageNextPtr.i != RNIL) { jam(); c_page_pool.getPtr(pageNextPtr); pageNextPtr.p->prev_cluster_page = pagePrevPtr.i; }//if }//if remPagePtr.p->next_cluster_page= RNIL; remPagePtr.p->last_cluster_page= RNIL; remPagePtr.p->prev_cluster_page= RNIL; pageLastPtr.i = (remPagePtr.i + (1 << list)) - 1; c_page_pool.getPtr(pageLastPtr); pageLastPtr.p->first_cluster_page= RNIL; }//Dbtup::removeCommonArea()