drop table if exists t1; drop table if exists t1; drop table t1; Unknown table 't1' create table t1(n int); insert into t1 values(1); create temporary table t1( n int); insert into t1 values(2); create table t1(n int); Table 't1' already exists drop table t1; select * from t1; n 1 drop database if exists foo; create database foo; drop database if exists foo; create database foo; create table foo.foo (n int); insert into foo.foo values (4); select * from foo.foo; n 4 drop database if exists foo; create database foo; drop database foo; drop database if exists foo; flush tables with read lock; create database foo; Got one of the listed errors unlock tables; create database foo; show databases; Database foo mysql test flush tables with read lock; drop database foo; Got one of the listed errors unlock tables; drop database foo; show databases; Database mysql test drop database foo; Can't drop database 'foo'. Database doesn't exist