/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Written by Sergei A. Golubchik, who has a shared copyright to this code */ /* functions to work with full-text indices */ #include "ftdefs.h" /************************************************************** This is to make ft-code to ignore keyseg.length at all * and to index the whole VARCHAR/BLOB instead... */ #undef set_if_smaller #define set_if_smaller(A,B) /* no op */ /**************************************************************/ /* parses a document i.e. calls _mi_ft_parse for every keyseg */ static FT_WORD * _mi_ft_parserecord(MI_INFO *info, uint keynr, byte *keybuf, const byte *record) { TREE *parsed=NULL; MI_KEYSEG *keyseg; byte *pos; uint i; keyseg=info->s->keyinfo[keynr].seg; for (i=info->s->keyinfo[keynr].keysegs-FT_SEGS ; i-- ; ) { uint len; keyseg--; if (keyseg->null_bit && (record[keyseg->null_pos] & keyseg->null_bit)) continue; /* NULL field */ pos= (byte *)record+keyseg->start; if (keyseg->flag & HA_VAR_LENGTH) { len=uint2korr(pos); pos+=2; /* Skip VARCHAR length */ set_if_smaller(len,keyseg->length); } else if (keyseg->flag & HA_BLOB_PART) { len=_mi_calc_blob_length(keyseg->bit_start,pos); memcpy_fixed(&pos,pos+keyseg->bit_start,sizeof(char*)); set_if_smaller(len,keyseg->length); } else len=keyseg->length; if (!(parsed=ft_parse(parsed, pos, len))) return NULL; } /* Handle the case where all columns are NULL */ if (!parsed && !(parsed=ft_parse(0, "", 0))) return NULL; return ft_linearize(info, keynr, keybuf, parsed); } static int _mi_ft_store(MI_INFO *info, uint keynr, byte *keybuf, FT_WORD *wlist, my_off_t filepos) { uint key_length; while(wlist->pos) { key_length=_ft_make_key(info,keynr,keybuf,wlist,filepos); if (_mi_ck_write(info,keynr,(uchar*) keybuf,key_length)) return 1; wlist++; } return 0; } static int _mi_ft_erase(MI_INFO *info, uint keynr, byte *keybuf, FT_WORD *wlist, my_off_t filepos) { uint key_length, err=0; while(wlist->pos) { key_length=_ft_make_key(info,keynr,keybuf,wlist,filepos); if (_mi_ck_delete(info,keynr,(uchar*) keybuf,key_length)) err=1; wlist++; } return err; } /* compares an appropriate parts of two WORD_KEY keys directly out of records */ /* returns 1 if they are different */ #define THOSE_TWO_DAMN_KEYS_ARE_REALLY_DIFFERENT 1 #define GEE_THEY_ARE_ABSOLUTELY_IDENTICAL 0 int _mi_ft_cmp(MI_INFO *info, uint keynr, const byte *rec1, const byte *rec2) { MI_KEYSEG *keyseg; byte *pos1, *pos2; uint i; i=info->s->keyinfo[keynr].keysegs-FT_SEGS; keyseg=info->s->keyinfo[keynr].seg; while(i--) { uint len1, len2; LINT_INIT(len1); LINT_INIT(len2); keyseg--; if (keyseg->null_bit) { if ( (rec1[keyseg->null_pos] ^ rec2[keyseg->null_pos]) & keyseg->null_bit ) return THOSE_TWO_DAMN_KEYS_ARE_REALLY_DIFFERENT; if (rec1[keyseg->null_pos] & keyseg->null_bit ) continue; /* NULL field */ } pos1= (byte *)rec1+keyseg->start; pos2= (byte *)rec2+keyseg->start; if (keyseg->flag & HA_VAR_LENGTH) { len1=uint2korr(pos1); pos1+=2; /* Skip VARCHAR length */ set_if_smaller(len1,keyseg->length); len2=uint2korr(pos2); pos2+=2; /* Skip VARCHAR length */ set_if_smaller(len2,keyseg->length); } else if (keyseg->flag & HA_BLOB_PART) { len1=_mi_calc_blob_length(keyseg->bit_start,pos1); memcpy_fixed(&pos1,pos1+keyseg->bit_start,sizeof(char*)); set_if_smaller(len1,keyseg->length); len2=_mi_calc_blob_length(keyseg->bit_start,pos2); memcpy_fixed(&pos2,pos2+keyseg->bit_start,sizeof(char*)); set_if_smaller(len2,keyseg->length); } if ((len1 != len2) || memcmp(pos1, pos2, len1)) return THOSE_TWO_DAMN_KEYS_ARE_REALLY_DIFFERENT; } return GEE_THEY_ARE_ABSOLUTELY_IDENTICAL; } /* adds a document to the collection */ int _mi_ft_add(MI_INFO *info, uint keynr, byte *keybuf, const byte *record, my_off_t pos) { int error= -1; FT_WORD *wlist; if ((wlist=_mi_ft_parserecord(info, keynr, keybuf, record))) { error=_mi_ft_store(info,keynr,keybuf,wlist,pos); my_free((char*) wlist,MYF(0)); } return error; } /* removes a document from the collection */ int _mi_ft_del(MI_INFO *info, uint keynr, byte *keybuf, const byte *record, my_off_t pos) { int error= -1; FT_WORD *wlist; if ((wlist=_mi_ft_parserecord(info, keynr, keybuf, record))) { error=_mi_ft_erase(info,keynr,keybuf,wlist,pos); my_free((char*) wlist,MYF(0)); } return error; } uint _ft_make_key(MI_INFO *info, uint keynr, byte *keybuf, FT_WORD *wptr, my_off_t filepos) { byte buf[HA_FT_MAXLEN+16]; #if HA_FT_WTYPE == HA_KEYTYPE_FLOAT float weight=(float) ((filepos==HA_OFFSET_ERROR) ? 0 : wptr->weight); mi_float4store(buf,weight); #else #error #endif #ifdef EVAL_RUN *(buf+HA_FT_WLEN)=wptr->cnt; int2store(buf+HA_FT_WLEN+1,wptr->len); memcpy(buf+HA_FT_WLEN+3,wptr->pos,wptr->len); #else /* EVAL_RUN */ int2store(buf+HA_FT_WLEN,wptr->len); memcpy(buf+HA_FT_WLEN+2,wptr->pos,wptr->len); #endif /* EVAL_RUN */ return _mi_make_key(info,keynr,(uchar*) keybuf,buf,filepos); }