#                                                 #
#  Functions within VIEWs                         #
#                                                 #
# 14.09.2005 ML

let $message= ! Attention: The file with the expected results suffers from
Bug#10713: mysqldump includes database in create view and referenced tables;
--source include/show_msg80.inc
# 0.  Some notes about this test:
# #################################################################
# 0.1   This test is unfinished and incomplete, but already useful.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# 0.1.1 There will be architectural changes in future.
#       The long sequences with 
#           let $col_type= <column to use>;
#           --source suite/funcs_1/views/<file containing the 
#                                         select with function>
#       per every column type do not look very smart.
#       Ugly combinations of functions and data types must be also checked,
#       because an accidental typo like assigning a string column to an
#       numeric parameter could happen and should not result in a server crash.
#       Maybe it is better to change the architecture of this test in such
#       a way:
#       1. A generator script (this one or written in Perl or SP language)
#          generates an prototype of the the final testscript.
#       2. Some manual adjustments because of open bugs (depending on
#          storage engine or function) might be needed (I hope not :)
#       3. The final testscript is pushed to the other regression testscripts.
#       Advantage:    The analysis of bugs, extension and maintenance of this
#                     test will be much easier.
#       Disadvantage: Much redundant code within the final testscript,
#                     but the maintenance of the redundant code will be done
#                     by the script generator.
# 0.1.2 The behaviour of SELECTs on VIEWs could be affected by the SQL mode
#       which was valid during VIEW creation time. This means some variations
#       of the SQL mode are needed.
# 0.1.3 There are much more functions to be tested.
# 0.1.4 There are problems with the option "--ps-protocol".
#       Double values with 15 digit mantissa are printed with 14 digit
#       mantissa (Bug#11589).
#       I altered the Minimum/Maximum double values to 14 digit mantissa
#       to avoid these problems. But there are some other unsolved problems
#       with "--ps-protocol".
# 0.1.5 The result sets of some CAST sub testcases with ugly function parameter
#       column data type combinations must be discussed.
# 0.2   How to valuate the test results:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#       Due to the extreme "greedy bug hunting" architecture (combinatorics 
#       + heavy use of sourced scripts) of the following tests, there will be
#       - no abort of the test execution, when one statements gets an return
#         code != 0 (The sub testcases are independend.)
#         But statements, which do not make sense like SELECT on non existent
#         VIEW will be omitted. This decreases the amount of useless output.
#       - a file with expected results, which might contain incorrect server
#         responses
#         There are open bugs and I cannot omit statements which reveal these
#         bugs.
#         But there will be a special messages within the protocol files.
#         Example:
#            "Attention: CAST --> SIGNED INTEGER
#            The file with expected results suffers from Bug 5083 5913 9809";
#            means, the file with expected results contains result sets which
#            are known to be wrong.
#            "Attention: The last <whatever> failed" 
#            means, a statement which should be successful (bugfree MySQL)
#            failed.
#       "Passed" : The behaviour of your MySQL version does not differ from the
#                  version used to generate the files with expected results.
#                  Known bugs affecting these tests could be retrieved by
#                  grep "Attention" r/<testcase>.result .
#       "Failed" : The behaviour of your MySQL version differs from the version
#                  used to generate the files with expected results.
#                  These differences could be result of bug fixes or new bugs.
#                  Please compare r/<testcase>.reject and r/<testcase>.result .
#      The test will abort if one of the basic preparation statement fails
#      (except ALTER TABLE ADD ...).
# 0.3   How to debug sub testcases with "unexpected" results:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#       1. Please execute this test and copy the "reject" file to a save place.
#          Search within the "reject" file for the sub testcase (the SELECT)
#          with the suspicious result set or server response.
#          Now all t1_values records are preloaded.
#       2. Start the server without the initial cleanup of databases etc.
#          This preserves the content of the table t1_values, which 
#          might be needed for replaying the situation.
#          Example:
#            ./mysql-test-run.pl   --socket=var/tmp/master.sock --start-dirty
#       3. Issue the statements needed by using "mysql" or "mysqltest".
#       Maybe an internal routine of this test fails. Please ask me (ML) or
#       enable the logging of auxiliary queries and try to analyze the
#       problem.
# 0.4   How to extend the number of functions to be checked:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#       Please jump to the paragraphs of the basic preparations
#       1. Extend t1_values with the columns you need
#       2. Insert some predefinded rows
#       3. Add the SELECTs with function which should be used within VIEWs
#          and
#          records which should be used dedicated to the SELECT above
# 0.5  How to alter the internal routines of this test:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Please try to achieve a state where the protocol
#      - contains ALL statements, which are needed to replay a problem within
#        the field of functions within VIEWs
#      - does not contain too much auxiliary statements, which are not needed
#        to replay a problem (--> "--disable_query_log")
#      Example:
#        Needed for replay:
#        - DROP/CREATE TABLE t1_values
#        - INSERT of records into t1_values
#        - SELECT direct on base table
#        Not needed for replay:
#        - SET @<uservariable> = <value>
#        - DROP/CREATE/INSERT/SELECT TABLE t1_selects, t1_modes
# 0.6  A trick for checking results
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   Standard setting for common execution of this test:
    let $simple_select_result= 1;
    let $view_select_result=   1;
#      The implementation of some additional function tests may lead to
#      masses of result sets, which have to be checked. The result sets of
#      the simple selects on the base table must equal the result sets of the
#      queries on the VIEWs. This step could be made more comfortable by
#      1. Edit this file to
#              let $simple_select_result= 1;
#              let $view_select_result=   0;
#         Please execute this test.
#         The script will omit CREATE/DROP/SHOW/SELECT on VIEW.
#         The "reject" file contains only the simple select result sets.
#      2. Edit this file to
#              let $simple_select_result= 0;
#              let $view_select_result=   1;
#         Please execute this test.
#         The script will work with the VIEWs, but omit the simple selects.
#         The "reject" file contains the view select result sets.
#      3. Compare the "reject" files of 1. and 2. within a graphical diff tool.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1_selects, t1_modes, t1_values;

# Storage for the SELECTs to be used for the VIEW definition
CREATE TABLE t1_selects
   my_select VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
   disable_result ENUM('Yes','No') NOT NULL default 'No',
   UNIQUE (my_select)

# MODES to be checked
   my_mode VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
   UNIQUE (my_mode)

# The table to be used in the FROM parts of the SELECTs
eval CREATE TABLE t1_values
   select_id BIGINT,
) ENGINE = $type;

##### BEGIN      Basic preparations      #######################################
# 1. Extend t1_values with the columns you need
#    - the column name must show the data type 
#    - do not add NOT NULL columns
#    - do not worry if the intended column data type is not
#      available for some storage engines
#    Please do not forget to assign values for the new columns (paragraph 2.).
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD my_char_30        CHAR(30);
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD my_varchar_1000   VARCHAR(1000);
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD my_binary_30      BINARY(30);
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD my_varbinary_1000 VARBINARY(1000);
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD my_datetime       DATETIME;
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD my_date           DATE;
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD ts_dummy          TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD my_timestamp      TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD my_time           TIME;
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD my_year           YEAR;
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD my_bigint         BIGINT;
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD my_double         DOUBLE;
ALTER TABLE t1_values ADD my_decimal        DECIMAL(64,30);


# 2.  Insert some predefinded rows
#     Predefined rows
#     - t1_values.select_id IS NULL
#     - will be selected by every SELECT with function to be tested
#     - have to be inserted when sql_mode = 'traditional' is valid, because
#       we do not want to start with "illegal/unexpected/..." values.
#       Such experiments should be done in other testcases.
#     Please be careful
#     - modifying column values of predefined rows they might change many 
#       result sets
#     - additional predefined rows should be really useful for the majority of
#       all sub testcases, since they blow up all result sets.
SET sql_mode = 'traditional';
# 2.1 record -- everything to NULL
INSERT INTO t1_values SET id = 0;
# 2.2 record -- everything to "minimum"
#     numbers, date/time types -> minimum of range
#     strings, blobs, binaries -> ''
#     FIXME enum, set ??
       my_char_30 = '',
       my_varchar_1000 = '',
       my_binary_30 = '',
       my_varbinary_1000 = '',
       my_datetime = '0001-01-01 00:00:00',
       my_date = '0001-01-01',
       my_timestamp = '1970-01-01 03:00:01',
       my_time = '-838:59:59',
       my_year = '1901',
       my_bigint = -9223372036854775808,
       my_decimal = -9999999999999999999999999999999999.999999999999999999999999999999 ,
       my_double = -1.7976931348623E+308;
# Note(ML): Values like
#           - my_timestamp = '19700101030000' do not work
#           - my_double = -1.7976931348623157E+308 cause problems with 
#             --ps-protocol (Bug#11589)
# 2.3 record -- everything to "maximum"
#     numbers, date/time types -> maximum of range
#     strings, blobs, binaries -> '<- full length of used data type>'
#     FIXME enum, set ??
       my_char_30 = '<--------30 characters------->', 
       my_varchar_1000 = CONCAT('<---------1000 characters',
       my_binary_30 = '<--------30 characters------->', 
       my_varbinary_1000 = CONCAT('<---------1000 characters',
       my_datetime = '9999-12-31 23:59:59',
       my_date = '9999-12-31',
       my_timestamp = '2038-01-01 02:59:59',
       my_time = '838:59:59',
       my_year = 2155,
       my_bigint = 9223372036854775807,
       my_decimal = +9999999999999999999999999999999999.999999999999999999999999999999 ,
       my_double = 1.7976931348623E+308;
# Note(ML): Values like
#           -  my_timestamp = '20380101030000' do not work
#           - my_double = 1.7976931348623157E+308 cause problems with
#             --ps-protocol (Bug#11589)
# 2.4 record -- everything to "magic" value if available or
#               other interesting value
#     numbers   -> 0
#     strings, blobs, binaries -> not full length of used data type, "exotic"
#                                 characters and preceeding and trailing spaces
#     FIXME enum, set ??
       my_char_30 = ' ---äÖüß@µ*$-- ', 
       my_varchar_1000 = ' ---äÖüß@µ*$-- ', 
       my_binary_30 = ' ---äÖüß@µ*$-- ', 
       my_varbinary_1000 = ' ---äÖüß@µ*$-- ', 
       my_datetime = '2004-02-29 23:59:59',
       my_date = '2004-02-29',
       my_timestamp = '2004-02-29 23:59:59',
       my_time = '13:00:00',
       my_year = 2000,
       my_bigint = 0,  	 
       my_decimal = 0.0,
       my_double = 0;
# 2.5 record -- everything to "harmless" value if available
#     numbers -> -1 (logical)
#     strings, blobs, binaries -> '-1' useful for numeric functions 
#     FIXME enum, set ??
       my_char_30 = '-1', 
       my_varchar_1000 = '-1', 
       my_binary_30 = '-1', 
       my_varbinary_1000 = '-1', 
       my_datetime = '2005-06-28 10:00:00',
       my_date = '2005-06-28',
       my_timestamp = '2005-06-28 10:00:00',
       my_time = '10:00:00',
       my_year = 2005,
       my_bigint = -1,
       my_decimal = -1.000000000000000000000000000000,
       my_double = -0.1E+1;


# 3.  Add the SELECTs with function which should be used within VIEWs
#     and
#     records which should be used dedicated to the SELECT above
#     - Please avoid WHERE clauses
#     - Include the PRIMARY KEY ("id") of the base table t1_values into the
#       select column list    
#     - Include the base table column used as function parameter into the 
#       select column list, because it is much easier to check the results 
#     - Do not forget to escape single quotes
#       Example: 
#        SET @my_select = 'SELECT sqrt(my_bigint), my_bigint, id FROM t1_values'
#        SET @my_select = 'SELECT CONCAT(\'A\',my_char_30), id FROM t1_values';
#     - Statements, which reveal open crashing bugs MUST be disabled.
#     - Result sets must not contain data, which might differ between boxes
#       executing this test.
#       Example: current time, absolute path to some files ...
#     - Please derive the functions to be checked from the MySQL manual
#       and use the same order. This means copy the the function names as
#       comment into this test and start to implement a testcase for your
#       most preferred function.
#       This method avoids that we forget a function and gives a better
#       overview.
#     If you have the time to check the result sets do the insert of the
#     SELECT with function via:
#           eval SET @my_select = 
#           '<your SELECT>';
#           --source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
#     fv1.inc sets t1_selects.disable_result to 'No' and the effect will be,
#     that the result set will be logged.
#     If you do have the time to check the result sets do the insert of the
#     SELECT with function via:
#           eval SET @my_select = 
#           '<your SELECT>';
#           --source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
#     fv2.inc sets t1_selects.disable_result to 'Yes' and the effect will be,
#     that the result set will be not logged.
#     This should be only a temporary solution and it does not remove the
#     need to check the server return codes.
#     That means even when we do not have the time to check the correctness of
#     the result sets, we check if
#        - SELECT <function> or
#        - SELECT * FROM <VIEW with function>
#     crash the server or get suspicious server responses.
#     - the SELECTs will be applied to the rows defined here (3.) +
#       all predefined rows (2.)
#     - the rows dedicated to the SELECT should contain especially interesting
#       column values or combinations of column values, which are not covered
#       by the predefined records
#     - The records have to be inserted when sql_mode = 'traditional' is valid.
#     - Please do not insert records with column values where the allowed
#       range is exceeded. The SQL mode 'traditional' will prevent such
#       inserts. Such experiments should be done in other tests, because
#       they inflate the current test without giving an appropriate value.
#       Example:
#          The function to be tested is "sqrt".
#          The minimum, maximum, default and NULL value are covered by the 
#          predefined rows.
#          A value where sqrt(<value>) = <integer value> in strict mathematics
#          would be of interest.
#          --> Add a record with my_bigint = 4
#          --> Just for fun my_bigint = -25 .
# Some internal stuff
PREPARE ins_sel_with_result FROM "INSERT INTO t1_selects SET my_select = @my_select,
disable_result = 'No'" ;
PREPARE ins_sel_no_result   FROM "INSERT INTO t1_selects SET my_select = @my_select,
disable_result = 'Yes'" ;
SET sql_mode = 'traditional';
# --disable_query_log

let $col_type= my_bigint;
# Example:
#    eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT CONCAT(''A'', $col_type), $col_type, id';
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT sqrt($col_type), $col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
# Content of suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc :
#    --disable_query_log
#    EXECUTE ins_sel_with_result;
#    SET @select_id = LAST_INSERT_ID();
#    --enable_query_log

eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = 4;
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = -25;
# SELECT * FROM t1_values;

# 1.     Cast Functions and Operators
# 1.1.   CAST
# Note(ML): I guess the CAST routines are used in many other functions.
#           Therefore check also nearly all "ugly" variants like 
#           CAST(<string composed of non digits> AS DECIMAL) here.
#        suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc contains
#                SELECT CAST($col_type AS $target_type), ...
# 1.1.1. CAST --> BINARY
let $target_type= BINARY;
let $col_type= my_char_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_bigint;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_decimal;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_double;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_datetime;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_date;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_timestamp;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_time;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_year;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc

# 1.1.2. CAST --> CHAR
let $target_type= CHAR;
let $col_type= my_char_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_bigint;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_decimal;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_double;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_datetime;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_date;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_timestamp;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_time;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_year;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc

# 1.1.3. CAST --> DATE
let $target_type= DATE;
let $col_type= my_char_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '2005-06-27';
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '2005-06-27';
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '2005-06-27';
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '2005-06-27';
let $col_type= my_bigint;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = 20050627;
let $col_type= my_double;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = +20.050627E+6;
let $col_type= my_datetime;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_date;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_timestamp;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_time;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_year;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc

# 1.1.4. CAST --> DATETIME
let $target_type= DATETIME;
let $col_type= my_char_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '2005-06-27 17:58';
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '2005-06-27 17:58';
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '2005-06-27 17:58';
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '2005-06-27 17:58';
let $col_type= my_bigint;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = 200506271758;
let $col_type= my_double;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = +0.0200506271758E+13;
let $col_type= my_datetime;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_date;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_timestamp;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_time;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_year;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc

# 1.1.5. CAST --> TIME
let $target_type= TIME;
let $col_type= my_char_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '1 17:58';
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '1 17:58';
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '1 17:58';
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '1 17:58';
let $col_type= my_bigint;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = 1758;
let $col_type= my_double;
let $message= some statements disabled because of
Bug#12440: CAST(data type DOUBLE AS TIME) strange results;
--source include/show_msg80.inc
if (0)
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = +1.758E+3;
let $col_type= my_datetime;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_date;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_timestamp;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_time;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_year;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc

# 1.1.6. CAST --> DECIMAL
# Set the following to (37,2) since the default was changed to (10,0) - OBN
let $target_type= DECIMAL(37,2);
let $col_type= my_char_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '-3333.3333';
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '-3333.3333';
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '-3333.3333';
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = '-3333.3333';
let $col_type= my_bigint;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_decimal;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $message= some statements disabled because of
Bug#13349: CAST(1.0E+300 TO DECIMAL) returns wrong result + diff little/big endian;
--source include/show_msg80.inc
if (0)
let $col_type= my_double;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            $col_type = -0.33333333E+4;
let $col_type= my_datetime;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_date;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_timestamp;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_time;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_year;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc

let $target_type= SIGNED INTEGER;
let $message= 
            The file with expected results suffers from
            Bug#5083 Big integer values are inserted as negative into 
                     decimal/string columns
            Bug#5913 Traditional mode: BIGINT range not correctly delimited
            Both have the status: To be fixed later";
--source include/show_msg80.inc
let $col_type= my_char_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_bigint;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_decimal;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $message= some statements disabled because of
Bug #13344: CAST(1E+300 TO signed int) on little endian CPU, wrong result;
--source include/show_msg80.inc
if (0)
let $col_type= my_double;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_datetime;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_date;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_timestamp;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_time;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_year;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc

let $target_type= UNSIGNED INTEGER;
let $message= 
            The file with expected results suffers from Bug 5083 5913 9809";
--source include/show_msg80.inc
let $col_type= my_char_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_bigint;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_decimal;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $message= some statements disabled because of
Bugs#8663: cant use bgint unsigned as input to cast;
--source include/show_msg80.inc
if (0)
let $col_type= my_double;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_datetime;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_date;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_timestamp;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_time;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc
let $col_type= my_year;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_cast.inc

# 1.2.   BINARY
#        Manual: BINARY str is a shorthand for CAST(str AS BINARY).
#        Therefore we do not test it here in the moment.
#        FIXME: Add testcases for str in CHAR and VARCHAR only.

# 1.3    CONVERT(expr USING transcoding_name)
# 1.3.1  CONVERT(expr USING utf8)
let $target_charset= utf8;
let $col_type= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT CONVERT($col_type USING $target_charset), 
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT CONVERT($col_type USING $target_charset), 
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT CONVERT($col_type USING $target_charset), 
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT CONVERT($col_type USING $target_charset), 
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
# 1.3.2  CONVERT(expr USING koi8r)
let $target_charset= koi8r;
let $col_type= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT CONVERT($col_type USING $target_charset), 
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT CONVERT($col_type USING $target_charset), 
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT CONVERT($col_type USING $target_charset), 
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT CONVERT($col_type USING $target_charset), 
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc

# 2.     Control Flow Functions
# 2.1.   CASE value WHEN [compare-value] THEN result [WHEN ...] [ELSE result]
#        END                 or
#        CASE WHEN [condition] THEN result [WHEN ...] [ELSE result] END  
#        FIXME: to be implemented
# 2.2.   IF(expr1,expr2,expr3)
#           expr1 is TRUE when (expr1 <> 0 and expr1 <> NULL) is fulfilled
# 2.2.1  IF(expr1,expr2,expr3) with expr1 = <column>
#        Note(ML): Strings, which do not contain a number -> FALSE
#        suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc contains
#                SELECT IF($col_type, 'IS TRUE', 'IS NOT TRUE'), ...
let $col_type= my_char_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc
let $col_type= my_bigint;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc
let $col_type= my_decimal;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc
let $col_type= my_double;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc
let $col_type= my_datetime;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc
let $col_type= my_date;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc
let $col_type= my_timestamp;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc
let $col_type= my_time;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc
let $col_type= my_year;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if1.inc

# 2.2.2  IF(expr1,expr2,expr3) with expr1 != <column>
#        suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc contains
#                SELECT IF($col_type IS NULL, 'IS     NULL', 'IS NOT NULL'), ...
# Note(ML): July 2005 IF($col_type IS NULL, ...) is mapped to a VIEW definition
#           create ... view ... as
#           select if(isnull(`test`.`t1`.`f1`),_latin1'IS     NULL',
#                  _latin1'IS NOT NULL'),...
let $message=
"Attention: IF($col_type IS NULL, ...
            The file with expected results suffers from 
            Bug#11689. successful CREATE VIEW but SELECT on view fails.";
--source include/show_msg80.inc
# Bug#11689 success on Create view .. IF(col1 IS NULL,...), col2 ; but SELECT fails
let $col_type= my_char_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc
let $col_type= my_bigint;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc
let $col_type= my_decimal;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc
let $col_type= my_double;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc
let $col_type= my_datetime;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc
let $col_type= my_date;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc
let $col_type= my_timestamp;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc
let $col_type= my_time;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc
let $col_type= my_year;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_if2.inc

# 2.3.   IFNULL(expr1,expr2) 
#           If expr1 is not NULL, IFNULL() returns expr1, else it returns expr2.
#        suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc contains
#                SELECT IFNULL($col_type, 'IS_NULL'), ....
#        FIXME: The mixup of non string column values
#               and the string 'IS    NULL' within the first column of the
#               result table is extreme ugly.
#               CAST(IFNULL($col_type, 'IS_NULL') AS CHAR) looks better, but
#               it has the disadvantage, that it involves CAST as additional
#               function.
let $col_type= my_char_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc
let $col_type= my_bigint;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc
let $col_type= my_decimal;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc
let $col_type= my_double;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc
let $col_type= my_datetime;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc
let $col_type= my_date;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc
let $col_type= my_timestamp;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc
let $col_type= my_time;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc
let $col_type= my_year;
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv_ifnull.inc

# 2.4.    NULLIF(expr1,expr2)
#            Returns NULL if expr1 = expr2 is true, else returns expr1.
#            This is the same as 
#                 CASE WHEN expr1 = expr2 THEN NULL ELSE expr1 END.
#         FIXME: to be implemented

# 3.      String Functions
# 3.1.    ASCII(str)
# 3.2.    BIN(N)
#         FIXME: to be implemented
# 3.3.    BIT_LENGTH(str)
#            Returns the length of the string str in bits.
let $col_type= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT BIT_LENGTH($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT BIT_LENGTH($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT BIT_LENGTH($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT BIT_LENGTH($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc

# 3.4.    CHAR(N,...)
# 3.5.    CHAR_LENGTH(str)
# 3.6     CHARACTER_LENGTH(str)
#            CHARACTER_LENGTH() is a synonym for CHAR_LENGTH().
# 3.7.    COMPRESS(string_to_compress) 
# 3.8.    CONCAT(str1,str2,...)
# 3.9.    CONCAT_WS(separator,str1,str2,...)
# 3.10.   CONV(N,from_base,to_base)
# 3.11.   ELT(N,str1,str2,str3,...) 
# 3.12.   EXPORT_SET(bits,on,off[,separator[,number_of_bits]])
# 3.13.   FIELD(str,str1,str2,str3,...)
# 3.14.   FIND_IN_SET(str,strlist)
# 3.15.   HEX(N_or_S
# 3.16.   INSERT(str,pos,len,newstr)
# 3.17.   INSTR(str,substr)
#            This is the same as the two-argument form of LOCATE(),
#            except that the arguments are swapped.
#            The majority of the testcases should be made with LOCATE().
#            Therefore test only one example here.
let $col_type= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT INSTR($col_type, ''char''),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc

# 3.18.   LCASE(str)
#         LCASE() is a synonym for LOWER().
#            The majority of the testcases should be made with LOWER().
#            Therefore test only one example here.
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LCASE($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc

# 3.19.   LEFT(str,len)
#            Returns the leftmost len characters from the string str. 
let $col_type= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 
'SELECT LEFT($col_type, 2), $col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 
'SELECT LEFT($col_type, 2), $col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
eval SET @my_select = 
'SELECT LEFT($col_type, 2), $col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 
'SELECT LEFT($col_type, 2), $col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $message= 
"Attention: LEFT(''AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjÄäÜüÖö'', <numeric column>)
            The file with expected results suffers from Bug 10963 11728"
            and the testcases with length = BIGINT or DOUBLE column are deactivated,
            because there are 32/64 Bit differences;
--source include/show_msg80.inc
# Bug#11728 string function LEFT, strange undocumented behaviour, strict mode
# Bug#10963 LEFT string function returns wrong result with large length
let $col_type= my_bigint;
if (0)
# Bug#10963 LEFT string function returns wrong result with large length
eval SET @my_select = 
'SELECT LEFT(''AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjÄäÜüÖö'', $col_type), $col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
let $col_type= my_decimal;
eval SET @my_select =
'SELECT LEFT(''AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjÄäÜüÖö'', $col_type), $col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
if (0)
# Bug#10963 LEFT string function returns wrong result with large length
let $col_type= my_double;
eval SET @my_select =
'SELECT LEFT(''AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjÄäÜüÖö'', $col_type), $col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc

# 3.20.   LENGTH(str)
let $col_type= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LENGTH($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LENGTH($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LENGTH($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LENGTH($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc

# 3.21.   LOAD_FILE(file_name)
#            Reads the file and returns the file contents as a string.
#            If the file doesn't exist or cannot be read ... ,
#            the function returns NULL.
eval SET @my_select = 
'SELECT LOAD_FILE(''../log/current_test''), id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc

# 3.22.    LOCATE(substr,str) , LOCATE(substr,str,pos)
let $col_type= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE(''char'', $col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE(''char'', $col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE(''char'', $col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE(''char'', $col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type1= my_char_30;
# against all other
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type1 ),
$col_type1, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type2= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type2 ),
$col_type1, $col_type2 id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type2= my_binary_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type2 ),
$col_type1, $col_type2 id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type2= my_varbinary_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type2 ),
$col_type1, $col_type2 id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type1= my_varchar_1000;
# against all other
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type1 ),
$col_type1, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type2= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type2 ),
$col_type1, $col_type2 id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type2= my_binary_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type2 ),
$col_type1, $col_type2 id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type2= my_varbinary_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type2 ),
$col_type1, $col_type2 id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type1= my_binary_30;
# against all other
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type1 ),
$col_type1, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type2= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type2 ),
$col_type1, $col_type2 id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type2= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type2 ),
$col_type1, $col_type2 id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type2= my_varbinary_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type2 ),
$col_type1, $col_type2 id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type1= my_varbinary_1000;
# against all other
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type1 ),
$col_type1, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type2= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type2 ),
$col_type1, $col_type2 id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type2= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type2 ),
$col_type1, $col_type2 id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type2= my_binary_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE($col_type1, $col_type2 ),
$col_type1, $col_type2 id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc

# FIXME How to test exotic or interesting substr values like NULL, '', ' '
#       without getting too much result rows
# FIXME Testcases with LOCATE(substr,str,pos)
let $col_type= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE(''-'', $col_type, 3),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE(''-'', $col_type, 3),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE(''-'', $col_type, 3),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE(''-'', $col_type, 3),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_bigint;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE(''-'', '' - -ABC'', $col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_double;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE(''-'', '' - -ABC'', $col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_decimal;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOCATE(''-'', '' - -ABC'', $col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc

# 3.23.    LOWER(str)
let $col_type= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOWER($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOWER($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOWER($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LOWER($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc

# 3.24.    LPAD(str,len,padstr)
# 3.25.    LTRIM(str)
let $col_type= my_char_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LTRIM($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_varchar_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LTRIM($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_binary_30;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LTRIM($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
let $col_type= my_varbinary_1000;
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT LTRIM($col_type),
$col_type, id FROM t1_values';
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc

# 3.26.    MAKE_SET(bits,str1,str2,...) 
# .....        
#         FIXME: to be implemented

# Please do not add SELECTs and interesting records after this line.           #
# These last SELECTs are mostly for checking the testcase code itself.         #
eval SET @my_select =
       'SELECT CONCAT(''A'',my_char_30), my_char_30, id FROM t1_values';       #
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv1.inc
eval SET @my_select = 'SELECT my_char_30, id FROM t1_values';                  #
--source suite/funcs_1/views/fv2.inc
eval INSERT INTO t1_values SET select_id = @select_id,
            my_char_30 = 'Viana do Castelo';
SET sql_mode = '';                                                             #

##### END        Basic preparations      #######################################

let $message= "# The basic preparations end and the main test starts here";
--source include/show_msg80.inc

##### The tests start here #####################################################

# Determine the number of different SELECTs to be checked
SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @num_selects FROM t1_selects;
# Debug statement
# SELECT @num_selects AS "number of SELECTS:";

let $select_id= `SELECT @num_selects`;
while ($select_id)
    # Determine the SELECT
    eval SELECT my_select, disable_result INTO @my_select, @disable_result
         FROM t1_selects WHERE id = $select_id;
    let $run_no_result= `SELECT @disable_result = 'Yes'`;
    # Debug statement
    # SELECT @my_select AS "SELECT:";
    let $my_select= `SELECT @my_select`;

    let $run0= 0;
    if ($view_select_result)
       # Create the VIEW
       eval CREATE VIEW v1 AS $my_select;
       eval set @got_errno= $mysql_errno ;
       let $run0= `SELECT @got_errno = 0`;
       let $print_warning= `SELECT @got_errno`;
       if ($print_warning)
          SELECT 'Attention: The last CREATE VIEW failed ' AS ""
          SELECT '' ;

    # FIXME           The loop over the modes will start here.

    if ($simple_select_result)
       # Simple SELECT on the base table of the VIEW for comparison
       if ($run_no_result)
       eval $my_select
            WHERE select_id = $select_id OR select_id IS NULL;
       if ($run_no_result)
       eval set @got_errno= $mysql_errno ;
       let $print_warning= `SELECT @got_errno`;
       if ($print_warning)
          SELECT 'Attention: The last SELECT on the base table failed' AS ""
          SELECT '' ;

    # $run0 is 1, if CREATE VIEW was successful.
    # That means SHOW CREATE VIEW/SELECT/DROP should be executed.
    if ($run0)
       # Check the CREATE VIEW statement
       eval set @got_errno= $mysql_errno ;
       let $print_warning= `SELECT @got_errno`;
       if ($print_warning)
          SELECT 'Attention: The last SHOW CREATE VIEW failed' AS ""
          SELECT '' ;

       # Maybe a Join is faster
       if ($run_no_result)
       eval SELECT v1.* FROM v1
            WHERE v1.id IN (SELECT id FROM t1_values
                            WHERE select_id = $select_id OR select_id IS NULL);
       if ($run_no_result)
       eval set @got_errno= $mysql_errno ;
       let $print_warning= `SELECT @got_errno`;
       if ($print_warning)
          SELECT 'Attention: The last SELECT from VIEW failed' AS ""
          SELECT '' ;

       DROP VIEW v1;

    # FIXME         The loop over the modes will end here.

    # Produce two empty lines as separator between different SELECTS
    # to be tested.
    SELECT '' AS "";

    dec $select_id ;

DROP TABLE t1_selects, t1_modes, t1_values;