/* Copyright (C) 2000-2007 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* based on Wei Dai's rsa.cpp from CryptoPP */ #include "runtime.hpp" #include "rsa.hpp" #include "asn.hpp" #include "modarith.hpp" namespace TaoCrypt { Integer RSA_PublicKey::ApplyFunction(const Integer& x) const { return a_exp_b_mod_c(x, e_, n_); } RSA_PublicKey::RSA_PublicKey(Source& source) { Initialize(source); } void RSA_PublicKey::Initialize(Source& source) { RSA_Public_Decoder decoder(source); decoder.Decode(*this); } Integer RSA_PrivateKey::CalculateInverse(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, const Integer& x) const { ModularArithmetic modn(n_); Integer r(rng, Integer::One(), n_ - Integer::One()); Integer re = modn.Exponentiate(r, e_); re = modn.Multiply(re, x); // blind // here we follow the notation of PKCS #1 and let u=q inverse mod p // but in ModRoot, u=p inverse mod q, so we reverse the order of p and q Integer y = ModularRoot(re, dq_, dp_, q_, p_, u_); y = modn.Divide(y, r); // unblind return y; } RSA_PrivateKey::RSA_PrivateKey(Source& source) { Initialize(source); } void RSA_PrivateKey::Initialize(Source& source) { RSA_Private_Decoder decoder(source); decoder.Decode(*this); } void RSA_BlockType2::Pad(const byte *input, word32 inputLen, byte *pkcsBlock, word32 pkcsBlockLen, RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const { // convert from bit length to byte length if (pkcsBlockLen % 8 != 0) { pkcsBlock[0] = 0; pkcsBlock++; } pkcsBlockLen /= 8; pkcsBlock[0] = 2; // block type 2 // pad with non-zero random bytes word32 padLen = pkcsBlockLen - inputLen - 1; rng.GenerateBlock(&pkcsBlock[1], padLen); for (word32 i = 1; i < padLen; i++) if (pkcsBlock[i] == 0) pkcsBlock[i] = 0x01; pkcsBlock[pkcsBlockLen-inputLen-1] = 0; // separator memcpy(pkcsBlock+pkcsBlockLen-inputLen, input, inputLen); } word32 RSA_BlockType2::UnPad(const byte *pkcsBlock, unsigned int pkcsBlockLen, byte *output) const { bool invalid = false; unsigned int maxOutputLen = SaturatingSubtract(pkcsBlockLen / 8, 10U); // convert from bit length to byte length if (pkcsBlockLen % 8 != 0) { invalid = (pkcsBlock[0] != 0) || invalid; pkcsBlock++; } pkcsBlockLen /= 8; // Require block type 2. invalid = (pkcsBlock[0] != 2) || invalid; // skip past the padding until we find the separator unsigned i=1; while (i<pkcsBlockLen && pkcsBlock[i++]) { // null body } if (!(i==pkcsBlockLen || pkcsBlock[i-1]==0)) return 0; unsigned int outputLen = pkcsBlockLen - i; invalid = (outputLen > maxOutputLen) || invalid; if (invalid) return 0; memcpy (output, pkcsBlock+i, outputLen); return outputLen; } void RSA_BlockType1::Pad(const byte* input, word32 inputLen, byte* pkcsBlock, word32 pkcsBlockLen, RandomNumberGenerator&) const { // convert from bit length to byte length if (pkcsBlockLen % 8 != 0) { pkcsBlock[0] = 0; pkcsBlock++; } pkcsBlockLen /= 8; pkcsBlock[0] = 1; // block type 1 for SSL // pad with 0xff bytes memset(&pkcsBlock[1], 0xFF, pkcsBlockLen - inputLen - 2); pkcsBlock[pkcsBlockLen-inputLen-1] = 0; // separator memcpy(pkcsBlock+pkcsBlockLen-inputLen, input, inputLen); } word32 RSA_BlockType1::UnPad(const byte* pkcsBlock, word32 pkcsBlockLen, byte* output) const { bool invalid = false; unsigned int maxOutputLen = SaturatingSubtract(pkcsBlockLen / 8, 10U); // convert from bit length to byte length if (pkcsBlockLen % 8 != 0) { invalid = (pkcsBlock[0] != 0) || invalid; pkcsBlock++; } pkcsBlockLen /= 8; // Require block type 1 for SSL. invalid = (pkcsBlock[0] != 1) || invalid; // skip past the padding until we find the separator unsigned i=1; while (i<pkcsBlockLen && pkcsBlock[i++]) { // null body } if (!(i==pkcsBlockLen || pkcsBlock[i-1]==0)) return 0; unsigned int outputLen = pkcsBlockLen - i; invalid = (outputLen > maxOutputLen) || invalid; if (invalid) return 0; memcpy(output, pkcsBlock+i, outputLen); return outputLen; } word32 SSL_Decrypt(const RSA_PublicKey& key, const byte* sig, byte* plain) { PK_Lengths lengths(key.GetModulus()); ByteBlock paddedBlock(BitsToBytes(lengths.PaddedBlockBitLength())); Integer x = key.ApplyFunction(Integer(sig, lengths.FixedCiphertextLength())); if (x.ByteCount() > paddedBlock.size()) x = Integer::Zero(); x.Encode(paddedBlock.get_buffer(), paddedBlock.size()); return RSA_BlockType1().UnPad(paddedBlock.get_buffer(), lengths.PaddedBlockBitLength(), plain); } } // namespace