/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <ndb_global.h> #include <ndb_version.h> #include <ConfigRetriever.hpp> #include <SocketServer.hpp> #include <NdbSleep.h> #include <NdbOut.hpp> #include <NdbTCP.h> #include <NdbEnv.h> #include "MgmtErrorReporter.hpp" #include <uucode.h> #include <Properties.hpp> #include <socket_io.h> #include <NdbConfig.h> #include <NdbAutoPtr.hpp> #include <mgmapi.h> #include <mgmapi_config_parameters.h> #include <mgmapi_configuration.hpp> #include <ConfigValues.hpp> #include <NdbHost.h> //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** ConfigRetriever::ConfigRetriever(const char * _connect_string, Uint32 version, Uint32 node_type) { DBUG_ENTER("ConfigRetriever::ConfigRetriever"); m_version = version; m_node_type = node_type; _ownNodeId= 0; m_handle= ndb_mgm_create_handle(); if (m_handle == 0) { setError(CR_ERROR, "Unable to allocate mgm handle"); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } if (ndb_mgm_set_connectstring(m_handle, _connect_string)) { setError(CR_ERROR, ndb_mgm_get_latest_error_desc(m_handle)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } resetError(); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } ConfigRetriever::~ConfigRetriever() { DBUG_ENTER("ConfigRetriever::~ConfigRetriever"); if (m_handle) { ndb_mgm_disconnect(m_handle); ndb_mgm_destroy_handle(&m_handle); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } Uint32 ConfigRetriever::get_configuration_nodeid() const { return ndb_mgm_get_configuration_nodeid(m_handle); } Uint32 ConfigRetriever::get_mgmd_port() const { return ndb_mgm_get_connected_port(m_handle); } const char *ConfigRetriever::get_mgmd_host() const { return ndb_mgm_get_connected_host(m_handle); } const char *ConfigRetriever::get_connectstring(char *buf, int buf_sz) const { return ndb_mgm_get_connectstring(m_handle, buf, buf_sz); } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** int ConfigRetriever::do_connect(int no_retries, int retry_delay_in_seconds, int verbose) { return (ndb_mgm_connect(m_handle,no_retries,retry_delay_in_seconds,verbose)==0) ? 0 : -1; } int ConfigRetriever::disconnect() { return ndb_mgm_disconnect(m_handle); } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** struct ndb_mgm_configuration* ConfigRetriever::getConfig() { struct ndb_mgm_configuration * p = 0; if(m_handle != 0) p = getConfig(m_handle); if(p == 0) return 0; if(!verifyConfig(p, _ownNodeId)){ free(p); p= 0; } return p; } ndb_mgm_configuration * ConfigRetriever::getConfig(NdbMgmHandle m_handle) { ndb_mgm_configuration * conf = ndb_mgm_get_configuration(m_handle,m_version); if(conf == 0) { setError(CR_ERROR, ndb_mgm_get_latest_error_desc(m_handle)); return 0; } return conf; } ndb_mgm_configuration * ConfigRetriever::getConfig(const char * filename){ #ifndef NDB_WIN32 struct stat sbuf; const int res = stat(filename, &sbuf); if(res != 0){ char buf[255]; BaseString::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Could not find file: \"%s\"", filename); setError(CR_ERROR, buf); return 0; } const Uint32 bytes = sbuf.st_size; Uint32 * buf2 = new Uint32[bytes/4+1]; FILE * f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(f == 0){ setError(CR_ERROR, "Failed to open file"); delete []buf2; return 0; } Uint32 sz = fread(buf2, 1, bytes, f); fclose(f); if(sz != bytes){ setError(CR_ERROR, "Failed to read file"); delete []buf2; return 0; } ConfigValuesFactory cvf; if(!cvf.unpack(buf2, bytes)){ char buf[255]; BaseString::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Error while unpacking"); setError(CR_ERROR, buf); delete []buf2; return 0; } delete [] buf2; return (ndb_mgm_configuration*)cvf.m_cfg; #else return 0; #endif } void ConfigRetriever::setError(ErrorType et, const char * s){ errorString.assign(s ? s : ""); latestErrorType = et; } void ConfigRetriever::resetError(){ setError(CR_NO_ERROR,0); } int ConfigRetriever::hasError() { return latestErrorType != CR_NO_ERROR; } const char * ConfigRetriever::getErrorString(){ return errorString.c_str(); } bool ConfigRetriever::verifyConfig(const struct ndb_mgm_configuration * conf, Uint32 nodeid){ char buf[255]; ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator * it; it = ndb_mgm_create_configuration_iterator((struct ndb_mgm_configuration *)conf, CFG_SECTION_NODE); if(it == 0){ BaseString::snprintf(buf, 255, "Unable to create config iterator"); setError(CR_ERROR, buf); return false; } NdbAutoPtr<ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator> ptr(it); if(ndb_mgm_find(it, CFG_NODE_ID, nodeid) != 0){ BaseString::snprintf(buf, 255, "Unable to find node with id: %d", nodeid); setError(CR_ERROR, buf); return false; } const char * hostname; if(ndb_mgm_get_string_parameter(it, CFG_NODE_HOST, &hostname)){ BaseString::snprintf(buf, 255, "Unable to get hostname(%d) from config",CFG_NODE_HOST); setError(CR_ERROR, buf); return false; } const char * datadir; if(!ndb_mgm_get_string_parameter(it, CFG_NODE_DATADIR, &datadir)){ NdbConfig_SetPath(datadir); } if (hostname && hostname[0] != 0 && !SocketServer::tryBind(0,hostname)) { BaseString::snprintf(buf, 255, "Config hostname(%s) don't match a local interface," " tried to bind, error = %d - %s", hostname, errno, strerror(errno)); setError(CR_ERROR, buf); return false; } unsigned int _type; if(ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(it, CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION, &_type)){ BaseString::snprintf(buf, 255, "Unable to get type of node(%d) from config", CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION); setError(CR_ERROR, buf); return false; } if(_type != m_node_type){ const char *type_s, *alias_s, *type_s2, *alias_s2; alias_s= ndb_mgm_get_node_type_alias_string((enum ndb_mgm_node_type)m_node_type, &type_s); alias_s2= ndb_mgm_get_node_type_alias_string((enum ndb_mgm_node_type)_type, &type_s2); BaseString::snprintf(buf, 255, "This node type %s(%s) and config " "node type %s(%s) don't match for nodeid %d", alias_s, type_s, alias_s2, type_s2, nodeid); setError(CR_ERROR, buf); return false; } /** * Check hostnames */ ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator iter(* conf, CFG_SECTION_CONNECTION); for(iter.first(); iter.valid(); iter.next()){ Uint32 type = CONNECTION_TYPE_TCP + 1; if(iter.get(CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION, &type)) continue; if(type != CONNECTION_TYPE_TCP) continue; Uint32 nodeId1, nodeId2, remoteNodeId; if(iter.get(CFG_CONNECTION_NODE_1, &nodeId1)) continue; if(iter.get(CFG_CONNECTION_NODE_2, &nodeId2)) continue; if(nodeId1 != nodeid && nodeId2 != nodeid) continue; remoteNodeId = (nodeid == nodeId1 ? nodeId2 : nodeId1); const char * name; struct in_addr addr; BaseString tmp; if(!iter.get(CFG_CONNECTION_HOSTNAME_1, &name) && strlen(name)){ if(Ndb_getInAddr(&addr, name) != 0){ tmp.assfmt("Unable to lookup/illegal hostname %s, " "connection from node %d to node %d", name, nodeid, remoteNodeId); setError(CR_ERROR, tmp.c_str()); return false; } } if(!iter.get(CFG_CONNECTION_HOSTNAME_2, &name) && strlen(name)){ if(Ndb_getInAddr(&addr, name) != 0){ tmp.assfmt("Unable to lookup/illegal hostname %s, " "connection from node %d to node %d", name, nodeid, remoteNodeId); setError(CR_ERROR, tmp.c_str()); return false; } } } return true; } int ConfigRetriever::setNodeId(Uint32 nodeid) { return ndb_mgm_set_configuration_nodeid(m_handle, nodeid); } Uint32 ConfigRetriever::allocNodeId(int no_retries, int retry_delay_in_seconds) { _ownNodeId= 0; if(m_handle != 0) { while (1) { int res= ndb_mgm_alloc_nodeid(m_handle, m_version, m_node_type); if(res >= 0) return _ownNodeId= (Uint32)res; if (no_retries == 0) break; no_retries--; NdbSleep_SecSleep(retry_delay_in_seconds); } setError(CR_ERROR, ndb_mgm_get_latest_error_desc(m_handle)); } else setError(CR_ERROR, "management server handle not initialized"); return 0; }