/* Copyright (C) 2004 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(USE_PRAGMA_IMPLEMENTATION) #pragma implementation #endif #include "instance_map.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "instance.h" #include "log.h" #include "options.h" #include <m_ctype.h> #include <mysql_com.h> #include <m_string.h> /* Note: As we are going to suppost different types of connections, we shouldn't have connection-specific functions. To avoid it we could put such functions to the Command-derived class instead. The command could be easily constructed for a specific connection if we would provide a special factory for each connection. */ C_MODE_START /* Procedure needed for HASH initialization */ static byte* get_instance_key(const byte* u, uint* len, my_bool __attribute__((unused)) t) { const Instance *instance= (const Instance *) u; *len= instance->options.instance_name_len; return (byte *) instance->options.instance_name; } static void delete_instance(void *u) { Instance *instance= (Instance *) u; delete instance; } /* The option handler to pass to the process_default_option_files finction. SYNOPSYS process_option() ctx Handler context. Here it is an instance_map structure. group_name The name of the group the option belongs to. option The very option to be processed. It is already prepared to be used in argv (has -- prefix) DESCRIPTION This handler checks whether a group is an instance group and adds an option to the appropriate instance class. If this is the first occurence of an instance name, we'll also create the instance with such name and add it to the instance map. RETURN 0 - ok 1 - error occured */ static int process_option(void *ctx, const char *group, const char *option) { Instance_map *map= NULL; Instance *instance= NULL; static const char prefix[]= { 'm', 'y', 's', 'q', 'l', 'd' }; map = (Instance_map*) ctx; if (strncmp(group, prefix, sizeof prefix) == 0 && ((my_isdigit(default_charset_info, group[sizeof prefix])) || group[sizeof(prefix)] == '\0')) { if ((instance= map->find(group, strlen(group))) == NULL) { if ((instance= new Instance) == 0) goto err; if (instance->init(group) || map->add_instance(instance)) goto err_instance; } if (instance->options.add_option(option)) goto err; /* the instance'll be deleted when we destroy the map */ } return 0; err_instance: delete instance; err: return 1; } C_MODE_END Instance_map::Instance_map(const char *default_mysqld_path_arg): mysqld_path(default_mysqld_path_arg) { pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_instance_map, 0); } int Instance_map::init() { return hash_init(&hash, default_charset_info, START_HASH_SIZE, 0, 0, get_instance_key, delete_instance, 0); } Instance_map::~Instance_map() { pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_instance_map); hash_free(&hash); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_instance_map); pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_instance_map); } void Instance_map::lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_instance_map); } void Instance_map::unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_instance_map); } int Instance_map::flush_instances() { int rc; guardian->lock(); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_instance_map); hash_free(&hash); hash_init(&hash, default_charset_info, START_HASH_SIZE, 0, 0, get_instance_key, delete_instance, 0); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_instance_map); rc= load(); guardian->init(); guardian->unlock(); return rc; } int Instance_map::add_instance(Instance *instance) { return my_hash_insert(&hash, (byte *) instance); } Instance * Instance_map::find(const char *name, uint name_len) { Instance *instance; pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_instance_map); instance= (Instance *) hash_search(&hash, (byte *) name, name_len); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_instance_map); return instance; } int Instance_map::complete_initialization() { Instance *instance; uint i= 0; if (hash.records == 0) /* no instances found */ { if ((instance= new Instance) == 0) goto err; if (instance->init("mysqld") || add_instance(instance)) goto err_instance; /* After an instance have been added to the instance_map, hash_free should handle it's deletion => goto err, not err_instance. */ if (instance->complete_initialization(this, mysqld_path, DEFAULT_SINGLE_INSTANCE)) goto err; } else while (i < hash.records) { instance= (Instance *) hash_element(&hash, i); if (instance->complete_initialization(this, mysqld_path, USUAL_INSTANCE)) goto err; i++; } return 0; err_instance: delete instance; err: return 1; } /* load options from config files and create appropriate instance structures */ int Instance_map::load() { int argc= 1; /* this is a dummy variable for search_option_files() */ uint args_used= 0; const char *argv_options[3]; char **argv= (char **) &argv_options; char defaults_file_arg[FN_REFLEN]; /* the name of the program may be orbitrary here in fact */ argv_options[0]= "mysqlmanager"; /* If the option file was forced by the user when starting the IM with --defaults-file=xxxx, make sure it is also passed as --defaults-file, not only as Options::config_file. This is important for option files given with relative path: e.g. --defaults-file=my.cnf. Otherwise my_search_option_files will treat "my.cnf" as a group name and start looking for files named "my.cnf.cnf" in all default dirs. Which is not what we want. */ if (Options::is_forced_default_file) { snprintf(defaults_file_arg, FN_REFLEN, "--defaults-file=%s", Options::config_file); argv_options[1]= defaults_file_arg; argv_options[2]= '\0'; argc= 2; } else argv_options[1]= '\0'; /* If the routine failed, we'll simply fallback to defaults in complete_initialization(). */ if (my_search_option_files(Options::config_file, &argc, (char ***) &argv, &args_used, process_option, (void*) this)) log_info("Falling back to compiled-in defaults"); if (complete_initialization()) return 1; return 0; } /*--- Implementaton of the Instance map iterator class ---*/ void Instance_map::Iterator::go_to_first() { current_instance=0; } Instance *Instance_map::Iterator::next() { if (current_instance < instance_map->hash.records) return (Instance *) hash_element(&instance_map->hash, current_instance++); return NULL; }