Commit 354e0e51 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

go/zodb: Persistent - the base type to implement IPersistent objects

Add the base type, that types which want to implement persistency
could embed, and this way inherit persistent functionality. For example

	type MyObject struct {

	type myObjectState MyObject

	func (o *myObjectState) DropState() { ... }
	func (o *myObjectState) SetState(state *mem.Buf) error { ... }

Here state management methods (DropState and SetState) will be
automatically used by persistency machinery on activation and

For this to work MyObject class has to be registered to ZODB

	func init() {
		t := reflect.TypeOf
		zodb.RegisterClass("mymodule.MyObject", t(MyObject{}), t(myObjectState))

and new instances of MyObject has to be created via zodb.NewPersistent:

	obj := zodb.NewPersistent(reflect.TypeOf(MyObject{}), jar).(*MyObject)

SetState corresponds to __setstate__ in Python. However in Go version it
is explicitly separated from class's public API - as it is the contract
between a class and persistency machinery, not between the class and its
user. Notice that SetState takes raw buffer as its argument. In the
following patch we'll add SetState cousing (PySetState) that will be
taking unpickled objects as the state - exactly how __setstate__
operates in Python. Classes will be able to choose whether to accept
state as raw bytes or as a python object.

The activation/deactivation is implemented via reference counting.

Tests are pending (for PySetState).
parent f6a27a1e
// Copyright (C) 2018 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
// option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
// the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
// Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
// source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
// software used.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
package zodb
// persistent objects.
import (
// Persistent is common base IPersistent implementation for in-RAM
// representation of database objects.
// To use - a class needs to embed Persistent and register itself additionally
// providing Ghostable and Stateful methods. For example:
// type MyObject struct {
// Persistent
// ...
// }
// type myObjectState MyObject
// func (o *myObjectState) DropState() { ... }
// func (o *myObjectState) SetState(state *mem.Buf) error { ... }
// func init() {
// t := reflect.TypeOf
// zodb.RegisterClass("mymodule.MyObject", t(MyObject{}), t(myObjectState))
// }
// A new instance of the class that embeds Persistent must be created via
// NewPersistent, for example:
// obj := zodb.NewPersistent(reflect.TypeOf(MyObject{}), jar).(*MyObject)
type Persistent struct {
// ZODB class of this object.
// XXX it could be deduced via typeTab[reflect.TypeOf(.instance)]
zclass *zclass
jar *Connection
oid Oid
serial Tid // also protected by mu
mu sync.Mutex
state ObjectState
refcnt int32
// Persistent is the base for the instance.
// instance, via its state type, is additionally Ghostable and Stateful.
instance IPersistent
loading *loadState
func (obj *Persistent) PJar() *Connection { return obj.jar }
func (obj *Persistent) POid() Oid { return obj.oid }
func (obj *Persistent) PSerial() Tid {
return obj.serial
// loadState indicates object's load state/result.
// when !ready the loading is in progress.
// when ready the loading has been completed.
type loadState struct {
ready chan struct{} // closed when loading finishes
// error from the load.
// if there was no error, loaded data goes to object state.
err error
// Ghostable is the interface describing in-RAM object who can release its in-RAM state.
type Ghostable interface {
// DropState should discard in-RAM object state.
// Stateful is the interface describing in-RAM object whose data state can be
// exchanged as raw bytes.
type Stateful interface {
// SetState should set state of the in-RAM object from raw data.
// state ownership is not passed to SetState, so if state needs to be
// retained after SetState returns it needs to be incref'ed.
// The error returned does not need to have object/setstate prefix -
// persistent machinery is adding such prefix automatically.
SetState(state *mem.Buf) error
// GetState should return state of the in-RAM object as raw data.
//GetState() *mem.Buf TODO
// ---- activate/deactivate/invalidate ----
// PActivate implements IPersistent.
func (obj *Persistent) PActivate(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
doload := (obj.refcnt == 1 && obj.state == GHOST)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
xerr.Contextf(&err, "%s(%s): activate", obj.zclass.class, obj.oid)
//fmt.Printf("activate %p(%v)\t%T(%s): refcnt=%d state=%v\n",
// obj, obj.zclass, obj.instance, obj.oid, obj.refcnt, obj.state)
if !doload {
// someone else is already activated/activating the object.
// wait for its loading to complete and we are done.
loading := obj.loading
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-loading.ready:
return loading.err
if obj.loading != nil {
panic(obj.badf("activate: need to load, but .loading != nil"))
// we become responsible for loading the object
loading := &loadState{ready: make(chan struct{})}
obj.loading = loading
// do the loading outside of obj lock
state, serial, err := obj.jar.load(ctx, obj.oid)
// relock the object
if l, s := obj.loading, obj.state; !(l == loading && s == GHOST) {
panic(obj.badf("activate: after load: object state unexpected: "+
"%v (want %v); .loading = %p (want %p)", s, GHOST, l, loading))
obj.serial = serial
// try to pass loaded state to object
if err == nil {
switch istate := obj.istate().(type) {
case Stateful:
err = istate.SetState(state)
xerr.Context(&err, "setstate")
panic(obj.badf("activate: !stateful instance"))
if err == nil {
obj.state = UPTODATE
// XXX set state to load error? (to avoid panic on second activate after load error)
loading.err = err
return err
// PDeactivate implements IPersistent.
func (obj *Persistent) PDeactivate() {
if obj.refcnt < 0 {
panic(obj.badf("deactivate: refcnt < 0"))
if obj.refcnt > 0 {
return // users still left
// no users left. Let's see whether we should transition this object to ghost.
if obj.state >= CHANGED {
// TODO try to keep some pool of object in live state so that there is
// no constant load/unload on object access. XXX -> MRU cache?
obj.serial = InvalidTid
obj.state = GHOST
obj.loading = nil
// PInvalidate() implements IPersistent.
func (obj *Persistent) PInvalidate() {
if obj.refcnt != 0 {
// object is currently in use
panic(obj.badf("invalidate: refcnt != 0 (= %d)", obj.refcnt))
obj.serial = InvalidTid
obj.state = GHOST
obj.loading = nil
// istate returns .instance casted to corresponding stateType.
// returns: Ghostable + Stateful.
func (obj *Persistent) istate() Ghostable {
xstateful := reflect.ValueOf(obj.instance).Convert(reflect.PtrTo(obj.zclass.stateType))
return xstateful.Interface().(Ghostable)
// badf returns formatted error prefixed with obj's class and oid.
func (obj *Persistent) badf(format string, argv ...interface{}) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%s(%s): "+format,
append([]interface{}{obj.zclass.class, obj.oid}, argv...))
// ---- class <-> type; new ghost ----
// zclass describes one ZODB class in relation to a Go type.
type zclass struct {
class string
typ reflect.Type // application go type corresponding to class
stateType reflect.Type // *typ and *stateType are convertible; *stateType provides Stateful & co.
var classTab = make(map[string]*zclass) // {} class -> zclass
var typeTab = make(map[reflect.Type]*zclass) // {} type -> zclass
// zclassOf returns ZODB class of a Go object.
// If ZODB class was not registered for obj's type, "" is returned.
func zclassOf(obj IPersistent) string {
zc, ok := typeTab[reflect.TypeOf(obj).Elem()]
if !ok {
return ""
return zc.class
var rIPersistent = reflect.TypeOf((*IPersistent)(nil)).Elem() // typeof(IPersistent)
var rPersistent = reflect.TypeOf(Persistent{}) // typeof(Persistent)
var rGhostable = reflect.TypeOf((*Ghostable)(nil)).Elem() // typeof(Ghostable)
var rStateful = reflect.TypeOf((*Stateful)(nil)).Elem() // typeof(Stateful)
// RegisterClass registers ZODB class to correspond to Go type.
// Only registered classes can be saved to database, and are converted to
// corresponding application-level objects on load. When ZODB loads an object
// whose class is not know, it will represent it as Broken object.
// class is a full class path for registered class, e.g. "BTrees.LOBTree.LOBucket".
// typ is Go type corresponding to class.
// typ must embed Persistent; *typ must implement IPersistent.
// typ must be convertible to stateType; stateType must implement Ghostable and
// Stateful(*).
// RegisterClass must be called from global init().
// (*) the rationale for stateType coming separately is that this way for
// application types it is possible not to expose Ghostable and Stateful
// methods in their public API.
func RegisterClass(class string, typ, stateType reflect.Type) {
badf := func(format string, argv ...interface{}) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, argv...)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("zodb: register class (%q, %q, %q): %s", class, typ, stateType, msg))
if class == "" {
badf("class must be not empty")
if zc, already := classTab[class]; already {
badf("class already registered for %q", zc.typ)
// typ must embed Persistent
basef, ok := typ.FieldByName("Persistent")
if !(ok && basef.Anonymous && basef.Type == rPersistent) {
badf("%q does not embed Persistent", typ)
ptype := reflect.PtrTo(typ)
ptstate := reflect.PtrTo(stateType)
switch {
case !ptype.Implements(rIPersistent):
badf("%q does not implement IPersistent", ptype)
case !ptstate.Implements(rGhostable):
badf("%q does not implement Ghostable", ptstate)
stateful := ptstate.Implements(rStateful)
if !stateful {
badf("%q does not implement Stateful", ptstate)
zc := &zclass{class: class, typ: typ, stateType: stateType}
classTab[class] = zc
typeTab[typ] = zc
// NewPersistent creates new instance of persistent type.
// typ must embed Persistent and must be registered with RegisterClass.
// Created instance will be associated with jar, but will have no oid assigned
// until transaction commit.
func NewPersistent(typ reflect.Type, jar *Connection) IPersistent {
zc := typeTab[typ]
if zc == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("new persistent: type %s not registered", typ))
xpobj := reflect.New(zc.typ)
return persistentInit(xpobj, zc, jar, InvalidOid, InvalidTid, UPTODATE /*XXX ok?*/)
// newGhost creates new ghost object corresponding to class, oid and jar.
// Returned object's PJar is set to provided jar. However the object is not
// registered to jar in any way. The caller must complete created object
// registration to jar by himself.
// If class was not registered, a Broken object is returned.
func newGhost(class string, oid Oid, jar *Connection) IPersistent {
// switch on class and transform e.g. "BTrees.Bucket" -> btree.Bucket
var xpobj reflect.Value // *typ
zc := classTab[class]
if zc == nil {
zc = brokenZClass
xpobj = reflect.ValueOf(&Broken{class: class})
} else {
xpobj = reflect.New(zc.typ)
return persistentInit(xpobj, zc, jar, oid, InvalidTid, GHOST)
// persistentInit inits Persistent embedded into an object and returns .instance .
func persistentInit(xpobj reflect.Value, zc *zclass, jar *Connection, oid Oid, serial Tid, state ObjectState) IPersistent {
xobj := xpobj.Elem() // typ
pbase := xobj.FieldByName("Persistent").Addr().Interface().(*Persistent)
pbase.zclass = zc
pbase.jar = jar
pbase.oid = oid
pbase.serial = serial
pbase.state = state
if state > GHOST {
// if state is not ghost, init loading state so that activate works.
pbase.loading = &loadState{ready: make(chan struct{})}
obj := xpobj.Interface()
pbase.instance = obj.(IPersistent)
return pbase.instance
// Broken objects are used to represent loaded ZODB objects with classes that
// were not registered to zodb Go package.
// See RegisterClass for details.
type Broken struct {
class string
state *mem.Buf
// XXX register (Broken, brokenState) ?
type brokenState Broken // hide state methods from public API
func (b *brokenState) DropState() {
b.state = nil
func (b *brokenState) SetState(state *mem.Buf) error {
b.state = state
return nil
// brokenZClass is used for Persistent.zclass for Broken objects.
var brokenZClass = &zclass{
class: "",
typ: reflect.TypeOf(Broken{}),
stateType: reflect.TypeOf(brokenState{}),
...@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ ...@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
// access (contrary to zodb/py where activation is implicit, hooked into // access (contrary to zodb/py where activation is implicit, hooked into
// __getattr__), for example: // __getattr__), for example:
// //
// var obj *MyObject // *MyObject must implement IPersistent // var obj *MyObject // *MyObject must implement IPersistent (see below)
// ... // init obj pointer, usually by traversing from another persistent object. // ... // init obj pointer, usually by traversing from another persistent object.
// //
// // make sure object's in-RAM data is present. // // make sure object's in-RAM data is present.
...@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ ...@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@
// //
// IPersistent interface describes the details of the activation protocol. // IPersistent interface describes the details of the activation protocol.
// //
// For MyObject to implement IPersistent it must embed Persistent type.
// MyObject also has to register itself to persistency machinery with RegisterClass.
// Object activation protocol is safe to access from // Object activation protocol is safe to access from
// multiple goroutines simultaneously. // multiple goroutines simultaneously.
// //
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