Commit 9a41b3bd authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 89dda15e
[submodule "go-license-detector"]
path = go-license-detector
url =
Subproject commit e0d6f0187f3a3aaeb8236f9860337ffb92438723
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ An example of generated bill of material is provided in example/ors-bom.txt .
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, os, configparser, re, codecs
from os.path import basename, isdir, exists
from os.path import basename, dirname, isdir, exists
from glob import glob
from collections import namedtuple
from urllib.parse import unquote
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import shutil
from contextlib import closing
from hashlib import md5
import logging
import subprocess
from slapos.libnetworkcache import NetworkcacheClient
......@@ -76,7 +77,6 @@ def bom_software(installed_software_path): # -> {} (name,kind) -> PkgInfo
ver = removeprefix(ver, name+'-') # wendelin.core-2.0.alpha3-0-g6315384 -> 2.0.alpha3-0-g6315384
if '//' in urlpath:
url = urlpath
if kind == '':
license = license_of(url)
if kind == 'egg':
......@@ -543,10 +543,14 @@ for lic, variants in _licdb.items():
def spdx_license_canon(license_name):
# XXX split on ';' ',' 'and' 'or'
# XXX split as if list ['MIT', 'BSD'] (pystemmer)
license_name = license_name.strip()
spdx = _licrevdb.get(license_name)
lic = license_name.strip()
lic = removeprefix("deprecaed_", lic)
if lic.endswith('-or-later'):
lic = removesufix(lid, '-or-later')
lic += '+'
spdx = _licrevdb.get(lic)
if spdx is None:
return license_name # XXX temp
return lic # XXX temp
raise ValueError('unknown license %r' % license_name)
return spdx
......@@ -563,6 +567,13 @@ def license_of(url):
'?p=config.git;a=snapshot;h=5e531d391852a54e7fab2d8ff55625fca514b305;sf=tgz': 'GPL-3.0-with-autoconf-exception',
'': 'GPL-3.0+',
'': 'GPL-3.0+-with-NXD-exception',
'': 'GPL-3.0+-with-NXD-exception',
'': 'GPL-3.0+-with-NXD-exception',
'': 'GPL-3.0+-with-NXD-exception',
'': 'GPL-3.0+-with-NXD-exception',
'': 'GPL-3.0+-with-NXD-exception',
if url in known:
return known[url]
......@@ -574,6 +585,7 @@ def license_of(url):
_, xpath = url.split('//', 1) # ->
#assert '//' not in xpath, xpath XXX
assert '..' not in xpath, xpath
lpath = '.CACHE/lic/'+xpath
xpath = '.CACHE/src/'+xpath
if not exists(xpath):
# download + unpack -> xpath
......@@ -585,8 +597,35 @@ def license_of(url):
print('X %s ...' % pkgfile, file=sys.stderr)
shutil.unpack_archive(pkgfile, xpath)
return None
_ = glob('%s/*' % xpath) # many tarballs come with single directory inside
if len(_) == 1:
xpath = _[0]
if not exists(lpath):
print('A %s ...' % xpath, file=sys.stderr)
licv = subprocess.check_output(['./go-license-detector/cmd/license-detector/license-detector', xpath])
licv = licv.decode('utf-8')
licv = licv.splitlines()
assert licv[0] == xpath, (licv[0], xpath)
licv = licv[1:] # first best match
#print(licv, file=sys.stderr)
lic = licv[0]
if licv == "no license file was found":
lic = ''
lic = lic.split(None, 1)[1]
print(' -> %s' % lic, file=sys.stderr)
with open(lpath, 'w') as f:
with open(lpath, 'r') as f:
lic =
if lic == '':
lic = None
return lic
# wget downloads url to dstfile.
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