Commit 82c3f321 authored by Sam Rushing's avatar Sam Rushing

simple websocket echo server

parent 61853b48
# -*- Mode: Python -*-
from coro.http.websocket import handler, websocket
import coro
W = coro.write_stderr
class echo_server (websocket):
def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
self.pending = []
websocket.__init__ (self, *args, **kwargs)
def handle_packet (self, p):
#W ('packet=%r\n' % (p,))
self.pending.append (p.unpack())
if p.fin:
data, self.pending = self.pending, []
self.send_text (''.join (data))
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
import coro.http
import coro.backdoor
fh = coro.http.handlers.favicon_handler()
sh = coro.http.handlers.coro_status_handler()
wh = handler ('/echo', echo_server)
handlers = [fh, sh, wh]
#server = coro.http.server (('', 9001))
server = coro.http.server ()
for h in handlers:
server.push_handler (h)
#coro.spawn (server.start)
coro.spawn (server.start, ('', 9001))
coro.spawn (coro.backdoor.serve, unix_path='/tmp/')
coro.event_loop (30.0)
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